I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 130: Compliment is the same as labor, it will make people smart

With a slightly blessed balloon in his body, he was very happy. According to the method taught by the son of God, he took this tool that he had never seen before and was called a "grabbing rake" by the son of God. Pulled in front of him.

The nine rake teeth on the rake swept across the scene, taking away some of the broken **** stalks, and the small, dark brown rapeseed naughty avoiding the thick teeth, gathered together and looked at this with joy. A novel world.

   where the rake teeth pass, there will be small grooves left behind, just like a comb.

   The balloon kept extending and pulling the rake in his hand, and a pile of straw had already been gathered in front of him.

   After pulling all the pieces around him with a rake, the balloon came to another place, and then repeated this simple but extremely pleasant thing.

   He didn't care about the stalks that he had gathered. He picked up the wooden fork and picked it up from the wood he was guarding, and buckled it onto the pile of **** stalks on the side of the barley field.

   The mood of the balloon is of course happy. The son of God not only gave himself such a nice name, but also gave him this unique thing in the tribe to use. Why is he unhappy?

   He worked hard, recalled the demonstration of the son of God, and added some of his own understanding, and worked hard to do it better.

  Balloon is willing to do this. He likes to contribute to the tribe just like everyone else. If he can get a compliment from the son of God with a smile, he will be happy for two days.

  While doing this, he occasionally thinks of the past.

   If it is placed in the past, I am afraid that I am hunting in the woods with the original leader right now? How can hunting be comfortable now?

   Not only do not have to worry about being bitten by wild animals, but there will be delicious broth to drink at night.

   When thinking of the delicious broth in the tribe, the balloon's belly screamed involuntarily, seeming to prove that it can't wait.

   "Okay, good job."

   After the balloon swept over the scene with the rake, he helped the rake to straighten up and rest for a while, looking a little expectant, and from time to time floated to the **** son standing under the gate.

   Shenzi didn't disappoint him. Seeing that he had finished the work, he walked over and smiled and uttered his extremely eager praise. Not only that, he also raised the thumb of his right hand at him.

   This makes the balloon even more exciting.

   has lived here for such a long time, he has known the meaning of this action a long time ago, this is a kind of praise that is higher than the words of the talented **** son, and not many people in the tribe have received such praise from the **** son!

  Han Cheng’s praise is indeed sincere, because the balloon guy has mastered the rake quickly, and he hasn’t finished a field yet, so he is more proficient than Han Cheng himself.

   For such talents, we must encourage them.

   After all, there are many people in the tribe who are good hunters, but fewer do other things.

   Wood saw the balloons being praised, and they were greatly envious.

   Mu Mu looked at the situation on the barley field, and saw that the longer **** stalks had been shoveled away, and there was nothing to shovel, so he held the wooden fork with one hand and started scratching his hair.

  He is an old man of the Qingque tribe. Last year, the **** son played rape. He looked at it and knew some general procedures.

   It’s just that there were very few rapeseed last year, and the method used to harvest rapeseed is very different from before.

   For example, last year it was beaten with a wooden stick, and minors were also trampled on it, but this year it was with a wooden fork...

   It seems that the scattered rapeseeds need to be gathered together.

   After carefully recalling what was done last year and making a full comparison with the current situation, Wood came up with what needs to be done next.

   He looked at the **** child standing aside, and after hesitating, he put down the wooden fork in his hand, walked aside and picked up the broom, and began to sweep the rapeseed that had been spread out in the middle.

   This must-have broom was manufactured by Han Jincheng as early as last year. People in the tribe already knew its purpose and were familiar with its usage.

  The raw material used for broomsticks is a kind of grass that grows up and looks a bit like a small annual tree. On the main stem of this grass, there are many dense branches growing, and it is tough. It is a good material for making big broomsticks.

   Of course, if you talk about it in detail, the broom made of bamboo is still easy to use, but no trace of bamboo has been found so far. It can only be replaced by what can be called a ‘wood broom’.

   Han Sung was very happy when he discovered Wood's behavior, because it represented Wood's independent thinking and a solution to the problem.

  Thinking about this kind of thing has always played an extremely important role in the evolution of mankind.

   Han Cheng smiled, and gave a thumbs up to the wood that swept the rapeseed with the broom.

   Mu Mu's mood also became extremely happy, and it seemed that he was right.

Thinking like this, he did more vigorously. After he found that the rapeseed caught in the broom would roll down on the cleaned ground when he swept too fast, he slowed down and remembered picking the **** stem with a wooden fork just now. At that time, the method taught by the son of God only felt that there was a flash of inspiration in his mind~www.NovelMTL.com~ While slowing down, every time he swept, he would shake the broom.

   swept twice like this, and found that no more rapeseed was entrained, and the smile on Mu Mu's face became thicker.

  Life is like this, there are countless small skills to discover and master, and pass on.

   The wood swept for a while, and frowned again, because with his movements, the rapeseed in front of him piled up into a thick layer, and he couldn't sweep it with a broom.

   Han Cheng smiled after seeing this scene, because he, the **** child, had the opportunity to show off in front of them again.

   Thinking so much for self-entertainment, he took the rake from the hand of the balloon and motioned to the balloon and wood to watch him demonstrate.

Han Cheng turned the rake over, and the nine curved rake teeth were facing upwards, pressing against the rapeseed that was swept into a thick layer of wood and the finer debris, holding the rake handle forward with both hands. Push.

   Something that could not be shaken with a broom, there was not much resistance in front of the rake, and was pushed forward by Han Cheng.

   A half-meter wide gap was left where the rake was pushed by the rake, and only a thin layer of rapeseed stayed here...

   Wood and the balloon's eyes are bright. Wood did not expect that this problem can be solved in this way. The balloon is because of a new use of rake.

After    Han Cheng gave a demonstration, he handed the rake to the eager balloon, and then acted as a hand shaker.

The next picture is very harmonious. The balloon uses the rake to push the rapeseed to the middle of the wheat harvesting field, and the wood follows behind with the broom to sweep the thin layer left behind, behind them. It's a clean scene.

   This scene is very reminiscent of the husband and wife who are busy in the barley field in later generations.

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