I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1187: Scattered in ashes (2 in 1)

In the quiet night, a faint light of fire flickered quietly in the carpenter's room of the Qingque tribe.

Under the faint light of the fire, a figure was busy with care, not daring to make any excessive movements or making any noises, even walking with extreme care.

It was as if he was worried that once his movements became bigger, he would disturb the quiet night.

In the quiet night, time passed quietly, this figure has been busy here.

It was not until the chickens fed by the tribe cried several times that the light was extinguished.

Then a person quietly fumbled out of the courtyard of the carpenter's room, and then groped all the way through the courtyard, towards his sleeping place.

He walked very slowly during this process.

On the one hand, I’m worried about walking fast and making footsteps to awaken those living in the courtyard. The other reason is that there are many mats in the courtyard and many people fall asleep. When his vision was bad, he worried about who he would step on.

This walking body was swaying back and forth, deliberately slowing down, a heavy and light person groping in the night.

After a while, he had to admit a fact that felt extremely helpless.

The thing is, he couldn't find where he slept before...

After standing here for a while hesitating, he finally gave up the resistance and fumbled all the way to the wall, then found a place where there was no one, sat down with his back against the wall, and straightened his legs. With both hands in front of me, I soon fell asleep...

When the sky was getting dark, someone in the tribe had already started. This was the people in the tribe who were ready to continue fighting for the ongoing harvest.

The limp who was asleep against the wall was awakened by these noises.

He rubbed his head and stood up from here.

At this time, with the weaker light, you can barely see things.

Limp found the mat where he was sleeping outside. After lying down, he soon fell asleep again.

When the limp woke up again, the sun had already risen a lot.

Many people in the tribe have already gone to the ground.

Those who are in charge of cooking are cooking there, and there is a stream of cooking smoke rising up, with a smell of fireworks, which makes people feel comfortable watching it.

He woke up limp, and soon heard some conversations, the words of those who participated in the shipbuilding with him.

They were wondering why everyone went to sleep, and why after waking up, the things that needed improvement in the sailing rudder were all improved.

After someone suggested that someone got up in the middle of the night and did it secretly, someone started to guess who did it.

Listening to these people's comments, the lame still lying there, a faint smile could not help showing on his face.

Then he sat up slowly, pretending to have just woke up, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and then squinted at the direction of the carpenter's room and the few people who were discussing there.

It's like saying to them, completely ignorant...

Han Cheng already knew about this.

Standing at the door of the carpenter’s room, he watched as he limped up here, and then pretended to be the same as the rest of the people, looking at the modified sailboat with surprise, as if he didn’t know anything Limp, couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

This guy!

After such a long time, this habit of rushing to work still cannot be changed.

Han Cheng was moved by the behavior of lameness and felt particularly distressed...


As the sound of water rang, the white sailing sailboat was lowered again by the people of the tribe and put into the water.

Four sailors who had been driving this sailing boat for most of the day got on the sailing boat.

On one of the shoulders, he carried a large rudder shaped like a fish tail.

The man carrying the rudder went straight to the stern of the sailboat.

Standing limp on the edge of the dock, he gave a voice instruction on how to install the rudder on the stern.

This matter is not difficult. Under his guidance, this person quickly completed it and installed the rudder on the stern.

Only at this time, the connection between the rudder and the stern wooden pillar has changed a lot from before last night.

The most significant change is that the iron rod that was used to fix the rudder and the wooden pole together is gone, and replaced by a thumb-thin leather rope twisted with multiple thin leather ropes.

After the sailor installed and fastened the rudder, the other three sailors quickly raised the three fallen sails.

After seeing all the preparations, one of them stepped onto the bow, jumped onto the pier, untied the cable, and threw it onto the bow.

Then he stretched out a leg on the bow without much effort, and the whole boat left the dock and slid towards the back.

And he also took advantage of this opportunity to put his other foot on the dock with a little force, and he came to the boat.

The sailor who was standing at the stern, holding the upper handle of the rudder with both hands, started to hold the handle of the rudder with both hands and started to imitate the fish swimming in the water, and sway the rudder from side to side, hoping to achieve Let the sailboat turn.

At this time the rudder, the wooden board made into the fish tail shape was inserted diagonally into the water, and the whole was submerged.

As the person swayed from side to side, the submerged fish-tail-shaped rudder swayed from side to side along with it, swaying the water, and it looked like the tail of a fish was wagging in the water.

After the leather rope at the joint replaces the iron bar worn there, the maximum swing of the rudder can be increased.

Although it can't reach the level of real fish, it has made a big breakthrough compared with the previous time.

This is the result of limping thinking for a long time, and spending a while to transform it.

Following the movements of the sailor at the helm, whether it was the people standing on the shore or on the pier, or the three sailors on the sailing boat, they all suddenly raised their spirits, looking at the sailing boat with piercing eyes. Seeing whether this kind of rudder works well, can it bring them miracles!

The miracle appeared soon!


A sound rang from the pier on the river bank.

The sailboat that had left the pier just now returned to the pier again and made a very close contact with the pier.

It's like being extremely reluctant to be separated from the dock like this.

Looking at the bow of the sailing boat that collided with the pier, a group of people standing here waiting to witness the miracle could not help but stare at each other.

I don't know what to say, and the scene is a bit quiet for a while.

