I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1189: Coke (2 in 1)

The sun spreads down, and the hot temperature rises.

This kind of heat makes it easy for people to imagine the world as a big stove, and people are things like ores that are tortured in the stove.

Some people with more developed imaginations may even worry about whether they and others will be melted by such a temperature like the ore in the stove...

Under the shade of a tree, Han Youli, sweating profusely, is busy here.

His body was already drenched in sweat, but his movements did not hesitate at all, he was still busy quickly.

During his busy schedule, a clay stove with a diameter of about one meter and a height of more than one meter was brought out.

After finishing it, Han Youli didn't rest for a while, so he took a lot of firewood and put it in the newly built clay stove to light it.

This is to dry it as quickly as possible and put it into use.

After igniting the fire and adding enough firewood to confirm that it will not go out within a short time, Han Youli walked hurriedly under the big sun all the way to the side of the pile of coal piled up there.

He picked up a copper shovel placed here and began to shovel coal into a wheelbarrow.

After shoveling inside twice, Han Youli stopped again.

He stood here for a while, and then recovered the coal he had just loaded in the trolley.

Then he put the shovel aside, and no longer shoveled with the shovel, but directly started loading coal on the wheelbarrow by hand.

He chose the bigger ones.

This is also the biggest reason why he abandoned the copper shovel and replaced it directly with his hands.

With a copper shovel, even if it is deliberately controlled, there will be fine coals that will be shoveled and loaded onto the car.

If you install it by hand, you don't have to worry about this problem.

The weather is hot and the sun is harsh.

These coals have been exposed to the sun for a long time, plus these guys are dark, the black is extraordinarily pure, and it absorbs heat very well, all of which are hot to the touch.

Even with a thick callus on Han Youli's hands, he can feel the scorching temperature behind him.

However, he did not stop. On the contrary, the speed became faster. As soon as a large piece of coal reached his hand, he was carried and thrown into the trolley.

In a short while, the trolley was filled with coal.

With dark hands, Han Youli held the handlebars of the trolley and ran all the way towards the place where he had just made the stove.

When he came here, the fire in the stove had become much smaller. Han Youli didn't dare to stop, and quickly put down the trolley to add firewood.

It wasn't until the firewood was added that he couldn't help but exhale a long breath, took the water hyacinth on the side, unplugged the plug, and poured it into a big breath of water.

Having been busy until this time, he was finally able to sit down and rest for a while.

Han Youli did things like this for a reason.

The most important thing is of course to validate the ideas in his mind earlier, and strive to bring the iron smelting technology in the tribe to a higher level.

Can make better iron and iron appliances faster.

The second is to be grateful and touched for the arrangements made by the second brother.

After knowing his thoughts, the second brother, who is now the biggest person in charge of the Tieshan residential area, not only did not laugh or reprimand himself, but instead gave himself a holiday so that he could not do what he was doing before. Can safely verify the thoughts in the mind.

Such arrangements and treatment made Han Youli particularly excited.

This is the excitement of being trusted and recognized by others.

So he kept holding back his energy.

That is to verify this idea as soon as possible!

It doesn't matter if the result is good or bad.

After verifying it, you can continue to do the previous work and be able to delay as little as possible in doing work.

With this thought in his heart, Han Youli sat here and took a short rest. After seeing that the fire in the simple stove became less vigorous, he stood up again and added firewood to it.

After adding the firewood, he did not continue to rest. Instead, he picked up the copper shovel beside him and started digging. After digging for a while, he carried the clay pot to the distance and brought back two pots of water and poured it on the shovel. The mud started to get up and mud.

After he mixed the mud, the firewood in the clay stove was almost burning.

Han Youli felt it, and felt that the inside of the clay stove was already relatively hard and enough, so he stopped adding firewood to it.

Standing here and waiting for a while, when the fire was completely extinguished, after thinking about it, Han Youli used a copper shovel to shovel the charcoal inside the stove and set aside.

Then he began to use his hand to lift the coal blocks that had been pushed by the trolley and put them in pieces.

After placing it full, Han Youli began to dig up the mud and seal the top of the stove.

Only in the topmost position, a hole about the size of the mouth of the bowl was left.

After doing all these things, he took a deep breath, and burned some branches with the hot coal that had been shoveled out just now and had not been completely extinguished, and then sent these branches and coal into the gap at the top. Into the sealed clay stove.

Compared with firewood, coal itself is not easy to ignite, let alone being ignited under such circumstances.

Han Youli tossed back and forth here for nearly half an hour before finally igniting it.

After setting it alight, Han Youli paused here for a while, then turned and returned to the tribal kitchen.

First wash your hands, feet, and face with water, then come to the pottery jar placed in the shade, lift the lid on it, and scoop up a scoop of water that has been cooled and boiled with lotus leaves. After a sigh of relief, he filled the water hyacinth with him with a gourd of water, covered the lid of the gourd, left here, and returned to the place where the stove was.

There is smoke rising from the top of the stove, and sometimes the color of the smoke is a little yellow.

