I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1223: Don’t be touched (2 in 1)

?  The death of the leader of the stone tribe caused some waves in the Tongshan residential area.

   But it's just some waves.

   After burying it, these waves slowly began to become calm.

   Later, when people think of these things again, they all become relatively plain, or it is a pity, or something like this person’s illness, which looks particularly strange.

   But when I said these words, my mood became calmer.

   The earth is still turning, and the sun is rising as usual, and that day has to go on.

   will not become completely stagnant because of someone's death.

Even if everyone knows that people will always die, one day, I will be like the dead person named Shi Zhenghuai who has only joined his tribe for less than half a year, completely dying and being alive by his tribe. To be buried in the ground is still hard work.

   After all, isn’t it still alive? Doesn’t it still need to work hard?

   Han Cheng didn't know that a special person died here in the Tongshan residential area, let alone what kind of changes this person had experienced before he died.

   And the death of this person, indirectly, has reduced the trouble with his tribe...

   At this time, Han Cheng was holding a bowl in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other, constantly pulling the food in the bowl into his mouth.

  The rice in the bowl is steamed white rice, and the salted fish soup is poured on it.

   Although there are many differences between the taste and the fresh fish, if you really taste it carefully, you can feel some different tastes from it.

   Because of this, some people like to eat salted fish better than fresh fish.

   Eating white rice with vegetables, even though these were sparse, but they were already reversed seedlings, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel good.

   was by his side, and followed some people who left the principal in Jinguancheng, eating the same food as his hands, and at the same time saying something, reporting what happened in Jinguancheng after Han Cheng left.

   On the whole, nothing big happened here, after all, Han Cheng here in Jinguan City had already built a good shelf and laid a firm foundation.

   As long as the person in charge is not too incompetent or too self-defeating, you only need to stay here and act step by step, and you won't be able to manage Jinguan City too badly and make a mess.

   "...Two new channels were built. One main channel has more than three miles, the other has more than four miles. With these two main channels, we have reclaimed more than 400 acres of land here!"

   As the principal of Han Cheng's stay, Long Legs is here to report to Han Cheng the great achievements he and the people in Jinguancheng have done in these days.

   Hearing such words, Han Chengle's face was full of flowers.

"God, the main reason is that there is not enough manpower. If there are enough manpower, many fields can be cultivated around here! A lot of grain! Seeing so many places suitable for growing rice, such a delicious food, are just deserted and overgrown. With wild grass, I always feel particularly uncomfortable and regretful in my heart!"

  Long-legs said this, and a deep pity appeared on his face.

   Han Cheng heard this, and he was deeply moved, but he was also a little happy for the idea of ​​long legs.

  Han Cheng feels that he is like an old man who always wants his family member Ding Xingwang, and he always feels that there are not many people in his tribe.

For now, Han Cheng doesn’t have much to do. He who has always taken a gentle line can only adopt his gentle line as before, and is looking forward to the emergence of something like Teng Snake, Black Stone, Half Farmer, and Red Tiger. When tribes like this came to give heads, they also sent a large number of people to the tribe.

So in the face of the situation mentioned by Long Legs, Han Cheng just let him see if he can make more fuss on the trade team, through the trade team to increase the influence on the surrounding tribes, and at the same time can clearly tell these. When the tribe can't make it through, you can come to the Qingque tribe, the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, and are very happy to help them and let them join the Qingque tribe.

   Han Cheng led people here for three days.

   During these three days, the **** son Han Da and others took a good rest, and they also had a general understanding of what happened here after they left.

   And based on the actual situation here and my own experience, I felt embarrassed about some long legs, or did not know what to do, and dealt with it.

   Three days later, Han Cheng took the people from Jinguan City to Tieshan residential area and Sanxingdui residential area.

   In the words of the son of Han Da, Jinguan City is already an old residential area, and coupled with the good handling of his long legs, he can feel relieved.

   In contrast, he is more worried about Tieshan residential area and Sanxingdui residential area.

   After all, these two places are residential areas that have not been established for a long time, and one is directly established in the original Red Tiger tribe, and the other is directly established in a place not far from the Tongshan residential area.

   Of course, I said so, but in one of these two places, he had already set up the shelf and the foundation was solid when he was there, and the other was built almost the same.

   And there are still old people like the second brothers in the Tieshan residential area. The distance between the two residential areas is not too far, and they are a sympathy for each other.

   As for the Red Tiger tribe, it has long since disappeared, and the rest of the people are already obedient and can't get the waves.

   The godson Han said that he was so high-sounding, but he actually wanted to rush to the Tieshan residential area earlier, so that the people there would start trying to make the iron pot he wanted as soon as possible!

   I want to eat the dishes fried in an iron pan earlier...

   Of course, such a thing, as the **** son of the Qingque tribe, such a wise person, how can it be said on the table?

   How can he, the **** of the Qingque tribe, be a man who is greedy for appetite, who has just walked over the mountains and mountains and left many things behind in order to make a bite of an iron pan? !

   What a joke!

  Who would believe this?

  The **** son Han Da, who has never been greedy for appetites, thought with awe-inspiring righteousness, and then took the people away from Jinguan City with a righteous look and headed directly toward the Tieshan residential area!

   The people in Jinguan City who watched this scene were very moved.

   This is the son of God!

  Because of the tribe, I personally took people without avoiding the long distance, and came over the mountains and ridges, and the journey was extremely tiring.

