I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1221: Nurse's clothes in the tribe (2 in 1)

The former leader of the Stone tribe, now Shi Zhenghuai is sick.

Even if he kept saying that he was not sick, all the people in Tongshan's residential area believed that he was sick.

Because there is no such thing as a good person who looks in a trance all day long, unable to lift anything.

Only a few days have passed, and he has lost a lot of weight.

The eyes are blood red, the eye sockets are deep, and I eat less to eat, and I don't have much strength to walk.

This kind of pictogram is very different from the time when he did everything, he was very energetic, rushing to do it, as if he didn't know he was tired, there was a huge gap.

Under such circumstances, no one in the tribe can tell that he is sick.

In all fairness, the previous performance of the leader of the stone tribe in the Tongshan residential area was very eye-catching.

Even Shang, who had special care for him, was very satisfied with the performance of the leader of the stone tribe.

Therefore, after realizing that this person who had been very hardworking in the past was ill, he not only relieved him of work, but also asked the doctors in the Tongshan residential area to prescribe medicine for the leader of the stone tribe, and also eat it. It is better than ordinary people’s food.

However, even if he was serving such delicious food and drinking medicinal soup, the condition of the leader of the stone tribe still did not improve, and there was no improvement.

It is better to go on like this.

Shang is waiting for some people from the Qingque tribe, there is nothing to do in a hurry...

Han Cheng took the people from the tribe along the road paved by Xinjin, which was spacious and flat on many roads, and walked more comfortably than before.

These are the credits of those who build roads.

However, this kind of comfort did not last too long, because these roads started to be repaired after the beginning of spring this year. Although the progress is much faster than when the bronze highway was built, it is still too late to build, so it is here. Now, the distance built is not one-fifth.

Along the way, I saw a lot of small round houses on the road. You don't need to ask, these are the temporary residences of those who built the roads before.

And Han Cheng also smoothly encountered those who were hired by the Qingque tribe and then built roads here under the leadership of some Qingque tribe people.

The reputation of the **** child of the Qingque tribe has long been spread in this area.

Seeing that he brought many people here in person, it suddenly became boiling!

Han Cheng has long been accustomed to such scenes, and he is naturally able to deal with it freely.

When his status is in his place, there is no need to say or do more after coming here.

Just talking to these people with a smile on their faces, asking whether some work is hard, what they eat every day, whether they are full or not, is enough to make these people excited. God, I can feel the deep kindness from the **** son of the Qingque tribe.

After staying here for a short time, talking to everyone, and checking what these people had done, Han Cheng took the people once again to set off and continued to the south.

These road builders had close contact with the son of God, and saw that the son of God and his group walked on the roads that had not had time to build, and it seemed a little difficult. They couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable and guilty.

This is all to blame for waiting for someone!

If he waited for someone before, hold on tighter, and then pave a little more road ahead, then the son of God and others will be able to take a little less time...

Thinking like this in my heart, when these people were building roads, they immediately became a lot more active and desperate.

This is mainly because someone called out that the road should be repaired as quickly as possible!

When the son of God returns from the south, he and others will be able to complete it.

In this way, the venerable son of God will be able to walk on a smooth road instead of on such an uneven path.

As soon as this was said, it was immediately recognized by many people present.

As a result, everyone's enthusiasm for building roads and efficiency have been greatly improved.

This is true not only of the people of the Qingque tribe present, but also those of the other tribes hired by the people of the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng, who has already walked far, doesn’t know about these things, but according to this guy’s temperament and the face he has already experienced, after knowing these things, I’m afraid it will grow out recently by rubbing the palm of his hand. The stubble on the chin is full of comfort...

"I said not to let you follow, and you have to follow. You are already this old, and you are so disobedient and ignorant. If you lose your dog, don't you lose your dog!

If you have to follow along, then if you have the ability, you can move forward by yourself. What is the matter if you don't leave like this now? "

On the way, the **** son Han Da was very serious about the shed hair. After some walking, he felt tired. He was slandered for a while because of the lucky ones who didn't want to walk, and he hated iron and steel.

And Fu Jiang, who is already a good old man, didn't care about it. He just lowered his head, drooped his tail, and said nothing, letting Han Cheng, a popular person in the tribe, scold him. The four legs are standing here steadily, motionless.

Quite a general demeanor, it is clear that you say, let you say, if I stand here and move a bit, then I will count as a losing posture.

"You're still irrational! With such a big dog and such an old age, I don't know Lai on the contrary, saying that you don't know is yours..."

The **** son Han Da kept pointing at the lucky general, and babbling here.

However, Han Cheng still bent down and picked up Fu Jiang, who didn’t want to go by himself, put it in a basket hanging on the back of the donkey beside him, and placed it on this guy’s head. Touched a few times.

And Fu Jiang, the guy who had just been listless, immediately became energetic. He looked up at Han Cheng with a vigorous look, and Han Cheng stretched out his hand to pat his head unhappy.

Then while walking towards the front, he stretched out his hands and patted himself, removing the hairs that had fallen off Fuchu's body and stained his clothes one by one.

Of course, while removing the dog hair that was contaminated on his body, Divine Son Han would inevitably squat on the lucky generals squatting in the back basket.

And Fu Jiang squatted in the back basket, ignored it, just let him talk about it here.

However, occasionally when the interest comes, he will bark twice, which looks like a rebuttal to the son of Han Da.

