I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1188: Ways to shorten ironmaking time (2 in 1)

There were no less than ten people, including Han Cheng, standing by the river in the Qingque tribe.

In the river water, sailing boats with white sails sail on the water.

It’s just that it’s different from the previous days when sailing by wind. At this time, the sailing of a sailboat basically has nothing to do with sails and wind.

The sailor standing at the stern of the sailboat, holding the'rudder' made by Han Cheng and others, shook it back and forth.

As he shook, the sailboat began to move forward.

At the same time, after such a period of familiarity, this person has become proficient in the control of this new type of tool.

In addition, I have previous experience in rowing boats with oars, so this ‘rudder’ can also be used to control the direction of the boat.

Limp and others stood on the shore, watching this scene, laughing from ear to ear.

They felt that they and others had already made the rudder and successfully solved the big problem of sailing steering.

Han Cheng also had some smiles on his face, but compared with the smiles of Lame and others, there were still some differences, which seemed far-fetched.

Because he knew that the thing he and others had made now was not a rudder, but a tool called a scull.

Although the scull can also control the steering of the ship, its function is obviously inferior to the rudder.

Otherwise, in later generations, people would not install rudders on large ships for steering, but instead use sculls.

Obviously, the scull is not very suitable for installation on a sailboat.

It looks good to use it to propel the sailboat forward. In fact, the current sailboat is just a model or a miniature sailboat.

The boat is small, so the scull can naturally be pushed, but when the boat is big in time, it won’t be possible to use the scull again.

However, the accidental discovery of the scull at this time is not a bad thing.

In addition to sailing ships, there are other boats in the tribe.

The inappropriate installation of sculls on sailboats does not mean that the installation of sculls on other boats is also inappropriate.

After a while, let people make some sculls and install them on the slightly modified tribe boats.

In this way, there will not only be boats propelled by oars, but also boats propelled by sculls.

As for the rudder...

Han Cheng's gaze turned once again to the sailing boat running forward under the push of the scull in the river, and some smiles appeared on his face.

After the initial circle of rudder, Han Cheng's thinking has become clear.

This device, which was born out of a fish tail, now looks like a real fish tail, and has two functions.

One is to push the ship forward, and the other is to turn.

Basically, the first function is not used on the galleon.

Because I don't know how big a scull is needed to be able to push the galleon forward.

So what needs to be done now is to further improve on the existing basis, remove the first function, and only keep the second steering function.

After thinking about this for a while in his heart, and carefully stroking his thoughts, Han Cheng felt that there were no other problems. He looked at the lame and others, and then told them the things he had considered and knew.

Of course, when saying this, the words used are naturally delicate, and what should be said and what should not be said is naturally not revealed.

After hearing what the son of Han Da said, the happily lame and others knew that what he and the others did was not a rudder, but called a scull, and it was still very much to the extent that the son of God wanted to achieve. The difference.

But even so, Lame and others felt very happy.

Because through this busy schedule, even if they did not get the expected results, they still got a lot of things, which will bring a lot of changes to the tribe and bring a lot of convenience.

Seeing the joy of everyone, Han Cheng's mood also became more comfortable, but he admired the mentality of everyone in the tribe...

In the distant Jinguan City, there are not many hibiscus trees blooming like Jin Tuan, but there are many gourd shelves with white flowers.

Gourd is a good thing, whether it is made into a scoop or hollowed out into other containers, it is very good.

In addition, some gourds are still edible.

When he was not elder, he took it off and washed it, whether it was sliced ​​into slices and boiled the vegetable soup, or sliced ​​into silk, boiled it with boiling water, pulled it with cold water, and then cooled it down.

Of course, the premise is to choose the right gourd.

Not all gourds are suitable for eating.

Some gourds can bite when tender because of their variety, but they are extremely bitter and unsuitable for eating.

Only those gourds that are not bitter or slightly bitter can be eaten.

It is not easy to distinguish between them.

However, this kind of thing can not be difficult for the Qingque tribe people who have a strong desire to eat.

In front of a large group of foodies, this is not the same thing at all. Those gourds that look no different from those that are not bitter are arranged clearly.

The surrounding area of ​​Jinguan City is also busy at this time.

The rice in many fields is ripe, and everyone is busy harvesting rice.

Unlike the main tribes in the north and other places where they are harvesting millet by sticking to the roots, the people here in Jinguan City only start at the ears of rice when harvesting mature rice.

Everyone held the ear of rice in one hand, and the sickle in the other hand and pulled the ear of rice not far from the bottom of the ear of rice, and the ear of rice was easily cut off.

The main body of the rice ear with the leaves still green stays here.

In the process of harvesting and walking, everyone appeared to be more careful, doing as little harm as possible to the main body of the rice.

This is because the empty rice will be able to grow ears and fruit again after a period of time.

The long legs put down a large handful of rice ears in his hands, straightened up his waist along the way, and took a rest. The scene of the surrounding work came into view.

Wielding sickles, full golden ears of rice...

Such a scene makes him relaxed and happy.

Just thinking about the fact that the son of God was not here, he couldn't help but feel a little unsure in his heart.

He stood here and rested for a while, before bending over again and quickly harvesting.

The son of God is not here, and has delegated the great responsibility to himself, then he needs to do things beautifully no matter what!


Tieshan residential area is always full of fireworks.

