I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1219: Don’t weave more in the future (2 in 1)

"In the future, you will do less about spinning, weaving, raising silkworms and reeling. It is not that you are not allowed to do it, but that you are not allowed to do it.

Nowadays, our tribe has a big business and a growing number of people. There is no shortage of people to do these things, and there is no need to work hard as before.

Doing these things for years and years is the most destructive.

You are still young, I am still young, and the children are still young. If you break your body, what should you do?

In the future, you only need to think about how to improve the loom and spinning machine to make it more usable, the woven fabric is more beautiful and durable, and how to improve the weaving technology, and use better technology to spin out Better cloth, and then teach it to the people in the tribe, let them use what you have researched, spinning and weaving.

If we continue to do this, there are so many benefits for our tribe. Even if you are sitting here, spinning and weaving without eating, drinking, and sleeping, it is far less than that!

After all, in our tribe, there is no shortage of manpower for spinning and weaving. What is really lacking is the talents who can conduct research and improve on spinning and weaving!

And you are this talent.

Think about it, after you improve the weaving technology, how much influence will it have on the tribe?

Just think about it, you can’t get busy every day, put some of the cloth that you have woven with pains in your back, arms, and fingers, and put it among the many cloths woven in the tribe. Is it still conspicuous? "

In the blue brick house where Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei lived, she punished Bai Xuemei well and took a nap from her tiredness. After opening her eyes, she saw Bai Xuemei sitting there again. Bai Xuemei, who was spinning constantly, and Han Cheng with a sober mind finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He got up from the bed, once again grabbed Bai Xuemei's hand and called to stop what she was doing.

Just when Bai Xuemei was taken aback for a moment, and then she realized what was going on, she was ready to perform with her adult brother, and then started playing a game of entering the lane, she took her daughter-in-law by the hand. The **** son Han Da panicked inexplicably, and quickly said something like this.

"You look at your fingers. After such a long period of work, they are already a little deformed."

Han Cheng rubbed the non-smooth palm of Xuemei Bai, and said with a little distress and reproach.

At the beginning, when Bai Xuemei heard Han Cheng said that she would not allow herself to continue weaving and spinning, she couldn't help but feel very anxious. She wanted to say something aloud, justifying her.

But as Han Cheng kept talking, Bai Xuemei gradually couldn't say what she said to her lips.

And, following the thoughts of what Han Cheng said, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that my brother Cheng was right.

In combination with the tribal weaving skills that I have personally experienced over the years, I have grown from scratch, and from the roughness and step by step development to the present point, what my brother said is correct. .

Every improvement in weaving technology is accompanied by a substantial increase and increase in the output and quality of cloth.

Up to now, compared with the beginning, not to mention how much the quality of the cloth has risen, just the speed of spinning and weaving, I don’t know how much faster than before!

Now I use the looms and spinning machines in the tribe to weave, and one person will be able to match the previous ten people!

And this comparison is simply comparing the speed of the weaving, but not the quality of any woven cloth.

If this indicator is also included, the difference between the two will be even greater

This is what Cheng brother said, the importance of improving weaving technology and looms!

Thinking back and forth like this in her heart, Bai Xuemei's thoughts gradually became more accessible.

In fact, Bai Xuemei had already known what the improvement of weaving technology and the improvement of weaving tools are for weaving.

It's just that she didn't think back and forth, didn't have the systematic and thorough thinking like Han Cheng's.

Constrained by her own inherent thinking and insight, Bai Xuemei has not compared her weaving and improving the weaving technology with machines which are more cost-effective things.

According to her previous inherent habit, she can weave more cloth if she can weave more cloth.

Regarding spinning and weaving as the main thing to do, the improvement of spinning technology as a casual thing.

But now, after hearing what Han Cheng said, and after careful consideration and comparison, I suddenly felt that what Han Cheng said was extremely true!

It's like an initiation!

Yes, since every technological breakthrough can play a great role for the tribe, it has far-reaching significance, and it is far more enjoyable than doing weaving and spinning by yourself, so why don’t you focus on it? How to improve the weaving technology?

Just as Brother Cheng said, there is no shortage of people in my tribe who weave and spin, but people who improve and upgrade the series of things like weaving and spinning!

People who spin and weave are not more than one, and less are not too many. So why can't you focus on improving technology?

As long as the time comes, as long as I can make some breakthroughs in these things, the meaning and effect for the entire tribe is stronger than sitting here all day, busy and panicking spinning and weaving cloth. !

"Brother Cheng, you are right! You are right! I won't do this in the future..."

Bai Xuemei, who had figured it out, said with excitement.

At the same time, there is some regret in my heart-if I had been thinking of doing this two years ago, would the branch technology in the tribe be closer to a higher level?

Seeing Bai Xuemei finally figured it out, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Just figure it out, just figure it out!

In this way, the child bride-in-law will not have to be so tired in the future. When he takes people to the Jinguan City, Tieshan residential area, and Sanxingdui in the south, he can feel relieved, and don’t worry that this little daughter-in-law will I'm tired out for a good or bad...

Regardless of Bai Xuemei or Xiao Wandou, Xiao Xing'er and the others, they were reluctant to give up. After a few days of preparation, Han Cheng finally left with people from the main tribe and set off for Jinguan City and other places in the south.

In preparing for the departure and many things related to the departure, Han Cheng also explained and arranged some things that needed to be explained and arranged.

