I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1194: From 4-wheeler to handy spinning machine (2 in 1)

Facts have proved that the saying that you can't be a fat man with one bite is quite right.

Of course, the exception is the long worm that swallows prey that is thicker than your body, causes your body to grow larger and bloated at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and directly becomes a big fat man.

Han Cheng now deeply understands the wisdom brought by this common saying.

At the beginning, when he tried to manufacture the spinning machine, he thought of spinning as many threads as possible at a time, greatly improving work efficiency.

But after some experimentation, it was found that under current technical conditions, this simply does not work.

In the end, all the extra wooden posts were removed, leaving only the middle one.

Looking at the simple spinning machine that had already spun a lot of yarn under Bai Xuemei's operation, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

So far, I seem to have explored a lot of things and found the basic principles.

On the basis of the current simple spinning machine, Han Cheng is constantly solving and adjusting the problems that arise. Han Cheng believes that he will be able to get a useful spinning machine.

The mood is good, the appetite is good.

Han Cheng ate two and a half bowls of vegetable soup and dried millet rice before he stopped eating.

"Let's go, don't study it for now, go back to sleep well, and do it after getting up."

Han Cheng ate the last bite of the meal, and looked at that while still sitting on the pier, Bai Xuemei, who was constantly experiencing this novelty with a simple spinning machine in her hand, said aloud.

Han Cheng opened his mouth. The child bride-to-be, who had always been well-behaved, immediately stopped her hand and stood up. Following Han Cheng, who was holding an empty bowl and holding chopsticks, walked out of the carpenter's courtyard and headed towards the house where the two lived.

After people let go of their worries, the quality of sleep will improve.

Originally, Han Cheng was thinking about taking a nap and getting up for a while, then on the spinning machine that had a little success, and then began to research and make changes, but when he woke up, he found that the sun was already west. Up...

Rubbing his eyes, sitting here for a while, Han Cheng shook his head and stood up and walked outside.

When he woke up like this, he felt refreshed, and he was particularly comfortable.

Under the shade of a tree not far away, Bai Xuemei used the spinning top to close the string.

There is a small cradle on the side, and a little baby lies in the cradle.

The little baby opened his round eyes, sucking one of his fingers, with relish, drooling, as if he had eaten the supreme delicacy.

Seeing Han Cheng coming out, Bai Xuemei didn't stop her movements, and smiled at Han Cheng.

Han Cheng couldn't help smiling at such a scene and watching such a scene.

The warmth in my heart and the beauty in the world are probably like this...

Han Cheng didn't ask why Bai Xuemei didn't call herself such nonsense. He walked over and looked at the little son in the cradle, made a grimace at him for a while, and stretched out his hand to touch Bai Xuemei’s head. Then he bent down and stretched out his hands to pick up the little son, holding the movable cradle in the other hand, and headed towards the carpenter's room.

Without Han Cheng speaking, Bai Xuemei consciously followed Han Cheng towards the carpenter's room.

This has become a habit that the two of them have developed in the past few days.

When he came to the carpenter's room where Han Cheng was making a spinning machine, Han Cheng put the cradle half-brought and half-drawn in the thickest place in the shade, put his little son in it, and let him play.

Bai Xuemei came over with a chair, placed it on the side of the cradle, and continued to spin the thread here with a light and casual spinning top.

As for Han Cheng, he began to think about how to transform this simple spinning machine.

The spinning machine of this test product is indeed usable, but it is inconvenient and not very efficient.

After Bai Xuemei’s previous experiments, she found that in the same amount of time, the speed of spinning with such a spinning machine was not even as fast as Xuemei's own spinning top.

When this happens, you don't need to think too much to know that the thing Han Cheng made is relatively wasteful.

Han Cheng is currently thinking about how to transform it.

If you want to increase the spinning speed, you need to make these fibers go faster.

In other words, the speed of this simple spinning machine needs to be increased.

After sitting here thinking for a while, Han Cheng stretched out his hand to grasp the handle of this simple spinning machine and quickly turned it around.

The speed was extremely fast, and there were some whining noises.

Things that come quickly, probably retreat faster.

It didn't take long for Han Cheng to maintain this speed, then the speed gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

Under Bai Xuemei's somewhat surprised gaze, Han Cheng shook his head while shaking his somewhat exhausted arm.

Relying on this kind of rapid spinning to speed up the spinning speed is impossible, it is too tiring, and even more tiring than using a spinning top.

Spinning is something that takes a long time to do.

Now in such a short period of time, people feel tired, then this is obviously impossible, and there are many things that need to be improved.

But how can this be improved?

How to solve this headache problem?

Han Cheng sat down and thought about this simple spinning machine.

He vaguely felt that as long as he solved this problem, the spinning machine would basically be able to get it out.

But how should this problem be solved?

Han Cheng fell into this deep thinking.

This kind of thinking lasted about half a day.

Until Bai Xuemei, who was sitting on the side spinning with a spinning top, thought that her brother Cheng was asleep, Han Cheng, who kept her head motionless with her hands on her head, finally stood up.

He got up and walked to the side.

After picking up the materials in the carpenter's room, he walked over with some materials.

These materials are some bamboo and wood, and some very strong vines that can be used as ropes.

Han Cheng put these things down, after thinking about it, he turned around and returned to the carpenter's room. After a while, he came out.

There is one more thing in his hand.

This is a chisel made of bronze.

Han Cheng put down the chisel, and then began to dismantle the simple spinning machine.

The main thing is to separate the rotating body from the shelf that supports it underneath and allows it to rotate.

After separating, Han Cheng laid it flat on the ground, and in the middle of this section of wooden pillars, a total of six points were evenly chiseled out around the column.

