I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1193: There is a kind of handsome called no more than 3 seconds (2 in 1)

"Kang Dang!"

"Kang Dang~"

Some sound rang uncontrollably, and it seemed very empty.

On the side of the river in the Qingque tribe, the wheels of the water turrets are constantly turning in circles under the scouring of the water. The water turrets in the house are driven by the rotating wooden poles, like a rooster pecking, and fall together.

Amidst such ups and downs, the millet contained in the stone mortar placed below was gradually cracked and cracked, revealing the yellow millet...

Han Cheng stood here, staring at the running water in a daze.

The people who pounded the rice here didn't know what the **** son was thinking, and he didn't dare to ask.

When doing the work of pounding rice, I was as careful as possible and didn't make much movement.

Worried that it might disturb the son of God.

After Han Cheng stood here for a while, he suddenly returned to his senses.

He nodded to the people who were busy pounding rice, and then turned around without saying a word, and walked back to the tribe.

He did not go anywhere else, but went all the way to the carpenter's room.

Lame and some other carpenters who worked with Lame to make sailboats were not in the carpenter's room.

These people are staying outside the tribe at this time.

To be more specific, he was staying on the bank of the lower reaches of the river more than three miles away from the main tribe.

The water in that place is wider than the river in front of the Qingque tribe.

Lame them, who have gained a lot of experience on small sailboats, and prepare to build larger sailboats. It is not realistic for such things to be carried out in the carpenter's courtyard.

Need to build a special shipyard for lame them to play freely.

Because the distance to the tribe is more suitable, and the water surface is relatively wide, it was chosen as the place to build the shipyard.

The place where the shipyard was built was originally planted with a piece of hemp.

At this time, the hemp was basically considered mature, so under the order of Han Cheng, the hemp was harvested first.

A bad fire time is a bad fire time. For the more important sailing ship, Han Cheng can still bear this loss.

"The Son of God."

"The Son of God."

As Han Cheng walked in, those who were busy here greeted Han Cheng one after another.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded to them, responding one by one.

Here in the carpenter's room, without the presence of the limping group of people, it seems a lot deserted.

Han Cheng walked straight into the carpenter's room, and within a short time he took an axe and a saw.

He found some more wood, put it in the shade of the tree, and then started to drive.

People will always change, and this change is mostly related to the living environment around them.

Having lived for such a long time in this era, Han Cheng's hands-on ability has also begun to rise.

Such as woodworking.

Han Cheng is certainly not professional.

But because there are more contacts in this era, the hands-on ability has been enhanced.

Some Xiaodong and Xiaoxi, if he doesn't want others to do it, he can make it slowly with his own tools such as an axe.

And can also be decent.

He first put a piece of wooden stick flat on top of the pier, raised one foot and stepped on it, and stepped on it firmly to fix it.

After doing all these things, Han Cheng started to saw the wood with the saw in his hand...

While Han Cheng was working, a carpenter from the tribe came to talk.

After Han Cheng expressed that he wanted to explore slowly and didn't need other people to help him for the time being, no one came to bother him...

As the axe was slashed and the plane was pushed, time passed by, and the wood began to become tangible...

Here in the carpenter's room, Han Cheng is sitting on the bench, with something placed in front of him.

The shape of this thing looks a bit like a potter's wheel used to draw water from a well, but there are still some gaps.

Han Cheng held the curved wooden handle with his hand and turned it lightly, and the thing began to turn.

The wooden handle is connected to a section of wood with the thickness of the mouth, about thirty centimeters long.

As the wooden handle rotates, this section of wood also starts to move.

At the middle of the top plane of the wood, seven sticks of the thickness of chopsticks are nailed, which are very strong wood.

Slots are carved on the sticks, which are convenient for tying strings.

After shaking the wooden handle with his hand and feeling it for a while, he felt that the shaking was very easy and smooth. Han Cheng stopped his movements and began to pick up some fibers that he had brought to the side, and began to tie up the small wooden posts.

After the seven small wooden pillars were tied with fibers one by one, Han Chengji began to shake the handle of the tool.

The wooden handle drives the wooden post in a circle, and the wooden posts nailed on the wooden post also rotate.

Rotating together are the fibers tied to the wooden pillars.

This is the spinning machine Han Sung tried to make.

Obviously this thing is not mature at all, but a very pure experiment.

It was just a few laps with his hand that Han Chengcheng had to stop his movements and start a new round of thinking.

Just now this simple spinning machine has a very obvious problem.

The problem is that the fibers tied to the spinning machine will indeed rotate with the rotation of the spinning machine.

But because the other end of these fibers is not fixed, the whole fiber is rotated when the simple spinning machine rotates.

Under such circumstances, all the energy that went up to the rope through the rotation of the spinning machine ran away, which is equivalent to doing useless work.

If you want to prevent the jin on the rope from running away, you can only fix it.

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng only came up with such a solution.

After realizing what he needed to do to solve the problem, Han Cheng thought about it for a while, then started to untie the fiber tied on the spinning machine that was still in the experimental stage, and then looked for it. Here comes the wood and tools, followed by a sound of clanging and beating.

The sound is not smooth, because Han Cheng's thinking is not smooth at all. He often needs to stop and think for a while when he is doing it.

Sometimes you just need to pause for a while, sometimes there is no movement for a while...

Under Han Cheng's unremitting efforts, something finally appeared.

This is something similar to a shelf.

On the shelf, there is a log corresponding to the simple spinning machine manufactured by Han Sung.

There are seven regular holes on the column, corresponding to the seven chopstick-like sticks on the simple spinning machine.

