I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1186: Pretty? Am i pretty? (2 in 1)

Because the first fortune in the tribe and the first large amount of food they get is fish, and now the tribe has its own fish ponds, rivers, and a super large fish pond and duck lake, so the people in the tribe treat fish. No stranger at all.

Especially the aborigines of the veteran blue bird tribe like lame, they don't know how much they eat just by eating fish.

For fish, they have seen many and eaten many, and they all know exactly what the fish looks like.

But at this time, they were all gathered together, looking at the fish that was caught and put in the basin seriously.

They stared at them one by one, like a group of unseen turtles.

The fish in the basin was terrified.

It has seen a lot of humans before, and has never put these humans in its eyes.

Because at that time, it was in the pond and thought it had a vast world. It only needed to swim in the water or drill down, and there was no need to worry about what these guys who couldn't get into the water could do with themselves.

Even if I spit bubbles at them.

But it didn't happen now, and now he was caught up, and the big pond became such a small pond. There was no stone in the water, and there was no silt underneath.

When I dived hard, my jaw would be bumped by this hard thing, and there was no result at all...

This is not more terrifying. What's more terrifying is that these terrible perverts still stretch out their sinful fingers at themselves from time to time, poking them on their foreheads or other places, not allowing themselves quiet.

The fish, which was pricked by this **** person with his finger, ran back and forth in the water for quite a while, only to feel aching all over, spit out a bunch of bubbles in horror at the evil people.

It can't speak, if it can spit out people's words, it will definitely be unable to help but send blood and tears to these people at this time.



Am i pretty?

You always stab Laozi...

Soon, there will be more than one fish in panic.

Several other fish of different species were picked up and placed in several pots. Like the fish that was picked out at the beginning, they were brutally watched by evil humans and touched by evil fingers.

"...The fish that are generally longer, thinner, not wide, and have big tails, turn more dexterously..."

"The fish's tail is still in the middle of the fish body..."

"Fish's tails are thin, wide and wide, much smaller than their heads..."

After some careful observation, and I don’t know how many sinful hands have been stretched out to these poor fishes, under Han Cheng’s organization, these people involved in shipbuilding are limping, and they are beginning to say that their observations are from just now. Among them, something comes out.

After saying this for a while, after everyone couldn't say anything, the chief engineer of the shipbuilder began to summarize these things.

After summarizing the things they got from the fish, the lame and others have basically done what they have never seen before and called the rudder by the gods.

Not to mention that it is particularly clear, but there are ideas about how to do it and how to install it.

In order to be as accurate as possible, the people in the tribe, after finishing these things, separately conducted onlookers, stabbed the fish with their fingers and other things, and then gathered together for a while. Discussing, it was finally determined that there was nothing that could be derived from these fishes for the time being, and then these poor fishes were let go, and they began to make rudders that could turn the sailboat.

Of course, the relief of these fish is accompanied by the fragrance of the food.

The reason why they were not put back into the pond is because they have been caught from the pond for so long, and in the process, no less than a lot of scales have fallen off.

Some unbearable people have developed new skills and started to roll their white belly for sidestroke or backstroke.

Under such circumstances, even if they were put back into the pond, they would probably not survive.

In order to avoid waste, we can only give them another form of freedom and relief.

As for the rudder that was made is not easy to use, the people in the tribe don't have to worry about the fact that the fishes are found for observation, and the fishes that were initially observed are not found.

Because just as in their eyes, people all look the same, in the eyes of humans, fish of the same species are all the same.

The only difference is in size, fat and thin...

When the time comes, just grab some from the pond or river...

The carpenter's room became lively here again.

The people involved in shipbuilding are gathered together and are busy here based on their latest achievements.

The interest of everyone is very high.

Because the method this time was inspired by the Son of God, everyone came out by observing the fish that can move flexibly in the water.

In this process, everyone is involved.

In addition, everyone is eager to know if the enlightenment obtained by observing animals is applied to the tool making of their own tribe.

If it really proves to be useful, there is no doubt that a brand new and extremely open door will be opened to them!

Inspired by this incident, their thinking will become more open, and their vision will be more long-term.

It will move from a narrow, fixed place to more places.

Once such a thing occurs, there are naturally many benefits for the Qingque tribe!

This will promote the development of the Qingque tribe and make the Qingque tribe better.

A pioneer surnamed Ma once said that the hand-pulled mill brought about the society of the feudal lord, and the steam mill produced the society of the industrial capitalist.

This sentence can reveal to a large extent how important the tools, or the science behind these tools, have played to the progress of human society.

As far as Han Cheng knows, even in the later generations where he lives and where technology is already very advanced, through observing creatures, and finally getting inspiration from them, and finally getting all kinds of strange and high-end things, things have always been It is happening, and will continue to happen.

Looking at the tribal carpenters who are busy in the carpenter's room with full attention and brilliance on their faces, Han Cheng couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

Before this matter started, he only thought that through such a method, he could solve the problems encountered in making sailboats for the tribe.

But now it seems that in addition to solving this problem, it seems that the people of their own tribe will get bigger, more, and better things...

The sun disappeared on the horizon.

The earth without the sun's shining is still boring, but it still feels much better, at least it doesn't have the burning sensation of the sun directly shining on the body.

The sun disappeared and dusk fell, the tribe not only did not become silent, on the contrary, it became more noisy...

