I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1213: Compass Pointing North (2 in 1)

"...God, this magnet is really a good thing!

Get some more to absorb iron sand, and then use iron sand to make iron tools. Here in the main tribe, we can also produce some iron tools by ourselves, so we don't need to always transport them from the Tieshan residential area. "

In the house on the east side of Han Cheng’s house, the witch who came here with his daughter in his arms, said to Han Cheng with a smile, constantly praising the usefulness of the magnet and helping the magnet in the future. The role of the tribe was conceived.

After finishing these words, Wu looked expectantly at Han Cheng, wanting to see some emotions such as "Wu is so powerful, I haven't said it yet, you have already figured it out." Come.

However, Han Cheng, who had already found some tools and was about to do something, was stunned after hearing what Wu said.

It was not unconcerned that Han Cheng had previously thought about magnetizing iron sand and then letting people use iron sand to build ironware.

If this magnet appeared earlier, iron ore and copper ore were far from being found in the tribe, and the two were used for smelting. Then the magnet appeared in the tribe. Of course, the first thing I thought of was not to make a compass with a magnet, but like a witch. As mentioned, use magnets to absorb iron sand, and then use iron sand to make some ironware.

But now, there are copper ore and iron ore in the tribe, and they have been able to produce serious ironware through smelting.

In this case, it is a bit redundant to use magnets to absorb iron sand and then use iron sand to build ironware.

In other words, it is not worth it.

Because using iron sand to make ironware, you need to get a lot of it.

Sometimes it looks like a lot of piles, but in fact, it is really used to build ironware, and it is not possible to build much.

Compared with smelting things like iron ore, it's far worse.

Moreover, obtaining iron sand is also very troublesome. It requires people to constantly turn the sand, which is very hard and troublesome.

In the later generations of Han Cheng, he saw people sucking iron sand in the river.

The flat riverbed is full of sand and deep pits...

Under such circumstances, he naturally lacks interest in letting people absorb iron sand and then use iron sand to build ironware.

Wuben is a wise man. Over the years, with the development of the Qingque tribe, Wu has experienced more things, and now he is more accessible.

He hadn't waited until Han Cheng spoke. It was just from the change of Han Cheng's expression that he could see the clues of the matter.

For a while, Wu was deeply hit.

After all, the matter of using magnets to absorb iron sand and then building ironware, I came up with it after racking my brains for a long time.

I was so excited about it, I went here specifically to find the **** child for verification, but the result was completely different from what I thought.

But apart from the iron absorption, this magnet has no other characteristics besides being black!

"God, does this magnet have other uses?"

Wu thought about it for a while, and felt that he really couldn't think of anything, so he immediately gave up the struggle and began to directly inquire about Han Cheng.

Having lived in the tribe for such a long time, Han Cheng had already understood witches thoroughly.

Seeing the witch asking questions like this, he would not give reassurance to the witch. This was unnecessary and too hypocritical.

According to Wu's temperament, even if it is a little bit lost in his heart, it won't be long before he gets better.

"Witch, this magnet does have other uses. For example, after having it, we can use it to create a tool that can identify directions.

I call this tool a compass.

After it is manufactured, one end of this thing always points to the south, so it is called a compass.

As for the four directions of east, west, south and north, only one needs to be determined, and the rest can also be determined.

With this tool, the people of our tribe can rely on this compass to identify the direction when walking outside, without worrying about getting lost. "

Han Cheng explained Wu.

When Wu heard Han Cheng say this, he felt relieved, and then nodded.

"This thing is good, the direction is not chaotic, and it is not easy to get lost. People in our tribe will be less dangerous when they walk outside."

Wu answered aloud.

Obviously, he had also remembered the previous time when a trade team in their tribe encountered dangerous things when they went out.

"My son, what is the compass like? Have you made it?"

After sighing, Wu asked Han Cheng again.

"I will first get a simple compass for you to see."

Hearing Wu's question, Han Cheng suddenly became energetic. After all, when this thing involved something similar to physics, Han became one of the few emboldened people.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Wu also came to his spirits.

The curiosity in Wu's heart was only mobilized by Han Cheng's words before.

He really wanted to see what this magical thing looked like.

It has such a great use, and has always been stubbornly pointing to the south. This kind of thing, thinking about it, makes people feel particularly magical.

And Han Cheng also started to move.

He had already prepared the tools he needed before, so he didn't have to look for them, he could just do them directly.

I saw the son of Han Da go outside and brought another bowl with half a bowl of water in it and put it on the table in front of him.

Then he sat in front of the table, picked up an iron needle and put it on a small magnet, and rubbed it back and forth.

This matter lasted for about a minute. Han Cheng stopped his hand movements, took the iron needle that had been rubbed, and moved to the side of another iron needle.

Then a miracle happened, and the needle was sucked directly by Han Cheng's iron needle.

In such a scene, watching the witch standing on the side, his eyes widened uncontrollably.

This is also really amazing. The **** child just rubbed the iron needle in his hand against the magnet. This ordinary iron needle has the characteristics of this magnet and can also give the iron needle to Sucked!

Under Wu Man's curious gaze, Han Cheng set aside the iron needle that had been checked and confirmed to be magnetized.

Then take a piece of paper on the side and fold with your hands a crease about two centimeters wide and five centimeters long.

