I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1192: Machine without feelings (2 in 1)

Mine in the Tieshan residential area.

After this period of mining, the mine in Tieshan residential area seems to have undergone a lot of changes.

The deepest part of the mining area has been sunken by almost two meters.

At this time, the weather is hot, but there are still people working here.

These people are mining iron ore here.

Those who mine iron ore are basically slaves.

These people are mostly war factions captured from the Red Tiger tribe.

At that time, they wanted to start a war against the Qingque tribe, either already dead or becoming slaves, mining here.

As for those who were close to the Qingque tribe at that time, all became citizens of the Qingque tribe.

Even some of them, relying on their own efforts, have already gained a certain status in the Qingque tribe at this time.

Three people have become grassroots managers, managing some slaves here.

That is, people who belonged to the same tribe with them originally.

At the beginning, some people from the Qingque tribe were worried about letting these people manage these slaves. After all, these people were the same as these slaves, and they belonged to the Red Tiger tribe before.

But after a period of time, everyone's worries have basically disappeared.

These people who originally belonged to the Red Tiger tribe, when managing these slaves from the Red Tiger tribe, not only did not have the slightest tolerance, they were even more strict than the rest of the Qingque tribe, and they were ruthless!

Regarding this phenomenon, the Second Senior Brother and some other people did not know why, and they had asked the son of God about it.

I remember that the son of God once said with a smile at the time-Erguizi is more terrifying than Guizi...

"Quickly dig! What are you doing? Don't you want to eat?!"

A person like an overseer, standing here, pointed at someone so loudly.

This person has injuries, one green and one purple, and it seems a little inconvenient to move when he starts to do things.

Hearing the scolding sound, the man shrank and didn't dare to hesitate, so he hurried to continue working.

The person who scolded, glanced at him, and there was some disgust in his eyes.

The rest of the slaves on the side looked at this man and three other people who looked similar to this man not far away, with some smirking or disgusting expressions on their faces.

These three people were either by others, or they were making trouble at the celebration banquet for Han Youli, and then were beaten by the second senior brother.

The Second Senior Brother did not let them kill them, nor did they send them into exile, but instead brought them here for mining.

Of course, correspondingly, these people have also been deprived of their citizenship and become glorious slaves, participating in mining here.

Han Youtu felt the pain coming from his body, and then looked down at the sign hanging in his neck that represents the status of slavery. Recalling the experience of the past two days, the whole person felt as if he had done a terrible Nightmare, and this nightmare has not woken up until now!

He felt deep regret, but also puzzled.

He hasn't even figured it out yet, why the second brother who talks very well on weekdays, and the rest of the people in the tribe will react so strongly and become so heartless!

A few of them just made some complaints, and they directly dealt with them like this!

It was enough to beat them, and they turned them into the most humble slaves in the tribe!

Thinking about these things in my heart, the more I thought about Han Youtu, the more I felt aggrieved, incomprehensible, and unbelievable in my heart!

Of course, in addition to these, there are regrets mixed with resentment.


It was also at this time that suddenly there was crying from the side.

"I was wrong, I was wrong~ Please tell the second brother I was wrong, I will never be like this again..."

Along with the crying, there were such words.

Han Youtu turned his head and looked around, only to see a man kneeling on the ground, crying in disintegration.

This person is not someone else, but someone who was made into a slave with him.

Seeing this person's appearance, Han Youtu's uncomfortable mood became even more uncomfortable and heavier.

This person's cry did not exchange the slightest pity, only contempt and ridicule.

These things quickly evolved to make him work hard!

Han Youtu silently watched this scene before him, working silently.

In the past, he felt that he had known a lot about the Qingque tribe and the people in the tribe.

Tolerance, kindness, kindness, unity, etc. are his greatest feelings towards the Qingque tribe.

He thought the Qingque tribe was what he saw.

But now, after experiencing these things, he has a new understanding of the Qingque tribe and the people of the Qingque tribe.

The people of the Qingque tribe are indeed kind, united and tolerant. Many beautiful things in the world can be found and experienced in the Qingque tribe.

But the premise is that you are a member of the Qingque tribe, or a friend of the Qingque tribe.

If you become an enemy of the Blue Sparrow Tribe, or a sinner in the Blue Sparrow Tribe, then these things have nothing to do with you!

What Qingque Tribe gives you is only cold and ruthless!

Han Youtu thought this in his heart, and the whole person became extremely emotional and powerless.

If you had known that the Qingque tribe was like this earlier, wouldn't you have done it then?


What happened in the Tieshan residential area, the Green Bird tribe did not know.

The extremely long distance between the two and the very backward means of communication in this era make the communication between the two seem extremely long and difficult.

However, Han Cheng didn't have any worries about whether Tieshan residential area would cause any trouble.

Because there are elders in the tribe, the second brother.

A little bit of time passed, and the harvest of millet in the main tribe came to an end.

Some of the earlier hemp planted are almost ready for harvest at this time.

Some children sometimes break or use things like sickles to cut off a few hemp, which is used to weave small whips.

Such a whip is only useful when it is wet.

If it waits for the sun to dry it and loses moisture, it will become light and light, and it will feel extremely uncomfortable with no weight in the hand.

The children in the tribe will not throw away such a whip. Instead, they will completely peel off the hemp skin and put it in the textile courtyard of the tribe.

People in the tribe cannot see things being wasted.

