I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1184: Not all aura 1 flash is correct (2 in 1...

The thing that came to my mind was that when talking about how to make a sailboat sail in the wind, the **** child once said that when the wind was small, the sails would be lowered and people would row the boat with oars or penny poles.

When the wind is strong, just drop anchor and park the boat in the water, or park it on the shore, waiting for the wind to decrease.

For this reason, he and others have specially manufactured many oars that are compatible with sailing boats.

How did this come to the present, become like this now?

Lame wanted to ask the doubts in his heart.

However, after so many years of life, the lameness is still the lameness, but some places have become a little different, such as in the world of humanity.

"God, didn't you say..."

I thought of these things lamely, and other people thought of it too.

But they are different from lame.

With the attitude of asking if you don't understand, someone soon asked such doubts in their hearts.

The son of Han Da, who was secretly rejoicing in his heart, was taken aback when he heard the words.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Can we not be so upright?


In the river in front of the Qingque tribe, the **** sailboat was once again untied.

Four people who often row a flat-bottomed boat with good water quality control it on the boat.

Because there has never been such a ship in the tribe before, and there are still many gaps between the crudely manufactured sailing boat and the mature sailing boat. The sailing thing is not very good. smoothly.

When several people controlled the boat, they seemed very strange.

"Master the boat going downstream. The water here is too narrow to control."

Han Cheng stood here and waited for a while, then said.

After hearing what he said, the already sweaty sailor began to control the sailboat and turn his head towards the lower reaches of the river.

The east wind is blowing at this time, and the river in this section is also from east to west.

When the head of the sailboat was not completely turned, the wind was blowing on the sail from the oblique front, and the sailboat was still moving forward obliquely, but after a few people on the boat, they relied on the Penny to straighten the bow and face the wind. After that, the sailing boat stopped moving.

Not only did it not go forward, it even went backwards.

Such things made the rowers a little confused, and the rest of the people watching on the shore were equally confused.

By the way, the son of God just said that if the bow of the ship is facing the wind, what force will the wind produce behind the sail?

Why is this not working now?

Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, looked at the scene in front of him, too.

What's the matter with him?

Why did it become like this now?

The memory in my mind is indeed like this.

After being so confused for a while, Han Cheng was basically certain that he was stunned by his unreliable vague memory, like a burst of inspiration.

The wind blew from the front to the sailing boat and drove it across from both sides, and then formed something thrusting behind it. In all likelihood, it was caused by myself.

"Pump the boat with the boat poles and tilt the bow toward the diagonally forward of the other bank!"

Son of Han Da's insight is still very good.

Although I can basically be sure that what I thought of before was wrong, I still saw something else from the sailing before.

Immediately yelled out.

After hearing his voice, several people on the ship immediately started operating as he said.

Use the boat pole to turn the sailboat around, so that the sailboat's head is facing diagonally forward on the opposite bank.

Then people in this era, what seemed like a miracle, happened.

Just now, the sailboat, which was still being blown by the wind, could not stop retreating back. At this time, it not only stopped the retreating trend, but also began to sail diagonally forward!

It can be seen that the few people on the boat did not use the Penny to punt the boat, and they all sailed forward relying on the wind.

Because the river here is not wide yet, after the boat sailed obliquely towards the opposite side for a certain distance, it was basically almost on the opposite bank.

These people didn't feel much panic about this. They inserted the Penny in the water and put a little harder in their hands, and the sailboat had already changed its direction.

The bow was quickly straightened and parallel to the river.

With the previous experience, this time there was no need for Han Cheng on the shore to say anything. They had already adjusted the bow of the ship to face the shore where Han Cheng and the others were.

After adjusting the direction, they pulled the Penny out of the water, dragged it on the water, and allowed the sailboat to move forward obliquely under the wind.

When the sailing boat once again approached the shore where Han Cheng and the others were located, they once again lit the bottom of the river with a penny and made the boat turn.

In this way, the sailing boat takes on a zigzag shape and heads down the river.

Han Cheng and others followed the river bank and followed the sailboat all the way downstream.

During this process, the people on the sailing boat became more and more familiar with the sailing boat, and gradually became proficient in the control.

Everyone walked all the way down like this for about three or four miles, and the water surface became much wider.

It was like knowing that the people of the Qingque tribe wanted to experiment with the sailboats that they finally made.

The water surface is wider and it is easier to sail.

Several sailors have also become more proficient.

They used the Penny to control the direction of the sailboat, trying to make the sailboat crosswind, downwind, and headwind.

Saying that you are heading against the wind is not really against the wind.

When the boat is sailing on top of the wind, it needs to be tilted so that the sails are obliquely exposed to the wind. Correspondingly, the sailboat needs to use the "Zig".