Didn’t you say that the rudder is used for turning?

After this swaying, the sailboat not only didn't turn, but returned again?

I waited for a long time before I researched and manufactured something specifically for sailing turning. How could it not look like making the sailing turn, but rather like pushing the sailing forward?

Han Cheng was also a little dazed.

Logically speaking, whether it is from the perspective of imitation biology or from the knowledge of rudder that I remembered, such things shouldn't happen.

The rudder is really used to control the steering of the ship...

But looking at the sailboat in front of him who had made close contact with the dock, Han Cheng's affirmation in his heart became less determined.

Could it be that this matter, I really remembered it wrong?

However, such doubts did not last long.

Not long after, Han Cheng's heart moved, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind——

Under the night, a big river lay here like a dark abyss.

Snow constantly fell in the sky.

Both banks of the river are covered with white snow.

The withered and ruined reeds, and the branches that had fallen out of leaves and became bare, were covered in heavy snow and lost their original shape.

At this time, on the silent river surface, there were some squeaking sounds similar to wood rubbing against each other, and it faintly heard.

There was also the soft sound of some water waves.

A person stood at the stern of a ship, facing one side of the ship's side.

He pressed his hands on an oblique wooden bar at the stern, and swayed constantly from side to side.

Following the man's movements, the ship floating on the river continued to move forward.

When the boat reached the wide river center, the man cast a wooden handle and dropped the anchor down the river to stop.

Then came to the cabin with another person on the ship quietly, tied a sleeping person quietly, and took out a knife from under a wooden board, and put it on the neck of the awakened person. Robbery.

And asked if this person wanted to eat Chaos or...

This is a scene from "Water Margin".

The story is that Song Jiang was in danger of getting sick. In order to save Song Jiang’s life, Lang Li Bai Tiao Zhang Shun crossed the river overnight to find the earth spirit star, and the magical doctor An Daoquan came to treat Song Jiang. Because he was too sleepy, he fell asleep in the cabin while crossing the river. , The story of being **** by the gangster who robbed the river to **** gold and silver and throw it into the river.

This is what Han Cheng had watched in his later years on TV, which appeared in Han Cheng's mind.

Han Cheng's attention was not on Zhang Shun, but all on the ship that seemed vague.

To be precise, it was placed on the wooden bar that was swayed by the boatman and controlled the ship to sail forward.

Moreover, the wooden bar in the memory is now gradually overlapping with the wooden bar behind the tail of the sailboat in front of me...

This thing does not seem to be called a rudder, but should be called a scull!

It's the kind of scull that is kind of sweet, hurts, and wiped out!

This is also something that can control the navigation of ships in the water!

This kind of thing is not the same as the oars. It is not installed on the sides of the boat, but installed on the tail of the boat, just like the way it is installed on the sailing boat of the tribe...

After thinking of these memories, Han Cheng once again fell into a daze.

What and what is this!

He clearly wanted to get the rudder out, but how did he get out the scull at the end?

Han Cheng was stunned, and everyone present was equally stunned.

In this awkwardness, a few people on the ship looked at the technical tycoons on the shore. When they saw these tycoons, they did not speak, explaining the current situation. After waiting for a while, the people standing on the bow The man came to the pier and stretched out his feet again, kicking the sailboat away from the pier and retreating back.

And he once again stepped onto the sailboat.

At this time, the sailor who didn’t know whether he should call it a rudder or a scull, waited until the force of the sailboat to retreat completely disappeared, and the sailboat was about three or four meters away from the pier, before starting again. He looked hesitantly and slowly shook the wooden handle.

As he shook, the sailboat soon moved again and continued to come towards the direction of the dock.

Upon seeing this, the man quickly stopped the shaking motion to prevent the sailboat from sliding forward too much and hitting the pier again.

While maintaining this action, the'rudder' held by him was not kept in the center position, but subconsciously pressed tightly on the wooden post, and the wooden fish tail in the water was also Therefore, it deviates the most to the right.

Boats are light and fluttering in the water, especially small boats with low drafts. After they stop pushing, they can still slide forward for a long distance.

So even if the person behind who was swinging the ‘rudder’ stopped his hand and stopped his movements, the sailboat was still sliding towards the front slowly.

The object I want to hit is the dock in front.

The person standing on the bow of the ship has already raised one of his legs.

Preparing to wait a while for the sailboat to get close to the pier and still couldn't stop, he put one foot on the pier and used his own strength to stop the boat so as not to hit the pier again.

It was at this time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ that he suddenly discovered that the bow of the ship, which was hitting the pier straight, was actually turning slowly. The direction the ship turned was to the right, which is the depth of the river. Place.

In the end, the person's lifted foot did not reach the pier.

When the bow of the ship was less than 30 centimeters away from the pier, it was able to turn around, and from the previous collision to the pier, it was driving towards the river instead.

The people on the boat couldn't help but looked up at the sails, wanting to see if the wind was blowing the sailing boat and turned it around.

Obviously not, because at this time the small piece of cloth used as a weather vane didn't move much.

"It's the rudder!"

On the shore, Han Cheng pointed to the fishtail that was leaning to one side and said aloud.

It was also at this time that he realized that the tail of the fish tail can not only be used to turn, but also can drive the fish to run forward...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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