I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1200: Successfully transformed into a "daughter slave" (2 in 1)

On the walls inside and outside the house, a piece of snow-white house has been painted. Here, the door of a house is closed.

Many people gathered outside the house, and Han Cheng was also here.

Of course, this time he is not the protagonist of these people, the protagonist is a sweaty witch on his anxious forehead.

This is the Ministry of Health of the Green Bird tribe.

The place where Han Cheng and others are located is outside the delivery room.

When everyone in the tribe started giving birth, Han Cheng would help deliver the baby.

Of course, this was a long, long time ago.

After Liang Encouragement wants to pursue these things, and go further and further along this road, and in this process, more and more people in the tribe join the ranks, after the proficiency of doing things becomes higher and higher , Han Chengcheng is no longer involved in these things.

Because of his work experience, these specialized people in the tribe have already surpassed him.

Facing this matter, the **** son Han Da was very happy, very happy to hear.

Because this shows that in these years, the medicine in the tribe has not stayed in place, but has been constantly moving forward.

Han Cheng looked at the witch who saw sweat on his forehead, and stretched out his hand to pat on the witch's shoulder: "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with it. His medical skills are the best in the tribe."

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Wu nodded, Qiang Zi calmed himself down and made a calm look.

But this kind of thing does not last, but after a while, Wu Wu couldn’t help walking back and forth here, and constantly looking towards the closed door, his forehead was full. Sweat beads,

The whole person is extremely anxious.

Seeing this, Han Cheng stopped speaking to comfort him.

He has experienced this kind of standing outside the delivery room and waiting for the child to be born. This is really a process that makes people scratch their heads and is particularly suffering.

Especially when listening to the painful voice of my daughter-in-law coming from inside, let alone this feeling!

Especially those who experience this for the first time.

This is the first time Wu Wu has experienced such things. This is his first child. He is old and prosperous, and his feelings for these are more obvious and stronger.

The witch at this time can no longer act like a person who pretends not to care at all.

He showed his anxiety and concern to the fullest.

No one would laugh at witches because of this, or feel that witches are not majestic enough.

On the contrary, people in the tribe would feel that witches are more respected because of this, and feel that witches are kind and have flesh and blood.

Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox.

This sentence was said by Master Lu, but it can not only express Master Lu’s feelings, but also express the common views of many people on this matter.

In such suffering, time passed bit by bit.

The encouraging words in the delivery room, as well as the round voices that make people feel painful just by listening, continue to be heard.

Wu was no longer pacing here at this time, but sat on a stone bench next to him.

This does not mean that he is not nervous, on the contrary, he is even more nervous. Sitting there, his hands and legs are trembling slightly.

"Witch, it's okay."

Han Cheng walked past and said aloud to Wu.


Wu nodded vigorously to signal that he understood, but the tension did not relieve at all.

He couldn't control himself.

When Han Cheng saw this, he didn't say much, just staying with him quietly.



The baby's loud cry suddenly came from the room, and it sounded a bit like the sound of a frog and a cat.

Along with such cries, there were shouts full of surprises.

"Born! Born! Completed!"

Such a voice sounded, and the witch who was sitting here worrying about non-stop, got excited and stood up directly!

Probably because the movement of standing up was too violent, the standing witch stood still and shook a few times.

Han Cheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold on, worried.

He was really worried about something wrong with Wu, especially at such a happy time.

If something happens to the witch at this time, then it is really a good thing that has become a bad thing!

"Witch, how is it?"

Han Cheng asked eagerly.

"It's okay, I stood up too hard just now."

Wu stood here shaking his head, and said.

Then he walked quickly towards the delivery room.

The pace is steady, and there is no unstable state of standing before.

Seeing this, Han Cheng couldn't help but relax.


The door of the delivery room opened from the inside, and a woman who had shot inside showed her head with joy on her face.

"It's still healthy, Yuan is fine. It's a girl. God son and Wu, you wait for a while, wait until the child is cleaned and wrapped, and then let you look at the children. Yuan also needs our help to clean up. ."

Said this woman who was positioned as a nurse in the tribe.

When talking about these things, she was very skilled. Obviously she was in charge of this work before, and she did not say anything similar before.

Wu Wu heard this person's words at this time, and after learning that the child had been born and that the mother and child were safe, he was already relieved.

At this time, although I was eager to see Madoka and my own daughter, but when the nurse said this, I still suppressed the eagerness in my heart, and tried my best to express myself as indifferent. So impatient, seeming indifferent...

In the wait that Wu felt very tormented, a little bit of time passed, and the closed door was finally opened from the inside again.

Seeing such a scene, Wu didn't hesitate for a while, got up and walked into the room.

At this time, Wu couldn't care about machismo anymore. He came to the delivery room in a hurry. Seeing that the little daughter who was not being held by anyone, came first to Yuan's side and lay down on the bed to see how Yuan was .

Seeing that Yuan was okay, and still smiling weakly at him, and saying some comforting words, and still being reminded by Yuan, he was able to let go of Yuan's hand, and turned around to take the bee from the nurse. My child wrapped in a parcel, looked at the child's blushing face, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Wu Wu is a person who likes children. He did not hold children from the tribe less before. At this time, he was holding his own child, although he was just born, but he did not feel that he was born handily, and there was no rush.

"Hurry up and let me see."

Yuan, who was lying on the bed and waiting for a while, couldn't help but urged when seeing Wu kept holding the child there.

Hearing Yuan’s urging, she hugged her little daughter and kept watching, as if she had seen some beautiful scenery, completely immersed in the witch, then she woke up and quickly hugged her little daughter towards Yuan. Walked, leaned over to Yuan's side, and put the little daughter who hadn't opened her eyes to Yuan's side.