The Qingque tribe at night is about the most comfortable time of the busy farming season.

The weather is much cooler, and everyone is more relaxed.

The starry sky is inlaid in the deep night sky, and a luminous wide band traverses the sky, especially beautiful.

In the distance outside the courtyard, there will not be some sounds of beating gongs, and there will be little fire lights flashing.

This is the night watchman in the tribe, patrolling the threshing ground in the distance, and the unharvested grain field, worrying that something will come and ruin the precious food in the tribe.

The ignition light was shining, and sometimes it was not clear whether it was the stars in the sky or the fire on the ground.

In the courtyard of the tribe, many people fell asleep, enjoying the coolness of the night.

Some adults still hold fans made of large blades of grass or large leaves after husking bamboo shoots. They lie there and shake them slowly, fanning the wind for themselves and the sleeping children beside them, and take them along. Get rid of the uncomfortable mosquitoes.

After washing, people lying here, just feel extra comfortable.

The tribe of the Green Bird Lord was quiet in the night, just like this quiet night.

However, there is still a light on.

This is the carpenter's room of the Qingque tribe.

In the light of the fire, many people in the carpenter's room are busy.

Lame and the rest of the people involved in shipbuilding are there.

As everyone is busy, something has already appeared in front of everyone at this time.

This thing has a strange style and is divided into two parts.

Above it is a long wooden handle.

The lower end of the wooden handle contains something made of wood.

The shape of this thing is a big fish tail.

This is the rudder made by them.

Yesterday, the sailing boat that was carried into the river for a long time experiment was carried again to the courtyard of the carpenter's room.

At this time, just behind the stern, a wooden pillar has been installed.

A hole was opened on the wooden pillar, the kind from front to back.

Standing limp here, the boy bent over and looked at this fishtail-shaped thing carefully.

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, he picked it up and installed it on the stern.

The handle of the rudder stuck in the groove of the wooden post installed at the stern, moved up and down for a while, adjusted the position, and made a mark with a charcoal pencil, then removed it, and then someone started to drill with a hand drill. hole.

After the holes are punched, the rudder is stuck in the wooden pillar again, and the hole on the wooden pillar is aligned with the hole on the rudder, and an iron rod is used to put it on.

The gap opened on the wooden pillar is very large, much wider than the wooden handle, and there is still a lot of space left and right to get it stuck inside.

This was left on purpose.

In this case, the rudder is stuck inside and there is a lot of room for movement.

After putting it on, I thought about it lamely, and got up on the sailboat with the help of a stool. I stood on it and shook the handle of the rudder back and forth for a while to feel it.

As he shook, the part of the rudder that looked like the tail of a fish also swayed left and right.

After feeling for a while, he limped and shook his head.

He felt that the sway of the tail below the rudder was still too small.

When they observed the fish today, they found that the tail bends a lot when turning, especially when turning around.

The swing can exceed the head of the fish.

But now, the rudder swing is obviously far beyond the widest part of the hull.

He stood here for a while and watched, then pulled out the iron rod, unloaded the rudder, and found tools to thicken the hole on the rudder again.

And let people widen the gap of the wooden pillar once again without affecting the firmness of the wooden pillar at the stern.

After beating for a while, I rested it and put it together again.

Limp boarded the sailboat again, standing on it, holding the tiller of the rudder and swaying from side to side, and carefully observed the swing of the rudder tail.

Compared with the time before the rest, the swing is much larger.

But I was still not satisfied after limping for a while.

But at this time, neither the mouth on the ship's tiller nor the mouth of the wooden post on the stern used to fix the ship's rudder can no longer be enlarged and thickened, otherwise it will be affected. Their sturdiness.

Staring lamely at the junction of the rudder and the wooden pillar, I fell into contemplation...

It was late at night, and Han Cheng lying under the gourd shed turned his head to look at the lights still on in the carpenter's room, and shook his head helplessly.

He put down the fan in his hand, then gently got out of the bed, put on his shoes, and walked around the bed where Xuemei Bai, Little Myolie and the little son slept on the side, and headed towards the carpenter's room with lights. Go.

These people are too hard to get things done, and they always want to finish their work earlier.

"Don't do it, go to bed early, no matter how much is left, save it until tomorrow! Life is not something that can be done in one day, and the days will grow. If you can't finish it in one day, just do it in two days. It will only take three days.

Otherwise, if the body is straddled for such a long time, it will be worth it. "

After Han Cheng came here, he looked at the people in the carpenter's room and said aloud.

"God, wait a while and it will be done."

After hearing what Han Cheng said, Li said to Han Cheng with a smile like this.

"No, don't do it, put it down and go to sleep."

Han Cheng shook his head and directly refused ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and did not give lame any chance of accommodation.

"Sailboat is just a more important thing. In addition to sailboats, the tribe will continue to make other things in the future. Some people will be busy in the future. Only when you take good care of your body can you make it for the tribe in the future. Greater and more contribution..."

After thinking about it, Han Cheng added.

Under Han Cheng's tough attitude, the lights in the carpenter's room were extinguished. Everyone left here, washed a little with water, and went back to their respective sleeping places.

Although the work was stopped by the son of God, everyone felt warm in their hearts...

The night became quiet again, with grunts in between.

I don’t know how long it took. Someone got up quietly and walked towards the carpenter’s room...


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