For example, talk to Wu and seniors about the management and arrangement of the tribe, such as explaining some school classes and management to Shishi.

Another example is to hand a thin book to Yuan.

This is the math problem and some related knowledge that Han Cheng has worked out during the period of time after returning from the south.

The things involved in this are already relatively advanced, at least they are far more advanced than the things that are being taught in the tribe.

Some knowledge has already involved the high school level of later generations.

Of course, the reason for this situation is that besides Yuan is indeed very talented and learns quickly, there is another reason that Han Cheng, the **** son, has some confusion in his memory.

It has been many years since Han Cheng went to school.

Rao was a leap for the important goal of the college entrance examination. Han Cheng, a liberal arts student, had also tried desperately to learn these mathematics and remembered many of them thoroughly.

But time has passed for such a long time, and there are many things that he can't remember.

And some, I don’t remember the order of what I learned when I went to school.

Even if Han Cheng unearthed these things from his own memory, spent a lot of thoughts and scratched his head many times, he still couldn't be perfect...

Another example is that Han Cheng went to visit the new kiln that Heiwa built specifically after some explorations in order to make the glass he said by using sand.

He has nothing to say about this.

Because the little and poor knowledge about firing glass that he knew, as early as the very beginning, he already knew all about it.

After a visit, Han Cheng, the son of God, could only give a verbal effort to Heiwa.

As for the shipyard, Han Cheng did not fall, after all, it was the place where Han Cheng dreamed.

After a visit, the son of Han Da also did not give too much advice. In the end, he tried his best to everyone, and said that when he returned with people from the south, he wanted to see the tribe. What kind of sailing boat is like, to what extent.

After Han Cheng's inspection and speaking out his expectations, everyone in the shipyard was struggling again!

Not only want to wait until the return of the Son of God, to meet the expectations of the Son of God for himself and others, but also to exceed the expectations of the Son of God for himself and others!

For another example, Han Cheng also comforted the two little guys who knew that he was going to travel again and became reluctant to leave and cling to others, and signed some things such as cooking for them after returning. It’s a treaty to make a beautiful, so big, butterfly kite for Little Myolie...

Of course, these are not such troublesome things, it is Fu Jiang who is really troublesome.

As a follower who has followed Han Cheng since he was a child, Han Cheng is about to leave the main tribe and go to Jinguan City. Naturally, this fellow Fujiang will follow Han Cheng as his own.

The trouble is here.

Fu Jiang, this guy, is very old.

It has been fifteen years since Qingque.

When Han Cheng met Fu Jiang, it was the second year of Qingque, about summer.

The blessed general at that time was obviously already full moon.

It's already spring, and it's far from summer.

This means that Fu Jiang has been alive for almost fourteen years!

The life span of wolves and dogs is far from that of anyone.

It’s been pretty good for more than ten years.

According to the strange knowledge that Han Cheng didn't know where he had seen before, at this time, the age of the Fu general was placed among the dog group, and converted by the age of the dog, it was equivalent to a human being seventy old and eighty!

This time to Jinguan City, the mountain was high and the road was long, and the journey was difficult. Han Cheng really didn't want to take the blessed general and let the blessing suffer this crime again.

It is old after all. If it was really because of this long journey and there was something good or bad on the road, Han Cheng really wanted to be extra guilty and couldn't get through this hurdle in his heart.

So after deciding to leave, Han Chengcheng began to discuss with Fu Jiang and let it stay in the main tribe and wait for him to return.

Then he was cruel and found a rope, tied the Fu Jiang and tied it to the door.

When he was leaving, he was worried that Fu Jiang would watch him leave, but he left Uncle Lu in the tribe on purpose that day, and didn't let him go out.

Shun Fu Jiang and its two guys in the deer pen.

Especially when Fu Jiang ~www.NovelMTL.com~ was kept inside, Han Cheng also tied it with a rope to prevent it from running out.

The result still failed.

This guy seems to have really become a spirit, knowing that Han Cheng is about to leave here.

In the two days when Han Cheng bolted it up, although it felt a little uncomfortable, it didn't struggle and scream.

But it didn't make it today, even if Han Cheng deliberately brought Uncle Deer over and stayed by his side, it wouldn't work. This guy still kept screaming and struggling and wailing, his voice was particularly miserable.

Uncle Lu is not very reliable. Not only did he not comfort the Fu Jiang, but he also kept screaming there.

Han Zhi wanted to confuse his heart, so he left, ignoring the two guys, but he was really sad when he heard the blessing, and after all he did not hold back and returned to the deer ring.

After seeing Han Cheng, Fu Jiang jumped and screamed, becoming even more excited.

Han Cheng rushed to catch up with General Fu and untied the rope on his neck, only to realize that because of the constant struggle just now, the hair growing on Fu Jiang’s neck had been rubbed off a lot. The skin and flesh were exposed, and some places were bleeding. Come.

Han Cheng felt distressed after seeing such a scene.

And Fu Jiang, after Han Cheng untied the rope, stopped beside Han Cheng, constantly shaking his tail, and rubbing his body against Han Cheng's leg, he seemed particularly happy and clingy.

Seeing such a situation, Han Cheng really didn't dare to leave this guy in the main tribe...

I don’t know if I’m trying to prove my youth, or because my master hasn’t left me happy anymore. On the way he walked, Fu Jiang seemed very energetic, walking all the way without falling behind.

But it won't be done in the afternoon, obviously it seems to be strenuous...

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