I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1218: The God Child Who Sees Iron Slobber (2 in 1)

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe lowered her head seriously and made her armor with what she was holding.

When I saw the people of the Pegasus tribe, they continued to do the whole picture with the people of the other tribes, and during the battle, some people would be injured or even die, and their status in the Pegasus tribe would be greater. As the situation got better and higher, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe thought about how to avoid this situation as much as possible.

When this thought arises in my heart, the first way to appear in the minds of the Red Tiger tribe maidens is the blue sparrow tribe that once made their tribe feel very desperate and suffered a lot of harm. Something made of rattan.

It's just that now that she has left the place where she used to live, the rattan, which was once very common, has become uncommon now.

So after some thinking, she finally changed the material to common cowhide and sheepskin.

After some attempts, I found that this approach is useful.

The armor made of these things is far inferior to those of the Qingque tribe, but it can still effectively resist damage.

The reduction effect of directly hitting stones, wooden sticks, or the like is not very good, and it is still painful, but for sharp attacks, the reduction effect is very good.

Wearing this kind of primitive, rough, but extra-thick leather armor, whether the enemy is bound with sharp stones, or extra-sharp bone spurs, or sharp weapons polished out of extremely solid wood to attack, Neither can nail this kind of leather armor!

When such a thing came out, many people in the Pegasus tribe were extremely excited!

After all, with such a thing, they have a lot of support.

And the status of the red tiger tribe maiden in the Pegasus tribe has also risen.

From this time on, the last trace of doubt that the Chief of the Pegasus tribe had about the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe disappeared.

After all, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe have done all this, and there is really no reason for him to have doubts about the witches of the Red Tiger tribe under such circumstances.

Because this kind of thing really cannot be done by a person who has various emotions towards his tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is making her armor here seriously, making her armor extremely thick and strong.

Someone on the side did not make it thick enough, and she would correct it and let it re-reinforce it.

You must be careful about clothes and armor, and you must not be careless.

After all, this thing is used to save lives. Under a sloppy situation, it is very likely that people in the tribe will die.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are really reluctant to die with the chief of the Pegasus tribe and others, at least now and after the Blue Sparrow tribe has not been wiped out.

It's really hard to find such a full-time thug, who also collects money and acts as a villain!

If the chief of the Pegasus tribe dies, who will do these things?

How can I hide behind and be a good person to comfort people?

Thinking like this in her heart, the armor that the Red Tiger Tribe Maiden is doing is made stronger and more durable...

Here in the Green Bird Tribe, there was a fire in a place, the temperature was very high, and there was also a clanging sound.

Along with this sound, some iron blocks with irregular shapes appeared.

This is the people from the main tribe, making iron with iron sand absorbed by magnets.

Using magnets to absorb iron sand, and then forging, after such an operation, the speed is naturally not much faster, not as fast as using iron ore for smelting.

However, I am afraid of perseverance in everything, and accumulate less.

After a long period of time, until now, the main tribe has obtained less than one hundred fifty catties of iron through this method.

If you add those that are being made today, it would be almost no less than two hundred catties.

There was a huge pile of two hundred catties of cotton.

Two hundred catties of iron were placed there but it was not very conspicuous.

However, even if it doesn't seem to be too much, with the emergence of these irons, and the addition of some iron tools made of these irons in the tribe, the main tribe has improved a lot.

Even before, Han Cheng, who felt it was not cost-effective to do this, had to admit that his previous thoughts were a bit wrong when he saw such results.

Things in this world, sometimes, if you can do a little bit, do a little bit, and make it better as much as possible.

From the perspective of the overall situation, it seems that a little bit better does not make any difference, but after all, it is a little better, and it is still improved.

And this is just one thing, in addition to this one thing, there are many other things.

Adding up such a little bit, it is no longer a little bit.

For example, in the tribe, iron absorbing stones are used to absorb iron sand, and then there is a reason to use iron sand to make iron stones.

Divine Son Han Da stood here, swallowing drooling at these freshly-baked iron blocks, while sighing with emotion in his heart.

You are not mistaken, the dignified son of Han Da of the dignified Qingque tribe is indeed watching these freshly-baked iron blocks and swallowing continuously here.

Of course, it’s not that the cute pandas in the tribe, who have the domineering title of iron-eaters, have stayed for a long time, so they have this ability and want to face these iron blocks. Take a few mouthfuls.

Use this to verify your good appetite and good teeth.

The reason why Han Cheng coveted these freshly-baked iron was because he suddenly thought of an object made of iron!

This object is a wok!

When the iron pan appeared in my mind, I immediately had a long list of things rushing into my head-stir-fried beef tripe, fried pork liver with garlic, hot and sour cabbage, fried chicken, green pepper omelette , Stir-fried pork slices with mushrooms...

With the appearance of the iron pot, these things kept rushing into Han Cheng's mind like crazy, lingering constantly, lingering!

Han Cheng, who hadn't taken a bite of stir-fry for more than a decade, couldn't help swallowing.

The whole person is greedy!

The iron pan is something of trans-epochal significance.

After all, with the iron pot, people's diet can be separated from simple cooking and become more diverse.

Although the steamed food is delicious, when it comes to cooking, on the whole, the steamed dish is always a lot worse than the fried dish.

Especially for a person who used to eat stir-fried vegetables, tasted the taste of stir-fried vegetables before, and then because of the situation, he has been eating food cooked for 15 years, this is really an unbearable suffering. !

