I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1207: Speculator (2 in 1)


In the wind and snow, the leader of the stone tribe said this to everyone.

After hearing what the leader of their tribe said, the people of the stone tribe who followed followed their orders and walked over to the side, stopped under a big tree, and began to clear the snow, firewood, and gather some firewood to carry out ignition.

One is for heating, and the other is for cooking.

The earthenware pot was erected, the snow melted, and the food put in it also exuded a fragrance after being boiled.

After a while, the people of the Stone Tribe began to eat.

It tastes delicious when one person holds a pottery bowl.

Unlike the clear soup that the people of the Song tribe eat, the people of the stone tribe eat extraordinarily rich.

Not to mention the food, it is basically thick, and even a lot of dried meat can be found in it.

This kind of food can be eaten openly by the Stone Tribe present!

Just from this behavior, we can know how many people in the Stone tribe are higher than the Song tribe.


After eating food and resting here for a while, the leader of the stone tribe stood up and said to the people in the tribe.

What he meant was that after eating the food, everyone hurriedly went to the Qingque tribe to surrender and join the Qingque tribe.

After hearing what he said, everyone in the stone tribe started to act.

Quickly cleaned up, wiped the pots and bowls with snow balls, and then led the people towards the Qingque tribe.

That's right, it looks relatively wealthy and lives much better than the Song Tribe. The Stone Tribe, who can live on, this time, like the Song Tribe, also went to the Qingque Tribe to surrender.

I want to join the Qingque tribe.


On the way, the leader of the stone tribe walking in the middle of the team couldn't help but speak.

The meaning of what I said was that when I came to the Qingque tribe, after joining the Qingque tribe, we all have to work and learn their skills.

Take care of each one.

No matter what the time is, you must learn with great care!

Moreover, when the time comes to really join the Qingque tribe, what everyone is doing should be separated.

In this way, the people in the tribe can learn as much as possible in the shortest time!

After hearing the words of the leader of their own tribe, the people of the stone tribe not only didn't have any surprises, they also continued to nod their heads, indicating that they understood.

Because of similar words, their leader has told them more than once, and they also know how much significance it will have to the tribe after doing so.

How much effect will it have on the tribe.

After seeing everyone's reaction, the Shi tribe leader showed a satisfied smile.

Dang Even didn't speak anymore, just in the middle of the team, following everyone to the direction where the Qingque tribe was.

As he walked, his face was still smiling, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

The leader of the stone tribe is indeed in a very good mood.

Because he has been thinking about the good things for a long time in his heart, and now he has finally started to implement it!

Bring the people from the tribe to join the Qingque tribe and live there. The leader of the stone tribe had already thought about it and made a decision before autumn.

After making this decision, the leader of the Stone tribe became extremely impatient, and wanted to put this decision into action quickly.

But the leader of the stone tribe held back for a long time.

Until now, until the heavy snow fell for such a long time, he began to take the people of the tribe and start to implement this exciting decision.

In such a long period of time, he has made more full consideration for his decision.

After thinking about it again and again, he became more certain and certain about the feasibility of his decision.

The leader of the stone tribe has insisted that until now he has only begun to bring people from the tribe to the Qingque tribe. He wants to join the Qingque tribe. There is naturally a reason.

This is a wise man, and because of his cleverness, under his leadership, the tribe has lived much better than before, and the tribe has become much stronger.

The leader of the stone tribe is very satisfied with the achievements he has made and is proud of it.

Of course, the premise is not to compare with the Qingque tribe.

As long as he compares with this developed behemoth, his self-confidence and pride will disappear and become a deep sense of frustration.

After experiencing such things a lot, the mind of this wise man slowly became alive.

Going to the Qingque tribe to steal the teacher and learning the many incomparable magical things possessed by the Qingque tribe people are the most true thoughts of the leader of the stone tribe.

It was also a way he came up with to make his tribe stronger and develop rapidly.

It’s not easy to learn about the many methods of the Qingque tribe, because the people of the Qingque tribe take these things very seriously. They take food and fur and go to the Qingque tribe. When exchanging, there is no chance to learn this.

Occasionally, when you are lucky, you can see something from the Qingque tribe. After returning, you can think about it, and you can benefit infinitely.

The more you come into contact with the Qingque tribe, the more you ponder these things, the more you can feel the profound and infinite charm of the Qingque tribe!

The more impatient the head of the stone tribe was, the more he wanted to get more from the blue bird tribe.

However, the Qingque tribe is very close to these things.

Under such circumstances, the leader of the stone tribe, who had struggled with pain for a long time, used his ingenuity and gradually figured out a way.

This method is to bring people from your own tribe to join the Qingque tribe!

After becoming a member of the Qingque tribe, the many things that the Qingque tribe has strictly guarded by the external tribe will be open to themselves and others, and they can openly study! March Chinese

When the time comes for myself and the people in the tribe to finish learning these things, then I will find the opportunity to take the original people in the tribe and leave from the Qingque tribe and go to other places to establish a new tribe and continue living. After learning all these things, my own tribe, coupled with my own ingenuity, will surely develop rapidly!

Later, it developed into the Qingque tribe, and it was not impossible to even surpass the Qingque tribe!

The leader of the stone tribe is very confident of his own wisdom.

He felt that the reason why his tribe had such a big gap with the Qingque tribe was because the Qingque tribe had many things that his own tribe did not have.

This is the key.

