I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1197: Housing problem (2 in 1)

The arrival of Han Cheng made everyone in the shipyard very excited.

Everyone greeted the **** son one after another.

Even in the current Qingque tribe, the number of people is too large compared to before, and the composition of the tribe's personnel is also very complicated, but one thing has not changed.

That is the respect and love of the tribe people to the Son of God!

This is true even if the son of God is younger than many of them.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded to everyone, then looked at the situation in the shipyard.

In a shed much larger than the average shed, there are many people busy here.

Blocks of thick and extraordinarily strong, extremely neat wooden boards were assembled by them.

Obviously they have not done this for a while.

At this point, there is already more than one and a half completed things.

It can be seen from the outline that this is a bottom of a ship.

It's just that the bottom of the ship is too big, the widest part is more than eight meters wide!

The length that has been spliced ​​alone is already over fourteen meters!

But obviously, it will not only have fourteen meters.

According to their design, the length of this boat will reach 20 meters!

This kind of ship is not very big in later generations.

Not to mention the comparison with those big cruise ships and freighters, the ships that shuttle back and forth in the Yangtze River are basically inferior!

But for the Qingque tribe people at this stage, this is indeed a giant-level existence!

If it weren’t for the previous time, under the guidance of Han Cheng, they used to build a small sailboat to practice their hand skills, and found a lot of experience and confidence. They would not have the courage at this time. The big man charged.

In addition to these people who are assembling things, there are still many people busy here.

Some people are pulling big saws here to untie the boards, some people are holding planes and pushing back and forth here...

The whole shipyard is full of energy!

At the beginning, these people didn't have the slightest idea about what they and others were going to do, what to do with this behemoth, and there was no bottom line in their hearts.

Now, everyone has a clear understanding of this.

And clearly know how much influence and effect such things will have on the tribe once it is made.

Under such circumstances, the people in the tribe are certainly vigorous in doing such things.

Han Cheng walked around here, sat here for a while and then left, heading towards the tribe.

Everyone started things in an orderly manner, and there was no need for him to intervene.

As Han Cheng walked back, he picked up a few lotus plants from the puddle on the roadside, held them in his hands and buckled them apart, taking out lotus seeds.

Then he walked back slowly while peeling off the green-yellow coat of the lotus seed, revealing that the lotus seed came out without seeing the sun.

Han Cheng didn't put the peeled lotus seeds directly into his mouth to eat. Instead, he split them from the middle, buckled the turquoise, very beautiful lotus heart, and then put them in his mouth to eat.

If the lotus seeds do not remove the lotus heart, it will affect the taste.

After all, Lotus Heart is bitter.

But this thing can be collected, dried, and used to make tea.

The effect is much better than the long-opened lotus leaves.

However, the lotus heart that Han Cheng buckled down was easily lost by him.

On the one hand, the lotus seeds of these lotus plants do not have many lotus hearts. Another reason is that he only has two hands. Now he is walking outside, which is very inconvenient to hold, and the lotus cores are still slippery. It's hard to hold.

Fresh raw lotus seeds have a faint sweetness in the mouth, as well as some lingering fragrance.

Compared with cooked lotus seeds, Han Cheng prefers to eat this kind of fresh lotus seeds, not for anything else, just for the freshness and fragrance.

Walking all the way and eating all the way, when he walked back to the tribe, Han Cheng only had two lotus flowers left in his hands.

Seeing Little Pea and Little Myolie, he gave them to them.

The two little dolls held one each, and happily went to eat.

Fu Jiang also came over and looked at Han Cheng eagerly.

Helpless, Han Cheng had to peel off the last lotus seed in his hand, deduct the lotus heart, and put it in the palm of his hand.

Fu Jiang came over happily, rolled his tongue, and ate the lotus seed in his mouth, chirped a few times, and swallowed it.

With a look of satisfaction.

Fu Jiang was satisfied, but some guys were not satisfied at all.

"Yo Yo~"

The big guys yelled at Han Cheng like this, and walked towards Han Cheng while yelling, looking very strongly dissatisfied.

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with Han Cheng's favoritism.

The person who came was not someone else, but Uncle Lu.

In the entire Qingque tribe, there is no other deer with such a high status who can stroll around at will.

Seeing Uncle Lu's posture, Han Chengcheng couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"No, it's all finished."

Han Cheng opened his hand and faced Uncle Lu, with a somewhat helpless explanation, telling him this sad fact.

However, Uncle Deer obviously did not believe the explanation of the two-legged beast. He sprayed its nose at the two-legged beast with disdain, and stretched its mouth toward Han Cheng's right hand.

"This is an empty lotus with some lotus seeds in it, which is not delicious."

Han Cheng explained to Uncle Deer.

Uncle as clever as a deer would not listen to this two-legged beast.

It felt that this two-legged beast was worried about eating this kind of food, so it deliberately refused to let it eat.

How can such a low-level trick be kept away from the uncle deer who has seen countless deer in his life and experienced many storms?

Smart and wise, it has already seen everything through.

As it approached the empty lotus, it suddenly accelerated, and as its head moved quickly forward, its tongue also moved.

Then Han Cheng took the empty lotus that he was going to avoid back to Uncle Lu's mouth.

Uncle Deer's head was raised high, with an extraordinarily air, and he despised the two-legged beast who didn't want to eat good things for himself, and the dog who didn't hide his food from him.

Its mouth chewed a few times, and then the chewing stopped.

After stiffening for a while, Uncle Lu's mouth moved again.