The eldest person in this tribe is extremely cautious at this time.

It's like embracing a peerless treasure, worried that it will be broken if you are not careful.

Yuan turned her head and saw the weak and tired face of the little baby sleeping peacefully in the swaddling, a smile suddenly appeared.

The many sufferings I suffered before have disappeared at this moment, and I feel that some are worth it!

Ruhua came over at this time, holding a large bowl of egg tea that was just made in her hand, which contained a full eight eggs and covered it with a layer of sugar.

This is a custom in the tribe, exclusive to women who have just given birth!

In the beginning, there were few chickens and ducks raised in the tribe, and the amount of eggs produced could not increase. When a woman had finished giving birth, the number of egg pouches she ate was far less than what she has now.

But as the living conditions in the tribe continued to improve, slowly the number of eggs came up.

It has become a common practice for women to beat eight eggs at once after giving birth, and then bring them to eat after they are cooked.

Such a bowl is very precious food among the tribe. It can not only increase nutrition for the parturients, but also supplement the physical strength consumed by the parturients during the birth process, so that they can recover as quickly as possible.

Of course, because of different personal physiques, not every mother can eat so many eggs in one go.

If you can’t eat, you can give it to your husband, or you can stay and eat when you want to eat.

Wu took the bowl of egg tea from Ruhua's hand, put it on the side, and held Yuan with his hands to help Yuan sit up and leaned on the bed behind him.

Then he took the bowl of egg tea very intimately, brought it to the round mouth, picked up a boiled egg from the inside with chopsticks, and carefully blew it against the egg for a while, and then cooled it. After that, he started feeding Yuan to eat.

Yuan wanted to eat by herself, but Wu refused, insisting on feeding Yuan himself.

Those things that I cared about in the past are suddenly not worth mentioning at this time.

Han Cheng had already walked to the edge of the room and wanted to come in with Bai Xuemei to see Yuan and the children, but after seeing this scene, he took Bai Xuemei out and avoided it.

Otherwise, he feels that he will be supported to death by this big pot of old dog food...

That night, after giving birth to the baby, her physical strength recovered to a similar level, and there were no other symptoms. She came out of the delivery room and headed to the room where she and the witch lived.

Yuan held herself and Wu's little daughter, Wu held Yuan by his side, and the family of three walked forward.

The circle walks very steadily.

This is the advantage of Shunsheng.

Although it was painful at the time, the recovery after childbirth was very fast, far from the painful but extremely painful C-section.

Of course, under the current medical level in the tribe, such a difficult thing as a caesarean section has never occurred...

People change, and sometimes some people change suddenly and quickly.

Just like witches.

The people in the tribe can see how much witches love rabbits and how much they like to feed them.

But since Yuan gave birth to a child and Wu had a biological young daughter, all this has changed.

Wu was no longer the same as before. When it was okay, he went to grass the rabbit, and when it was okay, he lay there to feed the rabbit, mumbled and talked to the rabbit.

In the current Wu Wei’s house, his biggest preference has become to stay in the room.

To be precise, he was lying on the edge of the kang.

He didn't do anything, just lying there silently, looking at his little daughter.

The little girl basically ignores witches. Her biggest hobby is sleeping, and then crying.

Crying when wetting the bed, crying when shit, crying when hungry, and crying wherever I feel sick.

Crying is her greatest magic weapon.

But even if that was the case, Wu never felt irritated, and even if it was the little guy who tossed people, his heart was warm.

And also very happy to serve her little daughter.

Of course, Wu lie here to watch. Sometimes he is not honest and unwilling to be lonely. Sometimes he will talk to the little guy, and will stretch out his finger to gently touch the little guy’s face. Or stretch out your fingers for the little guy to hold.

Even during this process, the youngest daughter would basically ignore the witch, but the witch herself still had a lot of fun, and the wrinkles on the old face were piled up one after another because of this.

Sometimes, Wu Huai will hold the two little daughters in his hands and press them gently with his fingers.

The little guy's little pink is puffy, feeling soft and soft, not to mention how comfortable it is.

It's simply so admirable.

Press and hold, Wu will inevitably move his old face up, hold the little girl's little girl in his hand, stick it to his face, and sometimes can't help but kiss a couple.

Not to mention how rare it is.

Yuan sitting on the edge, seeing the witch look like this, quietly stretched out his feet along the way, and looked forward to the witch who looked at with hints.

Then he was pushed aside by the disgusting witch without hesitation.

Humph, where is this woman's foot, where is the little fragrance of her own little daughter, and where is the little bit of her own daughter?

After pushing Yuan's feet to one side, Wu once again held her little girl's little girl in her palm~www.NovelMTL.com~ Such a disparity in treatment made Yuanyuan a little bit angry and a little funny, and couldn't bear it. The resident rolled his eyes at Wu Wu.

Wu didn't pay attention to it, and played with his baby girl here on his own.

This thick, uncontrollable fatherly love is simply going to burst!

Before he had his own children, Wu didn't think what would happen if he had his own children.

Now after Yuan gave birth to a young daughter for him, Wu Chenggong's incarnation became a ‘daughter slave’, and it was still a very serious one, much worse than Han Cheng, who came from later generations.

After another ten days, the people in the tribe often saw the witch holding the baby, wandering around in the tribe when it was alright, making funny faces at the child from time to time and making strange noises to tease the child , Talk to the child.

In the past, in front of the tribe, he was a witch who paid great attention to image. At this time, there are no taboos...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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