In the past, the conditions in the tribe didn't allow it. You could only swallow a few saliva and bury these deeply in your heart. I didn't think it was particularly unbearable.

But now, I suddenly remembered that in terms of the current conditions of his tribe, it was basically not a big problem to get the iron pot out, Han Cheng's heart was no longer able to contain it!

Get out the wok, and then fry some stir-fried vegetables like weeds in his mind!

The stir-fried dishes that have appeared in my mind once before, now become particularly clear, and the taste has been magnified countless times.

Han Cheng really wanted to rush over to let these people put down the iron block that was just made, and keep it for him!

Let him use these iron blocks to make a wok for cooking!

Han Cheng's mouth opened a few times, and the steps under his feet moved a few times, but in the end he resisted not telling them, and did not take his steps away.

This is not because he does not want iron pans or delicious stir-fried vegetables, but because the iron nuggets that have just been refined are clearly arranged before they are refined. !

Some people want to use it to create a ploughshare, so that they can create a plow for farming.

Someone wants to create a shackle to use for paving the ground.

He has great strength, and the bronze head is always easy to break...

The demand of everyone is too great, and in order to have these iron appliances, these people who want iron appliances have been working overtime for a while, and they can't stop being busy.

Now after such a busy period of time, I finally got this kind of iron. Everyone has been looking forward to it for such a long time. At this time, I came out and said that I wanted to make an iron pot. That would consume a lot of iron. The dreams of few people will be shattered.

And in these irons, he didn't exert any strength, and at the beginning, he even held a somewhat opposed attitude.

Under such circumstances, the son of Han Da still couldn't let go of his face after all, and there was some shame in his heart.

So after a very intense ideological struggle, the son of Han Da shook his head vigorously, and threw all the delicious stir-fries flying in his mind from his mind, and barely controlled himself. Stepping towards the inside of the tribe...

"I'm going to Jinguan City."

Walking back to his house in the inner courtyard, Han Cheng sat down beside Xuemei Bai, who was spinning here with a hand-cranked spinning machine, on the side of a small chair with a backrest, watching Bai Xuemei say so. .

Xuemei Bai who was spinning couldn't help but pause when she heard the words, then turned her head and looked at Han Cheng with surprise and some panic.

"Brother Cheng and Cheng, Ye, Ye suddenly thought of going to Jinguan City?"

After Bai Xuemei froze for a while, she asked Han Cheng like this.

Han Cheng swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva as calmly as he could, and said aloud: "Going to the south to see it is something I have already thought in my heart, but I haven't told you anything.

The south is now slowly developing, and overall it is no worse than the north.

That is also the first part of our tribe. It took a long time for me and many people in the tribe to build it.

And it's also related to our tribe's retreat. By the time it is really getting colder and colder in the north, we can't live there anymore, we have to go there to settle down.

This time I left there for such a long time, but I always felt a little uneasy in my heart if I didn't look at it. "

Han Cheng sat here and stretched out Bai Xuemei's hand, and said with comfort in his palm.

"Moreover, there are iron ore in the Tieshan residential area, and the output of iron is large. I went to see if I could use the iron there to make some iron pots I wanted.

As long as the iron pot can be made, then not only you and me, but the entire tribe, as well as the people born in the tribe, will be blessed!

It is really a great pleasure for people to eat the dishes cooked in an iron pan. "

When Han Cheng said this, he couldn't help but show the stars in his eyes, and his eyes were full of light.

Bai Xuemei, who was sad and disheartened because Han Cheng suddenly said that she was leaving the main tribe and heading south, heard Han Cheng talk about iron pots and how delicious the dishes coming out of the iron pot were. No more sadness, no sadness anymore.

Even the unwillingness in my heart has faded a lot~www.NovelMTL.com~ Brother Cheng, then, the dishes made in the iron pot are really so delicious? "

Bai Xuemei pursed her mouth and couldn't help but looked up at Han Cheng and asked with expectation.

Seeing Bai Xuemei's reaction, Han Cheng almost couldn't hold back a laugh.

This little girl-in-law is still so delicious when facing herself.

When I heard something delicious, I would forget the rest, and it was as good as before.

Only after feeling funny and relaxed, Han Cheng couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Feelings are in the eyes of this little child's daughter-in-law. Isn't it important for me to be delicious?

People, sometimes it's so complicated!

Divine Son Han Da thought in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

After coming here for a while, God Son Han Da's chest was finally filled with boundless anger!

"Get up with me!"

He acted and said to Bai Xuemei, and then stood up and pulled Bai Xuemei up with his hands.

"Today I have to make good use of the family law and punish you heavily!"

The **** son Han Da said in a serious voice, if an unknowing person is here and sees a **** son who has always been peaceful and easy to talk, he would have made such a big fire at this time and moved such a big anger, he would definitely be frightened. It's not light, and it's not impossible to even sit on the ground.

But Xuemei Bai was clearly informed and had seen many such battles.

As soon as I saw Brother Cheng's discoloration, I already knew what the other party wanted to do.

But in order to make things more realistic, she pretended to be pitiful, in order to satisfy some evil psychology in someone's heart...

After some severe punishments, the people who were disciplined were full of spirits, and those who carried out disciplines and enforced family laws were tired and didn't want to move...

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