I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1212: Come, let Dad come! (2 in 1)

"Okay! Well done! This thing is so useful!"

Here in the Green Bird Tribe, Han Cheng, the **** son of the tribe, happily stretched out his hand and slapped Han Yousan's shoulder vigorously, not stinging his praise.

"Waiting until tonight, I will cook some food for you myself."

After Han Cheng finished complimenting these people, he smiled and said to everyone.

Originally, he was so happy to see that the son of God saw what he and others brought back. Han had a third-class trade team member, and he was already very happy. Now the son of God said that he would cook for himself by night. The third class of Han was even happier when someone cooked, and each of them grinned behind their ears.

Compared with the rest of the rewards, they even more hope to get the reward of the **** child cooking and cooking!

As the Qingque tribe continued to grow, the status of Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, also rose.

Moreover, the food made by the son of God tastes very good, and the son of God basically does not cook much now.

Under these circumstances, it is not to mention how glorious it is to be able to eat a meal that the son of God personally cooks and cooks for himself!

Earlier, they saw that the other people in the tribe were personally cooked by the son of God to entertain because of their accomplishments. During the meal, they ate in front of many people, not to mention how envious they were. !

Now, such a thing that has been envious for a long time is finally about to fall on oneself, how can this not make people feel happy and excited?

Han Cheng was happy when he saw the third class of Han, and he was just as happy. He stood here and waited for a while, and asked where the magnets were obtained from the third class of Han and how much salt he paid. He also looked at the trade team. For the other gains from this trip, I personally took away these tightly connected magnets, without letting the others intervene...

"Son, girl, see what this is!"

With some magnets in his hand, Han Cheng greeted the two children with a smile.

At the same time of greeting, he raised the hand holding the magnet high and showed the two little guys what he was holding, very excited.

He looks like a child.

The two little guys ran over chuckingly, and looked into Han Cheng's hands with eyesight.

Want to know what this black stone is.

The magnets that were stuck together were separated by force, and then they were given to the two little guys.

Of course, Han Cheng got them from a large magnet, and it only took up a very small part.

The two little guys took the black stone from Han Cheng. They were more careful at first, because they were worried that the black stone, like the carbon in the tribe, would stain their hands.

Then they discovered that although the stone was also black, it did not stain at all.

Such a discovery made them much more assured and bold.

At the beginning, the two didn't find any famous people, and didn't think there was anything magical about the black stone.

But soon they discovered the peculiarities.

"Dad, look! Can **** together!"

Little Pea grabbed a small piece of magnet fragments with his hands, then put his hands on the side of the larger magnet, and put them together. The small magnet suddenly attracted to the larger magnet.

Such a discovery made the two little guys very excited.

Little Myolie also played like her elder brother, pulling off the small piece of magnet and putting it up again, having a great time playing.

It's just that Little Myolie's hand strength is much smaller, and it is not easy to complete such a thing once.

Seeing two children having such fun, but for such a long period of time, without developing a new way of playing, Han Cheng, the **** of the Qingque tribe, finally couldn't bear it.

"Come on, let Dad teach you something fun."

Han Cheng said this, and took the small magnet from Xiao Xing'er, then put it on the ground, and began to gently draw back and forth on the ground.

There is a thin layer of sand on the ground, which was pulled from the river and laid on the ground.

The reason is that when it is overcast and rainy, mud will form on the ground when walking from here.

There is a lot of iron sand in the sand, which is common sense for future generations.

So Han Cheng took this small piece of magnet in his hand, and after a while back and forth on the sand used to pave the ground, he picked it up and saw that there was a lot of fine iron sand stuck around the magnet.

There is no iron sand at the bottom of the magnet. This is because during the process of Hancheng's absorption of iron sand, the bottom of the magnet is rubbing against the ground, and the iron sand stuck on it will move closer to the surroundings at this time.

Seeing the extra iron sand around the magnet, Little Pea and Little Myolie were particularly surprised.

It turns out that this kind of stone called magnet can be used in this way, and it can be played like this!

Xiao Wandou immediately followed Han Cheng's appearance, put the magnet in her hand to the ground and began to draw there.

Dad’s cleverness and the magic of magnets are far from over here.

Han Cheng returned the magnet to Little Myolie. Here, two little guys use the magnet to absorb iron sand.

Or pull off the iron sand on the magnet by hand, throw it on the ground, and then move the magnet over and absorb it in the air.

The iron sand that was thrown on the ground was attracted by the magnet's attraction, and it broke through the gravity of the earth and flew up continuously, adsorbing on the magnet.

Afterwards, the iron sand was adsorbed next to or through the iron sand, and the underside of the magnet was made to look similar to tofu with long hair.

After playing like this for a while, the son of Han Da who stayed here, saw two little guys playing non-stop here, but no new tricks came out. As an old father who had played these things a long time ago, Han Cheng finally Still can't bear it anymore.

"Come on, Dad will give you a new gameplay."

Han Cheng said so.

Then Xiao Xing'er handed the magnet with a lot of iron sand in her hand to Han Cheng's hand.

Han Cheng found a thin wooden board, then removed the iron sand standing on the magnet by hand and placed it on the thin wooden board.

After doing this, he held the board flat in one hand, and stuck the magnet under the board in the other hand.

As soon as the magnet was attached to the bottom of the board, many of the loose iron sand placed on the board suddenly stood up, looking like a hedgehog.

Han Cheng began to slowly move his hand holding the magnet against the wooden board.

