I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1185: Biology of Primitive Era (2 in 1)

The morning breeze was blowing, and there were dew drops on the leaves.

From time to time in the distance there will be some birdsong, which sounds very pleasant.

But basically it was suppressed by the bright and powerful cries of the **** in the tribe.

Han Cheng sat under the tribe's gourd vine, feeling the freshness and tranquility of this morning.

After stunned for a while, he shook his head, stopped being stunned, and started thinking about things in his mind.

Yesterday, the tribe raised many questions about sailing.

The weather vane problem has been solved by him.

As for the remaining problems, some are because the sailors themselves are not skilled enough to control the ship.

Others may be that the sails are not reasonable enough and need to be adjusted. Generally speaking, these things are not particularly difficult. You can experiment and adjust more slowly, and you can always figure out what kind of wind direction and what kind of wind. , How high the sails rise and what shape the hull keeps can achieve the best sailing effect.

It takes a long time to accumulate and run-in.

But there is a problem that makes people feel a headache.

This problem is the steering problem of the ship.

This is a hard condition, and we need to figure out a new way to solve it.

Otherwise, just relying on the existing method of steering with the oars in the tribe, no matter how well the sailors cooperated and mastered this kind of technology, it would be impossible.

The two things commonly used in the tribe, the boat poles and boat oars, have been proved to be unsuitable. It is necessary to find a new one that is different from these two methods but is better than these two methods. Only when a solution is available can this problem be solved.

Since this issue was raised yesterday, it has embarrassed everyone in the tribe.

Even Han Cheng is the same.

Until now, I haven't thought of a suitable way to solve this matter.

He is a shipbuilding person who has no professional knowledge and can't even count as a renunciation. He is embarrassed once again because of this.

After sitting here thinking for a long time, Han Cheng still frowned.

At this time, a red sun has risen from the east, the red light is brilliant, but not dazzling.

However, this state could not be maintained for long, and after a long time, the red light had disappeared and transformed into a dazzling existence.

Han Cheng rubbed his head and sat up on the bed.

Look at the sleeping little peas, and the sleeping little apricots and little soybeans on another bed next to them. Han Cheng's quilt made of linen covered them separately before getting up officially.

At this time, the army of the tribe harvesting crops had already begun to go to the ground.

Those who go early and have quick hands are almost able to harvest the last round.

As the **** son of the tribe, Han Cheng naturally had to do as much as he wanted. As long as he wanted to, he didn't need to get up and be greedy at all.

This is the advantage of being a big boss.

From yesterday to now, he has been thinking about the turning of the ship, and there has been no result until now.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng also lost the mood to harvest crops.

There are so many people in the tribe, and there is no problem without one to harvest crops.

After washing, he did not wipe his face with a towel, so he walked out of the tribe with the drops of water on his face.

He wanted to change into a new environment and another mood to continue thinking about this matter, so as not to get into a dead end.

Just stepping out of the tribe, walking not too far forward, there is already a unique fragrance of lotus.

Deep planting water chestnut planting shallow rice, not deep planting lotus.

With such a poetic scene, the Qingque tribe has not yet come true.

This is mainly because there is no water chestnut in the tribe.

But it also achieved more than half.

After all, the tribe now has two things, lotus and rice.

And they have all been planted.

Han Cheng smelled the scent, turned his head and saw the lotus pond full of green leaves.

He didn't hesitate or pause, and walked over there.

Enlu, who had been carrying it for a night, looked at the lotus leaf and brought out a layer of white that looked a little hazy, which made the lotus leaf look different from the verdant white sun, with a little more lush.

On some lotus leaves, I don't know if they were shaken by the wind, or because they carried too much rain and dew. At the center of the lotus leaf was a pool of water, like a pearl.

Among the layers of lotus leaves, there are blooming lotus, and lotus buds of different sizes and depths.

There are also lotus plants that are full or still growing.

On top of these things, without exception, they carry morning dew, and they look like the beauty who just came out of the bath and has not had time to wipe off the water drops on her body.

Of course, in addition to these, there are other things here.

For example, under the layers of lotus leaves, taking advantage of the quietness of the morning, the fish that quietly floated to the surface and leaned on the shore.

I don't know if it is because I have been kept in a pond for a long time, or because I have lived here since I was born.

This fish, about the length of chopsticks, is not afraid of people. Even if you see Han Cheng coming over, it still stays here quietly.


This still fish seemed to be asleep. It flicked its tail, splashed some waves, and left some bubbles. It turned very decisively and quickly and dived into the depths of the pond, and disappeared.

The **** son Han Da, who had just issued a mature judgment in his heart, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

These years, even a fish is so shameless and unwilling to cooperate with the performance.

With such complaints in his heart, Han Cheng was taken aback for a moment, staring at the surface of the water to find the fish that had disappeared.

In his mind, there was constantly flashing the scene of the fish just turning around and diving for a long time.

There seems to be some inspiration flashing in my mind, some very important things are ready to come out, but there is always something missing.

Fishes live in water. They look very flexible when turning in the water. They just swing their tails and they are done very quickly.

The tail swings...


Han Cheng tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, seizing inspiration and thinking at a high speed.

If the boat is also equipped with a tail, will the boat be able to turn in the water very flexibly?

Even if it is not as flexible as fish, it is still enough to use!

When this idea appeared in Han Cheng's mind, Han Cheng couldn't help getting excited.

Because he felt that he had found the key thing and was able to solve this problem!

