I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1198: Han Cheng: I am really happy, I am so happy (2 in 1...

Wu Yi was a little dazed for a while, but he didn't expect that the son of God would actually say such words at this time.

Isn't this house very good?

It doesn't leak rain, and there is light that can penetrate through the window and fall inside the room, shining brightly.

In addition, there is a fire kang in the room. When it is cold in winter, the fire kang is burned. It is warm and very comfortable.

The house itself is also very spacious and it is not crowded with people living in it.

It is a rare place to live!

Why didn't the **** son look down on such a good place to live, so he wanted to pick it up and rebuild another house?

Han Cheng looked at the sluggish and puzzled Witch with the grass in his hand, a little helpless.

Like those of later generations who are getting older and have had a lot of hardships, the witch is always reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, and the most unacceptable thing is waste.

Even if life becomes better, they still keep this habit.

Even if the thing is broken, it is still not broken in their eyes. A slight repair will still be the best thing and extremely easy to use.

This own proposal, for Wu Wu, can definitely be included in the ranks of evildoers.

Sure enough, not long after Han Cheng thought about it, Wu spoke up.

"God, son of God, isn't this house pretty good? It's so spacious, so bright, and it's very comfortable to live in. It would be a shame if it was demolished."

This is the result of people living in different eras with different ideas.

Building a house seems to be a very organized and very important thing in later generations.

In later generations, many people who have money in their hands will choose to strip off the old houses, renovate the houses, and build new, luxurious houses.

Even some people have tight hands and will do their best to do this.

The same thing doesn't work in this era, at least it doesn't work here in Wu.

Not only did Wu feel the joy of building a more magnificent new house, on the contrary, he felt especially distressed that the house that was still very useful in his eyes and could continue to be used was removed.

Before Han Cheng, there were old people in his family. He had been in contact with old people and he was able to understand the witch's psychology.

So he quickly came up with the second plan.

"Wu, if you think it's not okay, if you can't bear this house, then this house will not be picked up, and I will keep it. I will choose a site in the rest of the place and build another house."

Han Cheng said to Wu.

This is his second plan. Keep the original old house, open a new foundation, and build a new house in the rest.

Such schemes are also more common in later generations of rural areas.

Of course, because the homestead is not easy to get, many people have this idea, but they have never succeeded. In the end, they can only remove the old house and continue to renovate the old house.

As Han Cheng thought before, after hearing what he said and understanding what he meant, he just squeezed the stunned Wug with force, and unconsciously released his clenched hand. , No longer hold the grass.

"Son of God, this is a good way. It doesn't take a lot of trouble and nothing is said. There can be more houses in the tribe."

Wu said happily.

After saying this, he said again: "God, after the time is complete, you will live in the new house, and Yuan and I will still live here."

Having said that, Wu's expression became unnatural.

He opened his mouth and closed it again, seemingly hesitant to speak.

The clever and wise God son Han Da noticed the changes in the witch's expression, and quickly thought of why the witch was like this.

Having lived in the same house with Wu for such a long time, they have become accustomed to each other.

Now I say I want to build a new house. After the new house is built, I will take his wife and children away from the old house and go to live in the new house. The witch must feel uncomfortable, and it must be very Reluctant to give up.

According to Wu's personality and Han Cheng's understanding of Wu, Wu must be uncomfortable in his heart, otherwise, this time would not behave like this.

Sure enough, after Wu said in the next moment, Han Chengcheng became more convinced of his thoughts and feelings.

After some hesitation and entanglement, Wu opened his mouth, his voice was low and his expression was a little unnatural.

"After the new house is built, will you no longer live in your current room, son of God?"

When Han Cheng was originally, he was still in a good mood. After all, he was about to build a new house for his family to live in.

However, Han Cheng's mood became heavy unconsciously when he was driven by such emotions as Wu.


Han Cheng was ready to comfort Wu, a kind old man, so that he would not feel uncomfortable.

The words of comfort have been thought of in my heart.

For example, there is still a long time before the new house is built and people can live in. The family will continue to live in the old house for a while.

For example, even if you are building a new house, it will not be built too far away from the old house. In fact, there is not much difference between living in a house.

Let Wu feel not so uncomfortable in his heart.

When Han Cheng opened his mouth to say this, Wu said Han Cheng a little bit first.

Seeing this, Han Cheng immediately swallowed the rest of the words in his stomach, and asked Wu to say it first. After he was ready to let Wu fully express his emotions, he then spoke to persuade and comfort him.

"The new house can't be lived after it is built!"

When Wu said this, it fell into Han Cheng's ears, feeling melancholy.

"Then quickly find someone to build a new house! If you build it sooner, you can move in sooner."

Wu Yi said seriously.

The son of Han Da heard deep sadness from it.

I couldn't help but want to comfort him again, Wu said again: "After you moved in, the house was vacant, and it happened to be surrounded by kangs. There were still three.

When it's time for me to take a rest inside, it is a very good bunny hoop. After it gets cold, I can take some newly born bunnies into it and raise them, saving them from freezing to death.

Some of the ones built specifically for rabbits were not enough, but after adding this new one, it just happened to be enough! "

When Wu said this, he couldn't help but burst into joy.

Han Cheng, who had always been filled with sadness and felt extremely uncomfortable in Wu's heart, racked his brains to comfort Wu, and suddenly became sluggish.

What and what is this!

