I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1196: New doors opened by gears (2 in 1)

Wu moved his steps and kept spinning around the spinning machine that had just proven his worth. He seemed particularly surprised.

During this process, he would stretch out his hand from time to time to touch the spinning machine a few times, holding the wooden handle and stirring a few times.

The wrinkled face is full of smiles, like a child who has acquired novelties, and the whole person is full of curiosity, excitement and joy.

Of course he was happy. After all, he had just witnessed this thing called a spinning machine by the **** son, how good the effect is when spinning!

If the **** child does not call to stop, let these people continue the way, those who use the spinning top will not be able to rest.

On the other hand, there is no such trend in spinning Bai Xuemei on a spinning machine.

Wu clearly knew that if this kind of thing continued, the gap between the thread spun with the spinning top and the thread spun with the spinning machine would become even greater!

In other words, relying on the spinning machine, the work that originally required four people to do, now one person can almost complete it!

It is equivalent to saving three-quarters of the manpower!

This is a manpower of four members and three people!

Think about the large number of people in your tribe who are working hard to spin yarn, and then think about the manpower that will be saved because of this, how can the witch be unhappy?

In fact, it's not just the witches, everyone else in the room was also happy.

Because this thing is so easy to use, it has too much effect on the tribe.

The first carpenter in the tribe was lame, standing here staring at the spinning machine without blinking, or to be precise, looking at two wheels, large and small, with uniform protrusions and depressions.

Looking at the small wheels that are connected by these bumps and depressions, and being driven in constant circles, the limping eyes are shining, and something seems to be emerging in his mind.

This new idea is also a new direction, which has brought him a lot of inspiration and inspiration.

These inspirations and inspirations have not yet reached specific places or things, but I am convinced that this must be very useful in the future, and there will be a very big breakthrough in what I can make!

Seeing the reaction of the people in the tribe, Han Cheng, who made such a thing alone, felt particularly comfortable in his heart.

This kind of satisfaction, this sense of accomplishment was something I had never experienced when I provided some ideas to the lame and let them get things out!

No wonder the Emperor Carpenter was so obsessed with woodworking that he couldn't extricate himself from it. It turns out that this thing is done well, but it has such an effect!

After everyone's tossing, more than half of the morning has passed.

Han Cheng, who hadn't slept in the middle of the night, finally felt sleepy.

He returned to the house where he lived, lying on the bamboo mat, and soon fell asleep.

He fell asleep, and the sensation in the tribe caused by the appearance of the spinning machine has not diminished.

More and more people know that the **** child has made a very, very useful new machine, and many people go to the carpenter's room to visit and gain insight.

After seeing the performance of this new machine, and knowing what the appearance of this new machine means to the tribe, everyone was extremely happy and excited.

Of course, there is still a deep admiration for the Son of God!

Especially the women in the tribe.

This kind of machine is simply used to rescue them!

In the past, they didn't feel that it was any hard work to spin the yarn with the thread top when it was all right.

But now thinking about many of them, after spinning with a spinning top without having to be okay anymore, many people feel a lot of happiness at once.

This is a kind of ease that radiates from the depths of my heart!


There are still many areas of the spinning machine that need to be modified.

For example, the shaft of a spinning machine.

The shaft is ready to make the wheels turn faster, lighter and less expensive, people will also become easier, and the efficiency of weaving is also high.

Another example is wheels...

Han Cheng started to do these things when he wanted to do it, and when he didn't want to do it, he was done by a professional carpenter in the tribe.

After all, he is not a professional carpenter, and he still has a bad grasp of some fine work.

But these things are trivial.

Because the hand-cranked spinning machine has been taken out by him, there are no more things to think about.

The people in the tribe will improve on this, only to make each component more exquisite and suitable on the existing basis.

Drawing a dipper according to the gourd, this kind of thing is not difficult.

At least it is difficult to help the carpenters in the tribe who have already been well-trained.

Under such circumstances, the improved hardcover version of hand-spinning machines soon appeared among the tribes, and the number is increasing.

In some places in the tribe, you can already see the women of the tribe sitting there spinning the spinning machine with their hands.

Because this thing just came out, it is still a novel thing in the tribe, so it is very popular now.

Several people are vying to use a machine, or after discussing who will use this spinning machine to spin the thread for a period of time, the rest will take over.

Han Cheng couldn't help but smile when he watched such a scene.

These people are also a novelty for a while. After a while, after the hand-spinning machines have been popularized in the tribe, many people in the tribe will no longer have the current interest...

Since this period of time, the people who have often been nestled in the downstream shipyard and can't come out are now a little bit ‘insecure’.

He is obsessed with gears now.

Therefore, a lot of gears have been made.

Some are made of pure wood blocks, and some are made of mixed bamboo and wood.

Some use vines and wooden sticks.

Of course, because of the spinning machine, the magical effect of gears is discovered, and there is not only one who is gradually obsessed with it. The people who are responsible for making molds also made bronze molds.

And cast bronze gears out of bronze.

In this process, everyone also began to study from the shallower to the deeper which specifications of gears are most comfortable to use and perform best.

What is the more appropriate density of gear teeth...

I don’t know when the weather hasn’t been so hot anymore.

Han Cheng thought for a while, this change should have started from the autumn rain a few days ago.

An autumn rain and a cold.

The sky has also become high and far, with scattered white clouds floating above it.

