I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1202: Sustainability and the sorrow caused by lamb slices (2 in 1)

Flocks of sheep came in like a tide.

At this time, the sheep changed from the timid and alert look before and became particularly fearless.

They are connected into one piece, just like this.

Even if there are many natural enemies in front of them, and people are waiting for them here, and are constantly extending their sinful hands to their companions, they will not change their course, run over without any pause and hesitation, and bump into them. Go up!

At this moment, they seem to have really become emotionless machines.

The people of the Qingque tribe like these machines without emotions, because these machines without emotions taste exceptionally delicious.

The nutritional value is high, and it is easy to capture.

They can't wait to meet so many emotionless machines every day.

Han Cheng, the **** son of the main tribe this year, was also very happy to participate in this matter.

Against these sheep, keep attacking.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for people to control their hands and let themselves not do anything to these sheep.

However, Han Cheng, who was immersed in the joy of harvest and sense of accomplishment, still had some sense.

In the process of doing these things, he was still taking time out of the observer's flock and comparing it with his memory.

This kind of thing lasted for a while, and it took about two hours or more before it was finally over.

At this time, there was already a pile of sheep in the area called the Sheep Ditch by the Qingque tribe.

These sheep are placed here, they seem to be as dense as the Chinese cabbage that grows in the ground in winter.

Of course, in addition to sheep, there are also some beasts that take the opportunity to hunt here with the Qingque tribe.

For example, those two big tigers covered in brocade and fur, and a few big bears with huge bodies...

In the past, when hunting here, there was some tacit understanding between hunters.

That is, they ignore each other, wait until the flocks come, and get prey by their own ability.

The people of the Qingque tribe were like this at first, and they didn't provoke these big guys much.

But later, there were more people from the Qingque tribe who came to hunt, and the weapons they took were more advanced and easy to use. They finally couldn't control their little hands. Before the flock arrived, they faced these first. The hunters made their move.

The fur quality of these carnivorous beasts is very good, and they are made into clothes after nitration, not to mention how warm they are on the body.

And the meat of these guys tastes very good.

Han Cheng looked at the people in the tribe, happily busy transporting the many prey they had harvested, and resisted not saying something in his heart, so as not to upset the mood of the people in the tribe.

He pressed these words to the bottom of his heart, and together with the people in the tribe, he was full of excitement and devoted himself to this great harvest.

Together with the people who came, send these gains to the tribe.

There are boats and rafts parked in the lower reaches of the river, and the model of the sailboat in the tribe that can be put into use is also here.

After learning the lessons of previous years, the people in the tribe brought a lot of these tools, but even so, these water transportation brigade went to the main tribe and then returned to take the remaining prey. Take away as much as possible.

After the people and the prey had left, Jiyanggou returned to calm, leaving only the mess on the ground.

The river on the edge of Jiyanggou was quietly flowing, as if nothing had happened...

The tribe of Green Sparrow was once again in a carnival here.

For the sheep that were transported back, the dead sheep were directly skinned and opened for processing. Only a few live sheep were left, and the rest were also slaughtered for processing.

This is because there is less grass in the future, and these sheep are only caught from the wild. It takes a long time to grow up.

During this time, these sheep will not eat much grass.

If you don’t eat enough forage, you will lose fat. If you save it until the New Year, you will lose a lot of meat.

Very uneconomical.

Generally, people in the tribe will only select some relatively strong half-sized ewes and a few rams to stay, and mix them with the sheep fed by the tribe to neutralize the genes of the sheep in the tribe. And improve the quality of the flock.

During this period of time, the meaty fragrance in the tribe has not broken at all.

Many of the sheep's offal were eaten by people in the tribe.

At this time last year, people who ate lamb innards and wanted to vomit, at this time forgot their experience last year.

Many of them, who had never eaten these before, once again launched an assault against the many visceral methods of sheep.

It was a refreshing drink.

However, after eating for three days in a row, their vigorous energy gradually ceased.

Fortunately, Chef Han was here this year. At this time, he stepped forward and started to make these things for the people in the tribe in a variety of ways.

People in the tribe are often tired of eating one method, and he will instruct the people in the tribe to change into a new trick to cook these things.

Under this kind of operation, the people in the tribe can basically maintain a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

Unlike last year, I couldn’t help but feel nauseated when I saw the internal organs of sheep.

The Tongshan residential area, as well as the Qinling sub-tribe further away, have eaten these foods from Jieyanggou.

However, because the Qinling sub-tribe is too far away from the main tribe, the internal organs are very easy to be damaged when transported, so people who come from there leave directly with live sheep.

Under such circumstances, they can't appreciate the happy sorrow of too many people in the main tribe.

"...When our tribe goes hunting these sheep in the future, we have to control ourselves and can't arrest these sheep wantonly.

The number of people going there will also be reduced. On the current scale, reduce it by 20%. "

In the tribe full of dried mutton that was marinated, smoked, and dried after being cooked, Han Sung pinched a piece of dried mutton, and while eating, he faced the witch and the big brother on the side. Waiting for someone to say.

The elder brother and others on the side were stunned when they heard the words, some did not understand why the son of God was so good, why they said such words.

Is the lamb not tasty enough?

Or is the soup made from lamb bones not fragrant enough?

With such a large number of sheep, staying there is also staying there. If the people of your own tribe do not arrest them, they will be eaten by the rest of the predators.

Rather than that, it might as well be arrested and taken to your own tribe for the people of your tribe to eat.

