I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1210: The power of model play and freedom in imagination (2 in 1)


Here is where the Pegasus tribe resides, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe said so.

After she spoke, a person who came to ask for advice left here and went to do something.

Just after this person left, someone came again and said something to the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe thought for a while and then said, "SEWED@#……"

The people who came to consult, stood here and listened carefully for a while, nodded vigorously, and left here with respect, and went to do things in accordance with the method of the Red Tiger Tribe witch.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe has become a celebrity in the Pegasus tribe.

It has become a recognized existence of wisdom.

I don't know when it started. People in the Pegasus tribe found that doing things according to the methods of the Red Tiger Tribe witches would basically get a good result, which was less labor-saving than their previous methods, and the effect was better.

Slowly, more and more people in the tribe will come to ask the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, how to do this.

And the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe is never bored, every time someone comes to ask, she will think seriously and give her own opinion.

And everyone acting according to what she said, basically can get a good result.

Now that something has happened, I asked the Red Tiger Tribe maiden before and then started to implement it. It has become a common practice for everyone in the Pegasus tribe.

If you didn't come to ask the Red Tiger Tribe maiden for advice before doing something more important, it would always make people feel uneasy in doing it.

This woman without a nose seems to have become the first person in the Feima tribe besides the leader of the Feima tribe!

The leader of the Pegasus tribe knew about these things.

At the beginning, the leader of the Pegasus tribe was naturally uncomfortable with these things, and he had troubled some Red Tiger tribe maidens because of this.

But with the development of time, there are more and more such things, and the results of using the suggestions of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden are as good as always, and the leaders of the Pegasus tribe have gradually become accustomed to these things.

And afterwards, even if he didn't say anything about it, the leader of the Pegasus tribe had to admit in his heart that in these matters, he was inferior to this woman without a nose!

Your own tribe can develop and grow rapidly, and the big credit for this naturally goes to yourself.

However, this woman without a nose also exerted some strength and played some role in this process.

Especially for how to manage and control these robbed outsiders, this woman without a nose is even more skilled.

If it weren't for this woman, these people in my tribe would definitely not be as peaceful as they are now.

Although the Pegasus tribe had a large number of people in the past, it was not particularly large.

After the number of people in the tribe has grown a lot, there is no experience in how to dominate, manage, and how to maintain such a large number of people so that they are obedient and not chaotic.

They didn't, but there were some Red Tiger maidens from the Red Tiger tribe.

After all, before, the Red Tiger tribe was a big tribe!

Even if the current Pegasus tribe has experienced a period of time-expanding development and its number is increasing rapidly, there is still a big gap between the Red Tiger tribe in its peak period!

And this Red Tiger Tribe Witch was another outstanding one, and she was smarter than the previous Red Tiger Tribe old Witch.

It is naturally not a big deal to deal with the problems that the Pegasus tribe is facing now.

Under this same operation, the red tiger tribe maiden's role in the Pegasus tribe is becoming more and more important, and accordingly, the status is getting higher and higher.

Even the chief of the Pegasus tribe has taken over the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe more than once in his heart. He felt fortunate to have such a person in his tribe.

Before, it was a very wise and lucky move to take people to pursue these sharp weapons, and by the way, to **** those who possessed these sharp weapons.

If not, your tribe cannot reach this level!

It can be said that the current Red Tiger tribe maidens, among the Pegasus tribe, have truly opened up the situation.

Relying on her wisdom, as well as her disposition of too many people in this era.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe picked up the bowl beside her, and after drinking a large bowl of goat milk, she stood up from the straw mat she was sitting on.

He stood up straight, stretched a long laziness, and walked a short distance.

There is a place in the tribe where cattle are kept in captivity.

It's just that what's inside is not the livestock of the tribe, but people who were snatched from the chiefs of the Pegasus tribe, with the people of the tribe, riding horses, and carrying weapons.

On the way, those who met the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but salute her to show their respect.

Even the old hands of the Pegasus tribe who didn't take her seriously before.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but smile a little while watching this scene.

Soon, faster!

It's closer to taking people with you and avenging people in your tribe!

She shrank her hand and couldn't help but shook it hard...

Time passed silently, unknowingly, it has been three months since the Song Tribe, the Stone Tribe and others joined the Qingque Tribe.

During these three months, these people were compensated by a single pass.

Now these people listened to the Qingque tribe, and there were no obstacles.

Although some people are a little awkward when speaking, there is no obstacle to communication.

During these three months, the hardships they experienced were not in vain.

And after experiencing these hardships and learning these languages ​​that belong to the Qingque tribe, many people are surprised to find that after learning these, when they wait for others to express what they want, it is better. Too much expression!

The situation before it appeared again, where I held back for a long time, and didn't express what I was thinking in my heart. It was much less.

Of course, during these three months, what they experienced brought them more than just these.

In this month, they learned more about the Qingque tribe.

I know the history of the Qingque tribe's step-by-step development, and know that in the history of the development of the Qingque tribe, there have been many evocative characters and stories.

I know that until now, many people in the Qingque tribe are remembering them, taking them as examples and calling them the heroes of the tribe.

