I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1199: "The Son of God is born!" (2 in 1)

Blue bricks, gray tiles, yellow sand, white ash...

These things were transported in by the people in the tribe, and then by the busy people here, they were laid on the wall a little bit according to the rules.

During such labor, a high wall was built on the flat ground.

Over time, these high walls were built with gables, wooden beams were placed on the gables, rafters were laid on the wooden beams, and fences were laid on the rafters, and the fences were covered with smooth soil, and the soil was arranged one after another. Tiles, like fish scales, are really beautiful.

When the roof was laid with tiles, and the roof ridge was also built with small tiles, white ash and mortar, a 30 cm high, patterned roof ridge, and the two ends of the roof were slowly raised upwards , After a firing pottery blue bird on one end of each seat, the house for the **** child of the blue bird tribe was completed.

The whole house is composed of blue bricks and gray tiles, even if it is just built, it is located there, and people can see some simplicity in it.

The doors and windows are relatively large, so the upper room looks very bright.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the walls in the house being painted with white mortar mixed with sand by people from the tribe, and then brushed on one side with pure white mortar.

Painting the wall with white ash not only has such advantages, but also has the advantage of effectively preventing insects in the room.

As a person from later generations, Han Cheng still knows this.

So long ago, after the lime output in the tribe slowly increased, he asked the people in the tribe to spend nearly a year in succession to clean the houses in the tribe with white ash. .

Of course, the year here refers to some people in the tribe taking the time to do it without delaying the normal work of the tribe.

The doors and windows of the house have been installed, they are very thick and neat, much stronger than the doors and windows installed on the house where Han Cheng lived.

This is certainly due to the improvement of the craftsmanship of the tribe.

Among the several rooms used as bedrooms, the tukang has been prepared.

The space in the room is larger than it was before, and the Kang has also become more comfortable.

Han Cheng took Bai Xuemei and the others around in this newly built house, with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with this house.

For these, children are more happy and impatient than adults.

Xiao Wandou happily asked Han Cheng if he would come to sleep at night.

The child already knew that this house was specially built for their whole family to live in.

Little Myolie is like a repeater, and when she heard her brother say this, she yelled at the back.

Han Cheng smiled and touched the heads of the two little guys, telling them that they couldn't live in this house yet.

Because the house has just been built, whether it’s the walls, the floor of the house, or the soil kang, it’s still very damp. Under such circumstances, it’s not suitable for people to live in. It takes a while to let the house be in. Just do it.

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, the two little guys cleverly lit their little heads to show that they understood.

However, his eyes are still full of hope, full of expectations for living in such a beautiful new house.

Your own house is always so attractive, especially a new house.

Even Han Cheng, who came from later generations, couldn't avoid the vulgarity.

I didn't feel it when I hadn't let the people of the tribe build it before. Now that it's built, the feeling in my heart suddenly feels different.

When Han Cheng is fine, he likes to come to the new house for a while.

Either smashed the ground with a rammed earth tool, or got some soil to level up some slightly low-lying areas. At the doorway, he also deliberately got a few relatively regular stone slabs and laid them there. It looks good, when it is overcast and rainy, it can reduce mud in the house.

When people decorate their houses, there is always a common problem.

That is, I always want to make everything perfect, leaving no flaws, even a little bit of place and small details, I want to do it well, perfect.

Even if you know it, after living in the house for a while, the things that you have cared about before are all floating clouds, and you can't control what you want to do...

Time passed by a little bit.

During this time, the hemp in the tribe was completely matured and harvested, and transported to the retting pit by the river for retting.

Han Cheng’s house that had not been used up for half a month was completely built, and it was done at this time, and people could live in it.

Han Cheng's family moved out of the old house and lived in the new house.

Not only was Wu not sad, on the contrary, there was a smile on his face, a very happy look.

Han Cheng, who had already known the witch's thoughts, was no longer indiscriminately sentimental this time, but his mouth twitched a little.

As night fell, there was fire in the newly built houses, and the large fire bed had been paved.

Little Pea and Little Myolie have never slept in such a big kang before. The two who had taken a bath wore thin, beaten soft linen pajamas and turned their heads happily on the kang. From time to time, I also want Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei to join them in their play. They look very happy...

"Witch, the month of Yuan is getting older. Don't always feed the rabbits here. If you are fine, just walk with Yuan. Walking more is good for Yuan. It is good for children and adults."

Han Cheng stood here and said to Wu who was still feeding rabbits here.

Before that, Han Cheng hadn't paid much attention. It was only recently that he gradually noticed that Wu was actually a bit machismo.

"It's okay, just let her go out on her own. I don't need to follow her. Another rabbit is about to give birth. I have something to do here."

Wu looked very bold and said aloud, and stretched out his hand and waved his hand, as if he still has big things to do, this little thing doesn't need to worry about it at all, and it's not worth it.

Seeing this, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel helpless, and once again began to reason with Wu, explaining to him the importance of this.

But Witch's mind was not on these things at all, just kept taking care of these rabbits.

Han Cheng stood here and talked for a while. Seeing that Wu was unmoved at all, he finally gave up, and headed towards the rest of the place on his own, thinking that he had to do something.

As for these things about Wu, I didn't care about it. In fact, just as Wu said, without his company, Yuan knew that nothing was going to happen.