   Now it’s hard to come over, but because of worrying about the other two places, he just took a short rest, and immediately set off from here non-stop to the Tieshan residential area.

   This is really touching!

  The Son of God is such a noble person, and even so, how can oneself and others not work hard for the tribe?

   There is such a **** in my tribe, how can it not thrive? !

  The people in Jinguancheng who don't know the truth are looking at their **** sons, and they all can't help but admire and feel inspired!

   As for the existence that has set everyone as a role model and is encouraged, the son of Han Da has already taken the people with him, and walked quickly towards the Tieshan residential area and disappeared...

   The accompanying people, as well as the animals, were once again filled with food.

   This is because the food consumed by Han Cheng and the others on the road has been greatly supplemented in Jinguan City.

   At this time, the food carried by the people is mostly rice, while millet takes a small part.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, Han Cheng and others ate a lot of millet on the way forward, and on the other hand, many people in Jinguan City moved from the north. When the tribe was there, I was used to eating millet.

   I have eaten too much rice at this time, and I also want to eat some millet.

   Therefore, Han Chenggong asked people to keep a lot of the millet they were carrying, and filled the empty bags, baskets and other things with rice.

   Han Cheng and the others, from Jinguan City to Tieshan residential area, naturally can't eat so much food.

   But don’t forget that the Tieshan residential area was a place where construction began less than two years ago, and iron smelting is still the main focus.

  Under such circumstances, it is impossible to be self-sufficient in food.

   The Jinguan City has already developed, and now the food obtained, except for the food that is enough for them to keep the seeds, there is still a lot of surplus.

   Under such circumstances, it is natural to adjust one or two...

   Tieshan residential area, as Han Cheng and his party arrived, it quickly became lively.

  Especially the elders of the Qingque tribe like the second brother, seeing Han Cheng, the son of God, come over in person, they are not happy.

   Of course, in addition to this reason for the joy in Tieshan residential area, there is another reason that Han Cheng, the **** son, also brought a lot of food!

   The son of God not only came, but also brought a lot of food. How could this not be an extremely happy thing?

Although they did not have the food brought by the son of God, they knew that they and others would definitely not be hungry, but seeing so much food brought over, they could never stop feeling happy and relieved for it. .

   When he came to Tieshan residential area, Han Cheng Zhaolie still had to inspect it first.

   Not seen for such a long time, Tieshan residential area has become very different from before.

   When Han Cheng was here before, all the things he built were still there, but on the basis of the original, there have been many changes.

   The most eye-catching of these changes is the paddy fields that have been opened up not far from the place of residence.

   Qingque tribe, except those young people born after Han Cheng came over, the rest are people who were hungry.

   The feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable!

  Especially those who have experienced their own tribe, those who have been starved to death, are more afraid of hunger, and cherish food even more.

   Therefore, even if the Tieshan residential area is positioned mainly for industry, after it settles down, the people living here can't help but start working in suitable places around and open up a lot of fields.

   Whether it is used to grow vegetables or to grow rice, it is very good.

   It’s easier and faster to plant some more than running around to collect...

After Han Cheng spent less than half a day watching all these things, he shouted out the top blacksmiths and moldmakers in the Tieshan residential area, and then he couldn’t wait to see them. The drawings he had drawn out were taken out.

   What is drawn on the drawing is the iron pot that Han Cheng has been thinking about for a long time!

   "This is a pot. We big guys have seen pots. After all, there are clay pots and copper pots in the tribe, but this pot is different. I want everyone to make it, but it is an iron pot!"

In the Tieshan residential area not far from an iron smelting furnace, Han Cheng took out the drawing, pressed the four corners of the paper with a small stone, and laid it flat on top of the paper. The person said.

"This iron pot is a good thing. It heats up quickly. A large pot of water is used to boil it in an iron pot. It won’t take a long time to boil it. Not to mention saving firewood, it also saves time. People eat early!

  Moreover, this iron pan also has a benefit that is incomparable with copper and clay pots. It can't replace the function, that is, the iron pan can be used for cooking!

   Stir-fry is really a must!

   That taste is definitely not comparable to steamed food!

   As far as the tribe is concerned, the braised pork is well-known and praised by people. If it is made in an iron pan, the taste will increase by at least 20%!

   The rest of the vegetables, meat, etc. are made in a wok~www.NovelMTL.com~ can also have a particularly good taste!

  This trip I...I came across the mountains, and I am bound to make this very important thing for the tribe! "

   Han Cheng sat here and talked about the iron pot with everyone present, and his emotions became more agitated.

   After talking about cooking in an iron pan, he made a lot of water in his mouth.

   said that afterwards, he almost told the truth, ‘I came here this time because I wanted to make a wok and then eat some wok cooking.

   Fortunately, at the last moment, Han Cheng realized the incident, shut his mouth in time, and exposed the stubbornly. Otherwise, it would be exposed.

However, Han Cheng’s worries seem to be a little overwhelming, because after listening to him talk about a series of benefits of iron pots, especially the red braised pork, the people of the green bird tribe like to eat and compare the most popular foods. After the braised pork made with an iron pan, which tastes better than before, the people in the tribe are already deeply attracted by this iron pan!

   And I couldn't help thinking in my heart, what kind of taste it was like the braised pork that was 20% better than it is now, I forgot to pay attention to the rest for a while.


  Sitting here and waiting for a while, seeing everyone present were deeply in illusion, without speaking, Han Cheng, the **** of the Qingque tribe, had to speak first after swallowing his saliva...

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