The black coal piled up there, and some places seemed to shine with some light in the sun.

Someone used a shovel to shovel the coal on the side of the huge coal pile, and kept shoveling the coal, putting it on a small cart that had been soaked in the original color, and then pushing it towards another. Go to the smoking stove...

"Kang Dang!"

"Kang Dang!"

The sound that is not crisp or can be called dull, keeps ringing.

The huge hammer continued to hit a piece of iron that was burnt red.

With the beating, sparks splashed around.

After a while, the second senior, who was holding a sledgehammer in both hands and bare-chested, stopped.

The person who was holding the iron block with iron tongs quickly put the black iron block back into the burning stove and continued to heat it with fire.

The second brother holding the hammer put down the big hammer in his hand, wiped the sweat on his forehead with one hand, and stood there watching the coal burning in the stove popping out under the push of the bellows while holding the hammer handle in the other hand. Scorching flames.

The second brother himself is strong, and the first ironware in the tribe was made with iron sand with the **** son, so he is very interested in smelting iron and making iron products.

Han Cheng asked him to take charge of the Tieshan residential area, which was in line with his wishes.

Of course, it is not always possible to strike iron here. He has to spare a lot of time every day to deal with the rest.

As someone who started to take on important responsibilities in the tribe very early, he didn't find it difficult to deal with these things.

Unlike the agricultural area of ​​Jinguancheng, the Tieshan residential area, which is positioned as an industrial residence, seems to be more prosperous and lively.

Also, just by looking at the many smoking stoves, the flaming molten iron and the burning flaming iron blocks, one can feel such a boom.

Amidst some rather lively sounds, an iron smelting furnace was opened, and flaming molten iron flowed out from it...

The second brother stood here and watched for a while, then turned his head and saw that the iron nugget on the iron stove in front of him turned red again, he stopped looking there, but started holding iron tongs on the side. With the cooperation of that person, he once again raised the hammer and started a new round of beating against the iron block in front of him...

Things will not continue to happen because of the second brother's lack of attention.

Just as there are endless things happening beyond a person's limited gaze.

In the iron smelting furnace, the dark red molten iron has flowed cleanly.

There is a mold on the side of the furnace, and the tank inside has been filled with solidified molten iron.

Several people are busy here.

A man squatted on the side, holding a branch in his hand, writing and drawing there.

After doing this for a while, he walked to the side to clean his hands, and then took out a wooden box.

Carefully opened the wooden box, reached out and took out a notebook from the inside, then opened it, and turned back a few pages.

This person looked at it seriously, and from time to time he would write some numbers on the ground on the side with branches.

After a while, he got a new number and wrote it neatly on the notebook with a pen.

He stared at the number for a while, then shook his head and sighed.

The time to smelt a furnace of molten iron has not improved much.

Even in this process, I have made as many changes as possible, but the effect is still extremely limited.

People always want something better.

In the beginning, my tribe got coal and started to use coal to smelt iron. At that time, I and others felt that this coal was much better than charcoal.

But after a long time, I gradually feel that coal is not very useful, and want to make iron smelting faster and better on the existing basis...

Sitting here, thinking for a while, Han Youli withdrew his gaze from the top of the notebook, and again appeared to be careful and precious and put the notebook back into the box. After putting the box in place, he participated in the labor.

It's just that in the process of labor, he still seemed to be worried, and he kept thinking about it.

"Polite! Work quickly! Don't be stunned!"

People who work with him always get distracted when they see him, and they can't help but remind them.

According to previous experience, as long as he shouts like this, Han Youli will immediately work hard, even after a while, he will be distracted again.

But this time it was a little different. After being reminded, Han Youli not only didn't feel a little embarrassed as before, on the contrary, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

"I, I remembered a way to shorten the iron smelting time!"

He looked excited and said to his companions around him.

After hearing him say this, the people on the side could not help but be amazed, and immediately they were all overwhelmed.

"You have thought of such a method a lot, but now our iron smelting speed is not much faster than before. It is still about the same..."

Someone couldn't help but say so.

The people on the side couldn't help laughing.

"This, this time is different..."

Han Youli, who was splashed with some cold water, argued for herself like this.

"In this case, you have said a lot."

The person who spoke before said with a smile again.

The others continued to laugh, and the atmosphere seemed cheerful.

At least these smiling people find it joyful.

"This time is really different..."

Han Youli's dark complexion turned red.

He continued to argue for himself, but his voice was much smaller than before, showing no confidence.

"It's better to work quickly, work is important, hurry up and smelt more iron, which is better than the rest!"

One of the people who worked with Han Youli and others said so.

The others also responded.

Although Han Youli wants to verify his thoughts now ~www.NovelMTL.com~ but looking at the current scene, it is hard to say anything, so she has to hold back her eagerness, work patiently, and prepare to wait until the evening Or take the time to verify your ideas when the rest is a little free.

"Have you figured out a way?"

At this moment, a different voice came.

Han Youli turned around and saw the second senior who was walking over.

Looking at the second brother, and then listening to the second brother's question, Han Youli seemed very hesitant, but finally nodded heavily.

"Then you just let it go. I will arrange for someone else to do it for you."

Unexpectedly, the second brother not only didn't blame him, but also said something like this and made such a decision.

This caused Han Youli to lower his head unconsciously, and raise it all at once...

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