I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1204: The end of the 14th year of Qingque (2 in 1)

Large piles of bonfires were lit, and the bright flames reflected the red sky, and also reflected the white snow and faces.

"Boom, boom~!"

The bamboo, which was cut into large sections, was put on the fire by some children who liked to do these things for burning. The air in the bamboo joints expanded rapidly by heating, and the appearance of the bamboo poles changed due to the burning of the flames. It's not strong.

As a result, these bamboo joints soon exploded.

There was a muffled noise, some sparks exploded, and the children laughed with excitement and a little scared.

In many rooms, lights were also lit, and orange light leaked from the windows, and the patterns cut out of red paper pasted on the window papers reflected more vividly.

This is the end of the fourteenth year of Qingque.

The twelfth lunar month this year is a small advance. There is no thirty, and twenty-nine will be regarded as thirty.

Not all people participated in the joy of the New Year.

For example, Liang, and the nurses who attacked with Liang, and the man waiting anxiously outside the delivery room with the doors and windows closed.

A burst of firecrackers sounded continuously, making this snowy night even more lively.

At this moment, the door of the delivery room was opened from the inside, sweat was shining on his forehead, and he hugged a thick swaddle, walked out from it, and smiled on the swaddle, together with the inside. The little baby handed it to this and waited for a long time, his face was full of tension and expectation.

Little babies are soft and small, even if they are wrapped in a swaddle, they are not easy to hold.

This person, who was obviously the father of the child, immediately froze after taking the baby from Liang's arms, and he maintained a very awkward posture, holding the child not daring to change posture easily.

It seemed that what he was holding was not a child at all, but a time bomb.

Even so, he put his head in front of the child's face, looking at the sleeping child among the infants, his face was still full of smiles.

Standing here and watching the child for a while, this young man who became a dad for the first time, holding a time bomb, walked all the way into the delivery room and went to find his wife.

Looking at the joyous scene in front of him, and then listening to the joyful and happy voices of the young couple in the delivery room behind him, Liang stretched out his hand to take off the mask, hung it by his ear, and then squatted. Come down.

There was a smile on the whole person's face.

Rescuing the dying and healing the wounded is his greatest happiness as a healer, especially when the target is parturients and new babies born successfully.

The joy of this new life will make him happy and let him ignore the exhaustion.

Ignore the fact that I didn't even eat the most important New Year's Eve dinner of the year.

Two large food boxes woven with bamboo and the thickness of a barrel appeared in front of Liang's eyes and placed them in front of him.

There are two human legs that appear with one of them.

After the food box was placed on the ground, the two legs were bent down, and a person appeared in front of Liang's eyes.

Han Cheng stretched out his hand to open the lid of the food box, and smiled and said to Liang, "How about it? Tired out?"

Then take the contents of the double-layer food box one by one out and place them on the ground.

The food taken out of the food box is steaming, and you can see that it has been preserved very well.

It is very likely that it has been kept in the pot all the time.

Han Cheng took out a lot of dishes, a full eight dishes.

There are at least two kinds of dishes on a plate.

It’s the kind of dishes that have never been eaten before

This is what Han Cheng deliberately left before the New Year's Eve dinner started for Liang and the medical staff who were busy in the delivery room.

After Han Cheng opened these and put them down, another person walked over. This person was holding a cane for anti-skid in one hand and a large food box in the other.

This person is not someone else, but a witch.

Han Cheng didn't want Wu to do these things, but Wu refused, insisted on doing this, and wanted to do something for the children in the tribe.

He walked over, put the food box on the ground, and put the crutches on the ground, then opened it, and brought out the food inside with his streaked hands.

Liang, as well as the three nurses greeted by Han Cheng, were flattered and moved when they saw the food Han Cheng brought. At this time, watching the old witch step on the snow After coming over, I was even more excited and touched.

Looking at the food in front of me, as well as the two gods and witches who are extremely respected in the tribe, including Liang, their eye sockets are hot.

"God, son of god, witch, this, this..."

They stood up from the ground excitedly, not knowing what to say.

Han Cheng waved his hand again and again: "Hurry up and eat while it's hot. It's specially covered in the pot for you. It's cold, and it won't taste good when it's cold."

As he said, he stuffed his chopsticks into the hands of several people.

Then he fumbled out two sealed gourds from the big pockets of his clothes.

The gourd is filled with wine.

Han Cheng unplugged the gourd stopper, and poured some turbid wine into the several bowls laid out.

Then push the wine bowl one by one to the others.

"Come on, let's drink one."

Han Cheng took the lead in holding up the wine bowl and greeted Liang with a smile.

Several people picked up the wine bowls one after another, and the young man who had just become a father was among them, and Han Cheng greeted him.

This guy has been waiting outside the delivery room ever since his daughter-in-law entered the delivery room, but also did not eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

With a bang, several wine bowls slammed together and made some noises. After they were separated, the somewhat sour wine syrup in them was poured into their respective mouths.

Han Cheng put down the wine bowl in his hand, Wu Ye put down the wine bowl, the wine in it was gone.

This is not because of how good their alcohol is, but because Han Cheng's bowl contains only half a bowl of wine, and Wu's bowl contains even less wine.

"You eat, let's go to other places."

When the wine bowl was put down, Han Chengcheng stood up and said to several people in Liang, and then went into the delivery room with Wu to see the baby.

He had already noticed that there were two of them here, and it was uncomfortable for a few of them to eat.

