I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1220: People who know later (2 in 1)

On the smooth road, the Qingque tribe led by Han is walking.

This time the population of Jinguan City was quite large, as many as 150 people.

In addition to the old hands of some tribes, there are more than 30 people who joined the Yuansong and Shi tribes of the Qingque tribe during the New Year.

They have been split up many times, but they have not been forgotten by Han Cheng, a careful god. When deciding to go to the south, they were split again, from the main tribe and the Tongshan residential area. Summoned some to come over and went to the south with him.

When the time comes, these people will be left in the south by him, and people from the two tribes are mixed and scattered in Jinguan City, Tieshan residential area, and Sanxingdui residential area.

These are just the result of Han Cheng's consistent care, in order to make the tribe as stable as possible and to eliminate some bad things that may happen.

But what he didn't know was that the operation caused by his habit made some people feel particularly uncomfortable.

In the Tongshan residential area, Shi Zhenghuai, the original leader of the stone tribe, was sitting in the shade of a tree for a temporary rest.

There was a big smile on his face.

Things were the same as he had thought at the beginning. After he and others joined the Qingque tribe and became members of the Qingque tribe, the treatment became different.

Not to mention, after I came to the Tongshan residential area, there were no restrictions on learning the Qingque tribe.

As long as you are not too tired and do not delay the work that you have arranged for yourself, you can learn anything you want in the remaining time.

Not only did he learn so much by himself, the leader of the Stone Tribe believed that under his own arrangement, those tribesmen who remembered the words they had previously confessed must also be in these hours, hurry up, and constantly Learn the many things from Qingque tribe that are especially cherished and important for myself and others!

When the time comes, as soon as I and others leave the Qingque tribe, I can immediately use these things to enrich the tribe and transform it into a particularly powerful tribe!

Far away from the stable life of the main tribe, the leader of the stone tribe, who was still worried in the main tribe before, gradually became guilty and guilty.

It’s also because I have this thought in my heart. A few days ago, in the Tongshan residential area, the person named Han Dishang, according to the order from the **** son of the main tribe, fell directly from here and left ten or twenty people from here. Set off, go to the main tribe, and go to the south with the son of God, and when six of these people are their own tribe, the leader of the original stone tribe is not only not half unhappy, on the contrary, it is also exceptional. joy.

Because I have been here for the Qingque tribe for such a long time, the leader of the stone tribe has a more detailed understanding of many things about the Qingque tribe.

For example, he already knew that the best weapon in the entire tribe was not the shining, sharp, and solid bronze weapon, but the kind of weapon that was somewhat black or blue.

These utensils are made of something called iron!

And this good thing called iron is not here, but in a place far away from here that also belongs to the Qingque tribe!

That place is where the **** son of the Qingque tribe will go!

I heard people say that the method of turning that special stone into precious and useful iron is more complicated than the smelting of bronze in their Tongshan residential area.

About smelting bronze, he and some other people from the tribe are in contact here, and they have been in contact for some time.

You can definitely learn it.

Now the **** son of the Qingque tribe, with some people who originally belonged to his tribe, went to the place where the precious iron smelting method exists. Doesn't it mean that the people of his tribe have the opportunity to come into contact with this Something more advanced?

Think about the important role played by the two products of copper and iron in the life of the Qingque tribe during these times, and then think about the important role played by the two products of copper and iron in the time when your tribe can master this technology. With the prosperous situation of the utensils made of the two materials, the leader of the stone tribe couldn't help but feel excited.

Because of this, this incident has happened for several days, even now, the leader of the Stone Tribe, as long as he thinks of this incident, he can't help being full of excitement!

The good mood of the leader of the stone tribe continued until the night when he went to bed.

After a day’s work, the leader of the stone tribe lay down on the bed after a lot of cleaning, not to mention this kind of comfort!

Thinking back to some of the things I learned today and the comforting things that have happened in the past few days, the whole person's mood becomes more comfortable.

However, this kind of comfort, as he was about to fall asleep in a daze, his eyes suddenly widened, and then suddenly disappeared without a trace after he suddenly sat up on the bed!

The leader of the stone tribe, not only can't feel the slightest comfort and joy, but the whole person is dominated by boundless fear and panic.

He was sitting here, his body shaking slightly uncontrollably.

The bright moonlight shone from the sky, hitting the face of the leader of the stone tribe, pale.

The reason for this big reaction is that he was in a good mood just now, thinking in his heart that he was leading the people of his own tribe who had learned all the skills of the Qingque tribe from Qingque tribe. When leaving and establishing a new tribe, one thing suddenly came to mind!

This thing is, how can I gather these people in the tribe together when the time comes, and then take them away!

You know, the people in your tribe have become very scattered by now!

Distributed among these tribes to the north of Dashan, these tribes are very far apart!

And even if they are living in the same tribe, it is not easy for them to talk to the people in their own tribe.

Because the tribe lives in a large area, and there are so many things to do. I and the people in the tribe don’t do things in the same place...

If this is the case in a place of residence, let alone those who are scattered among other places of residence!

It becomes even more difficult if you want to meet and talk, and tell them about the time when you agree to escape from the Qingque tribe together!

And now, the **** child of the Qingque tribe who smiles on weekdays has become even tougher!

It directly brought some of the people belonging to his tribe to a place of residence farther away from here!

