I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1190: Prophet (2 in 1)

The sun is still hot, as if it would never give up without drying the world.

Of course, this is not the most uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable thing is the hot and sticky weather.

It's hot everywhere, it's so stuffy that makes people feel breathless, and it's especially uncomfortable all over, making people want to be crazy.

However, this feeling exists in the hearts of most people, but some people are not in this case.

Just like many things in the world, there will always be special existences that are different from universality.

For example, Han Youli is surrounded by a big smoking stove.

The weather was so hot, and the stove in front of him contained high temperatures, which made people never want to stay here longer.

However, he seemed to be unable to feel this at all, still staying here quietly, his eyes full of eagerness looking at the temperature-emitting stove, and the whole person was wrapped in a strange state.

There are some people beside him, such as the second brother, such as some other people who are looking after the stove with him.

All these people are sweating profusely.

Some people want to leave here and take shelter in the shade for a while. After all, according to the experience of iron smelting in the past, people don't have to stay here during this process.

However, Brother Er, the first person in the Tieshan residential area, has been standing here, looking at the stove in front of him with interest, and the rest of them are not easy to leave. They can only stand and burn.

Although many people feel uncomfortable for this kind of experience, they are still very interested in the results in the furnace.

The minds of the people in the tribe are still relatively simple. Although many people present were not used to Han Youli's deeds before, they mocked him in their hearts and words, but they really came to the end. At that time, I remembered that Han Youli did this for the sake of the tribe. They wanted the tribe to become better. They didn't want to see Han Youli fail. It was really amazing to see this thing.

The human mind is full of complexity everywhere.

A little bit of time passed, and changes gradually took place in the burning furnace.

"Okay! It's all melted! You can turn on the stove!"

After Han Youli repeatedly confirmed the situation inside through the hole left on the side, he finally couldn't help speaking out like this, his voice filled with excitement!

After hearing what he said, all the people present showed a look of surprise or amazement.

They have been dealing with iron smelting all these years, and there are counts on how long a furnace of iron ore can melt and open the furnace.

Now, it has been a long time since the furnace is started normally, and the iron ore in the furnace is obviously impossible to melt.

But Han Youli said that you can turn on the stove now!

The first thought that appeared in everyone's mind was nonsense, impossible!

Such a thing cannot happen!

But someone soon realized that the materials used for smelting iron this time were different from the previous ones. Could it be that Han Youli, this guy, really made things happen?

After this thought appeared in my heart, the second brother and the others were immediately excited!

They stepped forward to check the situation in the stove.

At first glance, there is indeed a red area inside the stove, and iron ore has already melted into liquid.

The second brother was not relieved. He picked up an iron rod with a thick animal skin on one end and inserted it into the stove and stirred it a few times. It was true that he did not touch anything hard. The iron ore was really good. The ones are already melted!

After confirming this situation, the second brother was surprised and extraordinarily surprised!

This Han Youli really came up with such a good method, which greatly reduced the speed of iron smelting!

He made a fist with a smile and stretched out his hand, and punched Han Youli's chest twice on the chest of Han Youli who couldn't close his happy mouth!

"Good for you!"

He said so happily.

The smile on Han Youli's face who had been punched twice became even brighter.

At this time, the rest of the people looked at the result, and when they looked at the smiling brothers and Han Youli, the emotions in their hearts suddenly became different!

There was excitement, there was the joy of getting good things in the tribe, and of course some people felt sour, and some felt that Han Youli's luck was really good.

The thought of seeing Han Youli's jokes before disappeared all at once.

"Come on, open it up quickly and see how it turns out."

The second brother smiled and said to Han Youli, who only knew a smirk.

When the second senior brother said this, Han Youli immediately reacted, rubbing his hands vigorously, calming his excitement, and walked toward the stove, ready to start opening the stove and letting out the molten iron inside.

The second senior brother’s words were reminded not only by Han Youli, but also by some people watching the excitement.

After hearing what the second brother said, two people came to the stove first, reaching out to grab the stove in front of Han Youli.

"You two don't move, let Han Youli do it!"

The second brother called out in time to stop the two of them, and asked Han Youli to do this.

Because in the eyes of the second brother, this time is a very glorious time.

When Han Youli started researching these things before, no one else came to help, and he even heard some unpleasant words from people in the tribe.

Under such circumstances, this kind of glory can't be snatched away by others, it can only belong to Han Youli!

After hearing the words of the second brother, the two who rushed to the front stopped their hands and walked to the side seemingly a little shameless.

Han Youli looked gratefully at the second senior who was smiling encouragingly at him, and suddenly felt warm in his heart.

He rubbed his hands vigorously, came to the side of the stove, took the tools from the side, exerted his hands, and opened the ‘door’ left by the side of the stove in a few clicks!

With the sound of some sounds, hot red molten iron couldn't help flowing out of it.

Han Youli's heart was pounding and pounding. He had never been so excited before!

The molten iron from a furnace flowed out, and it solidified quickly.

To verify whether this new method is good or not, the standard is not only that the iron ore melts fast, but also another criterion is whether the quality of the product is good, and there are not many impurities.

Under the sign of the second brother, everyone quickly moved the iron of the furnace to the side to verify it.

