I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1203: Another kind of fire kang (2 in 1)

There were some footsteps mixed with the sound of rain, and soon another person appeared in front of Han Cheng's residence and walked towards the door.

This man is wearing a raincoat and a rope is tied to his chin.

The ears and hair are all covered in the hat, with only one face exposed.

He came to Hancheng's house, took off his raincoat and hung it on the wooden stick nailed to the wall at the door.

It's under the eaves, but it can't catch the rain.

After all, the eaves not only exposed ten centimeters of tiles to the outside, but also added a little more. When the wall was about to reach the top and the tiles were about to be laid, two or three consecutive floors began to consciously expand outward.

When it comes down to the third floor, there are more than ten centimeters outside.

Adding the tiles that are more than ten centimeters, the width of the eaves is equal to twenty centimeters and more.

With such a wide distance, it can prevent a lot of rain from hitting the wall.

"God, Wu, what should I do with these lamb slices?"

After the big brother came to the house, he began to talk, and the things he cared about were the lamb slices that could not be dried because of the rain.

"Otherwise, these meat slices are also covered with a thick layer of salt, and then they are worn with a large needle and string, and hung in the room and under the ventilated eaves for air drying to make bacon slices?"

After the senior brother had finished speaking, he spoke again and said the solution he thought of.

The witch sitting next to him heard the solution mentioned by the big brother, his eyes suddenly brightened.

This is indeed a good way, much better than what I thought!

Although after such operations, these mutton slices will definitely not become the dried mutton that they and others think of, but compared to letting people in the tribe eat these mutton slices for rice in the last one or two days, try your best It is indeed a very good way to quickly finish the meal!

At least in this case, these lamb slices can be preserved.

"Son of God, should you just do this?"

Wu turned his gaze to Han Cheng's body and asked like this.

Obviously, he is already very fond of the method that the big brother came up with.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Wu's question, Han Cheng actually shook his head and did not agree.

This kind of reaction caused the Wu Wu and the big brother to be stunned.

"I thought of a better way. Under such circumstances, the mutton slices can also be dried and turned into dried mutton.

It can even make the dried lamb taste better. "

Han Cheng said.

Wu Wu and the two big brothers were overwhelmed with joy.


Under the shed outside, the plasterers in the tribe use bricks and reconciled mud to do things quickly.

As they get busy, simple buildings have been built.

These buildings are indeed very simple, resembling bookshelves.

After the base is built to a certain height, a layer of bricks is placed on the base, and a layer of yellow mud is put on it, and then a layer of small branches of the thickness of chopsticks is used to spread evenly on it as a barrier.

After finishing these, put a piece of brick on each side, coat the brick with a layer of yellow mud, and then continue to spread evenly with small wooden sticks of one meter and six long as a spacer.

Of course, the bricks are built upright, so that the distance between the various compartments can become larger.

This layer of building is built up, and the roof is not covered until it reaches a height of about 1.8 meters.

At this time, this thing has 13 layers.

The interval between the layers is about ten centimeters.

Of course, it looks more like the large bookshelf in the library, but it is actually quite different.

Such as the width of the compartment.

The width of the compartments on each floor has reached one meter four.

This thing was built according to Han Cheng's opinion to solve the problems encountered by the lamb slices in the tribe.

This thing is nothing else, but Kang.

Different from the kang used for sleeping and heating in the tribe, this kang is used for kang things, to be precise, it is used for kang mutton.

Using the hot kang to dry the lamb slices that were too late to dry in the sun, and turn them into dried lamb was the method Han Cheng came up with.

The direct inspiration for this approach came from Han Cheng's childhood experience.

As mentioned above, Han Cheng used to grow shiitake mushrooms in his family when he was a child.

After the mushrooms are picked, they will not be sold directly to the mushroom market. Instead, they need to be dried at home and then sold with dried products.

One thing will be used at this time, this thing is Kang.

At that time, Han Cheng's shiitake mushroom planting scale was not considered large, and he planted shiitake mushrooms in two houses and three greenhouses. Such a Kang can be used.

When something like this happened in the tribe, Han Cheng suddenly thought of this Kang.

Immediately let the people in the tribe build it out, as he remembered.

In fact, in addition to this simple Kang, Han Cheng also saw other styles of Tu Kang when he was a child.

That is the Kang used for Kang tobacco leaves.

The area is as big as a house, but it is much higher than a normal tiled house.

The roof is relatively steep, and the chimney is higher than the roof, covered with small gray tiles.

The outside of the smoke kang was smeared with a layer of yellow mud mixed with crushed wheat straw.

But when he remembered, these tobacco kangs were no longer used, and there were fewer people growing and selling tobacco at home.

Because this kind of kang is more troublesome, it needs to start with the construction of a special house, and Han Cheng has basically never seen it inside and is not familiar with it.

It takes a long time to find it out, which does not meet the urgent needs of the tribe to turn lamb into dried lamb.

There were a lot of people in the tribe, and it was raining again at this time, and there was still a slack in agriculture, so there were plenty of manpower available.

In just half a day, two rows of 10-meter-long Kangs were built.

The reason why they are built in rows is that in this way, except for the two walls at both ends, the other walls on the inside can be used as two walls.

It can save effort and time to the greatest extent.

This is the same reason that the houses built by ordinary people in the tribe are also built in rows.

After the construction was completed, the people in the tribe took the undried mutton slices and began to place them on the compartments of the fire kang.

After placing them, put charcoal in the simple stove made under the fire kang, light the fire, and use animal skins to cover the outside of the compartment with the lamb slices on it.

