I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1206: New Year's Gift (2 in 1)

On the first day of Qingque's fifteen years, the entire Qingque tribe was immersed in the joy of the festival.

"Happy New Year"

"Happy New Year."

The greetings full of festival atmosphere are constantly ringing here, and it makes people feel particularly comfortable to listen to.

"Look, there seems to be someone there!"

Near noon, someone pointed to a place and shouted loudly, with some doubts in the voice.

Han Cheng, who was standing on top of the ice of the small river with a whip in his hand, was standing among a group of children playing spinning tops. Hearing such a shout, he stopped his movements and looked in the direction pointed by the man.

Sure enough, at a distance from the tribe, a group of people were stepping on the snow, and they seemed to be coming here with difficulty.

Han Cheng squinted his eyes for a while, and he had already determined that these people were not from his own tribe.

Not only the clothing of these people, but also the stumbling and weak appearance of these people walking along.

After taking a few glances, Han Cheng lowered his head.

Seeing that his spinning top was about to stop spinning, he hurriedly pumped a few whips to save it.

Basically, the rest of the people outside the tribe didn't have much reaction. After a few glances at the people, they went on to do their own thing.

This is not just because there are too few people coming, but now the Qingque tribe is already very powerful, and it is not something such a person can threaten.

Another important reason is that after a short while, there are already more than 20 people, carrying weapons and riding donkeys from the tribe, and greet them all the way.

The donkey cavalry in the tribe is dispatched, even if the people who come have really had any problems, facing the elite donkey cavalry in the tribe, there will be no problems.

This is not boasting, nor is it blindly self-confident, but because the people in the Qingque tribe do indeed have this strength and qualifications.

The donkey cavalry stopped in front of these people. After a while, someone turned the donkey's head and urged the donkey to trot forward, and the donkey ran towards the main tribe.

As for the rest of the people, they all turned their donkey heads one after another, controlling the donkey slowly towards the tribe.

Behind them, followed by the leader of the Pine tribe and others who came along braving the snow...

A large shed in the tribe of the green bird was lit here, and there were several stoves made of clay.

Some of the stoves are copper pots, and some are copper kettles.

There was clean water in it, and at this time the burned heat was blowing out.

Whether it is for drinking, or scooping some into a basin and mixing with some cold water to wash hands, face, and fruit, it is very good.

The leader of the Song tribe and others were sitting in the shed at this time, holding a large pottery bowl in his hands, and constantly sucking the hot water inside.

After roasting on the stove and sipping a bowl of hot tea, the body was frozen and stiff, and it seemed that there was no sensation. This slowly slowed down.

The leader of the Pine tribe became eager again just after he was relieved.

He carefully put down the tea bowl in his hand, then stood up and walked outside with his hands on his knees.

He wanted to see the Son of God once again, and begged the Son of God to send people to their tribe quickly and take all the people in their tribe...

When I walked out of the big shed, I saw something strange in style, which was brought to the main square by the Qingque tribe.

Many people are busy here, putting pots and pans, food fur and other things on these things.

Seeing such a scene, the leader of the Song tribe couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and the whole person became relaxed.

It is not only the people he understands the Qingque tribe, but they are preparing with all their strength, preparing to go to his tribe to pick up the rest of his tribe.

More importantly, seeing these tools in front of him, the leader of the Pine tribe remembered that the Qingque tribe has something that allows big animals to drag forward in the snow!

It is said that people can move forward without walking without sitting on it, and it is much faster than people walking in the snow!

The leader of the Song tribe, who has always been worried about the late arrival and that the people of his tribe will die from freezing and starvation, will naturally breathe a sigh of relief when he sees this...

Han Cheng’s face is full of smiles. The new year begins with the surrender of other tribes. This is really a very good sign!

Such a New Year gift is really a heartfelt joy for people!

Han Cheng naturally had no reason to refuse this kind of gift.

So after understanding the leader of the Song tribe and knowing the situation facing the Song tribe, Han Cheng did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to arrange people to prepare quickly so that they could set off towards the Song tribe as soon as possible. .

Because from now on, the people of the Song tribe belong to their own tribe!

Every loss of one person is equivalent to reducing the number of people in his tribe by one. How could Han Cheng bear such a thing?

It took about an hour or so, from the preparation of relief supplies and personnel deployment, etc., these things have been prepared.

Some cooked meals and these things were already prepared at this time, and they were carried from the kitchen.

After learning what Song had said, Han Cheng arranged it as soon as possible, so that the people who went to the rescue could eat it.

After eating early, so that they can leave early and pick them up early.

As for today’s New Year’s Day, if you don’t need to work, you need to take a break. There are clouds before you save people.

There were fifty people who went to the rescue this time. The **** son Han Cheng and the leader of the big brother were all waiting in the tribe and did not participate in it.

The people in the tribe have now been trained, and they have many people who can be deployed and who can take on some big tasks.

For such things, people like Han Cheng and senior brothers are no longer required to go out. You only need to arrange some people to go down, and you can do it properly.

After eating the food, these fifty people, led by their leader, put the donkey on the sledge, and then drove the donkey away from the tribe and headed outside.

The leader of the Pine tribe also got on a sledge, and was pulled forward by the sledge on it.

Han Cheng didn't want the leader of the Song tribe to go back. From here to the Song tribe, there were people in the tribe who knew the way, and there was more than one.

Walking on the ice and snow on the road, the leader of the Pine tribe has been tossed enough.

