I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1208: Beat (2 in 1)

On the large square of the Qingque tribe, everyone is listed here in order.

On the exquisitely long table, there is a model of an ultra-small sailboat, and on the other side is a model of a hand-operated spinning machine.

Behind the long table, erected tribal totem poles that looked very primitive and rough, the original meaning is very full.

The totem pole stands there. Under the totem pole, is a special square block of stone. A round hole is drilled out of the middle of the block. The totem pole can be placed inside and kept in a non-falling posture.

On the platform, beside the totem pole, Han Cheng, the **** of the tribe, stood here.

And below the platform, standing farther forward are the two newcomers to the Qingque tribe, Shi Tribe and Songbe.

The two tribes of men and women, old and young, added together, a total of 163 people!

Among them, there are more people in the Stone tribe than in the Song tribe, with 95 people.

From the number of people alone, it can be seen that the Stone Tribe is stronger than the Song Tribe.

With such a large number of people, it is enough for Han Cheng, who is in the tribe, to hold a ceremony for them to enter the tribe meeting.

After the process, amidst the sounds of drums that appeared to be majestic, the statue of Qingquezun was lifted out.

Bowls of green bird wine were also produced and delivered to the people of the Shi and Song tribes.

Such a scene, such a mysterious ritual, made the people of the Pine Tribe and the Stone Tribe feel particularly shocked!

Mind was shocked!

"After drinking this bowl of Qingque wine, you will be the Qingque people from now on! From then on, you must not betray the tribe or do anything to harm the tribe! Otherwise, you will beheaded to show the public, and you will always become a slave to the tribe, and you will never be forgiven. Go to the mine to dig, until you die!"

With a bowl of Qingque wine in his hand, Han Cheng spoke slowly and full of majesty.

The first interpreter in the tribe stood here and gave a very accurate interpretation of what Han Cheng said to everyone present.

And Han Cheng's gaze slowly scanned everyone.

After understanding the meaning of what Han Cheng said, everyone, including the leader of the stone tribe, couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

When their gazes were on the high platform, the **** of the Qingque tribe, who was given too much mystery and full of legends, stared at each other with majestic and murderous gazes, they all lowered their heads and dared not follow it. Look at each other!

The head of the stone tribe with his head down couldn't help beating his heart, as if he wanted to jump out.

The extremely scary words that the **** child of the Qingque tribe just said, coupled with the look in his eyes just now, made him feel like he was completely seen through!

At the beginning, the leader of the stone tribe was full of confidence in his trip, and it continued until a short while ago, he did not have any doubts that he could accomplish the goal as expected in this trip!

But now, I feel the solemn atmosphere that I have never felt before, experience these scenes I have never experienced before, and hear such unsympathetic words, and I have never been smiling from the **** of the Qingque tribe. After seeing such a face and expression on his body, the unshakable heart of the leader of the stone tribe seemed to have been hit by some heavy blow, and suddenly became restless!

The heart that has never been shaken, shaken at this time!

Han Cheng didn't say a word, standing on the high platform, looking at everyone present with expressionless expression.

This silent silence caused many people to tremble involuntarily, and brought them a great sense of oppression!

"People who didn't think about it well before can still regret it now. I won't blame you for this!

Now, I can give you a chance to regret!

You can choose not to drink Qingque wine! "

After a while, according to past experience, the heat was almost over, and Han Cheng began to break the speechless and extremely painful silence, and said aloud.

This sudden sound made many people suddenly startled, and their hands holding the bowl trembled, almost not spilling the wine in it!

After saying these words, Han Cheng fell silent again, staring at them blankly, waiting for them to make a statement.

The atmosphere also became more depressing than before.

Many people couldn't help turning their heads to look at the leaders of their tribe, wanting to get enlightenment from their leaders.

Want to know what they should do next.

The leader of the Song tribe with frostbite on his face did not hesitate too much. He put the wine bowl in his hand to his mouth, raised his neck, and drank it.

Their tribe has no retreat, leaving the Qingque tribe without a chance to survive.

At the beginning, the leader of the Pine Tribe was still entangled in the fact that after joining the Blue Sparrow Tribe, his tribe would completely disappear, but after seeing the two people of his tribe who were frozen into ice sculptures, he saw himself After the hungry people of the tribe came to the Qingque tribe and lived a life of worry-free food and clothing, the entanglement in the hearts of the leader of the Song tribe was relieved!

These things are imaginary and can be ignored. People in the tribe can live without worrying about dying because of hunger and cold. This is the biggest thing and the most satisfying.

The leader of the Pine tribe originally wanted to be more decisive.

But underestimated the wine strength.

After pouring a bowl of wine in a row, a face turned red!

The rest of the Song tribe who came quietly looked at them, and after seeing the actions of their tribe leader, they no longer hesitated, and they raised their necks and poured the wine in the bowl in their hands.

Then there were many red faces and a series of coughs.

The leader of the Pine Tribe who had been holding back desperately, couldn't help but pull a smile on his face.

If I hadn't tried my best to hold it back just now, the people of my tribe would definitely not drink it so swiftly, then it would definitely be a lot less people to enjoy the taste.

The leader of the pine tribe thought in his heart that it was time to be as naughty as a child.

However, before the smile on his face was completely dissipated, an uncontrollable violent cough came from his mouth...