It’s difficult to let people in the tribe understand that sustainable development and ecological balance are difficult, but after living here for so many years, Han Cheng has his own way, so that people in the tribe can quickly understand the importance of these things, and do so in the future. do.

"This time I went to see it, and the number of sheep has decreased a lot compared with the previous time.

This is not going to happen.

Now we can still get a lot of sheep from these flocks, which seems to have no effect, but this kind of thing lasts for a long time, and later the flocks become smaller and smaller, then the sheep that our tribe gets from there It will be reduced accordingly.

If it is not controlled, it will not be impossible for the sheep to disappear completely afterwards.

In this case, our tribe will lose such a large group of sheep forever!

What we have now will not be available in the future.

On the contrary, if we reduce some catches from now on, it does seem to be a loss in a short time, but it can keep the flock of sheep from disappearing, and even the size of the flock has not changed much.

In the years to come, our tribe will be able to obtain a large number of sheep from the Jieyanggou every year.

If things go on like this, our tribe doesn’t know how many more sheep we will get than that kind of killing!

People in the tribe can still eat a lot of mutton..."

After breaking the truth apart and crushing it to pieces, I told these people in the tribe carefully, and connected it with eating mutton. The understanding ability of everyone present was rising.

There was no need for Han Cheng to say it a second time, they remembered it once.

There are too many arrests of these sheep, and the tribe will not be able to eat the mutton obtained in this way.

The arrest of a certain amount of sheep does not have much impact on this. People in the tribe can still eat a lot of lamb in the future.

Including mutton skewers, dried mutton, mutton bone soup...

Thinking of this series of food, the people in the tribe couldn't help swallowing, and nodded vigorously, indicating that they had taken this matter down with their hearts.

Looking at Wu, Big Brother and others who nodded their heads and feared for a while, Han Cheng couldn't help showing a satisfied look.

Sure enough, when reasoning with people in the tribe and emphasizing the importance of something, it is best to associate it with the food.

As long as they are linked together, the understanding and execution ability of everyone in the tribe is simply good.

After explaining the matter, and seeing the reactions of the people in the tribe, Han Cheng also put aside his thoughts about these migrating sheep, and began to feel at ease with these people in the tribe to look through the dried lamb here.

At the same time, put the newly cut lamb slices that are well cooked with salt and some other seasonings on a clean mat and air them.

You can also experience the joy of life when you are busy, which makes people feel full and not too empty.


The water on the eaves fell bit by bit, and a series of small puddles with evenly spaced intervals were formed on the ground under the eaves.

The rain was not heavy and pattering, but it brought a lot of coolness.

The temperature dropped abruptly as a result, and Han Chengdu in the room was wrapped in thick clothes.

An autumn rain and a cold are reflected here vividly.

Seeing the fall of autumn rain, Han Cheng's mood was not wonderful at all.

Not only Han Cheng, but also many people in the tribe are in the same unhappy mood.

This is not because the people in the tribe have improved their realm a lot now, and they can eat too much food. They feel the thick autumn mood, and I feel sad and full of sadness here.

It's because the large amount of dried lamb in the tribe hasn't dried yet.

At this time it started to rain.

And it was the drizzle of rain under this gloomy sky.

This kind of rain cannot be stopped in one or two days.

If this continues, the dried lamb that has not been dried will be dangerous.

Even after a day or two, if the weather turns fine, the taste of dried lamb will be affected.

People in the tribe don’t care much when they feel the influence in their mouths. No matter how bad the taste is, it is still lamb.

The key is tribal people, really can't be sure, this day will be clear in two days.

According to past experience, once such a situation is encountered, it is unlikely that the sky will be clear in a short period of time.

In this way, these unkilled lamb jerky can be dangerous.

Just thinking about this matter will make people feel full of sadness in their hearts.

This is lamb! It's not ordinary food!

If it is wasted in this way, it will really hurt people!

In the patter of rain, someone came with a purple umbrella, and some rain dripped slowly along the slightly longer ribs that were exposed outside.

In a short while, this person had already walked to the side of the house where Han Cheng lived with the door open.

First walked into the house, then turned back and closed the umbrella in his hand, looked around, and leaned the umbrella in his hand against the door.

Rain water slid down the tip of the umbrella on the ground, silently wetting a piece of land.

The one who came was a witch.

Nowadays, the umbrellas Han sold to the artisans in the tribe have also been successfully manufactured. In addition to the traditional rain shelter and poncho, the tribe has a new rain shelter.

And Wu, who used to be very fond of hats and fur clothes before, and feels that this kind of rain shelter is very useful, now he is also very fashionable with a new type of rain gear like umbrella.

As for the hats and fur clothes, they were quietly hung on the wall where his room was.

These two witches, which were extremely precious before, have been completely forgotten by the witches.

"God, what about these lamb slices?

Should I start eating them tonight and finish them as quickly as possible? "

Wu sat down on the seat that Han Cheng gave him ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then began to inquire Han Cheng about the mutton slices.

After speaking out such a solution, Han Cheng clearly saw that Wu was extremely painful.

After all, this is a lot of lamb!

The tribe only makes such jerky once a year.

In other words, these mutton jerky are for people in the tribe to eat slowly over the course of a year.

It is an extremely high-end snack.

Now, so many things are actually to be eaten in a short time, how can Wu feel distressed?

But the distress is not enough, besides, he can't think of other better ways.

He cast his eyes on Han Cheng beside him, full of hope...

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