What about sadness?

Are you reluctant to say yes?

How did this style of painting suddenly change?

The feelings just now were all thought of by myself, and moved myself by the way? !

Not only was Wu not sad, but on the contrary, he was extremely happy that the **** born in the winter had a new house.

The truth has always been cruel, and it came so unexpectedly.

Rao was a person like God Son Han Da, and he was confused for a while.

But the witch had not yet come out of the joy that he was about to get a house with a kang that could house the rascals in the tribe, and the whole person seemed extraordinarily happy.

Still speaking joyously.

For example, how to modify this room when the time comes, such as how good impact will these things have on the rabbits in the tribe.

After talking with excitement for a long time, Wu suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the son of Han Da.

He stopped talking, then turned his head to look at Han Cheng, and said with some confusion: "What's the matter? Do you disagree with this?"

"Why are you so unhappy?"

Han Cheng's face twitched, and a smile came out on his face.

"No, I am not happy, I am very happy!"

Han Cheng squeezed out a smile and tried to show that he was extraordinarily happy.

"With such a move, the survival rate of the cubs in the tribe will greatly increase, and the number of rabbits in our tribe will also increase. This is a great thing.

In winter, I will make you a "diving rabbit" to eat. "

Hearing what Han Cheng said, Wu looked a little puzzled.

Just now, I did feel that the Son of God's emotions were a bit wrong, but at this time, looking at the manner of the Son of God and what he said, I felt that the Son of God was happy for what he thought of from the heart.

Thinking with such doubts in his heart, Wu looked at Han Cheng again, and found that God Son Han was still very happy, and there was no abnormality, so he closed the doubts in his heart.

He felt that he must have had some illusion before.

Because it is indeed a very good and very cost-effective thing to transform the empty room into a place for breeding rabbits.

According to the character of the son of God, it is impossible for the son of God to be unhappy about this.

The corner of Han Cheng's eyes twitched.

I am really happy...

Han Cheng's construction of the house was still on the agenda, and ground broke soon.

The building was about forty to fifty meters away from the old house where they lived.

The foundation has already been excavated.

The orientation of the house is traditionally facing north and south.

The house is no longer three, but four.

This is mainly because Han Cheng considers that Xiao Wandou and others will gradually grow up due to the need to have his own independent space.

Now that you have decided to build a house, you might as well do it in one step. After you have integrated the things you can consider, you can cover them as much as possible.

Of the four houses, three are bedrooms, and the remaining one is used as a living room.

When the time comes, Han Cheng will have a room with Bai Xuemei, Little Pea and Little Soybean, and Little Myolie will live alone.

As for whether there will be children in the future, or whether Xiao Wandou and others have grown up, marrying a wife and having children, Han Cheng has not considered such things for the time being.

The tribe is getting bigger day by day, and there are more and more places that belong to the tribe. Who knows that these grown-up little guys will be willing to stay here in the main tribe instead of going to other places to settle down?

The room size of the house is also much larger than that of the old house before, and one house can almost cover one and a half rooms before.

Outside the main tribe, smoke is blowing from several brick kilns.

Some ox carts traveled between the brick kiln and the main tribe, pulling blocks of blue bricks from the outside to the place where the ground was broken.

In the past, Han has become the highlight of the importance of education, and the tribe has issued orders that, except for the school, the rest of the houses cannot be built with bricks.

However, any policy is time-sensitive and needs to be adjusted to a certain extent according to the progress of the matter and the actual situation.

The same is true for this command.

After these years of development, the importance of education has gradually become popular among people.

And the educational mechanism in the tribe has basically begun to take shape.

The world is moving forward. With the development of time, the materials in the tribe become more and more abundant. It is inevitable that brick walls will gradually replace earth walls.

After all, the brick wall is stronger and more beautiful than the earth wall.

When the foundation is stable and the houses are built on rivers, deep trenches and other places where the foundation is easy to erode, generally speaking, brick walls will not collapse due to continuous heavy rain.

But the earth wall will not be made. It has really encountered continuous heavy rain. Some old houses will really have such disasters as houses collapsed.

Han Cheng knew these things clearly, so after a few years, he slowly began to take the initiative to let go.

Now, in addition to the school, the main tribe already has some buildings made of blue bricks.

Except for the school, the other buildings that use blue bricks are not pure blue bricks.

The foundation and more than half of the walls are made of large stones.

The blue bricks are used on top.

But even if this is the case, such a house is already enough to make people feel very grand!

Now, as the most respected **** in the tribe, he wants to build his own house, so the specifications are naturally different!

After learning about this matter ~www.NovelMTL.com~ does not need to be mobilized at all, the people in the tribe expressed that they are very willing to make some efforts in this matter.

As for the materials used for the construction time, there is no need for Han Cheng, the **** child, to speak out. The people in the tribe have already automatically made it to the highest specification of the whole tribe—all built with blue bricks!

Han Cheng, a divine child, came out and said a few times, saying that he also made a stone on the bottom and bricks on the top.

But the people of the Qingque tribe, who had always obeyed the words of God's Son, did not listen to this matter at all.

People like the Son of God cannot live in such a house, so who else in the entire tribe can live in such a house?

To build a house with the **** son this time, it must be built into a kind of blue brick!

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng had no choice but to tell the people in the tribe that the foundation should still be hit with stones, and the upper part of the ground should be built with blue bricks...

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