The best thing now is to take a good rest in your own tribe, don't go anywhere, don't suffer in this ice world.

The leader of the Pine tribe refused to say anything, and insisted on following the Qingque tribe.

After hearing the translation, Han Cheng understood what he meant.

He said that his tribe still has two people on the way, and there are still many people in the tribe waiting.

When I came, I had already told them that I would pick them up.

Han Cheng didn't want him to go.

But after hearing him say this and seeing him persisting like this, I finally agreed.

Seeing the leader of the Pine tribe who was sitting on the sledge and leaving the tribe, facing the wind and snow all the way to the distance, Han Cheng couldn't help showing some smiles on his face.

The leader of the Song tribe is quite good, he is a man of affection and responsibility.

Such a person can rest assured to entrust him with the important task!

When time comes, he will come back with the rescue team, join his tribe thoroughly, become familiar with his tribe’s lifestyle, and then find some affairs to experience, then time is a talent that can be used!


hold onto! You must hold on!

Together with the people from the Qingque tribe, I brought a lot of food, and I can run on the snow, so I don't have to walk by myself to pick you up!

Sitting on a sledge in the cold wind, with a furry and extremely warm hat on his head, gloves on his hands, and a black linen cloth over his eyes, the leader of the pine tribe, clenched his fists, constantly in his heart It was talking like this inside.

The whole person is extremely nervous and anxious.

He was not worried about those who remained in the tribe.

With these things called sledges, people in the tribe can support themselves and others, basically there is no problem.

What he felt most anxious about was the two people who offered to walk behind because of the inconvenience of their legs and feet in order not to drag everyone down.

He is really worried about the accident between these two people!

Sitting on the sledge, the leader of the Song tribe, who was full of nervousness, whispered this in his heart, craned his neck to look forward and around, dreaming of seeing the two figures of his tribe.

Then, the eyes are all white and there is no trace of them.

This made the leader of the Pine tribe even more anxious...

The sledge walking in the front stopped, and some voices came.

The leading sledge stopped, and the other sledges that followed also stopped slowly.

The leader of the Song tribe, who had been looking anxiously, couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

He hurriedly got up from the stopped sledge and looked forward with his toes.

Because there were so many people standing there, I couldn't see exactly what was going on there.

The leader of the pine tribe kept comforting himself while getting down from the sledge and swiftly moving forward.

Not far in front of the front sledge, leading to the Pine Clan, there were some dark shadows.

Some snowflakes fell on the black shadow.

It suddenly seemed to make people think that it was a stone standing in the middle of the road, or some wild animals were frozen to death and stood there.

But a closer look will reveal the clues.

That is not a beast of mountains and rocks at all, but a person!

Not one, but two!

One person was lying on the ground, looking like he had fallen to the ground, while the other was sitting next to him, as if guarding him.

It can be inferred roughly from their posture that it is very likely that a person fell to the ground and could not stand up for a while.

The other person who didn't have much strength couldn't help him up, so he sat down here, and wanted to wait for the person who fell to the ground to recover some strength, then get up and continue walking together.

As a result, when he stopped, he could no longer stand up, and it became eternal, and became a sculpture-like existence.

The leader of the pine tribe was shaking all over.

He slapped the snow off the two people with his frostbitten hands, moving very lightly, as if he was worried that they would be disturbed.

Looking at the faces of the two people and touching their bodies like ice sculptures, the leader of the Pine tribe finally couldn't control his emotions.

His legs softened, he sat on the snow, looked at the two of them, and cried loudly in front of everyone.

Bringing food and the opportunity to live, the person who was thinking about it has already died first. This result is the most uncomfortable...

The stopped sledge team set off again, and on top of a sledge, there were four people sitting.

Except for the driver, one of the remaining people is the leader of the Song tribe, and the other two are the two people of the Song tribe who remain dead.

The leader of the pine tribe begged the leader to allow him to take the two of them, because he was worried that they would stay here, and when they came back, they would be found and eaten by some beasts.

He wanted to drag these two people to the Qingque tribe, where they burned them.

When they had gone to the Qingque tribe with him before, they died on the way there. He wanted to use this method to let them go to the Qingque tribe...


The cold wind was whistling, and the long sledge team crushed the snow all the way towards the Qingque tribe.

On the sledge that looked empty when I went, it was full of people or things.

Sitting on this is a member of the Song tribe.

The weather was still cold at this time, and the sky was still snowing, but these people were no longer panicking.

Sitting on the sledge, they looked at the donkey walking on four legs, and then felt the warmth from the soft skin [58fo] hair on the body. They only felt a deep peace of mind...

In the wind and snow, in the other direction, there was also a group of people braving the cold~www.NovelMTL.com~ stepping on the snow and walking forward.

There are about a dozen people in this group.

Although they are not in the same place as the Qingque tribes who returned from the sledge team carrying the Song tribesmen, their destination is the same, they are all Qingque master tribes.

The leader of the stone tribe walked in the team, leaning on a weapon that was used as a walking stick in one hand, and couldn't help rubbing the other hand on his eyes that had blinked vigorously.

The leader of the Stone Tribe did not look strong, and was not conspicuous among the group of people heading towards the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

But he can also become the leader of the stone tribe, and in the tribe, there is a very high prestige.

To be able to achieve such an achievement, the leader of this stone tribe certainly has an extraordinary place.

He is different from ordinary tribal leaders who rely on their bodies to be strong and superior. It is his wisdom that he relies on and can convince people in the tribe to obey him...

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