I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1222: Dead stone tribe leader (2 in 1)

?   There are two bowls in the tray brought by the nurse. One bowl is filled with boiled medicinal soup, and the other bowl is filled with prepared food.

   The food is very rich. There are some steamed dried rice with a fried egg, some steamed meat, some vegetables, and a slap-sized fish.

   If the leader of the stone tribe wants to drink, there will be milk to serve.

   This is the sick meal in the tribe.

   "Drink the medicine. After you drink it, eat some food and you will be cured."

   The nurse said pleasantly.

The leader of the    Stone Tribe slowly turned his head and looked at the nurse standing in front of him with a blank look in his eyes.

   "Drink the medicine and eat the food again, the illness will be cured! Your body will be healthy too!"

   The nurse was helpless. After seeing this reaction from the leader of the stone tribe, she had to raise her voice and continue to speak.

   The leader of the stone tribe, this time he understood what the nurse said.

   He nodded.

   then slowly said: "First, put it here first, I, I will eat it later."

   The voice is hoarse, old, and extremely weak.

   "You can eat it now. After eating, I can take the bowl away. If it doesn't work, I can feed you."

   As the nurse said, he took the soup medicine to the head of the stone tribe.

   The two of them are dressed in neat and decent nurse uniforms. They are also young and beautifully set off.

   The other one has looked old, decayed, and lacking energy.

   When the two are together, in contrast to each other, the contrast is particularly strong.

Although the nurse did not say anything about Dalang drinking medicine, and the two had no special relationship, the leader of the stone tribe still closed his mouth tightly, and kept shaking his head to show himself. the meaning of.

   The nurse fed for a while, and saw that the leader of the stone tribe just didn't drink it, so he stopped reluctantly.

   She put the medicine bowl back into the tray and sighed and confessed: "If you don't drink it now, then don't drink it first, just put it here first, and drink it yourself after a while..."

   The nurse didn't get angry either, so she confessed, and then left here.

   The leader of the Stone Tribe, his eyes still stared, looked at the leaving nurse.

   After a while, he withdrew his gaze, slowly lowered his head to look at the food and decoction placed in front of him, the whole person still looked startled.

   After a long time like this, he slowly stretched out his hand, reached out to the bowl of boiled, dark-looking soup, and picked it up.

   This process was not very smooth, because in the process of lifting up, the hands of the leader of the Shi tribe couldn't help shaking, as if the medicine bowl he held up in his hands weighed a thousand pounds.

   Amidst such a trembling cable, the leader of the Shi tribe brought the medicine bowl in front of him. He looked at the medicine bowl that was constantly shaking because of the shaking of his hand, emitting circular ripples.

   Through the boiled blackened soup, he could see his face that was shaken and shattered.

   After watching this for a while, he trembled, and the medicine bowl came to his mouth.

  'S actions stopped here.

   After putting the medicine bowl on his mouth for a long time, his mouth never opened, and he didn't drink the medicine that was said to be able to heal after drinking it.

   After being stunned for a while, he removed a mouthful of the medicine he had not drunk, together with the medicine bowl, and then slowly tilted it and poured it on the ground beside him.

   Looking at the potion that Shun gathered on the ground, and then slowly seeped down and disappeared, the expression on the whole person's face was still dazed.

   It's just that the trembling hands and arms are trembling more severely, and it's completely uncontrollable.

   He stared blankly, and waited until the soup medicine completely seeped into the ground and disappeared, then slowly put the empty medicine bowl in his hand back into the tray.

   Then his eyes fell on the other bowl with food.

   The food in the bowl is undoubtedly extremely precious!

   is not only precious, but the taste must also be excellent.

   Even if he was once the leader of a tribe, the leader of the Stone tribe has never eaten such delicious and rich food when he was in his own tribe!

   If at that time, I could eat such a delicious and rich time, then I would definitely be extraordinarily happy and feel strong happiness.

   But now, looking at the food in front of him, the leader of the stone tribe has no such feelings.

   His seemingly chapped lips moved, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, but after all he looked away from the rich food in front of him.

  Such precious and delicious food, don't spoil it by yourself, leave it to those who need it...

   "Why don't you eat it? When will your illness get better if you don't eat it? Not only you have this food, but the rest of the sick people have it. This is the rule set by the son of God..."

After a while, the nurse walked over again and saw the untouched meals in the trays on the floor. She couldn't help but feel anxious. She spoke to the leader of the stone tribe, saying that, she seemed very anxious. .

   The leader of the stone tribe is not so startled now, his thin face, at this moment, instead smiled.

   "I, I'm not hungry, no, don't want to eat, don't worry about me, I, it's okay, it will be fine after a while..."

  The spirit seems to be much better than before.

   The nurse heard the leader of the stone tribe say this, and saw that his condition was better than before, but felt that this person's condition had alleviated a lot, thinking about this in his heart, it was a lot easier.

   After speaking with the leader of the Shi tribe with a smile on his face again, the nurse took away the tray and the tableware.

When    left, he saw the traces of water on the side of the leader of the stone tribe, and he frowned.

   But after all, he said nothing.

   This person is old and sick. After all, he cannot be compared with ordinary people. He always has some tolerance with them.

  Although the tribe has long stipulated that people in the tribe must go to the toilet to urinate and defecate, and as a nurse, her long-term professional habits have made her place more emphasis on hygiene.

   But at this time, facing the leader of the stone tribe, she still held back the act of releasing her urine outside.

