I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1201: Tribal migration (2 in 1)

The wind was blowing, and large swaths of already withered grass waved with some chilly wind blowing.

Waves of grass rushed into the distance.

In this grass wave, there are large herds of horses and sheep moving.

They look like ships with white sails on the sea, and they look like reefs standing in the water.

There are many people in and around the herd of horses, sheep, and not too many cattle.

Many of these people rode on horses, holding whips for grazing in their hands, and bronze weapons that were wiped out that glowed in the sun.

Many of these people are walking around the herd and the crowd, grazing these animals, and at the same time watching over those who are mixed in the herd, let them move forward with the animals, don’t mess around. Walking around.

Large tracts of livestock and many people, under the blowing of the autumn wind, swept over the withered grass and headed into the distance.

The red tiger tribe maiden without her nose, carrying a small package on her back, holding a stick in her hand, and stepping on the yellow grass with her feet, seemed to walk toward the front slowly.

Beside her, there were other people, some of whom belonged to the Pegasus tribe, and some belonged to other tribes.

But now, these people belong to the Pegasus tribe, including the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

Since the people of the Pegasus tribe met the people of the Red Tiger tribe, they snatched them along the way, and obtained a lot of bronze weapons, the Pegasus tribe has entered a stage of rapid development.

Under the witness of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the members of the Pegasus tribe have more than doubled since her arrival.

As for livestock such as sheep and horses, the increase has almost doubled or more.

The reason why the gap between the two is so large is that the people of the Pegasus tribe will habitually kill the adult males of the tribe that has been attacked.

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe sometimes looked around when they were walking.

When the people around them met her gaze, they either showed a kind smile at her, or they lowered their heads quickly and lowered their eyes not to stare at the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

This is not because these people think that the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are too scary to have no nose, on the contrary, this reaction expresses their respect for the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe.

Not only those who were robbed from other tribes by the people of the Pegasus tribe using **** violence, but also those who belonged to the Pegasus tribe, they could not help but express their respect for the Red Tiger tribe witch .

During these periods of life in the Pegasus tribe, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe have impressed many people.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who knows a lot of things, can make fine pottery, and knows a lot of things, quickly impressed many people in the Pegasus tribe after slowly showing her abilities.

In addition, she has never shown that she wants to escape or hates the Pegasus tribe people. The only time she had a bull with the chief of the Pegasus tribe was not for herself, but for the benefit of the Pegasus tribe.

Under such circumstances, even the chief of the Pegasus tribe gradually felt that his tribe had picked up the treasure, and had a different feeling towards the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe.

Regarding many things in the tribe, sometimes he would also follow the suggestions of the Red Tiger tribe maiden.

And after listening to the suggestions of the Red Tiger tribe maidens to deal with these things, after achieving good results, the chief of the Pegasus tribe relied more on the red tiger tribe witches.

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe have always had a certain character in the Pegasus tribe.

Including being smart, wise, kind-hearted, not seeing people suffer, always wanting to help some people.

Whether it was the original members of the Pegasus tribe or those who were looted by the chiefs of the Pegasus tribe, when encountering difficulties, she would always help them as much as she could.

Even if she couldn't help, she would say some words of relief.

It is not surprising that she can achieve this status over such a long period of time.

At the beginning, the chief of the Pegasus tribe had also suspected the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, and felt that she had some bad intentions.

But for such a long time, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have never shown any intention to hurt or betray the Pegasus tribe. They have always appeared to be extremely obedient and considerate of the Pegasus tribe.

After a period of time, the doubts of the chief of the Pegasus tribe, under the performance of the red tiger tribe maiden, finally disappeared slowly.

He felt that this woman who had no nose and was very capable was already like the other women who were looted by them. After living in the tribe for a long time, she slowly regarded herself as a member of her tribe and integrated into them. Pegasus tribe.

In fact, these looted women, apart from truly integrating into their Pegasus tribe, there is no other way to go.

They are just some women, some women who have lost their tribe.

Only by following them can we continue to live and not die...

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe retracted her gaze from the surroundings, lowered her head and continued to focus on the road.

Her drooping face brought out some imperceptible smiles.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe knew what they were doing now.

She has heard from the Pegasus tribe.

Now the weather is gradually getting colder, and the grass is gradually turning yellow.

People from the Pegasus tribe are now driving their livestock to a new place to live.

It is warmer even in winter, and there is still a lot of grass, which is the best forage for the animals to spend the winter.

There is a good place for the Pegasus tribe and other tribes to spend the winter together.

When the snow melts in the spring and new grass emerges, the tribes who spend the winter there will drive the livestock out, one after another, to go to other places.

Before winter is about to come, no tribe will come back with livestock.

They want to keep the grass in that place until winter, as forage for the livestock in winter.

Because every year in winter, there will be a lot of livestock in that place, and these livestock will shed a lot of **** and urinary there, and the land will become fertile.

The corresponding grass will also grow extra luxuriantly.

Over time, this has formed a very good virtuous circle.

On the way, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought about these things and couldn't help shaking.

It seems that no matter what kind of life it is, it is full of wisdom.

This is indeed the case, because if there is no wisdom in it, most of the people and tribes who live in this way have disappeared.

As she walked, she thought in her heart.

After a while, there was a sudden pause, and his eyes brightened. It seemed to be inspired, thinking of something extremely important.

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe did indeed think of something very important.

Her inspiration came from the descriptions of the Pegasus tribes about the places they were about to reach for the winter.