Bai Xuemei stood here watching the excitement, watching Han Cheng's movements seriously, with the look of a little fan in her eyes.

Although I can't understand what Cheng Brother is doing now, and I can basically be sure that what Cheng Brother is doing will still be unsuccessful, but it still can't stop Bai Xuemei from looking at Han Cheng's face full of stars.

Generally speaking, women who commit **** or fall in love are like this.

Of course, if it is two people who have lived together for many years and children have created two or three, they can still be called a romantic relationship...

Han Cheng placed it on the opposite side of the simple spinning machine. After adjusting the position, he began to tie the three synthetic yarn fibers together on a small column of an experimental spinning machine.

Han Cheng was very good at tying ropes. Among the tribe, he can basically be regarded as the originator.

Of course, the rope here is a thicker rope, and it's not something that can't be counted as a few fibers combined and connected.

Bai Xuemei didn't eat dry food. It was a bit awkward to see Han Cheng doing this, Dang Even came over to help Han Cheng do it.

Bai Xuemei, who has dealt with these thin threads for many years, is naturally very handy when she does these things. After these thin fibers that cannot be pinched by the fingers of some big masters, they follow her. After a life-like performance, in a short while, she had already **** the fibers on a few small wooden pillars.

When Han Cheng saw that Bai Xuemei had done something, he automatically abdicated and let Xian.

After Bai Xuemei tied it up, he pulled the seven-stranded fiber with his hand and walked to the shelf just supported.

Insert a fiber into a corresponding hole, and then plug it with a small wooden pole.

In this case, the fiber is fixed.

The seven fibers were fixed by Han Cheng in a short while.

After doing this, Han Jincheng came to the spinning machine under test, held the handle in his hand and started spinning.

As he shook, the seven fibers tied to the loom began to rotate.

Because several fibers were fixed at the other end this time, the energy that went up with the spinning machine's rotation did not escape, so soon these scattered fibers were synthesized together and became a qualified yarn.

Han Cheng showed a satisfied smile, and the face of Xuemei Bai beside him also showed a look of wonder.

Because the hand-cranked spinning machine created by Han Cheng can spin seven yarns at a time, the efficiency is much faster than spinning with a spinning top!

Brother Cheng is really too smart!

There is a kind of handsome called handsome but only three seconds.

This kind of thing is perfect for Han Cheng.

One problem has just been solved, and another problem ensues.

The question is how to wind the strong thread onto the corresponding stick.

When the yarn is combined with the yarn top, it is manually wound on the long handle carried on the yarn top.

Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, and found that using the experimental spinning machine he made, there was no other way but to wind it up manually.

Han Cheng pulled out the cork holding a piece of yarn, and then came to the side of the simple spinning machine with his hand, and wrapped it around the corresponding wooden pole in circles.

After winding up the strong section, I tied a knot and tied it here to prevent it from opening.

Then there are the remaining six...

After finally doing these things, Han Cheng encountered another situation.

This situation is that the length of the fiber is limited. After the previous winding, the existing fiber is not long enough, and new fiber needs to be inserted into it to make it longer.

When adding new fibers to it, there is a necessary condition. This condition is that the yarn needs to be twisted to make it spin.

When the tension on the rope passes the junction of the old and new fibers, the old and new fibers will be connected together and become a whole.

In this process, one hand is required to pull the yarn, and the other hand is responsible for spinning.

Under such circumstances, one hand can only be responsible for one yarn at a time, but there are seven threads on the spinning machine made by Hancheng!

In this way, at least four people are required to work here together to ensure the normal operation of this simple machine for spinning.

This is obviously extremely uneconomical.

The four people use the spinning top to spin yarn, and the efficiency is higher than this.

After being aware of this problem, Han Cheng once again stopped his work and fell into a new round of thinking...

When the time came to noon, there was a jingle once again.

After a while of operation, the more frustrated the more courageous, Han Cheng put down the tools in his hand, which is what gave the spinning machine strength.

At this time, this simple spinning machine has changed again.

The overall change is not big, the biggest change is that the original seven small wooden pillars have become the current one.

After thinking about it for a while, and dinged and dinged for a long time, the fixed-fiber shelf, which took almost two days to manufacture, was abandoned and usedless work was done.

Was left aside.

Han Cheng shook the experimental spinning machine for a while to feel its operation.

Han Cheng, who originally wanted to spin a piece of yarn by hand to experiment with the effect, saw Bai Xuemei who came over with her rice bowl to give her food, Han Cheng stopped this somewhat embarrassing idea.

He took the rice bowl from Bai Xuemei, took a bite, and motioned to Bai Xuemei to try the spinning effect of this thing.

These days, Bai Xuemei did not run here~www.NovelMTL.com~ to watch Han Cheng get this thing. By now, I already know what Han Cheng wants to do and how to use this thing.

After receiving Han Cheng's signal, Bai Xuemei stepped forward to start the experiment.

She tied some fibers to the long slender wooden post in the middle, and then she held the handle with her right hand and began to shake, while holding the fiber with her left hand, she replaced the eliminated wooden shelf to fix the fiber.

After a while, the section of fiber between Bai Xuemei and the spinning machine was already close.

Bai Xuemei squeezed the fiber's hand and took it into her arms, pulling the line that was originally parallel to the wooden pillar into a state perpendicular to the wooden pillar.

Then the right hand shook along with it, and then the strong thread on this section was wrapped around the wooden pole.

After winding, the fiber was pulled on the top of the wooden pillar to fix it, and then the left hand holding the fiber moved back a bit, pulling the fiber parallel to the wooden pillar again, starting a new round of strength...

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