Then he picked up the chisel and axe and started to gouge his eyes at these points one by one.

After a while, six eyes of the same size and depth were punched in sequence.

Han Chenggong found suitable wood materials from the bamboo and wood materials he had carried, and cut them into six pieces as long as they were.

After fixing one end of each, nail one by one into the six holes on the wooden pillar and fix them firmly.

Then Han Cheng used a relatively long vine to wrap around the top of the six bamboos one by one, and finally fixed them together end to end.

In this case, a circle is made.

If you ignore the material and the large and somewhat excessive axles, you will find that the thing made by Han Cheng is very similar to the bicycle wheels of later generations.

After checking it carefully and confirming that it was sturdy and there were no problems, Han Cheng began to install it on the wooden shelf.

After a while, Han Cheng stopped and began to raise the shelf.

If the shelf is not raised, the wheel with a much enlarged diameter will hit the ground and cannot rotate at all.

After some busywork, the wheel-like thing was put on the raised shelf by Han Cheng, and the installation was completed.

One side of this large wheel is equipped with a handle that can be shaken by hand, and on the outermost circle of the other side of the wheel, there is a slender wooden post for hanging a string.

Han Cheng held the wooden handle and shook it a few times, which was still light.

"Come and try how it is now, is there any better."

Han Cheng said this to sister Bai Xue who was not far away.

Hearing Han Cheng’s hello, Bai Xuemei, who had always been interested in this situation, immediately put down the thread top in her hand and walked to Han Cheng’s side, skillfully tying the fibers to the modified spinning. The top of the small wooden post on the yarn machine that is used to tie fibers.

Then he squatted on the edge of the spinning machine, holding the fiber in one hand, and shaking the handle of the spinning machine in the other hand, trying to use the newly modified spinning machine to weave.

But just at the beginning, some problems have already been discovered.

For example, the handle on the spinning machine and the wooden post on the spinning machine are located on both sides of the big wheel.

If a person wants to work with this spinning machine, his hands need to be located on both sides of the spinning machine.

In other words, people are in a vertical relationship with the rotating wheels of this spinning machine.

In the beginning, when the spinning machine did not have this big wheel, there was no problem in this way. With such a posture, it was able to spin, and it would not feel so uncomfortable or awkward.

But now it’s not the case. Now the wheels have become much bigger, and people’s arm span is limited. Under such circumstances, while ensuring that your body will not rub against the wheels and allowing the wheels to rotate normally, Bai Xuemei takes the fiber That hand cannot extend too much outside.

Not being able to move too much outside means that the distance between the hand and the wheel is short, and it is impossible to spin too much yarn at one time.

Moreover, the reason why Han Cheng got such a big wheel out was because he wondered if the spinning machine's wheels became larger and the speed would become faster.

It now appears that this is impossible.

Bai Xuemei held the wooden handle in her hand and shook it once, and the big wheel would turn in a circle with it.

It is not because the diameter of the wheel increases, the speed of the wheel's rotation increases.

Standing here watching Mei Xuemei spinning the yarn for a while, Han Chengcheng stopped it.

Judging from the current situation, there is no need to continue the experiment.

Because the problem now is already very big!

Bai Xuemei stopped her action obediently, and then returned to the side of the cradle.

At this time, Xiao Huang Dou, who was playing and not knowing when he fell asleep, has already woke up at this time, and has a tendency to make trouble.

Bai Xuemei, who is a mother, obviously has extremely sufficient experience in this.

She bent over and picked it up, and then began to feed the baby.

The little pea who just wanted to make trouble instantly calmed down.

Han Cheng sat here, after watching his daughter-in-law feeding the child for a while, he once again turned his attention to the spinning machine in front of him, which was still not working well, fell into deep thoughts, and only felt himself 'S hair is going to fall out...

In the hot weather, the blazing sun shone on the ground as if it was on fire.

On the barley field, the roaring four-wheeled tractor was connected to the lifter through a belt, and the thing quickly turned and screamed.

A strong wind came from it, blowing the bran far away, leaving only clean wheat...

Han Cheng woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and saw a piece of moonlight falling through the gourd shed.

Han Cheng lay there without moving, feeling the quietness of the moonlit night and the beauty of the dream just now.

Looking back at the dream just now, his thoughts were suddenly pulled back. Suddenly, he is not in primitive society now, but has returned to the years and age that he could not go back...

With warmth and some sorrow, of course there is no existence with the appearance of the wheel on the front of the continuously rotating four-wheeler and the rotating lifter.

Han Cheng, who was lying there quietly, sat up abruptly, the moonlight shone on his face, and there seemed to be a gleam in his eyes.

He was sitting here, his eyes sparkling.

After a while, he got up in his cloak and walked all the way towards the carpenter's room by the moonlight...

A place in the carpenter's room lit up, and slowly flickered under the slight breeze.

Han Cheng is sitting here, busy with tools in his hand.

Sometimes he will be busy for a long time, and sometimes he will stop his movements and think for a while...

Time passed quietly, and before I knew it, the sky was already bright~www.NovelMTL.com~ Bai Xuemei woke up, turned her head and looked around but didn't see Han Cheng's figure.

The bed where Han Cheng slept was left with little peas.

Brother Cheng unexpectedly woke up without knowing when, and got up.

Bai Xuemei, who stood here for a while, as if she had a clear heart, walked towards the carpenter's room.

In the small courtyard of the carpenter's room, Han Cheng was turning the simple spinning machine with the wooden handle in his hand, making some noises.

The spinning machine at this time has changed a lot.

The style of the big wheel has not changed, and it has been rested to make it more processed.

On the side of the big wheel with a diameter of nearly one meter, there is an extra small wheel connected to it...


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