I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1211: Magnet (2 go 1)

The purpose of naming the newcomers and those who have come is to get to know these people, and at the same time, click to see if this person is complete.

Of course, another purpose is to remember some key figures of these people.

On the list that Shang was holding at this time, under the name Shi Zhenghuai, there was a triangle mark.

This is what it means to be the leader of the tribe in the past.

In addition to the names of Shi Zhenghuai, the leader of the original stone tribe, there are marks under the names of three others.

However, their label is different from the label of the leader of the stone tribe, not a small triangle, but a small circle.

This means that although this person is not a leader in the former tribe, he still has a certain prestige and status, which can convince many people...

Such people are relatively dangerous people, and they are marked out, so that the people who stay here will pay more attention to these people on weekdays, so that these people will not cause trouble here.

This is not for anyone, but all the outsiders who join the Qingque tribe need to experience this.

Take this time as an example, not only the leader of the Yuanshi tribe who was assigned to the Tongshan residential area, but also the name of the leader of the Yuansong tribe who was assigned to the Qinling sub-tribe, is also marked with an important symbol.

The roll call continues, and there is nothing wrong with 31 people.

Then, as the principal here, the sorrow taught these people.

The main thing is to emphasize the relationship between this place and the main tribe, and to clarify the importance of this place. Of course, the words can't help but emphasize the rules, and give these people a threatening warning.

After these were completed, they began to take these people around the Tongshan residential area to familiarize them with the general environment here.

Then these people were split up and a place to stay was arranged.

After the arrangements were made in this regard, they began to arrange the work of these people according to their abilities and the needs of the Tongshan residential area.

After some busy schedule, it was already afternoon.

The leader of the rough tribe who was assigned a task of sifting ore, now holding a shimmering copper shovel in his hand, shoveling ore here and dumping it on the sieve.

The job of sifting ore is not easy, but the leader of the stone tribe feels much more relaxed.

Because now I am far away from the daunting and depressing tribe of Blue Sparrow Lords, and now I can start to do some work, I don't need to be led and controlled like I just came here, and I feel that I am not free.

From now on, I am able to flex my muscles and do some things well.

However, the head of the Stone Tribe, who was in a relaxed mood, didn't know that he had not come from the Blue Sparrow Master Tribe, and was clearly arranged.

The Tongshan residential area seems to be calm here, but in fact, under the arrangement of Shang, for the leader of the stone tribe, who was previously the leader and was highlighted, the attention is not half and half...

With the warming of the weather and the melting of snow and ice, for the Qingque tribe, the extremely important spring plowing began.

The leather whip blew in the air, and the bull-handle yelled loudly.

The plough of the Quyuan Plow rushed away from the soil, and the plough wall buckled the soil, bringing out a moist wave.

Even if the spring is still cold at this time, but such a scene seems extremely comfortable.

The rapeseed, which was covered by winter snow and seemed to be sealed for growth, also began to grow. Some of the newly grown rapeseed leaves looked tender, green and beautiful.

From Yanshan, on the road leading to the Qinling sub-tribe, there are still some people who are building roads, preparing to build all the way to the Qinling sub-tribe.

The people of the Qingque tribe have already tasted the sweetness from the seemingly laborious task of building roads.

If the roads are repaired smoothly, the connection between the main tribe and the Qinling sub-region will be strengthened, which will facilitate the communication between the two places.

In addition to this, the grain planting belt developed along the constructed road is also extremely attractive.

To be rich, build roads first.

The people of the Qingque tribe who have tasted the sweetness have now deeply realized the correctness of the saying that the son of God once said that if you want to get rich, you must first build a road.

At this time, it was still early spring, and the scale of the land was not too big.

In addition, the Qingque tribe now has a lot more manpower than before, so at this time, it is possible to deploy some manpower on it.

Of course, in addition to the people of the Qingque tribe itself, there are also some people outside the Qingque tribe who participated in the road construction together.

At the beginning, because Han Cheng wiped out the entire Qingque Alliance, there were no other tribes in the large area around the Qingque tribe except for the Qingque tribe.

However, in addition to the Qingque master tribe, the Qingque tribe also has the Tongshan residential area and the Qinling sub-tribe to the north of the Qinling Mountains.

In addition to the many other functions of these two places, another function is to continuously exude the influence of the Qingque tribe.

In addition, the trade team of the Qingque tribe is still playing a role.

Although the two old leaders of Shang and Trade were no longer in the trade team, the trade team of the Qingque tribe was not abolished because of the departure of the two.

Up to now, the main function of the trade team is not to obtain benefits from the rest of the tribe.

The benefits obtained by the trade team are not very worth mentioning for the current Qingque tribe.

The most important role is to strengthen the connection between the Qingque tribe and the surrounding small tribes, and the tentacles from the Qingque tribe are constantly sticking out.

At the same time, it also collects some things that are not available in the Qingque tribe and are very new to the Qingque tribe.

Of course, for some tribes closer to the Qingque tribe, after getting familiar with the Qingque tribe trade team, they will still be invited by the Qingque tribe’s trade team to go to the Qingque main tribe or Copper Mountain. To these places in the residential area.

So that they can bring their own things to the Qingque tribe for exchange.

In this way, some effort can be saved, and after knowing the way, these tribes really encounter difficulties that cannot survive, they can also come to their own tribe to ask for help, or directly join their own tribe. , Just like the Song and Stone tribes not long ago.