If the two have the same things, under the same conditions, relying on their own ingenuity, under their own leadership, the development of their own tribe will not be worse than the Qingque tribe, and even the Qingque tribe will develop better!

The leader of the stone tribe is so confident!

It is precisely because of such self-confidence that he will take the people of the tribe at this time to do such a thing.

The people of the Qingque tribe are not allowed to join their tribe to leave the tribe. After such a thing happens, once it is discovered, the consequences are said to be very serious.

But the leader of the stone tribe is not afraid of this.

Because he has enough self-confidence to be able to take the people of the tribe in time and leave the Qingque tribe without any problems!

With the people in the tribe, the decision to join the Qingque tribe was made by the leader of the stone tribe long ago, but he has waited until now to start. It is also his consideration.

One of the biggest considerations is to worry that people in the Qingque tribe will be suspicious, so that they will be guarded against their tribe.

After all, in autumn, when many things are beginning to mature, there is plenty of food to eat.

And at the stage when the heavy snow fell, no matter how lazy or bad luck, there was still a certain amount of food stored in each tribe.

At such a time, it is too suspicious for people from the tribe to abandon their tribe and join the Qingque tribe.

At least the leader of the stone tribe thought this way.

Whether it is a guilty conscience or being too cautious, the leader of the stone tribe really thinks that way, and he has been doing it until now.

From this point alone, the leader of this stone tribe is not easy...

The wind is blowing, and there are some snowflakes. These things blow on people's faces and make people's faces hurt.

But even if that was the case, the smile on the face of the leader of the stone tribe has not faded.

With a smile on his face, he followed the people in the tribe, stepping on the deep snow and walking towards the Qingque tribe with one foot and one foot. The whole person was filled with some emotions...

Han Cheng's face was full of smiles, Wu's face was also full of smiles, and the big brother's face was also full of smiles.

Not only them, but many Qingque tribesmen are full of smiles.

This is because the people who went out to pick up the people of the Song tribe have returned, and have brought all the people of the Song tribe back.

Except for the two people who were frozen to death on the road, the other Song tribe people did not have any major problems.

Of course, what made everyone so happy was that not long after everyone came back, they had not packed their things and settled down, the leader of the stone tribe also came with some people from the stone tribe, just like the leader of the pine tribe before. In that way, it expressed the willingness to take the tribe and join the Qingque tribe.

This is equivalent to the fact that the new year has just passed this year, and my tribe has already won more than a hundred people before it does anything!

Faced with such a good thing, why don't the people of the Qingque tribe happy?

Not only the people of the Qingque tribe are happy, but also the leader of the stone tribe and the people of the stone tribe.

Because the Qingque tribe accepted them as they thought before, this is the first step in their plan to succeed.

And because the Pine Tribe’s refuge is in the front, the joining of these people will not appear abrupt, and it will not make the Qingque tribe suspicious.

The occurrence of such a thing made the leader of the stone tribe strengthen his confidence!

After all, such a coincidental thing happened like this, so that the joining of myself and others became so smooth, it has to be said that there seems to be something in the dark.

With a smile on his face, Han Cheng, after arranging people from the Song tribe, immediately arranged someone to pick up the people from the Shi tribe.

People who had been exhausted before and just took the people from the Song tribe over, and had not had time to take a good breath, drink a sip of hot tea to warm their bodies, and then asked for their orders, expressing their willingness to go again Set off, go to the stone tribe to pick up the people from the stone tribe.

Han Cheng did not agree, but let them rest in the tribe and arranged for another group of people to do this.

Not only were these people replaced, but even the donkeys pulling the sledge were replaced.

It is important to take these people who are going to join your tribe to join your tribe, but you can't overwork the elderly hands in the tribe because of this, and you can't not let the old hands be killed!

It was just one encounter in the cold, and it was really ruining to walk twice in a row!

The leader of the stone tribe did not advance with the starting sledge team, but stayed in the blue bird master tribe.

Even if it was a good cover, it couldn't hide his curiosity about the Qingque tribe.

The Qingque tribe, who has finally joined now, can access many things of the Qingque tribe without any obstacles, which makes him especially fascinated.

I just want to get in touch and understand these things as much as possible, and I don't want to bother about the rest.

After all, in my tribe, apart from the food buried a certain distance from the tribe cave, there is also a lot of food left in the cave, enough for people in the tribe to eat.

Moreover, the people in the tribe have really finished eating the food, they can go to the place where the food is buried, get some food and eat it.

As long as there is plenty of food to eat ~www.NovelMTL.com~, when there are caves, fires, and fur to keep warm, no one will freeze and starve to death.

The leader of the Stone Tribe knew this, so he didn't worry about it. Instead of following the team of the Blue Sparrow Tribe to pick up the tribe from his tribe, he arranged for several others.

Anyway, no matter who goes, the result will be the same. People from their own tribe will come and join the Blue Sparrow tribe without any death.

With this kind of kung fu, staying here in the Qingque tribe, is it not good to learn a lot?

In fact, there is a difference and a relationship, but the leader of the stone tribe doesn't know it.

Han Cheng looked at the leader of the stone tribe in the distance, frowning involuntarily.

The behavior of this person not following the sledge team to pick up his tribe, made Han Cheng a little unhappy.

Especially after comparing with the leader of the Song tribe who brought people to join his tribe not long ago, Han Chengcheng felt that some aspects of this man were not good enough. Later, when he really used it, he needed a good test. , Can't give him too much things...

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