Some elderly hands in the tribe said that there is a tall mountain range that is farther away from here.

Even if you set off directly from the main tribe, you don't stop very much along the way, and it takes nearly two months to walk back and forth!

And even if it is the old man of the Qingque tribe who lives here, there are not many people who have actually been there.

At least here in the Tongshan residential area, there are not many people who have been there.

The far and desperate distance, and the few opportunities to go there...

The sum of these things made the leader of the Deshi tribe feel particularly uncomfortable in his heart, and he really felt a deep despair for him!

In the past, he hadn't thought of these things, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with the Qingque tribe's continuous separation of the people of their tribe.

Even this is particularly happy in my heart, feeling that through the behavior of the Qingque tribe, the people of their own tribe who have been dispersed can learn more kinds of things from the Qingque tribe.

But now, I thought about how to contact the people because the distance was too far and the personnel were too scattered. Under such circumstances, how should I contact the people and let them run away from the Qingque tribe with me, the leader of the Stone tribe would no longer Not happy anymore!

The whole person felt the deep powerlessness and despair, and the deep sense of frustration!

A prerequisite for the ultimate realization of everything that I planned and what I planned was that I, who had learned a lot of the skills of the Qingque tribe, and the people in the tribe, could escape from the Qingque tribe!

If this thing cannot be realized, then everything will be a delusion!

Not only can these things that I have planned cannot be realized, but these people in my own tribe will really stay in the Qingque tribe forever!

And because of this, his own tribe will completely disappear!

But originally, if I hadn’t suddenly used my ingenuity and came up with someone with my own tribe to join the Qingque tribe to learn skills and then develop and grow my own tribe, then my tribe wouldn’t know how disappear!

Moreover, I still have the confidence to take the people of the tribe and live better than most tribes!

However, now, because of my previous whimsical methods, all this, I am afraid it is impossible to achieve...

The leader of the stone tribe, sitting here, the whole person looked particularly uncomfortable.

The leader of the stone tribe, who was blinded by his own private thoughts and desires to his mind and eyes, realized the situation facing himself and his tribe, and finally couldn't keep the good mood before!

The whole person's heart is filled with extremely strong and complicated feelings.

Among these complex feelings, there is no lack of deep regret.

It would be great if I didn't choose to do this...

I don't know how long I have been sitting here, the leader of the stone tribe, clenching his fist hard, thinking like this in his heart, shed thick tears called regret.

But now, everything has happened, and regretting it is of no use...

"Shi Zhenghuai, what are you doing? Why don't you sleep?"

In the room, someone turned over and moved, and then seemed a little confused, and then with some doubts and shocks, it sounded in this moonlit night.

Because he didn't know how long it took him to learn the truth, the head of the stone tribe shook his body a bit, and then he recovered some clarity.

"I, I have a nightmare..."

He said unnaturally.

The person not far away who slept in the same room with him and woke up at this time was relieved after hearing this.

Obviously he woke up in the middle of the night and was frightened when he saw the leader of the stone tribe sitting here withered.

Speaking of something not swearing, but not very pleasant, this Qingque tribe man who was so frightened by the stone tribe stood up from the bed, touched a chamber pot, and began to explain.

Using this thing, you don’t have to go out at night. It’s convenient, and you can accumulate good fertilizers and use them to fatten your fields. It’s really killing two birds with one stone.

When he finished his briefing, the leader of the stone tribe didn't sit there anymore. Instead, he lay back on the bed and closed his eyes, looking like he was asleep.

After this brief explanation, the person lying on the kang, enduring sleepiness, quietly looked at the leader of the stone tribe for a while, and saw that the other party was lying motionless on the bed, as if he had fallen asleep. Without patience, he closed his already heavy eyelids and immediately fell asleep...

The leader of the stone tribe, who was thought to have fallen asleep, was confused. Under such circumstances, he couldn't sleep at all...

After staying up all night, everyone got up the next day, and the leader of the stone tribe also got up with everyone.

At this time, his eyes were dissatisfied with bloodshot eyes, because he was too anxious to get angry, the corners of his mouth circled, and a layer of singeball formed!

It looks a little scary.

People who saw the head of the stone tribe were all surprised by it. Many people were very concerned and asked him if he was uncomfortable.

Faced with such inquiries, the leader of the stone tribe, of course, could not tell the truth.

I just pushed that I had a nightmare last night, dreaming that I was being chased by many ferocious tigers, and pressing myself and many people on the ground, gnawing at it with a blood basin~www.NovelMTL.com~ was scared. .

Hearing the words of the leader of the stone tribe, many people became amused.

Many people laughed and scolded.

Then said to the leader of the stone tribe, they are just some tigers, don't be so afraid.

These things can only go around when facing them with weapons and armors.

It is already their honor to wait for others not to kill them. Where can you dare to come and provoke yourself and others?

Hearing the people in the tribe say this, so relieved, the leader of the stone tribe also nodded, indicating that he understood, so that everyone no longer had to worry about themselves.

But his spirit still looked sluggish, and he couldn't help being in a trance. When doing things, he always seemed absent-minded. It was in sharp contrast with the usual appearance of unawareness of fatigue in the past.

Even when it comes to the most popular meal, I still can’t lift my energy. I just have a bowl of rice and I can’t eat it...

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