Thinking of these things in his heart, Han Cheng couldn't help shook his head, with some smiles on his face.

In the past, he lived in a house with Wu, Yuan and others. Although there was a room in between, when sleeping at night, if the environment was too quiet and the noise on the other side was relatively loud, he could hear it. Some sounds.

I remember that the witch at this time, when facing Yuan, was not so hard-spirited. Is it because the bright light in the daytime gave Wu courage?

Han Cheng thought this way in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

After a while, Han Cheng inadvertently raised his head and looked at a place, his mouth was a little bit open and the corners of his eyes twitched.

I saw the witch who had appeared extremely hard and spoke very sonorous and powerful not long ago. At this time, he was walking slowly among the tribe with the bulging circle.

I don’t know why. During the process of walking, Wu never looked where Han Cheng was staying, and when he walked in Han Cheng’s field of vision, his footsteps could not help but speed up a bit, as if he was avoiding something. same.

However, because of the big round belly and heavy body, it is inconvenient to move and cannot walk too fast.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Wu to go too fast.

This made him feel very tormented, but there was no other way but to suffer like this.

A smile appeared on Han Cheng's face after seeing this scene, which was very funny.

Wu's reaction is really fun...

He waited until Wu Yuan and the two of them disappeared from sight, and he was a little unscrupulous, then he took his gaze back and continued to do his own thing.

The witch who was with Yuan, quietly Mimi turned her head and looked back, and found that she could no longer see the **** child, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The whole person became a lot more relaxed, no longer stiff. Looks nervous.

Yuan followed behind, holding his chubby belly with his hands forward, and holding it slightly harder to share the pressure on his body.

Looking at the witch walking in front, she couldn't help showing some smiles on her face.

Having lived together for such a long time, and each other has a very in-depth understanding, Yuan naturally knows the virtues of witches.

She didn't feel annoyed about this, but found it interesting.

The two walked slowly all the way to the outside of the tribe. When they came to the edge of the apricot tree that had fallen leaves, Wu stopped and pointed to a large flat stone, let Yuan sit down and rest.

Yuan said that he was not tired and could continue to move forward. Wu didn't listen to Yuan's words at all. He stretched out his hand to hold Yuan and pulled it to the stone. His attitude was very tough.

The roundness was not enough for him, so he had to sit on the stone as he wanted.

As a result, when he was about to sit down, Wu stretched out his hand to make the circle stop again.

He placed the straw mat made of grass in his hand on the stone, and then Yuan was seated again.

It's just that when he was doing these things, Wu had to pretend that he didn't care much or was disgusted. It could be said that he was very burdened.

Of course, this is because it is daytime and they are still outside the room. The witch should pay attention to his tall and mighty image in the eyes of the tribe. If it is at night, or in a room with only two of them, witch It must be another way.

He has been preparing witches for a long time in the tribe, and it seems that he will continue to give it to the next witch stone who has no end, passing by not far away, seeing this scene, he will work hard to make himself face. He became expressionless, and walked through here without squinting as much as possible, as if he didn't see Wu and Yuan the same.

I waited until the back of my head was completely facing Wu, and I was convinced that Wu couldn't see his expression. Only after the stone's face came a weird smile...

Wu reached out and rubbed his skin on his face, feeling deeply grateful for his acting skills in his heart.

Fortunately, they acted more similarly, otherwise they would be seen through by the sons of gods, which would really damage their good pictogram in their hearts.

Thinking like this in his heart, Wu felt that Yuan’s rest time was almost over, and turned his head to look around quickly. After seeing no one around him, he stretched out his hand and bent over to actively support Yuan who was sitting there with his face Laughing.

The majestic and burdensome look in front of the people, I didn't know where they went.

Yuan was obviously used to the way Wu was a long time ago, and she didn't say anything when she saw this, but with a smile on her face, letting Wu help him go forward.

And prepared that once they met someone, the witch would immediately let go and pretend to be as if nothing had happened...

It turns out that everything needs a degree.

If not, even a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

Since that day, Wu has had a new job.

This job is to go for a walk in and out of the tribe with Yuan.

For this reason, Wu even fed the rabbits less and arranged for others to come and help him do these things.

The sorcerer pretended to be indifferent, in fact, he was particularly concerned about the expected date of delivery for people who were pregnant and the month was still very big, and calculated according to the people in the tribe who understood these things, the circle that was two weeks before the expected date of delivery was particularly concerned.

He deeply remembered what the son of God said, and walking more is good for adults and children.

Under such circumstances, I would go a little bit inadvertently.

On the way back from the bend, Yuan felt her stomach hurts. After returning to the house where she lived from outside the tribe, Yuan felt her stomach hurts even more~www.NovelMTL.com~ After a while, there was a lot of water Controlled flow came out, dampening a large area of ​​Yuan's pants and the Tu Kang sitting on it.

Seeing Yuan who suddenly peeed his pants and peeed the bed, Wu felt a little stunned.

People who are all this big now have wetted their bed and their pants suddenly?

Such doubts stayed in his mind, and Wu immediately realized something.

After realizing such a thing, Wu was stunned on the spot for a moment, and the whole person appeared to be extremely confused.

He quickly came to Yuan's side, eagerly holding Yuan's hand, and then let Yuan's hand away, opening the door of the room all the way and ran outside.

While running, he kept shouting: "God, Son of God! Born, born! Son of God, born..."


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