As the flame burns, the temperature gradually rises. Standing at a certain distance from the kang, you can feel the temperature inside.

Using such tools and methods to process mutton slices will basically not cause any problems, but for the sake of safety, Han Cheng still did not let all the kangs fire, but only let the two kangs fire first.

The purpose is to find experience and see the effect, lest there is any accident and many slices of lamb are ruined.

Han Cheng is waiting here now, and pay attention to let those who burnt the fire.

At the beginning, the fire was relatively large. After a while, Han Cheng lifted the curtain-like thing and picked a piece of mutton from the bottom layer with chopsticks. After feeling it, he found the moisture in the mutton. It has become a lot smaller, and it's already relatively dry, so people adjust the fire below to make it a lot smaller.

"Let's light the rest of the kang, too."

After Han Cheng put the piece of mutton back, he said to the rest of the people who were responsible for the fire.

From the semi-finished mutton slice just now, Han Cheng has been able to determine that this kang and the method are all easy to use, and there will be no problems.

After Han Cheng's order was issued, the people who were already prepared started to take action.

"The fire shouldn't be too big, it's almost done. If it's too big, it will be bad."

Han Cheng reminded people.

The flame is burning, carrying the temperature, and taking away the temperature of the mutton slices that have not been dried.

Over time, the unique aroma of dried lamb has begun to spread here.

Many children couldn't help but began to swallow, and the adults couldn't help their faces full of joy.

When the first two burning kangs were lifted, the jerky mutton inside was taken out, put in the bamboo woven dustpan, picked up a piece of jerky mutton and tore it off, and tasted the godson Han for a while, Greet the people present enthusiastically, and after one person eats a slice, the laughter here becomes even more enthusiastic.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Some people couldn't help but repeatedly praised.

Witch’s tooth fell off again, and when he was eating, he obviously struggled even more.

But this does not prevent him from tasting these dried lamb.

Because in addition to teeth, he has hands.

Break off the dried lamb with your hands, put it in your mouth, let the saliva slowly soak it, and taste it slowly. When the soaking is almost done, chew it gently with your teeth.

Savoring the taste of the dried mutton made from the hot kang, Wu couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the **** who was also eating dried mutton!

This method is as easy to use as the son of God said!

Not only can the lamb become jerky in a short period of time, but also the taste of jerky can be made, which is no worse than the previous jerky. This is really happy in the heart.

Those people who praised the good taste of dried lamb here couldn't help giving thumbs up to Han Cheng after seeing Wu's actions.

Han Cheng, whose vanity was greatly satisfied, also showed a bright smile on his face.

The people who had eaten dried mutton worked more actively.

They put the unfinished piece of dried lamb into the pocket of their clothes, and started to get the pieces of mutton that were still wet, and placed them on the empty kangs.

In a short while, it was already placed.

After a leather curtain hung down to cover the outside of the kang, a new round of kang mutton jerky began again.

Afterwards, the jerky mutton in the row of kang was also removed.

Compared with the number of people in the tribe, the two kang jerky that were made before can obviously not satisfy the people in the tribe.

One piece is far from enough.

Of course this is impossible.

We are now making dried mutton, and the dried mutton is made for people to eat. Whether it is for the purpose of increasing the enthusiasm of the people in the tribe, or for the purpose of making the people in the tribe feel more happy, Han Cheng will never take it out again. The small amount of dried lamb is delicious for people in the tribe.

This is the same as when cooking, in the process of cooking, first get some things such as chicken, bones and so on for the cooks and people who are in the kitchen to taste.

Such things make people feel most comfortable.

One of the things that Han Cheng felt happiest when he was a child was when he had a hard time killing a chicken at home. In the kitchen, he used a spatula to shovel two pieces of meat out of the pot and put them in a bowl. Cooked.

Eating the chicken at this time, it feels really delicious. Compared to the rest of the meal, it is all ready, and it will be delicious when you eat seriously.

Therefore, these people in the tribe were rushing to fill the empty kang with moist dried mutton again, and after starting the fire, God Son Han Da waved his hand to let those who had not eaten dried mutton before. Stepping forward, one person took a piece of freshly baked mutton to eat.

The sound of laughter, mixed with a strong sense of happiness, once again bursts, and continues to spread here.

The autumn wind and rain and the cold air also rendered it not miserable, and became warm.

Wu slowly savored the dried mutton in his mouth. Looking at the scene in front of him, his face was full of smiles, and even the wrinkles on his face seemed to grow more.

Especially when he took some dried mutton and reached the mouth of the little daughter who was holding in Yuan's arms beside him, teasing his little daughter, and his little daughter spit out a series of bubbles at him. Then after turning his head to one side, the smile on Wu's face became thicker.

Wu's gaze stopped once again on the hot kang that was carrying things on the kang, and the dried lamb on the kang.

The eyes are shining.

Because he remembered some other uses of this kang.

For example, when the weather is bad ~www.NovelMTL.com~ used to kang some blanched vegetables.

Store some mushrooms that have been picked up and proven to be edible for Kanggan...

This fire kang is really a good thing, and it will be able to play many roles in the tribe in the future!

The son of God has produced another good thing!


The cold wind was howling, and snowflakes hit the window paper, making a rustle.

There was a red paper with the big Chinese character'Fu' written in a brush that was just pasted on the door, and it was lifted off by the cold wind.

Immediately there were children on the side, yelling, and chasing them all the way.

A string of footprints left in the snow, and a burst of laughter.

The year came to an end like this.

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