From time to time there will be flocks of birds flying across the sky. When the flocks are big, it really has the atmosphere and sight to cover the sky and the sun.

So that the geese in the larger and larger goose ring in the tribe couldn't help but follow them and flap their wings together, wanting to fly towards the south with them.

But this is obviously impossible.

This is not only because there are always caring people from the Qingque tribe who bring scissors to tidy up their feathers one by one, and cut off the excess hair on their wings, but also because the goose shed where they live is always covered. A net woven with a layer of rope.

These two layers remind them all the time, they don't want to fly south, they just want to stay quietly here in the Qingque tribe, laying eggs and eating with the Qingque tribe.

The white clouds above the sky spread into the rivers of the Qingque tribe, one after another.

In addition to the reflection on the sky, there are some real things.

If you look closely, you will find that these things are nothing but white sails.

A ship with white sails is sailing above the water, and it doesn't even make some turning movements.

If someone who has landed outside and who knows better about ships is here at this time, he will definitely be stunned by the scene before his eyes.

This is because this big white sail boat did not use penny or oars when turning.

Just a person standing on the stern of the boat, pushing a wooden stick with the thickness of a baby's arm to one side, and the boat turned!

Such a sight in their eyes will definitely make them feel great shock!

Han Cheng is not an outsider, so naturally he will not be surprised by the sight in front of him.

But looking at the scene before him, he couldn't help showing some smiles on his face.

The sailboat in front of me is still the same sailboat before, but it has changed a lot from before.

Such as the rudder used for steering.

The current rudder has become a real rudder, and there is a fundamental difference between it and the rudder.

It has only one steering function left. As for the function of providing forward mobility to the ship by swaying from side to side, it has been cancelled.

Sacrificing one function, leaving only one function, the effect is naturally stronger than having both.

When the function changes, that style will change accordingly.

The previous unsuccessful rudder relied on a solid wooden pillar and was fixed diagonally to the stern.

The current rudder is fixed straight up and down at the stern.

In order to let the people who master the rudder control the rudder to steer more vigorously, a wooden stick about half a meter long was installed horizontally on this rod of the rudder.

When you need to turn, you can hold the stick or push it forward or pull it into your arms, without expending too much effort.

And, because the rudder is installed straight up and down, it can turn more.

If it is not deliberately restricted, it can be rotated three hundred and sixty degrees!

This is also the reason why its effect on turns is far superior to that of a scull.

After all, the range that the scull can turn left and right is much smaller.

This kind of mature sculls can appear and be successfully installed on the sailboat. The lame and others have spent a lot of thought.

When I only looked at the results, I felt that this small change was nothing more than that. It was very simple, and it was an individual who could make it.

This is purely about standing and talking without backache.

Before this layer of window paper was punctured, this seemingly very simple thing, I don't know how many people will be embarrassed to lose their hair!

But what makes people feel uncomfortable is that there are still many such people in life...

The sails have been adjusted.

Previously, this sailing vessel of the Qingque tribe was modified and used as a test product. The first sail was a schooner and the remaining two sides were horizontal sails.

Now, both the first and second sails have become vertical sails, and only the third sail near the stern is a horizontal sail.

And the area of ​​this horizontal sail is significantly smaller than the previous two sails.

This is the result of the sailors of the Qingque tribe who have summed up their experience time and time again through voyages in this not-short period of time, and slowly explored them to make changes.

Two vertical sails and one horizontal sail can ensure that the sails can be sailed with the help of wind from all directions.

And the speed is faster than other combinations, and the ship is more convenient to maneuver.

In fact, these sailors in the tribe tried many combinations before making the sails into the current two-vertical and one-horizontal style.

For example, three feet are all vertical sails, three are horizontal sails, and one vertical sail is two horizontal sails.

One vertical and two horizontal are divided into the first vertical, the second vertical, and the third vertical, and the rest horizontal.

After trying all the way, the people in the tribe finally found that under the current situation, the sails were made into two schooners and one cross sail, and the two schooners were the first two, and the cross sail was the last one. The overall effect is the best.

This is a boring thing that tests people's patience.

Fortunately, after day-to-day trials and summaries of these sailors, there have been good results.

After some hard work, a good result was obtained, which may be an important reason for the boring process that many people can bear.

Of course, it is not the only reason.

For example, in future generations, many people choose to do a job, not because they like it so much, but because life is not only the immediate struggle, but also the longer future......

Standing under a tree by the river, Han Cheng watched for a while the sailors of the tribe were controlling the boats to sail back and forth, and then he moved along the river bank and then down.

After a while, I came to the shipyard located downstream of the river.

The shipyard is newly built and covers an area of ​​about ten acres.

Like all the residential buildings in the Qingque tribe, the shipyard is surrounded by walls.

However, there are basically not many houses built inside, there are only four in total.

The rest are constructed greenhouses. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It consists of pillars made of blue bricks and lime mixed with sand, and strong wooden beams.

The wooden beams are similar to the houses built in the tribe. They are made of fences, mud, and tiles to make roofs.

Under these sheds, some are placed with wood, and some are used as workshops for work.

With this kind of air-permeable and rain-proof shed, people working here will feel much better.

In summer, there is no sun or rain.

But there is also a shortcoming, that is, when it rains, there is no reason to rest, so you still have to continue to work...

As for what to do when it is cold in winter?

Just find something and block it around...

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