Knowing that there have been traitors in the Qingque tribe, and the fate of these traitors is not good without exception.

Some had their heads chopped off, and some were turned into slaves in the tribe who could never be forgiven, were thrown into the mines of the tribe, and worked there until they died!

This kind of thing is not so good for the people of the Song tribe, but they do not understand the idea of ​​these traitors.

In these days of the Qingque tribe, they have deeply realized how beautiful the life of the Qingque tribe is.

Not to worry about food and clothing, the house is spacious and bright, and the place to sleep is exceptionally warm.

Although it is painful when learning the Qingque tribal language, after learning it, it can benefit infinitely!

They really don't understand. Why can't these people think about it because they are so good, they just want to betray the tribe?

Could it be that these people eat too well among the tribe, and eat too much to support them?

People from the Stone Tribe weren't there, after all, their purpose of joining the Qingque Tribe was not simple.

When drinking Qingquejiu before, the son of God once said that he would severely punish the traitors, and that had an impact on them.

But at that time, the son of God was just saying that, and it was far less impactful than the model play that took place on the basis of real tribal cases and performed some artistic processing over and over again now!

It is normal to have such feelings. After all, when Han Cheng began to think about launching a model drama in the tribe, the main purpose was to alert the people in the tribe and have a strong deterrent effect on the people in the tribe.

And these actors in the tribe, after such a long time of performances over and over again, after repeated scrutiny, have an excellent grasp of many things, and have gone from naive to mature.

The interpretation is more exciting and shocking!

Under such circumstances, how can the people of the stone tribe who have ghosts in their hearts not touch them, how can they feel entangled and feared?

After all, according to their original assumptions, they must defect from the Blue Sparrow tribe!

Can't make it right, the fate of those people is the fate of waiting for someone to the time!

Under such circumstances, many of them are already regretting why they and others have done such a thing, and why they didn't put down the wine bowl while drinking Qingque wine, so that they did not join the Qingque tribe.

In this case, you and others don’t have to worry like this now!

No need to suffer like this!

Not only these ordinary stone tribesmen, but even the heads of the stone tribes who claim to be smart, savvy, and have a good temperament. At this time, their hearts are a little retreated!

The leader of the Stone Tribe knows the strength of the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

But the understanding is not specific and detailed enough.

But now, after living in the Qingque tribe for such a long time, he realized the power of the Qingque tribe more and more!

The more I felt the horror of the Qingque tribe!

The more so, his very firm confidence before became less firm...

In front of the tyrannical Qingque tribe, he deeply realized his insignificance!

I also deeply realized how dangerous and difficult what I was planning is!

Without giving the leader of the stone tribe too much time for entanglement and thinking, things quickly changed.

For these people, the people of the Qingque tribe, there is a new step of arrangement and scheduling.

Those who have recently joined the Qingque tribe north of the Qinling Mountains will be transferred to the Qingque master tribe, where everyone accepts three-month ideological education.

After doing this, proceed on the basis of the original dispersion, and further split some people.

After the ideological education, these people were redistributed to the main tribe, the Tongshan residential area, and the Qinling subregion.

This is a policy that the Qingque Tribe has been using long ago.

After continuous improvement on the original basis, the current method is more complete and reasonable.

Counting from the time when the people of the Song and Stone tribes drank the Qingque wine, these people had indeed lived in the Qingque tribe for three months. According to past practices, these people were split.

Han Cheng doesn't need to take care of these things himself.

After all, these are already established routines. There are related people in the tribe who are in charge, and they have been familiar with them. Han Cheng, a **** who can control everything in the tribe, is not necessary. Plug it in at this time.

Of course, this did not encounter any special circumstances, and the son of Han Da did not have any special ideas, otherwise Han Cheng would definitely do something.

The leader of the Stone tribe, some people from the Pine tribe, and some people from their tribe were transported along the Bronze Expressway to the Tongshan residential area.

He needs to live here for a long time in the coming days.

For the people of his tribe being scattered among the several settlements of the tribe, the leader of the stone tribe is not as sad as the leader of the pine tribe.

Because in his opinion, this kind of dispersion will help the people of his tribe to learn more things that belong to the Qingque tribe alone!

Moreover, as he left the blue bird master tribe, away from the model dramas often performed in front of himself and others, the feeling of fear in the heart of the leader of the stone tribe slowly dissipated a lot.

The self-confidence in my heart began to slowly emerge again...

Here in the Tongshan residential area, stay here for the garrison, holding a list in your hand, and keep reading here.

In front of him, stood 31 people from the Pine Tribe and the Stone Tribe.

"Shi Zhengzhi!"

He looked at the list in his hand and shouted so loudly.


One person in the crowd hurriedly responded~www.NovelMTL.com~ This is what they have learned from the Blue Sparrow Master Tribe over the years.



"Shi Zhenghuai!"


The leader of the stone tribe quickly agreed.

Shi Zhenghuai was the name that the leader of the stone tribe got after he came to the Qingque tribe.

As before, Shang also raised his head and fixed his gaze on the leader of the stone tribe who responded.

It's just different from before, he secretly wrote down the leader of the stone tribe in his heart...

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