To be precise, it is a description of the pasture growing there.

The feces and urine of livestock such as sheep and horses will make the pasture grow luxuriantly. Isn't that the same thing for rice as these things, can it also make the rice flourish by putting it in the rice fields?

There is no need to think too much at all, almost this idea has just appeared in the mind of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, she is basically able to confirm the correctness of this matter!

As a maiden from a tribe who basically relied on growing rice in the past, how could she not be excited after learning about this?

It's a pity that now I am no longer in the original tribe. There is no rice seed in this **** Pegasus tribe.

The seeds that this **** tribe obtained from its own tribe had already been eaten clean by these **** people.

Otherwise, when the weather becomes warm next year, you can start to try it yourself!

I thought with regret and anger in my heart, after a while, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe became happy again.

No matter what, I will work hard to rejuvenate the tribe.

When the time comes to lead the people, return to the place of residence of the tribe, and start the same life as before, this method can also be used.

Maybe it can be of great use!

I really hope that such a day can come sooner and I can end my life in the **** Pegasus tribe sooner...

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought this way with longing and eagerness...

Here in the Green Bird Tribe, some fields closer to the tribe have already been turned over.

The land is very leveled. Some people use rakes and other tools to plant seeds. The radishes and cabbage cultivated by the tribe for generations are planted, and the rest can be used in autumn and winter. Growing vegetables.

In addition to these people who are busy growing vegetables, there are some people who are plowing their fields with cattle. Harrow the ground.

Someone behind is holding a pot, grabbing a handful of rapeseed in the pot with his hands, and spreading it as evenly as possible on the ground.

The sun in late autumn is not so strong anymore. Standing here in the sun not only doesn't make people feel hot, but also gives people a more comfortable feeling.

Han Cheng is here too, so he can help a little bit.

Looking at the seeds that were sown in, Han Cheng easily remembered the scene of golden rapeseed blooming here in the coming year.

In fact, based on the experience of previous years, it is still a bit early to plant rapeseed.

However, people in the tribe still planted.

This is of course not because people in the tribe feel that there are too many vegetables and no place to put them, so they just want to waste a wave.

But because the seeds are planted earlier, these seeds can germinate and grow earlier.

After sprouting, after ten and a half days, you can eat small rapeseed very happily.

There are many ways to eat small rapeseed. Among them, Han Cheng's favorite is to mix it with flour, put it on the grate in the pot, and cover it to steam.

After being out of the pan, pour garlic juice and some deep-fried chili powder on it, stir it, not to mention how delicious it is.

This kind of rice is called steamed vegetable bun in Han Cheng's hometown.

If you can't finish the steamed vegetable buns, you can add some oil and stir-fry them. They are just as delicious.

In addition to this, blanch the cleaned small rapeseed, and then squeeze as much water as possible with your hands to form a ball, cut it with a knife, and cool it down. It tastes great Fresh.

Of course, when putting some small rapeseed in the noodle soup, it tastes very good, especially during the first two meals, it can make people eat an extra bowl.

Of course, it is also delicious when used to make vegetable soup with other dishes, or quickly fried in an iron pan.

It is blanched and sun-dried to make dried vegetables, with some meat and some vermicelli, and buns are also very good to eat.

In terms of taste alone, rapeseed is naturally inferior to cabbage, but it has a different flavor. It is good to change the taste.

The planted rapeseed is too dense, if you pick a lot of seedlings at one time, these rapeseeds will not be eaten.

They can be taken back to feed cows, sheep, chickens and ducks, which can be said to be of great use. Over the years, they have helped the Qingque tribe.

Seeing the people of the tribe planting early rapeseed here, Han Cheng thought about these things in his heart, and his thoughts were suddenly drawn to later generations.

That was when it had not yet entered the last company.

A company he had taken organizes a spring outing.

Generally speaking, a golden **** field is inevitable during a spring outing.

The same is true for Hancheng.

The company is not big, and there are more than a dozen people.

After being busy with work in the city for such a long time, everyone suddenly couldn't help their excitement when they saw such a splendid **** blossoms open, and there was a moment of creaking.

Then something disgusting happened.

A colleague from the city, in order to show off his erudition and to attract the attention of the female colleague present, he started chattering and showing off his poor little knowledge about rape.

It is said that **** flowers are good-looking, and **** nectar is also delicious. It is also said that rapeseed is planted to obtain rapeseed for oil extraction.

Apart from these, **** has no other uses.

You can't eat these small rapeseeds and you can't eat them.

As a person from a rural background who used to deal with rapeseed when he was a child, Han Cheng was naturally unaccustomed to hearing no-brainer words ~www.NovelMTL.com~ so he corrected it.

Then this guy moved his dad out, saying that he asked his dad on purpose, and his dad told him that little rapeseed really can't be eaten, even if it's used to feed pigs, pigs won't eat it.

When he said this, this guy looked determined and confident.

At that moment, Han Cheng really wanted to take off his shoes, and slammed two soles on this guy's face, so that this guy who didn't know the grains, hadn't touched these, and was still chattering sober!

Let him understand that he does not live in the countryside, and the father he believes in the truth also grew up in the city. If you haven't been in touch with these things in depth, don't compare them blindly.

Also, what I know is correct, which is like a belief in truth.

It is also ironic. I don’t know when people who have not been in the fields have become experts in agriculture. People who have not lived in the countryside have become knowledgeable in rural life, but rural people have become the least understanding. People from the countryside...

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