I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1205: Departed Pine Tribe (2 in 1)

In the heavy snow, a group of people are walking on the snow, looking hard.

The snow is too deep, and in some places the knees are not over, even some people will slip into the ditch accidentally, and the snow inside will almost cover people.

Walking in this situation is extraordinarily laborious.

Everyone who walked was panting with big mouths, and a large amount of white air rose with their breathing.

Their beards, eyebrows, and hair on their foreheads were frozen as a result, looking like rime.


It was a difficult journey. After a while, the leader of the Song Clan who followed the crowd in the crowd panted and opened his mouth.

What he meant was to let everyone in the tribe eat something and rest before leaving.

After hearing what he said, these people walked a short distance in front and stopped under a big pine tree.

The branches and leaves of the pine trees are dense, and a lot of snow is blocked by its branches and leaves. There is not much snow below, so it is suitable for a short rest here.

There is a thick layer of pine needles accumulated under the pine trees, there are empty pine cones, and branches that are broken by the wind or by the snow of previous years.

These things are excellent fire materials.

Even if it is wet due to snow, it is easy to ignite it.

On the one hand, it is snow instead of rain.

Winter is cold and dry, and the snow is frozen and basically does not melt much. The cold that is often blown will take away moisture, so even if the dry wood under the snow is wet, it will only moisten the top layer.

There is basically no problem with the following.

In addition, there is not much snow under the pine trees, so it is easy to find dry firewood later.

Another reason is that pine trees have oily skin that is rich in oil.

Whether it is pine needles, pine cones or pine branches, it contains oil and it is easy to burn.

The people of the pine tribe cleaned up the thick pine needles and other things that had been piled up here, and created an open space without firewood, and quickly lit two piles of fire.

The crowd found the stone, placed it on the side of the fire, and quickly set up a simple stove.

Put the earthenware pot that you carried with you and exchanged it from the Qingque tribe on it, and put the snow in it.

After a while, the snow melted into water, and then the food was thrown into it, sprinkled with some salt, and boiled vigorously, and it was an exceptionally delicious food in a clay pot.

The people of the Song tribe surrounded the fire, warming the fire while expecting the food to be cooked quickly.

When I walked, I didn’t feel that much. At this time, I stopped and my sweaty body suddenly became cold.

Drinking some hot soup is the most important thing, and it is very attractive to everyone present.

The leader of the Pine tribe sat here, looking at the fire, looking a little lost.

It has been such a long time since making a decision, and he has taken people to the direction of the Qingque tribe and walked such a long distance, but his heart is still disturbed by this thing all the time. , I feel worried and tangled about this matter.

This time he went there to bring people from the tribe to tell the people of the Qingque tribe that they couldn't hold on, and they didn't want to continue to work hard and wanted to join the Qingque tribe.

The entanglement and worry of the leader of the Song tribe originated from this.

Of course, I am not worried about being given a happy ball by the ‘big money’ of Qingque tribe.

It's not that I was worried that I took the people of the tribe, and after braving the severe cold, the people of the Qingque tribe would not accept their tribe's refuge, and they would not even be given the chance to be slapped happy ball.

When going to the Qingque tribe to exchange for things, those from the Qingque tribe who exchanged with themselves and others will sincerely tell them every time after the exchange is successful, they can come to the Qingque tribe if they can’t live their lives. Here, you can join the Qingque tribe.

The hospitable and kind-hearted Qingque tribe is willing to accept them who can't live on, and to ensure that they can get enough food and clothing to live a life far beyond before.

Every time they exchanged, people from the Qingque tribe would say this to them.

After the prolonged period, such words took root in their minds like a curse.

It’s not obvious in normal times, when the days go smoothly, but when they encounter some difficulties, these words will sway in their minds, and they can’t help but always want to do this. .

For the Qingque tribe, the leader of the Song tribe believed very much.

Because of such a long time of dealings, he had long understood what kind of tribe the Qingque tribe was.

This is an extraordinarily strong and wealthy tribe that is extraordinarily trustworthy.

They said these words, then they must be effective.

Moreover, the neighboring tribe of his tribe fell into the embrace of the Qingque tribe last winter.

This year, I met them when I was taking people to the Qingque tribe to exchange things. These originally dark and thin people were generally fatter.

They all lived the beautiful life of the Qingque tribe people.

With such a precedent, the leader of the Song tribe is even more relieved.

But thinking like this, the situation is also such a situation. When it was really done, the leader of the Song tribe still couldn't get through this hurdle in his heart.

Because of this behavior, after all, he gave up his tribe, which will make his tribe no longer exist.

The idea that had been formed in his heart for a long time was constantly appearing in his heart at this time, constantly torturing him, making him especially entangled and upset.


After eating the cooked food and resting here for a while, the leader of the Song Tribe Qiang Zi suppressed the idea of ​​wanting to rest here for a while, stood up, and followed him. Those who were going to the Qingque tribe said so loudly, urging them to get up quickly, so they arrived at the Qingque tribe early.

Get things done early.

Although the entanglement in the heart is entangled, no matter what, when it really takes action, the leader of the Pine tribe can still move towards the goal of the Blue Sparrow tribe with great determination.

Of course, the entanglement and guilt in the heart are not less than half.

This is the same as the people of later generations, while playing with mobile phones, while delaying other things because of too much mobile phone use, wasting time and feeling guilty and uneasy, but could not put down the mobile phone, still holding the mobile phone and swiping constantly The behaviors have a lot in common.


