I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1191: Furious 2 Senior Brothers (2 in 1)

Jealousy makes a person ugly, but also stupid.

When the emotion of jealousy prevails, so many senses in people's hearts will disappear, and things will look crooked.

The treatment and glory that Han Youli received made people feel extremely envious.

Someone envy will make others jealous.

Especially when Han Youli was not of a high birth before, he was no different from ordinary people in the tribe.

At this time, he suddenly became famous, and achieved such an achievement that everyone could only look up to. Under such a situation, it would easily cause an imbalance in the hearts of people who were familiar with before.

After all, everyone was the same before, there was no difference, and many people were even better than you before.

Now you are turning over and throwing everyone away, how can this work?

This psychological gap is unacceptable.

Of course, if something like this happened to someone who was stronger than them before, they would be somewhat imbalanced in their hearts, but this imbalance would be much weaker.

The folk customs at this time are still very simple, and most people are just envious of Han Youli's current achievements and such treatment.

This is a normal reaction of people, and there is a fundamental difference between envy and jealousy.

But as I said earlier, there is one exception to everything, and in many things, there will always be some mouse shit.

Seeing Han Youli, who was blessed by the wind and scenery and became the most dazzling existence in the entire Tieshan residential area, the fire of jealousy in several people's hearts was burning uncontrollably.

They almost burned their chests off.


This is not as good as Han Youli, who is often teased by them on weekdays, can get such treatment!

Did he make a big contribution to the tribe?

What kind of contribution did he make!

The method of burning charcoal has long existed in the tribe, and it is said that the son of God brought people out of it.

Han Youli is nothing more than a method created by God's Son to burn coal!

He was able to succeed, but it was a fluke, without half the technical content.

If you use charcoal to burn coal, you can do it yourself, even better than Han Youli.

But now, Han Youli has gained such glory with such a simple thing that everyone knows.

But the better self who burns charcoal can only stand here, watching Han Youli, who is far inferior to him, accepting these very glorious things!

You only need to think about this in your heart to make people feel particularly angry!

Finally, some people couldn't bear it anymore.

Holding his chopsticks in his hand, he left the seat, moved towards the seat made by Han Youli, the second brother and others, and went straight to Han Youli's side.

Han Youli thought that this person who had been acquainted with him had come to say hello to him, so he quickly got up from his seat, with a smile on his face, and greeted him enthusiastically.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

"You are not worthy of such an honor! You are not worthy!"

The person who came with the chopsticks pointed at Han Youli with the chopsticks in his hand and said loudly, the voice overshadowing the lively voices of everyone present.

The smile on Han Youli's face was stiff, and the whole person was stunned.

He obviously didn't expect that this person who knew him would actually say such a thing.

Before I had a good relationship with him, I thought he was a very good person.

But now, this person said this to himself when he was most honored!

It looks more fierce than the enemy, and it feels surprising.

This sudden change made the lively Tieshan residential area suddenly stagnant.

The people who were laughing and eating, sharing the joy together, heard the movement and looked at Han Youli in amazement.

The suddenly quiet atmosphere made this questioning person stunned, and a little timidity appeared.

However, this timidity only stayed in his heart for a short while, and was immediately burned clean by the blazing fire of jealousy.

"Everyone will do what you do! The method of burning charcoal was created by the gods, not by you!

What you do is not as difficult as half a minute!

Everyone in the tribe will do it!

You just made it earlier than the rest of the tribe. You don't deserve such honor! "

He continued to speak loudly with the chopsticks in his hand pointing to Han Youli, feeling more agitated than before!

It's like removing these honors from Han Youli, and he can get such honors.

In fact, such a thing simply cannot happen.

Even if these honors from Han Youli were torn off, these honors could not fall on him.

After all, Han Youli really worked hard and made achievements in order to do these things, but this person has nothing to do with this thing.

However, just like this, this person still attacked Han Youli without hesitation.

Although he can't get these things, he will feel comfortable in his heart if he can get Han Youli.

Will feel refreshed.

You will feel balanced!

It hurts others, but someone wants to do such things!

After Han Youli heard what this person said, he didn't know whether he was shocked by what the person said, or was shocked by the shameless aura of this person, and could not speak for a while.

The others were extremely silent for a while, speechless.

Probably they have never seen such a brazen person!

Never thought that someone could say such an infuriating thing!

Seeing that no one spoke against, the panic in his heart was gone for a while, and the whole person became more determined.

It seems that what I think is not wrong. There are still many people in the tribe who disagree with Han Youli's glory!

In this case, it will be easier to handle!

"Is there anyone who thinks that Han Youli is too easy to get this, and shouldn't be such honor?"

This person wanted to speak again, when a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting what he was about to say.

This person turned his head and found that the second senior brother looked at everyone calmly, and asked like this.

Hearing the words of the second brother, and seeing the second brother again, there was no blaming expression, this person suddenly became bolder!

The whole person is very happy.

As the largest person in Tieshan's residential area, he seems to support himself and support this matter!