As he moved, the iron sand placed on the wooden board also moved with it.

In such a magical scene, the two little guys who watched immediately had bright eyes, and became more respectful of their father, thinking that his father was simply omnipotent.

Han Cheng, who gave the demonstration, handed over the wooden boards and magnets in his hands to Little Myolie, and the two little guys who saw the new gameplay, immediately started playing here with great interest.

Han Cheng became so happy to see that the third class of Han Yu brought back Magnet when they returned home. Of course, it was not because the magnet could coax the children to play and gave them an extra toy.

It is because in addition to letting children play, Han Cheng also knows some extremely important functions of magnets.

Of course, you don't need it for audio and the like.

This thing is too complicated, too much engineering, even if the son of Han Da has used his old life, he still can't get this thing out.

What he thinks is another extremely important, practical, and technically demanding thing.

This thing is nothing but a compass!

Identifying the direction is an extremely important thing, especially when walking in the wild!

The Qingque tribe is a tribe that often walks in the wild because they have a caravan that continues to extend outward.

Moreover, because of the times, at this time, apart from the roads built by the Qingque tribe, there are no serious roads in other places.

Mostly primitive and reckless.

Doing business under such circumstances, not to mention the rest, just remembering the way and identifying the direction, it is very test the leader's ability.

It is not uncommon for the caravan to fall into a dangerous situation because of being lost for a while.

It is precisely because of this that Han Cheng thought about creating a compass early on to allow people in the tribe to identify directions and reduce the probability that tribesmen would get lost.

Last year, after the tribe started to make sailboats, Han Cheng's desire to make a compass became even stronger.

Compass is basically the standard equipment of sailing boats, especially those sailing out to sea, it can not be without a compass.

Sailing on the boundless sea, they need a compass to ensure the accuracy of their course more than a trade team walking on land.

It's just that there have been no magnets in the tribe. Han Chengcheng knows how to make a compass, and is in a state where it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. He can only be anxious and stare.

But it's different now!

Now the trade team has brought back the necessary item, the magnet!

With a magnet, I can already start to make a compass. The structure is not complicated, not too difficult, but the function and meaning are extraordinary things!

Thinking like this in my heart, and waiting here for a while, Han Chengcheng stood up from here and walked towards his house...

Not long after Han Cheng stood up and left, the witch holding his daughter walked over.

Seeing him coming, the happy little pea who was playing with the magnet there stopped his movements.

"Witch, this dad just brought it over, called a magnet, it's fun!"

Little pea said to Wu with joy.

"Look, you can play like this, you can play like this."

Little Pea enthusiastically demonstrated to Wu Wu how to play the magnet he had just learned.

After that, he stuffed the magnet in his hand into the hand of the witch who had no one hand, and let the witch come to play this novel and fun thing.

After seeing her brother's behavior, the little Myoli near the side also followed her brother's appearance and gave her own magnet to the witch.

The two little guys were extremely close to Wu.

Because Wu likes children, and Little Pea and Little Myolie are the children of Han Cheng, the son of God, and when Han Cheng didn’t build a new house before, they lived in the same house. Wu likes to follow Two little guys play, in this case, the two little guys are naturally familiar and close to Wu.

Wu was not welcome. After receiving the magnet, he squatted down, put his little daughter in his arms in one hand, and played with the two little guys with the magnet in the other hand.

Wu was quite able to play with the two little guys.

After playing like this for a while, Wu has roughly figured out the characteristics of this thing called a magnet.

This thing is really strange, and it is very good to play, especially to coax children in the tribe.

But does it really only have these effects?

Doubt and thinking appeared in Wu's eyes.

He just got news that it was the trade team that brought back rare things, and the **** child took it very seriously. He not only praised the trade team members again and again, but even made a reward for cooking and cooking for everyone in the trade team!

Based on my understanding of the son of God over the years, I can make the son of God react in this way. This new thing called magnet must be very useful. It should not just be so simple for children in the tribe to play.

But if this thing is not really so easy for the children in the tribe to play, what role does it have?

After all, I have personally experienced this thing, and it is indeed very suitable for children to play.

Wu held his daughter into a deep thought.

Wu originally only needed to find Han Cheng to ask about these things to fully understand, but Wu just didn't do that.

This person who likes to use his own brain likes to think for himself when he is fine.

This is especially true when encountering new things.

I was standing here with my little daughter in my arms, watching Xiao Pea and Xiao Xing'er play with iron sand. After thinking about it for a while, Wu's eyes lit up!

He thought of the important role of this magnet!

This important role is to absorb iron sand!

The ease of use of iron tools is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As a witch in the tribe, he has a clearer mind about what iron tools are.

I remember that in the previous time, I heard Godzi say that there is a lot of iron sand in the river, and iron sand can be used to make iron tools~www.NovelMTL.com~ but there is no suitable tool to separate and gather the iron sand in the river... …

At this point, Wu suddenly became enlightened.

He feels that he has already seen the truth of the matter. This kind of feeling that he can understand things without asking others and relying on himself is really very good!

People have an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Thinking like this, he held his little daughter and walked towards the house where Han Cheng lived.

He already knew from the mouths of the two little guys that the son of God had returned to his house.

In the past, he just wanted to go to the Son of God to verify whether his previous thoughts were correct or not.

Although he has been able to confirm that this is what happened, he still couldn't help but want to verify it again.

People with knowledge, do things like this...

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