At this time, the **** son Han Da will be more vigorous. He, who didn't want to say anything, will regain his spirit and carry out a new round of scolding against Fu Jiang.

When he came down like this, he didn't feel so lonely on the road.

The people in the team are already accustomed to such scenes, so they can all endure it.

Even many people find this kind of thing quite interesting, and they don't feel bored on the road.

Along the way, Han Cheng and others came to the Qinling residential area.

For the arrival of Han Cheng and others, Junior Brother Sha stationed here and the rest of the people living here, one by one was extremely happy.

In the Qinling sub-tribe at this time, there were fertile fields, and the animal husbandry industry did not fall.

If minerals are not considered, and the number of fields is considered, the Qinling sub-tribe, which was established later at this time, has already surpassed the Tongshan residential area, and it has exceeded it by a lot.

The output of grain is also higher than that of Tongshan residential area.

After all, there is a specialization in the surgical industry.

Coming to the Qinling residential area, Han Cheng naturally would not leave immediately.

On the one hand, all the way, everyone is already a little tired. They rested here for a few days, then gathered their energy, entered the mountain, and climbed over.

On the other hand, here is also an extremely important part of the Qingque tribe, and it is very different in terms of emotions.

And because it is far away from the main tribe, Han Cheng generally doesn't come to inspect it specially.

When traveling between the north and the south, they follow the trend.

Under such circumstances, of course, it is necessary to stay here for more time...

Junior Brother Sha's archery skills are as good as ever. When walking around here with Han Cheng, he can always hit something.

Sometimes, at noon, Han Cheng and others would go back to eat. Sometimes, they would just light a fire, then clean up the prey that Junior Brother Sha had brought, marinate them for a while, set them on the fire and bake them, or It is wrapped with things, covered with a layer of mud, and then buried in the coal pile for firing, a delicious and hearty lunch, just do this.

In this process, people are also relaxed, and Han Cheng can also talk a lot with Junior Brother Sha, thus knowing a lot of things that happened here in the Qinling sub-tribe.

And get a general understanding of the situation in the Qinling sub-tribe, and solve some of the problems raised by Junior Sha...

Five days passed, and Han Cheng once again set off with the rested team.

After these five days of rest, everyone in the team seemed particularly full of energy.

The empty back baskets and cloth bags were already full at this time, and they were filled with food and some jerky.

These are obtained from the Qinling sub-tribe.

After all, when the Qinling sub-tribe was first established, Han Cheng's vision was to use it as a place to rest and obtain supplies.

Now that it is built, it is natural to start to play its due role.

Moreover, in addition to these, Han Cheng also brought six people.

These six were originally assigned to the original stone tribe and pine tribe of the Qinling sub-tribe.

It is impossible to forget these people who were previously assigned here if they are thinking about dividing these new tribes into the tribe as much as possible, and splitting the scattered and meticulous Han Cheng.

With the help of Junior Brother Sha and others, Han Cheng set off from the Qinling sub-tribe with a fully loaded team again and entered the mountain...

Here in the Tongshan residential area, Shi Zhenghuai, the former leader of the stone tribe, is now sitting crouched under a big tree, looking forward in a daze.

At this time, it was only more than half a month since he reacted to this incident, and his whole person was already haggard.

The hair on his head has become thinner and thinner, and a lot of it will fall off as long as you grab it with your hands.

The cheekbones are prominent, the eye sockets are deep, and layers of wrinkles are piled up on the face. The whole person seems to be older than twenty years old!

He didn't have any strength all over, and it looked like a balloon pierced with a needle, and it dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nowadays, he can be described as skinny.

"Shi Zhenghuai, come to eat and drink medicine."

Someone came over, shouted like this, and put a tray on the ground in front of him.

The visitor is a woman, wearing a weird-looking dress made of pure white linen, and wearing a small, more decorative hat on her head.

This woman is the nurse in the tribe.

With the development of medicine in the tribe, under the deliberate guidance of the son of Han Da, today's Qingque tribe has no shortage of doctors and nurses.

The **** son Han Da is a caring person. He not only separated the profession of nurses from the tribe, but also made certain plans for clothing and decoration.

For example, the clothes worn by this person in front of him, and the hat he wears on his head, were designed by Han Cheng himself and used it as professional clothing for the nurses in the tribe.

As long as you are performing the duties of a nurse, you need to wear this kind of clothing at this time.

The **** son Han Da also gave an explanation, saying that wearing such clothes looks more professional, not like before, and looks like an amateur at first glance.

And ~www.NovelMTL.com~ such clothes are white, so as long as there is dust or the like falling on it, it can be clearly seen and helps to keep it clean.

As for the small, decorative hats on the head, they are also used to prevent hair from falling off.

These words are set in one set, reasonable and well-founded, and they are spoken from the words of respected gods, so the people in the tribe are naturally very convinced.

In addition, this kind of clothing is indeed very decent. When you wear it on your body, you can immediately show the difference from others, and it looks good on your body.

So after it appeared, it was soon implemented in the tribe as the **** son Han Da had previously expected.

Of course, as for the son of Han Da, he secretly left a set and put it in the house, and took it out after the little apricot, who had no one else and had not slept with them, fell asleep, and asked Bai Xuemei, who is not a nurse, to change it. Such a small matter is not worth mentioning.

After all, those who do big things don't stick to the trivial. As a person who does big things, Han Cheng has always paid no attention to these details...

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