In his opinion, as long as there is no objection, it is support!

"Why don't you stand up? Are you also dissatisfied with this matter?"

The man waited for a while, pointed his finger at a place and shouted loudly.

When he pointed and shouted like this, the two people over there also became hesitant.

After a while, the two of them still stood up.

"We don't think Han Youli deserves such honor. What he did is not difficult at all. He just burned coal by burning charcoal."

After standing up, one of them said so.

The other person did not speak, nodded, and expressed his meaning.

"Does anyone else think so? Now is for you."

The second brother looked at the two people who came out again, then once again cast his eyes on the people present, and asked like this.

When asked these words, his face was still very calm.

After his words fell silent, another person stood up.

The second brother stood here and waited for a while, and after asking twice, he smiled and nodded after seeing no one standing up.

Seeing him like this, many people thought that he really wanted to act according to the wishes of these people, and they became nervous.

Some people wanted to speak out to persuade, some people thought about it and didn't move, and there were people who knew the second brother, secretly lifting their spirits, ready to rush forward.

The second senior nodded with a smile, and came to the person who stood up and started to pick things up and felt that he was already on the reasonable side.

When this person felt that the second brother wanted to praise him, or severely reprimand Han Youli, and canceled all of Han Youli's glory, the second brother's arm suddenly raised, and then fiercely. He slapped his face and fell directly on this person's face!


A crisp voice suddenly sounded, and the man staggered suddenly, tilting his body to one side.

Before he could stand firm, the second brother had already followed up with him. His sturdy right leg suddenly kicked out and kicked the person fiercely, kicking him to the ground!

The second brother didn't stop, rushing to the side and kicking the guy who fell on the ground, the kind of headless and faceless!

"Fight! Beat these guys hard!"

After the second brother kicked the man several times in a row and beat him for a while, he was able to say hello.

Seeing the movements of the second senior brother, at this time, I heard the second senior brother's greeting again, and everyone present was no longer silent!

Just now they were already irritated by the shameless faces of these people, and they only felt that there was a big ball of flames in their hearts!

At this time, the second brother, the leader of the Tieshan residential area, greeted him and set an example first. They no longer bear it!

As soon as the crowd rushed up, they immediately surrounded these people who were in a state of confusion. You punched me, kicked me, and knocked these people down to the ground!

After those people fell to the ground, everyone did not stop, still beating them constantly!

Their shameless behavior, this time is really offensive!

"I will kill you!"

The second brother stood here screaming!

"I make you jealous here! I make you blind!"

When he scolded, he would kick one of the people who fell on the ground!

"What did Han Youli do, are you blind?!"

"In order to make the iron smelting technology in the tribe better and faster, how much did he pay back and forth?!"

"When you were resting, he didn't take a break, he was always thinking and trying these ideas!

Those of you, at that time, not only didn't feel Han Youli's hard work, but often laughed at him, thinking that he was a fool! It was a believing ball that couldn't compare to you!

Now, he has gone through so many difficulties and put in so much effort, and finally achieved results. He has greatly improved the iron smelting technology in the tribe, and has received honor. You have seen it and are jealous!

Not even the conscience! "

The second senior brother pointed at these people and roared loudly. The whole person felt like his hair and beard were spread.

"You think this method is easier now, but now it's easier?

Such a simple and easy way, when Han Youli didn't get it out, why didn't you get it out? !

Why don’t you know how to burn coal by burning charcoal?

Counting on people like you, the iron smelting skills in the tribe will never be improved!

Because you are waste!

It’s just that I don’t know how hard I am and I laugh at other people’s efforts, and after seeing others’ efforts to accomplish something, I am jealous of the waste!

I hate you trash!

I can't wait to kill you all!

It is not wrong to be stupid, but to be stupid or lazy, blind, without a little conscience, unable to see the efforts of others, only to be jealous, only to slander one's own people, to see that others are good is wrong! "

The second senior was completely angry, standing here angrily roaring at these people.

Originally, in the process of beating these people, the second brother stopped his hands for a while.

But the more he said it, the more angry he got in his heart. After finishing this paragraph, he couldn't help it again, and once again raised his foot and kicked them fiercely at these people!

The people who were beaten on the ground were already stunned by this time. They had no idea that they would be greeted by such a result!

The rest of the people present were also aroused by the words of the second senior brother.

They were extremely annoyed by the shameless behavior of these people, but they couldn't remember for a while to deal with the shameless words of these people~www.NovelMTL.com~ What the second brother said at this time, can be regarded as speaking out. They heard their aspirations, and made them feel special approval!

"Kill them out! Our tribe doesn't need such people!"

"Kill them! Our tribe doesn't want such people!"

"We don't want to live with such people!"

After beating these people again, the people in the Tieshan residential area couldn't help but yell like this.

And as soon as such a call appeared, it was answered by many people!

Such calls are getting louder and louder, and they become one piece.

Those few people who had been beaten by the second senior brother and others who were suspicious of life, after hearing such a cry, their whole body was suddenly agitated, and their eyes were full of extreme fear...

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