The leader of the Stone tribe was awakened by this series of coughs. He turned his head to find that the people of the Song tribe had already drunk the Qingque wine, and many people in his tribe were still looking at him eagerly and waiting for him. To make a decision.

At this time, there is no way back!

I took the people of the tribe and finally came to the present stage. As long as I drink this bowl of wine, I can become a member of the Qingque tribe, and I can take the people of the tribe and learn a lot!

At this time, how could he be afraid of what the **** child of the Qingque tribe said, not to do what he had planned before, and to give up the opportunity for his tribe to grow rapidly?

With my own wisdom, there will be nothing, and I must be able to learn enough things to leave the Qingque tribe smoothly!

I kept thinking like this in my heart, cheering for myself, strengthening my confidence for myself, the leader of the stone tribe gritted his teeth secretly, raised his neck and poured the contents of the wine bowl in his hand.

He didn't cough, but his face became flushed.

Seeing the actions of the leader of their own tribe, the others also raised their necks and drank the wine.

There are also some people from the stone tribe who feel hesitated and panic. They know what their leader is carrying himself and waiting for someone to come over.

Isn't the words that the **** of the Qingque tribe said just now for people like them?

But seeing that the leader of his tribe and many other people also drank it, the Shang also gritted his teeth and poured it down.

But this wine is not wonderful at all, on the contrary, it is particularly frightening and makes people feel particularly heavy.

The people of the Stone Tribe who have always felt that the wind is going well before, and are happy for the actions of themselves and others, after drinking a green bird wine, they are all overshadowed in their hearts, not going back to the previous time. I can't find the feeling before...

According to past practice, after such a ceremony was held to formally confirm that these people had joined their tribe, these people would be split up.

This is also true now. The people of the Stone tribe and the Song tribe, where they lived and what they did when they were in the main tribe, have been taken apart and mixed with the old hands of the Qingque tribe.

At this time, it is a real slack in agriculture.

Under the heavy snow cover, many people feel at ease.

At this time, it is a good time for the model play in the tribe and the various schools to show off!

In addition to the formal schools for minors, there are also various literacy classes.

For those illiterate adults, especially those who have just entered the Qingque tribe, and many people who don't even speak the common language of the Qingque tribe, teach.

Strengthen the ideological education of the Aiqingque tribe, improve the cultural level of the people of the Qingque tribe, let the people in the tribe realize how powerful their tribe is, and understand how such a good life comes from, and what they should do in the future. It can make the tribe stronger, and make the lives of yourself and others better.

The material standard of living has risen, and the corresponding cultural qualities also need to keep up. Only when walking on two legs can the tribe walk more securely and go longer.

It's just that compared to the materials that can be seen by the naked eye, the shaping and construction of spiritual civilization should appear more moisturizing and silent, making it difficult to detect.

For the results it produces, it is also not easy to feel.

But when it really comes to the critical moment, these things that are invisible and extremely imperceptible can often burst out with unexpected and shocking power and charm!

The Pine Tribe and Stone Tribe, which have just joined the Qingque Tribe, are the key care objects.

They joined the Qingque tribe. Except for the time to eat and sleep, most of the remaining time was spent learning the Qingque tribe’s language and characters, as well as brushing the language and characters that have been passed down in the tribe for a long time. Above the Qingque tribe model play which has a strong educational significance to people.

Such a thing is completely different from what the people of the two tribes who joined the Qingque tribe envisioned.

In their impression, after joining the Qingque tribe, they and others will start to learn a lot of the Qingque tribe's work and the use of some new tools.

For these, many people remain curious and worried.

I am worried that these new labors and tools are too difficult to learn and control, and that I can't use them well.

But now, after I and others joined the Qingque tribe, what they did the most was not this, but they were constantly learning the language of the Qingque tribe and the square characters.

It is not the same as previously imagined!

In the past, these people have never deliberately studied language and writing.

Language Since they were young, they have come into contact with the language of their tribe, so naturally, they don't find it difficult. As for the characters that match the language, there is no.

Now that I came to the Qingque tribe and started to learn these things, they discovered that these things are really unusually big!

For those tools of the Qingque tribe that have not been in contact with them so far, and those who have not been exposed to work, they feel even more unpredictable in their hearts, and they have no confidence in themselves.

Logically speaking, learning things are easy first and then difficult.

And now that the things that I and others came into contact with before coming to the tribe are already so difficult, then the next thing is obviously more difficult, and it feels even more hair loss.

Even the leader of the stone tribe, who has always been very confident in his own wisdom, couldn't help but make trouble in his heart...

The tall mountains blocked the strong cold air, and the overall east-west direction of the river valley area was much warmer at this time.

A river flows slowly by ~www.NovelMTL.com~ There are many big rocks in the riverbed, and there are wide valleys on both sides of the river.

Grass is overgrown in the valley.

Many grasses are already yellow, but some of the grasses are still green.

Whether it is yellow grass or these green grasses, for cattle, sheep, horses and other animals, in this winter, they are rare and good things, so the last one eats extremely greedy, greedy There is some leisure.

The cattle, horses, sheep and other animals are eating grass safely here, but the people who graze cattle and horses are not half safe.

The leader of the hill tribe held a grazing whip in his hand and stood on a large rock, looking at these animals eating grass, his face was full of sorrow.

Not only him, but also many hill tribe people present.

The main reason, or the direct reason, that made them feel particularly sad was that yesterday, a person from their tribe...

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