These hemp used by children to play is of great use in the tribe.

At this time, hemp has basically matured, and hemp skin can already be used to rub rope and other things.

Taking the used hemp back to the tribe is the requirement of the adults in the tribe for these children, and it is also a condition for allowing these children to play with hemp whips.

A self-sufficient life is always full of busyness.

Because anything you need, you need to do it yourself.

It's the same as the Qingque tribe now.

The harvest of the millet has basically come to an end. The people who were slightly liberated from this matter did not have much rest, so they plunged into the rest of the matter.

Among these things, the most labor-intensive is spinning and weaving.

The women in the tribe carry a small basket or handbag with them, which contains the twine that has been beaten and beaten. It is a very common scene that the women in the tribe are spinning the thread here.

This kind of work is impossible for women from underage to women who are already old.

Many things are relatively new at the beginning, but they won’t be done if they continue for many years.

People will only feel a deep dullness from it.

There are no easy things in life, and there are not too many winds and winds. It seems free, but there is not much room to choose from.

To live, to live on.

It's not much better, but it won't get worse. Even if it feels boring, people need to continue to do these things.

This is life.

Han Cheng sat here, watching Bai Xuemei spun the twine used for weaving with the thread top, even if he didn’t participate in it, he could already feel the thickness from sitting here and watching. dull.

Recall that the people in the tribe repeated their movements to spin the thread, and immediately gave him a kind of people in the tribe. When doing these things, they are not people at all, but incarnate into a machine!

Regarding spinning, the people in the tribe have also made certain improvements.

For example, the shape of the spinning top has been improved, and some special treatments have been done on the hemp fiber used for spinning to make it more suitable for spinning.

But up to now, no breakthrough progress has been made.

Compared with the previous time, the speed of tribal spinning has increased to a certain extent, but this increase has a certain limit and is not significant enough.

Faced with this situation, can you do something to solve the problems faced by the people in the tribe?

Han Cheng sat here thinking.

After such thoughts arose, Han Cheng had the answer immediately in his mind.

The answer is machines.

Replace people with real machines, and let machines do the tasks that should be done by machines that require a lot of repetition.

Well, it's a machine with no emotions than a killer without emotions.

Han Cheng had already had this idea for a machine that made real, primitive spinning tools like spinning tops.

But it has not been put into action.

On the one hand, it was because he didn't know much about these things.

On the other hand, he has always had many things to be busy.

Of course, there is another reason that he feels that after the tribe's slow development, everyone's understanding of textiles and other things is constantly deepening, and the accumulation of technology is increasing. After all, these restrictions can be broken.

But now it seems that the tribe can break through these technologies is able to break through these technologies, but this time can be a bit touching, I don't know how long it will take.

In the past, Han Cheng didn’t think there was anything in it, but now, when he moved his gaze from the rest of the place and fell on the spinning thread, he quickly abandoned his original idea and wanted to do his best. This matter will soon be resolved.

After the emergence of machines, there are still people who manipulate the machines, but the people who manipulate the machines are much easier than before.

Moreover, because the efficiency of the machine is relatively high, many people can be freed from spinning.

Whether it is taking a break or doing other things, it's good.

"Have you ever thought of creating a tool that can be used to spin yarn, making it easy and fast?"

Han Cheng withdrew his gaze from the top of the spinning top that she was rubbing against Mei Xuemei, and looked at Mei Xuemei asking like this.

Upon hearing Han Cheng's question, Bai Xuemei stopped her movements and looked at Han Cheng and said, "I want to, I want to dream!"

When she said these words, Bai Xuemei's eyes sparkled.

But it soon dimmed.

"It's just that there is no way to do it well."

Han Cheng stretched out his hand to touch Bai Xuemei's head.

"I want to do it too."

Han Cheng said with a smile, with some smiles on his face, as if he had already figured out a solution.

Under this hint, Bai Xuemei's eyes suddenly brightened again.

"Brother Cheng, do you have a way?!"

She jumped up and grabbed Han Cheng's hand, and her whole body looked extremely excited and happy.

Han Cheng stretched his face forward, without speaking, to the same hint of his expression.

The Bai Xuemei who got the signal didn't hesitate for half a minute, so she went up and pecked Han Cheng.

Seeing that his own daughter-in-law succeeded in his own routine, Han Cheng couldn't help showing some wretched smiles.

"I have no way."

Han Cheng watched Bai Xuemei tell the truth.

Xuemei was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you say you know? You also said that as long as I kiss you, you will tell me?"

Han Cheng looked shocked: "When did it happen? I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I just asked if you want it."

Bai Xuemei became more confused, and soon she realized that she was being tricked by someone~www.NovelMTL.com~ Brother Cheng, you bullied someone! "

Bai Xuemei said this aggrievedly.

After thinking about it, I stretched my face forward, showing a look of reluctance to suffer, and I insisted on returning the moment I kissed Han Cheng...

The jokes between husband and wife will easily change. After a while, the content and scale of the jokes start to become different.

Go deeper.

"It's not going to work like this, we have to find a way to solve this problem, otherwise it will be too tired."

Han Cheng held down Bai Xuemei's hand in circles on his chest and said.

He seems to have a whole body of itchy flesh, the same parts and the same movements, he likes to do it to Bai Xuemei, but if Bai Xuemei does it to him in turn, he will feel itchy...

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