When the Bronze Expressway was built, the Qingque tribe hired Feng and Linfeng tribes with food to build roads for their tribe.

Not to mention greatly saving the manpower of their own tribe, but also increasing the speed of road construction, and after the bronze highway was built, the people of these two tribes also completely joined their own tribe.

For Qingque tribe, this is really a very profitable business!

With this precedent, now the Qingque tribe has decided to start building roads again, then how could it not continue to adopt this method that is simply profitable for the tribe?

Moreover, because the trade team already exists in the Tongshan residential area and the Qinling sub-tribe, people who want to hire some tribes to do this are basically useless for the rest of the tribes, even if they have been learned. , For the Qingque tribe, there is no loss of road construction, it is not too difficult.

Coupled with the good reputation that the Qingque tribe has accumulated over the years, that’s why it started to do these things. It is already easy to recruit more than two hundred strong people from the other tribes to do this thing. Participated in the infrastructure construction of the Qingque tribe, a major project.

It is foreseeable that when this road connecting the green bird tribe and the Qinling sub-tribe is built, in the years that follow, this link connecting the north and the south will gradually play a more important role for the tribe. Make a big contribution to the strength and prosperity of the place...

A group of people walked hurriedly, besides the people, there were many deer and donkeys.

The backs of the deer and donkeys were all carrying things, and a flag was flying in the wind in front of the team.

Embroidered on the flag is a blue bird spreading its wings.

This is the trading team of the Qingque tribe, returning from a distance.

The trade team walked in a hurry, constantly moving toward the main tribe.

It wasn't that there was something urgent, because the people walking did not have panic or other emotions on their faces, but rather impatiently and happy.

The head of the person, on the way, will cast his eyes on the back of the donkey he is leading from time to time.

On the back of the donkey are two baskets, one on the left and one on the right, with some things in them.

These things are what caused everyone in the trade team to behave like this.

There are things inside, which is one of the gains from the trade team's outing this time, and it is also something that the trade team members value most.

It is precisely because of this that they will have such a performance and walk in such a hurry.

No other meaning, just want to return to the main tribe quickly, take this thing to the son of God, let the son of God see this strange thing.

The reaction and psychology of everyone at this time are similar to those of children who have achieved good grades or achieved good results, and then can't wait to go home and tell their parents.

It's just that the person they want to tell is not the parents, but the gods in the tribe...

Hurrying all the way, everyone finally returned to the main tribe.

"The Son of God! The Son of God!"

As soon as he returned to the main tribe, before he had time to unload all the things, the leader of the trade team, Han Yousan shouted excitedly.

The voice was full of joy.

Han Cheng, in the tribe, already knew the news of the return of the trade team. At this time, he heard Han Yousan's excited shouts. Han Cheng couldn't help but smiled. It seems that this time the trade team went out. Little gain.

Thinking of this in his heart, Han Cheng couldn't help speeding up his pace. He wanted to see what Han Yousan had brought back this time, but he was so excited.

Seeing Han Cheng coming out, all trade team members, including Han Yousan, couldn't help becoming more excited. Those who were busy unloading things from the backs of the animals also stopped their hands. The action, one after another looked at Han Cheng who came by.

Then, following Han Yousan, who was holding the basket woven with rattan, greeted Han Cheng.

Seeing the reaction of everyone in the trade team, Han Cheng's curiosity was suddenly mobilized.

It seems that this is really good stuff!

"God, look at this!"

Han Yousan placed the back basket he was holding hard in front of Han Cheng, and then he stretched out his hand to forcefully lift a lumpy thing from it.

This is a black stone.

But it can be described as pimple.

Because with Han Yousan's strong lifting, the black stones that came out were not a whole.

It can be easily seen that there are obvious fractures in the many stones that go together.

But what is surprising is that the apparently broken stones are actually tightly connected together, and they do not mean to fall apart!

Such a novel and unreasonable existence, the people of the Qingque tribe have never seen it before, so it is precisely because of this that they are extremely curious about these things and want to get them to the gods early Before you, let the son of God come and have a look.

Han Cheng already knew what these things were when he saw this **** stone.

He stepped forward, bent down, reached out to touch these stones, and then buckled a small stone about the size of a fingernail, and lifted it up forcefully.

This process was not easy, and it took a lot of effort to lift it off the **** stone.

After removing it, Han Cheng held it in his hand and looked at the rubble for a while.

Then he spread his hand out, placed it flat in his hand, and slowly moved towards the pile of lumpy stones composed of many large and small black stones.

When the distance between the two was more than a foot, the small gravel in Han Cheng's hand was already shaking slightly.


After Han Cheng's palm moved some distance there, the small gravel finally couldn't resist the attraction~www.NovelMTL.com~ moved from Han Cheng's hand, and finally fell, and passed through the air. After an arc, it stuck firmly to the **** stone, still tightly attached!

Even because the force was too strong when the two were in contact, this small piece of black stone shattered again.

It's just that these little broken rocks didn't fall, all of them were adsorbed on the big pile of rocks.

A smile appeared on Han Cheng's face.

He has completely determined the identity of this thing.

This thing is nothing but a magnet!

Many people in later generations are very familiar with magnets.

After all, there are very few people who have not played magnets in their childhood, especially those born in the 1980s and 1990s.

Whether it’s a magnet from the radio or other places, it’s always fun to play...

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