Three times, the lotus that had been chewed for a few orders was rinsed out of the mouth.

I don't know what this guy has tasted from the lotus. The uncle deer who vomited the lotus turned up, revealing the yellow big teeth with some green teeth.

It looks very wretched.

Looking at Han Cheng, he wanted to slap this guy's old face with his hands and pull it out of such a wretched state.

After expressing his feelings with such movements, Uncle Lu put down his upper mouth.

Then, after banging his nose at Han Cheng's already Fu Jiang, he took his long retreat and walked away leisurely.

His heart was filled with disdain for the two-legged beast and the shameless dog.

Such unpalatable things can be eaten with such relish,

I feel a little bit ashamed of the face of Uncle Lu who has seen the world...

Seeing Uncle Deer walking away with long legs really slowly and imposingly like an uncle, Han Cheng felt a little helpless for a while.

He once felt that this wretched fellow was perfect.

Because just now, he felt a deep contempt from this deer!

My sister, the **** son of her dignified Qingque tribe, a traverser from later generations, was actually despised by a deer.

Who will believe this?

Han Cheng shook his head and retracted his thoughts, so that he would no longer worry about this matter, but turned and headed towards the inside of the tribe.

After seeing Han Cheng shaking his head, Fu Jiang, who was squatting on the side, shook his head at the back of Uncle Deer, then stood up and walked into the tribe with Han Cheng.

It seems to be clever and wise, following the **** son to see that the big idiot eats the skin of the lotus, not the lotus seed...

Han Cheng walked all the way towards the inner courtyard. In a shady area, there were several hand-cranked spinning machines.

Women from several tribes such as Bai Xuemei, Zhuang, Xing, etc. were sitting here spinning threads with this thing.

There is a cradle next to it, and Xiao Huangdou is playing there.

Not far away, chubby was sitting on a chair, sorting some fibers, and serving the women who were spinning.

Yuanben's not small belly looks bigger at this time, it looks like a ball, which matches her name perfectly.

According to the time Wu said, if you count the months, it will be almost eight months now, and it is close to the due date.

When the time comes, the witch will have offspring. I don’t know what kind of reaction and mood the old witch will have after seeing the child he made himself.

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng's eyes fell on a house.

The walls of the house are made of soil using the plate-building method, and there are three rooms in total.

The whole house looks very primitive and has a sense of age.

This house is where Han Cheng lives.

Of course, in addition to Han Cheng and his family, there are also the old couple Wu Yuan who live together.

Of course, according to the current trend, it won't take long for Wu Heyuan to live in a house with a small member.

The house is too small and needs to be changed.

After standing here staring at the house for a while, Han Cheng finally made such a conclusion in his heart.

In fact, Han Cheng already felt this way.

After returning from the south, he already felt it deeply.

The house where Wu and their family lived was the first one in the tribe.

The size of the room is far inferior to that of later generations. The scale is small. The size of a house is smaller than the old-fashioned tiled houses that Han Cheng remembers in later generations.

At the beginning, there were only two people living in such a room, Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei, and there were not many personal belongings, so living in it didn't feel too crowded or difficult.

But now, the number of people living in the room has changed from two to three.

In their room, there is a big Kang and two small Kangs.

On the top of the big kang are usually Bai Xuemei, himself, and Xiao Huangdou who cannot live independently.

With such a large, two small and three kangs, the space in the room is already occupied.

After adding some wooden boxes for clothes and other things, the space becomes more narrow.

Extra crowded.

Of course, this is also related to the better and better life in the tribe, the increasing variety and quantity of things created by production, and the possession of more personal items by Han Cheng and others.

Although Han Cheng was aware of this matter before, he had not focused on it.

The people in the tribe are relatively idle now, which can be regarded as the gap between harvesting and planting.

Moreover, the sailboats and spinning machines that he has been worrying about have already existed. At this time, he hasn't thought of doing anything. It would be good to solve the housing problem.

This matter will be resolved sooner or later.

After all, children will grow up sooner or later.

When the time comes, regardless of whether it is from the perspective of avoiding suspicion or from the perspective of living experience, it is necessary to allocate houses and find new houses to resettle them.

It’s better to find a way to solve it now if you delay it for that long.

In this case, I can also be freed from this bad experience early...

After making this decision in his heart, Han Cheng stood here for a while and watched the others spinning here, and then left without saying a word.

He is looking for a witch.

This matter needs to be discussed with Wu.

Not because he was a witch in the tribe, but because Wu and Han Cheng lived in the same house, and Wu was still a person whom Han Cheng admired and admired in his heart.

Therefore, it is very necessary to find the witch and discuss with him about this matter.

Han Cheng didn't ask anyone, and went straight to the bunny pen where he was feeding the rabbits, where he saw the witch who was holding some grass and throwing it into the bunny pen.

Rabbits can eat and pull ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It's a small size, but it happens to be able to pull out **** eggs about the size of sheep.

When you come and take a look inside, you can see large groups of rabbits.

Some hid in the shady ground and slept there, while others were pawing on the ground with their two front paws, trying to make a hole in the ground.

Others seem to be a little unimaginable and constantly use their mouths to pull their hair down.

Of course, most of them squatted on the edge of the haystack that Wu thrown down, eating the grass with three **** of mouth.

It seems that he doesn't show his teeth, and he eats very gracefully. In fact, when he eats, his speed is not slow at all.

A long blade of grass will disappear in this grace in a short while.

Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, then he spoke to the witch about the house, and the witch who threw the grass inside was stunned. The grass he was about to throw down was also held in his hand...

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