After folding it, use the scissors placed on the side to cut it out.

Then the magnetized iron needle was threaded along the length of the paper.

The two ends of the iron needle are on one side of the paper, and the middle section of the iron needle is on the other side of the paper strip.

After making the adjustments, Han Cheng picked up the quill again, and after dipping it in the ink, he wrote the two characters “South and North” on both ends of the paper.

After writing it, I picked it up and carefully squared it on the already very stable bowl of water.

The side with the words “South and North” face up.

When putting the paper strip with the magnetized iron needle into the pottery bowl, Han Cheng deliberately didn't put it upright, but put it in the opposite direction.

After putting it in place, something amazing happened.

This was originally a paper with east-west orientation. After falling to the surface of the water, it automatically began to rotate slowly.

After turning a small half-turn, the magnetized needle, even the paper strip worn on the needle, turned its east-west orientation, and stopped there firmly and stopped moving.

It's just a little embarrassing that the end of the note marked with the south points steadily to the north, and the side marked with the north points to the north.

Even if Han Cheng flicked it a few times with a small wooden stick, this small note with an anvil was still extremely stubborn.

After this thing stopped, it was still the same as before, the end marked with the south, pointed to the north steadily...

Standing on the side, with a very reverent mind, full of novelty witches who are ready to see the wonder and increase their own knowledge, watching this scene in front of them, for a moment, a little confused.

What is this all about?

Doesn’t it mean that once this thing is set up, it can always point to the south?

Why is the north-south direction wrong? Can't even correct it?

In such a stunned Wu, as the person who did this personally, the son of Han Da looked a little embarrassed and sniffed.

He used two small wooden sticks to pick up the floating paper strip and the heel of the iron needle like a vegetable.

At this time, after floating on the water for a while, the note had become soft and collapsed.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to reuse it.

Han Jincheng once again cut a note of similar specifications from the side of the paper. The two ends of one side of the note are still written with the words “South and North”.

After writing it down, Han Cheng pulled the iron needle off the wetted piece of paper, and then put it on the paper using the same technique as before.

The only difference is that this time when Han Cheng put the iron needle on the paper, he turned the iron needle around.

After doing this, Han Cheng started again and carefully laid the piece of paper flat on the water in the bowl.

This time Han Cheng deliberately placed the end with the word ‘South’ facing the north, and things changed.

Driven by the iron needle, the piece of paper began to rotate, and only stopped after a full half turn on the surface of the water.

Then the end with South points to the South, and the end with North points to the North.

Even if it is moved with a small stick, after the small note stops, it can still point to the north and south steadily.

This is considered a success.

Wu looked at the scene in front of him, also feeling novel, but besides being novel, he still felt a little disappointed.

Because there was a big gap between the things that I saw in front of me and the magical effects that I thought in my heart and that God's Son spoke of. It was really too crude.

Han Cheng naturally knew Wu's thoughts.

Because when I was in the second grade of elementary school, after some personal hands-on work, I made this happen. After feeling novel, I also had the same idea.

After all, the compass, listening to it makes people feel extraordinarily tall.

And this method of using a bowl of water, a small piece of paper, and an iron needle rubbed on a magnet is indeed the same as the magical instrument in the imagination. difference.

"Wu, this is the most basic thing. It is used to prove whether this thing is good or not. To create a convenient and easy-to-use compass, a lot of things need to be done.

After all, such a compass is too crude and inconvenient to use. "

Han Cheng smiled and said to Wu...

For the compass, Han Cheng learned how to use the bottom of a can in a hands-on practice class in later generations.

At that time, many people, including Han Cheng, were very happy to use the bottom of the can as a compass.

After all, he was still an era of relatively scarce supplies.

At that time, with the exception of a few people, many people did not have cans or bottles.

In the school's practical classes, cans and bottles are used.

Under such circumstances, the students can openly ask the family for some money, and buy a can of soda that is so craving for existence on weekdays. If you drink it for a while, don’t mention the feeling. How wonderful it is!

Of course, at this time, you don’t even think about the cans and the soda in the cans.

However, there is no bottom of the can, and it is also difficult to help Han Cheng. After all, many things in the tribe have slowly developed.

There are two things in front of Han Cheng that are very similar to the bottom of a can.

It's just different from the aluminum or aluminum alloy material of the bottom of the can.

The two things in front of Han Cheng that looked exactly the same in size and shape were made of copper.

It was a drawing drawn by Han Cheng, and explained in detail to the people who made ceramics and molds in the tribe of Heiwa, and in the tribe, who belonged to the general existence of the master, after some groping Manufactured.

Behind the two copper objects placed in front of Han Cheng, there are many defective products that have been melted away~www.NovelMTL.com~Han Cheng carefully looked at the two things in front of him for a while, and Looked at them back to back.

After seeing that they were quite well aligned, they started to move.

But before he did it, he still remembered in his mind the matter of making a compass for his later generations, so as not to make any mistakes.

After a while, Han Cheng officially started.

He first started, using a thin small drill to drill a small hole in the center of the two things in turn.

Then use fish swim bladder glue to glue the two copper objects together.

Then a small, rounded copper rod with a sharp top was inserted into the hole in the center and fixed with fish swim bladder glue.

After doing this, Han Cheng brought another round piece of cardboard...

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