Liang is better, after all, he is an old man in the tribe, and the others are not.

At this time, Han Cheng naturally couldn't stay here for more, affecting a few people who had been working hard for such a long time to eat.

Sure enough, after the two of them left, a few people started to eat, and immediately let go.

Chewing Shang Wen's braised pork, a nurse's big eyes could not help but bend into crescents.

This feeling of being cared for and remembered by others is really good.

Han Cheng and Wu walked into the delivery room.

In the delivery room, the young woman who had not given birth for a long time was sitting there eating egg tea.

There is sugar in it. For people in the tribe, this is also the best food made with the best ingredients.

"You eat, you eat, we come in to see the children."

Han Cheng motioned to see the two of them coming in, and looked very excited. He put the bowl aside, and the novice mother who finished eating waved her hand again and again, signaled her not to get up and continue eating.

Then he hugged the baby swaddling from the side.

Han Cheng is the father of three children. Although the third little guy was not in the main tribe before, he did not take care of him, but he still has experience in holding children.

At this time, it is still very easy to hold, not like this child's father, holding a child is like holding a time bomb.

The newly born little guy couldn't see where to go, and he was sleeping right now.

Even so, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel happy when he looked at this new-born little guy.

Perhaps every newborn baby represents a new hope with infinite possibilities!

After watching this little child here for a while, Han Cheng and Wu didn't stay here for too long, they quickly put it down, gave it back to his mother, and left.


"Boom boom..."

In the courtyard where no firecrackers sounded for a long time, a series of firecrackers sounded again.

Along with it, there was the sound of loud gongs and drums.

The Qingque tribe, which had been quiet for a while, suddenly became lively.

This means that the time is basically near zero.

Han Cheng, who was sitting in the shed outside the courtyard, was on fire. Hearing the movement, he stopped knocking the pine cones. He walked out of the shed and came into the courtyard to watch the people in the tribe lively.

The wee hours have arrived, which means that the fourteen years of the Qingque is completely over, and the new 15 years of the Qingque has arrived.

It's another new year!

Han Cheng stood here, watching the scene in front of him, thinking about the meaning of this scene, his mood was a little ups and downs for a while.

This year’s New Year, I still haven’t eaten dumplings...

After such a thought came up in his heart, Han Cheng, who had just appeared a little energetic, his face suddenly collapsed.

The child who was just born two or three hours ago is now...two years old!

Don't be surprised why a child who has just been born a few hours is suddenly two years old.

Because according to the algorithm in Han Cheng's hometown, he is indeed two years old.

Because the few hours after the baby was born, it has been one year, which is equivalent to two years.

After two years, it was naturally two years old.

Of course, the method of even age here is an imaginary age, which is calculated based on the age, and there is bound to be some discrepancy between the actual age.

Generally speaking, under this kind of age calculation algorithm, children born closer to the New Year will suffer more because the false age is too big.

Just like this child who was born only a few hours ago, according to this algorithm, he is already two years old...

Time advances some, and the location is changed to another place.

The cold wind howled, rolling up some fine snow foam on the ground, and rushing to the surroundings indiscriminately, everywhere.

There was a fire inside the cave, and the fire light flickered.

The entrance of the cave was blocked with stone slabs and other things, but there was still a chill coming from the entrance of the cave.

People who were sitting around the fire, or sleeping, all curled up without exception.

Even with the protection of the cave, the fire, and the animal skins wrapped in the three layers of protection, it can't bring them much warmth.

This is not because these three things are not available, or because the weather is too cold, but because there is no food in their stomachs.

People who are hungry can easily feel cold.

Especially in cold weather.

In this silent silence, a person stood up and walked to a place in the cave.

This is where food is kept in the tribe.

Looking at the food stored here, this leader-like person was quite entangled. After swallowing a few spit, he once again retreated from here and sat on the edge of the fire.

Those who turned their hopeful eyes on the leader because the leader got up, and those who looked at them with bright and expectant eyes, couldn't help swallowing some saliva after seeing such a scene.

With the swallowed saliva, his eyes dimmed again.


After a more silent atmosphere was maintained for a while, someone couldn't help but say so, breaking the atmosphere.

After saying this, everyone present couldn't help but look up.

Someone cast their eyes on the leader of their tribe, some cast their eyes on the person who spoke, and others turned their eyes back and forth between the two.


The leader of this tribe exploded when he heard this man's words. He suddenly raised his arm and beat him up.

The slap still didn't hit this person.

Stopped when there was still some distance from this person.

After a stalemate in the air for a while, he hung weakly.


After seeing the leader's reaction, the man continued to speak, and what he said was more informative.


This person's opening seemed to open a new door to everyone present, and it seemed to dispel the concerns of many of them.

Many people began to speak.

What was said is still related to the Qingque tribe.

Their leader sat here, staring at the fire in silence.

After a long time like this ~www.NovelMTL.com~ this person suddenly stood up from here and walked towards the food storage place again.

He stood here, let out a long breath, then bends over and took a lot of food out, let people boil it with the earthenware pots exchanged from Qingque tribe, and let everyone eat A full meal.

It's the kind that can be eaten hard with an open belly.

It seems that there is a posture that does not survive.

When the food entered the stomach, everyone suddenly stopped feeling cold.

Not only that, but even many people are sweating.


After eating the food, the leader of this tribe took out the remaining food while talking, about one-third as much as he took out.


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