Along with it, there are some more unpleasant smells.

Han Youli came here, put the gourd in his hand aside, and began to observe the coal burning in the stove.

After seeing the flames from the holes at the top, lie down on the ground and check the holes left next to the ground below the stove to see if there are flames burning in these holes.

Before the flames burned to these places, Han Youli sat down against the tree and waited quietly here.

This is what he thought of.

The method used is also the simplest method of burning charcoal in the tribe.

His idea and the source of inspiration are very simple-ordinary wood is not used to smelt iron and copper, and the temperature is not enough, but after some methods are used to make charcoal, it can be done before. What can't be done.

Coal itself is very easy to use. Before experiencing these things, its performance has even surpassed charcoal. If you use this method, after the last time to coal, will the coal be like wood? That way, it becomes more usable?

Coal has become easier to use. When it is used to smelt iron, will the speed be much faster?

Han Youli sat here thinking about these things, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to know the result of this matter.

Want to verify if this thing is really as he thought!

After a while, Han Youli stood up from the ground again, came to the side of the stove, and lay down on the ground to observe.

The flame still did not burn down.

Although he felt particularly anxious in his heart, he still had to wait patiently here.

"You said he can make good things?"

"Who knows, he did it so many times before..."

"How is this possible? He is not a son of God, not the clever people in the tribe, but a person like us, without that brain at all..."

"Use charcoal to burn coal. Is this a good way he thought of? This guy is crazy if he wants to be famous. Coal is coal, not wood..."

At a certain distance from Han Youli, someone couldn't help but speak, whispering, and pointing to the busy Han Youli.

The words were full of disagreement with Han Youli's behavior different from them and others, and there were meanings such as ridicule.

In their cognition, people should be responsible. People who are like them should do the same or similar things like them. They should not be able to do things that are unrealistic or simply do with them. People are different things.

Such people and such psychology are not lacking in any era.

Han Youli doesn't know these things, but he has also felt some of them these days.

This made him sometimes reluctant to shrink back, but his love for some things still made him ignore these people and continue to work hard towards what he wanted to do.

When the sun was west, in Han Youli's expectant wait, the fire finally spread from above.

He lay on the ground and watched carefully. When he found a hole that became red and could see the fire light inside, he would use a large ball of mud to seal the hole, making it a tight fit. .

This matter lasted about half an hour before he blocked these holes one by one.

After plugging the hole at the top of the stove, Han Youli sat here and looked at the stove in front of him, or something that could be called a kiln, in a trance. He looked excited and nervous.

Full of reverence, but also anxious.

It must be successful!

He clenched his fist secretly, thinking in his heart.

If he didn't succeed, he would have failed the second brother's intentions.

Moreover, those who often work with them should laugh at themselves and say they are...

A little bit of time passed, and the night gradually fell.

Because of the special nature of work here in Tieshan residential area, there are still people working under the light of lights in many places at night.

But the people who work at this time are no longer those who work during the day.

These people have been replaced at this time.

Many people came to Han Youli.

In addition to the second brother, there are also people who Han Youli doesn't want to meet and work with him.

Because these people always like to point and laugh at him when he is okay.

However, because the second senior brother, the manager of the Tieshan residential area, was here this time, these people didn't say anything bad this time.

But their too many and some inadvertent expressions still made Han Youli feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in his heart.

"You can open it for a look."

After a while, Han Youli gritted his teeth secretly, squeezed all the distracting thoughts in his heart to the side, and said.

Success or failure always depends on seeing the result. Even if you don’t see it today, you will also have to see it tomorrow.

These people should say something bad, should laugh at themselves, or laugh at themselves.

"Then open it and take a look."

The second brother on the side also said with a smile.

Seeing this, all the hesitation in Han Youli's heart disappeared.

He secretly took a long breath, stepped to the side of the sealed furnace, knocked open the upper layer of the kiln with a copper shovel and pushed it aside.

With the sound of things falling to the ground, the entire small kiln opened.

The second brother put the torch in his hand to the edge of the cracked kiln to see the situation inside.

I saw that the original kiln was full of dangdang. At this time, the contents in it disappeared a lot, leaving only about three-quarters.

The color didn't change much, it was still black.

There is some floating dust in some places.

Just seeing this scene, Han Youli couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The thing he was most afraid of seeing was that after opening the kiln, he would see that the coal put in before would be burnt, leaving only some burnt cinder.

He stretched out his hand to test it, and found that the coal lump treated by burning charcoal was not very hot after ~www.NovelMTL.com~ he picked up a piece with his hand.

As soon as he started, Han Youli felt the difference between this piece of coal and ordinary coal.

This piece of coal is obviously lighter than those before.

If you look closely, you will find that there are many small holes in the coal.

Han Youli looked at the thing in front of him, and didn't know for a moment whether he had made it.

After all, he had never done this before, and the people in the tribe had never done this before.

The second brother also pinched a piece of burned coal with his fingers to look at it.

"Tomorrow, I will try to smelt a furnace of iron with this coal to see how it works."

After a while, the second senior brother said...

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