After thinking about this with excitement for a while, the excitement on Han Cheng's face gradually solidified, and his complexion began to become extraordinarily complex and exciting.

After such a thing continued for a while, Han Cheng suddenly raised his hand and patted his forehead a few times.

Very upset.

Han Cheng was indeed upset.

Because just after he thought of putting a tail on the boat to help the boat turn through the tail of the fish, not long after he used this inspiration, he thought of some other things.

The name of this thing is a rudder!

Something specifically used to control the direction of the ship.

On ships driven by later generations of machines, rudders were basically used to control the direction of the ship. This or something similar developed from rudders!

However, this kind of thing, this kind of very proficient thing that has already been used by later generations, he himself did not think of it before!

In this matter, Han Cheng's thinking fell into a misunderstanding.

It is a misunderstanding, rather it is his life experience that limits his imagination.

With regard to boats, what Han Cheng impressed the most and had the most contact with was the kind of boat with sculls on the river in his hometown that used to ferry people back and forth.

In the summer and autumn seasons of some years, I can also meet some people who pay for renting such boats from the upstream all the way down, passing through the river section of their village, and heading to the downstream reservoir area to look for when it rains and floods, because The relatives who were swept away by the flood of things like catching fish.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The most frustrating thing is that one of Han Cheng’s cousins ​​and some people in Murakami took advantage of the night net to collect the net at night, and felt that the net was pulling extraordinarily heavy, thinking I was overjoyed when I caught the big fish, and then pulled out a dead body on the net...

Han Cheng's thinking diverged.

He shook his head and let his thoughts return to the boat.

The boats I came into contact with when I was young were slid by human hands. Whether it was moving forward or backward, or turning, it was done with two oars.

The rudder is not used at all, so there is no rudder on the upper side.

As for later, Han Cheng also took two yachts, the kind of scenic yachts that used the lake as a tourist attraction.

But this is of no use, because he has always been sitting in his seat, or standing there, and has never entered the cockpit...

This is the main reason why he waited until he saw the tail of the fish and thought about it for a while before suddenly remembering the rudder.

After a while, Han Cheng finally recovered a lot of calm.

He no longer entangled in this matter, but put all his mind on the rudder.

After staying here for a while, Han Cheng turned and walked all the way towards the tribe and walked straight to the carpenter's room.

His face was full of joy and excitement.

Of course, this was not because he was able to harvest the last wave of shock from the lame and others immediately, but because this problem could be solved immediately, and the sailboat of his tribe could soon become more perfect.

Just thinking about things like this in your heart makes people feel very excited.

All the way to the carpenter's room in a hurry, Han Cheng's footsteps stopped when he was about to enter the courtyard of the carpenter's room.

He stood here, pulled his hand on his clothes a few times, and adjusted his expression very seriously.

After converging all the excitement on my face and making sure that my expression and state have become very indifferent, I took a leisurely pace, pretended that nothing had happened, and walked in. The small courtyard of the carpenter's room.

"The Son of God."

"The Son of God."

At this time, all the carpenters who need to work have gathered here and have been doing work here for a while.

Seeing Han Cheng, the big man in the tribe, came over, everyone greeted them.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded at them, and continued to walk inside.

When he first walked in, Han Chengcheng had already seen a limp.

He was sitting on the backrest chair in the innermost position, looking like he was thinking about something.

The lame leg has been injured, not only has the lame problem left, but the place where he was injured before is also easy to hurt.

The lame age is not too young now. In addition, he has the spirit of desperate Saburo. Over the years, he has been conscientious and has been at the forefront of the most tribal woodworkers and weaving things. Under the guidance of Han Cheng, the **** son, A man abruptly created three schools in the tribe.

In this process, limping did a lot of things that people felt very praiseworthy, but he didn't pay nothing.

Compared with the previous time, his body has dropped a lot.

This is why I often sit on a chair with a backrest.

He was limping seriously thinking about things. At this moment, he seemed to have heard some movement. He turned his head and looked around and saw Han Cheng who was coming. After a moment, he quickly got up from his seat.

Even if he has become a big boss in the tribe, and the son of God has said more than once that he does not need to do this, but the lameness is still stubborn.

Han Cheng was already accustomed to being lame, knowing that he would listen to what he said, and he would still do his own way in the future, so Han Cheng didn't bother to say it, just let the lame sit down quickly.

He also sat in another chair.

He knew that if he didn't sit down, he would not sit down if he was lame.

"Do you have any ideas about the steering of the sailboat? Are there any breakthroughs?"

Han Cheng smiled and asked Lime and the few people who had been involved in shipbuilding and had surrounded him after seeing him.

Hearing Han Cheng asking this question, everyone present you look at me, I look at you, and then shook his head involuntarily.

Even the limp sitting in the chair is the same.

This question is too difficult, they have no ideas at all.

After everyone shook their heads ~www.NovelMTL.com~ turned their heads to look at the son of God, with anticipation.

After seeing everyone's gazes, Han Cheng cleared his throat slightly, and then said, "I have an idea, it should be possible..."

The people staring at him couldn't help showing surprise and joy, as well as amazement.

The Son of God is the Son of God. Such a difficult problem will soon be solved!

Moreover, the son of God is not specialized in woodworking. This is truly amazing and admirable!


The wind was blowing gently, and the leaves of the trees in the courtyard of the carpenter's room were shaking gently, making a rustling sound.

The people in the carpenter's room gathered around, watching a basin with half a basin of water in it, and a fish...


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