  Because this person is very ill, he is already inconvenient to move, it is really relieved outside, and it is excusable...

   thought in his heart, this nurse walked towards the kitchen with these things.

   soon came out of the kitchen, ready to support the leader of the stone tribe, back to the bed in the medical hospital.

The leader of the    Stone Tribe did not agree, but the whole person looked clearer than before.

  Moreover, I am more energetic, and I have some talkativeness.

   He was sitting here, leaning on the tree, with a smile on his face, saying something to the nurse, such as asking when the nurse joined the Qingque tribe and became a real Qingque tribe.

   For example, living in a tribe is unhappy.

   When the nurse saw the sick person, she finally seemed to be in good spirits today, and the questions she asked were very interesting and talkative questions, so she sat here and chatted with him.

   The leader of the stone tribe is indeed in good spirits, and the two talked happily.

   After a while, the nurse got up, wanted to go back to do other things, and asked the leader of the stone tribe to go back and rest on the bed.

   The leader of the stone tribe refused with a smile, saying that he would leave him alone and let the nurse just go busy. He is in a much better condition today. He wants to sit here for a while and get up and walk around the tribe later...

   When the nurse saw the leader of the stone tribe, his condition was indeed much better than before, and he agreed now.

The leader of the stone tribe sat here for a while. After the nurse left, he pressed his knee with his hand, and the other hand supported the ground, and stood up vigorously.

   As he stood up, a moment of dizziness followed, and his body couldn't help shaking along with it, and it took several strokes to stabilize his figure.

   After a while, the leader of the stone tribe, who had slowed down a little bit, began to walk slowly.

   As he walked around, he turned his head to look at the surroundings, only to feel that everything had become different.

   Someone greeted him on the road, and he responded with a smile. This kind of reaction made many people feel happy.

   "Zhenghuai, hurry up to recover from the illness, so that we can work together, and when the work is over, we will go to the river to catch fish together."

   Someone said to Shi Zhenghuai with a smile.

The leader of the    Stone Tribe also nodded vigorously.

   The body of the leader of the stone tribe is indeed very vacant. He walked slowly like this. After walking for long, a layer of sweat came out on his forehead.

   and people have to sit down and rest once.

   But even so, he still didn't want to go back, lay down on the ward and take a good sleep and rest for a while.

   still insisting on wandering slowly in the Tongshan residential area.

   After looking around inside the tribe, he got up and slowly came outside.

   met a person who originally belonged to their stone tribe on the road, and the reaction of the stone tribe leader was also very ordinary, just smiled and nodded to him, and there was nothing to say.

The leader of the    stone tribe sat under a tree with branches drawn but the leaves had not yet opened, twisting his head and slowly looking at the surrounding scenery.

   The Tongshan residential area, which is located in the stone base, is very simple and majestic, and it is quietly located here.

   The setting sun casts down the warm red light, which makes this majestic building a little softer.

   There is smoke rising from the southwest inside the stone-built residential area, and it is also smudged by the setting sun.

   The evening breeze blew gently, blowing the smoke slowly.

   Outside the majestic building, there are many cultivated farmland. At this time, many people are spreading out on the farmland, working here with tools in hand.

   Pieces of farmland were turned over, exuding the fragrance of soil.

   There are deer, sheep and other livestock scattered around.

The deer or lambs left in the tribe because they were young, heard the movement of the herd returning, yelled anxiously, and quickly moved their hooves, ran out of the tribe, and ran all the way to their mother ...

   The Tongshan residential area in the evening is peaceful and warm.

The leader of the    stone tribe sat here quietly, looking at everything in front of him, with a smile on his face.

   The gentle evening breeze blew gently, and the leader of the stone tribe felt cold all over his body. It seemed that the coldness had been penetrating into the bones, making him clenched his arms hard and curled up.

   However, even so, there is always a smile on his face, but I don’t know why, smiling, there are tears coming out of his eyes uncontrollably.

   Muddy tears ran across his thin face, gathered at the chin, dripped on the clothes on his body, and were quickly absorbed by the clothes, leaving a water stain...

   The leader of the stone tribe died. When he died, his body became light and light. There was not much meat on his body, and there was no sense of weight. This person was already thin and dry.

Shan has come into contact with many people and died in these years, but at the time of his death, he was so thin. In his memory, there is only Huo Er, a tribal old man who died within a few days after he broke his leg. hand.

The death of the leader of the stone tribe caused a lot of waves in the Tongshan residential area~www.NovelMTL.com~ Many people feel it is a pity, even if it is the principal of the Tongshan residential area, [ ] is the same. What a pity.

   After all, these days, the performance of the leader of the stone tribe is all in his eyes. This is a very, very good seed. He is an exceptionally hardworking person who doesn't know how to get tired.

   However, such a person died of a strange disease without knowing what it was...

   The ten or so people who originally belonged to the Stone Tribe were caught off guard and at a loss for the death of their original tribe leader.

   When they came to join the Qingque tribe, they came with a mission.

   It is precisely because of these tasks that they are always so active in their work these days.

  It’s exactly like this, they feel uneasy in their hearts, and they are always uneasy when they sleep at night...

   But now, the leader of his original tribe, who made such a plan and joined the Qingque tribe with himself and others, died, and died like this. Before he died, he did not even explain a word...

  Faced with such a situation, it is no wonder that the people of these rough stone tribes feel astonished and at a loss...

   However, after the initial bewilderment passed, many people in the Stone Tribe breathed a long sigh of relief, and the whole person became relaxed.

   Because they suddenly realized that at the beginning, the leaders who advocated and led themselves and others to perform these things died, then can they stop doing these things by waiting for others?

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