Verification methods include polishing some tools that are directly made with molds, depending on the quality of these tools.

Another way is to take some part of the iron to the iron-making furnace to heat it with flames, and then burn it and beat it with tools such as forging knives.

Use the quality of these tools to verify the quality of the iron smelted by this method.

As long as the quality of the iron smelted by this method is not worse than the quality of the iron smelted by the previous method!

No, even if the iron quality is worse than that of the previous method.

Such a fast smelting speed is also of great significance to the tribe!

Soon the minds of the second brother and others changed a lot. Looking at the iron in front of them, there was a bright light in his eyes!

After some verification, the results obtained made them feel particularly surprised!

The quality of the iron smelted through the new method is surprisingly good, better than the iron they obtained through conventional methods before!

Not only is there less impurities, but the things made with it are stronger and more durable!

Faced with such a situation, not only Han Youli, but the second senior brother who was waiting for the people in the Tieshan residential area, suddenly became happy!

The entire Tieshan residential area became boiling.

This is the first time this breakthrough has been made in iron smelting technology after the gods let people in the tribe replace charcoal to smelt iron!

Faced with such a situation, how can everyone not be happy?

Of course, the second brother is still very cautious in doing things.

He tried his best to suppress the urge to celebrate this worthy event, and arranged a group of people to let Han Youli take the lead. According to the procedures he did before, he once again burned a lot of burning The coal, and use it to smelt four furnaces of iron at once.

After verifying these irons one by one, and confirming that the iron smelted by this method is the same as the previous iron, it is the iron of very good quality, the second brother no longer has enough patience!

"Kill the sheep! Kill the deer! Have a good meal and celebrate this great event!"

He was excited to the people around him and said loudly.

Following his order, the entire Tieshan residential area suddenly became boiling!

Some sheep and deer were pulled outside and the rest of the deer and sheep were invisible and killed by Quiet Mimi. After some treatment, they changed their form and participated in the celebration of everyone in Tieshan residential area!

Many things that were reluctant to eat on weekdays were taken out under the orders of the second brother, and after cooking, let everyone eat.

The specifications are directly for the New Year's Eve dinner in the tribe!

As for Han Youli who did such a thing, this time directly became the focus and most attention of the entire Tieshan residential area.

In the past, many people didn't agree with Han Youli's approach, and felt that this person was not responsible and liked to do some weird things.

But now, after Han Youli did such a thing, many people's views on Han Youli suddenly became different.

"I have long seen Han Youli different from ordinary people. It looks like he can do great things. How is it now? Is it the same as I thought?"

"That is, when we urinate together, Han Youli, this guy urinates farther than ordinary people. At that time, I knew this guy must be better than ordinary people..."

With Han Youli's achievements, many people in the tribe changed their speeches, and a large number of people with the ability of foresight suddenly appeared in the tribe.

It seems that by saying this, you can get involved with Han Youli, and through such a relationship, you can make yourself so great and respectable.

Of course, to say so, this celebration is going on without any discount.

The Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe at this time is really more lively than it was during the Chinese New Year.

Some rain fell from the sky.

The rain is not heavy, which means that the ground has wetted such a small layer.

But it's better than layers of clouds covering the sun.

Since then, it has not been so hot anymore, and even some of the wind that has blown is no longer a piece of heat when it blows on the body, and it has returned to the way it should have been before.

The celebration banquet in the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe was held at such a moment.

The cool weather not only makes people feel less irritable, but also improves their appetite.

Han Youli, who has made great achievements, looks extremely beautiful in all aspects at this time.

For example, above the seat.

He was sitting in the seat where the second senior brother, the current manager of Tieshan residential area, was sitting, and it was the upper seat among this seat.

In front of him, besides the wine bowl, there was a roasted golden deer leg.

Among all the seats, only Han Youli had such an existence in front of him.

This is the special honor given to him.

Not only that, Han Youli also wore a large red flower on his chest, which looked extremely festive and glorious.

"Come on, let us respect Han Youli, who has made a great contribution!"

The second senior brother stood up and said loudly to everyone present with the wine bowl.

Hearing his greetings, everyone got up and toasted Han Youli with their wine bowls.

Han Youli's complexion turned red, and he was almost drunk before he drank.

He quickly stood up, picked up the wine bowl in his hand, and faced the crowd. He didn't know what to say for a while, and in the end he didn't say a word. Instead, he picked up the wine bowl and gave it to the crowd. Poured into the stomach.

"it is good!"

The second brother took the lead in screaming like this, and raised his head and drank a clean drink from his bowl~www.NovelMTL.com~ The rest of the people were affected by their touching, and they all became very proud. Constantly raising his neck and pouring wine into his mouth.

"Han Youli has made a great contribution to the tribe. If the son of God is here, he will definitely say a lot of nice things. I am stupid and can't speak well, but we all see what you have made, and we will remember it!"

The second brother looked at Han Youli, and said so solemnly.

Han Youli's already excited expression became even more excited, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

When everyone looked at Han Youli at this time, not only was there no joke, on the contrary, there was a lot of envy.

Many people can't help but wonder how good they should be if they have made such achievements.

A few people's eyes flickered, and some emotions began to accumulate in their hearts and fermented quickly...

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