The cold wind is bleak, but there is some sunshine in the sky.

The sun is not strong, and it can't bring people any warmth, but it gives the eyes full of snow to the white flowers that shine. The piercing eyes make people feel like they can't open their eyes.

The leader of the Song tribe walked here with the people of the Song tribe.

When they came out, they wrapped a large part of the fur in the tribe, one by one, they looked like teddy bears.

But even so, they all get frostbite on their way in such weather.

The most serious ones are the hands that need to be exposed to do something from time to time, the faces that are exposed to the outside and cannot be wrapped, and the feet that support them stepping on the snow in this cold winter. .

The face of the leader of the Pine tribe became messy at this time, and it was full of cuts cut by the cold wind.

These are not the most uncomfortable, the most uncomfortable is the piece of frostbite.

This is more difficult to exist.

Although the face of the leader of the Song tribe is messed up, it is still possible to see the look of the leader of the Song tribe through such a face.

The biggest reason is not that he was frozen like this in the cold, nor is he still struggling to give up the guilt of the tribe.

But because the snow is too big.

It is indeed because the snow is too much, or the leader of the Pine tribe neglects that in such weather conditions, long-distance walking will indefinitely slow down the speed of people, and then continue to pull the distance between the two places. long.

He had been to the Qingque tribe, and he had been there more than once, knowing the distance and how long it would take to go.

I also know that walking in the snow is slow.

So when he was preparing this time, he just brought two more days of food, and it didn't matter if he planned to go to the Qingque tribe.

But now, look at the lumps tied on the animal skin strips hanging on the clothes, and look at the Blue Sparrow tribe, which is still a long way away. The head of the Pine tribe’s heart is suddenly caught up with fire. .

For himself and others, but also for those who were left in the tribe by him to feel worried and anxious.

After all, there are many people in the tribe, and the food in the tribe is limited. The food he left with the people in the tribe when he left was not much.

It takes such a long time to wait for people to go to the Qingque tribe. When it is time to wait for someone to reach the Qingque tribe, join the Qingque tribe, and then set off from the Qingque tribe to pick up people from your own tribe, and it will cost a lot time……

At this time, it is freezing cold and lack of food can really kill people!

The leader of the Pine tribe is really worried about the people in the cave in his tribe.

In fact, it's not just these things, but his eyes.

There was a big problem with his eyes. I don't know when they became red and swollen and stinging, and his vision became blurred.

The leader of the pine tribe is really worried about his own eyes.

I'm worried that I won't see the way in the future, and even more worried that I won't see the way before I reach the Qingque tribe!

In this case, not only is waiting for others finished, but also those who stayed in the tribe in the tribe!

It is impossible to support these people through this cold winter just by relying on the food left in the tribe!

It is very understandable that the leader of the pine tribe has such an anxious mood.

Because in the entire team, it is not just him alone, but everyone who has such problems with eyes!

He really didn't dare to imagine the terrible scene where he and the others hadn't reached the Qingque tribe before all eyes could see anything!

In this case, my tribe will really disappear completely, and it will be completely destroyed!


Thinking like this in his heart, the leader of the Song tribe couldn't help but yelled in a hoarse voice, urging the people in the team to leave.

Although they are very tired, they still have to go desperately and rush to the Qingque tribe!

At least rush to the Qingque tribe before you can see things.

In this case, even if you are blind when you wait for someone there, the people of the Qingque tribe don't need to wait for others. Those who stay in the tribe can also join the Qingque tribe and get help from the Qingque tribe.

Even if it was because of the snow, the people of the Qingque tribe passed a bit late, and some of the people left in their tribe died, but after all, there are still some people who can survive and will not die!

Everyone present also knew the importance of things.

Arriving to the Qingque tribe earlier is not only a self-help for myself and others, but also a rescue for those who remain in the tribe.

One by one desperately rushed towards the Qingque tribe.

There were even two people who had their toes frozen or injured their legs and feet on the way, and they were not very convenient. After following the speed of the crowd, they barely walked forward for a certain distance. It was proposed to let those who walk fast go first, and rush to the Qingque tribe as soon as possible.

Those of them who walked slowly rushed to the Qingque tribe as quickly as possible behind them, without dragging everyone down.

The leader of the Song tribe knew that once they agreed to such a thing and left these two people behind, there was a great possibility that these two people would die!

Because at this time, there are not only the terrible cold and hunger, but also the beasts that become hungry because of the heavy snow and are looking for food.

When there are too many people, these guys dare not come up even if they meet, but when there are few people, they are totally different!

The two people who left the big team and walked forward together, if they encounter these beasts, then... the result will be understood without much thinking.


Pine with red eyes did not hesitate too much and agreed to the two people's request~www.NovelMTL.com~ just gave them some food, and fire, and then beat them on their chests with their hands. , And then proceeded with acceleration.

The situation is too urgent, so that the leader of the Song tribe does not have too much hesitation, and does not have too much time to do too many farewell rituals...

On the way, the leader of the Song tribe and others couldn't help but look back frequently. The two people who tried to move forward were finally invisible by them.

Upon entering the eye, it became a vast expanse of whiteness, that kind of dazzling whiteness...


The snow falling from the sky, staring hard, looking at the behemoth that appeared in front of him and the flag that didn't fly much because of the cold, the leader of the Pine tribe gave a hard smile...

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