Moreover, except when the wind is particularly positive, most of the other time, the ship's navigation will have some deviations, which requires people to use the Penny to adjust a course from time to time to prevent it from yaw.

After a short half-day in this way, I watched the more and more skilled people controlling the control of the sailboat, and the sailboat that was constantly sailing under the control of a few people.

Han Cheng gradually frowned.

He frowned because she suddenly thought of something.

This thing is how to control the steering of the ship.

Now the people in the tribe use Penny, which looks very convenient and easy to use.

But Han Cheng still found the problem from inside.

His purpose of letting people in the tribe do sailboats is ultimately to let the sails of the tribe sail on the river and the sea.

The water there is very deep, which can be described as bottomless.

It would be unrealistic to use Penny's to control the course of the ship at that time.

Because there is no such long Penny.

And even with such a long penny, no one can ignore the buoyancy of such a grown thing in the water and insert it into the bottom of the water to control the course of the ship.

So after thinking about it for a while, Han Chenggong gave new orders to the people on the sailing boat.

He told them not to use the Penny to control the direction of the boat, but to use oars instead.

Above the big river and the sea, the Penny's can't reach the end. The oars that were originally undulating on the water are still usable.

After hearing Han Cheng's words, several people on the boat abandoned the Penny and started to control the direction of the sailboat with the oars placed on top of the sailboat.

Compared with using the Penny to control the direction of the boat, when it is controlled by the oar, it appears slow and stiff.

You need to keep paddling the water with the oars on one side, so that the sailboat turns slowly, and the speed is not fast.

Moreover, a person standing on top of a boat with a penny in his hand can control the direction of the boat at will, but not using oars.

Of course, there are exceptions for narrow ones, one person can hold two oars, and the oars are on either side of the boat.

When the time comes, Han Cheng wants to make the sailing boat very big. Obviously, this kind of thing that one person masters the two oars cannot happen on the sailing boat.

So these four people held a paddle in one hand, two by two, located on both sides of the boat, and controlled the direction of the boat by paddling.

Wanting to which way the boat turned, the two people on that side began to paddle hard with the oars in their hands, while the other two remained motionless.

Because of the wind direction, it is necessary to adjust the course of the ship more frequently, which is more troublesome than using Penny's.

Before too long, these people were embarrassed and sweated...

Standing here, Han Cheng frowned slightly as he watched the sailboat sailing under the control of several people.

He still looks down on the steering method used now.

This approach seems too clumsy.

It takes a lot of manpower and material resources, and the steering effect is not very good.

Nowadays, it is the small sailboat that is undergoing the experiment. If so, how many people should be deployed on both sides of the sailboat to control the direction of the sailboat when there are large sailboats in the tribe?

And the place you are now can be called calm.

If you come to the rough river and the sea, or encounter some more urgent situations, then using such a method to control the steering of the ship is even more inadequate.

In addition to using the penny and oars, is there any way to control the steering of the ship?

Han Cheng frowned and fell into deep thought.

At noon, at the sign of Han Cheng, several people on the boat began to control the boat to go upstream, while Han Cheng, Lame and others who were visiting on the shore walked back along the river bank.

Several waters stopped the sailboat on the edge of the pier.

In order to prevent the sailboat from running around, they not only tied it up with a cable, but also lowered the sail under Han Cheng's sign.

In this way, it can effectively prevent the sailboat from running wildly under the wind.

After finishing these things, several people got off the sailing boat, their legs were a little weak, and each one felt exhausted.

After such a long time, they will be exhausted...

"Tell me, how do you feel about this sailing boat for a long time? What do you think is not good for us? You need to change it."

Han Cheng, who had washed his face and upper body with clear river water under the shade of the river, sat down on a rock and looked around. He basically washed his face with river water or was washing his face. People, said aloud.

After hearing Han Cheng say this, he thought about it for a while and took the lead in speaking.

"I think the steering of the sailboat is not easy, especially after the Penny can't be used, and only the oars are used, which is very difficult."

After Li said such words, it immediately attracted everyone's approval.

In particular, the four sailors who had been controlling the sailing boat for a whole morning pointed their heads like a chicken pecking at rice.

They absolutely empathized with the problem that Li said.

Because now their arms are slightly lifted up, they can feel the fatigue that comes from them.

I feel very uncomfortable after washing my face.

This is all about controlling the direction of the ship.

"The sails seem to be a little awkward, not so good to face the wind..."

"Sometimes, it is not easy to find where the wind is blowing, and it is impossible to adjust the sailboat quickly..."

After having the first words of lameness, the rest of the people also began to speak, telling some of the problems that they felt during this morning's experience.

Lame and some other carpenters here write down all the problems that everyone has said, and what they need to do next is how to solve these problems.

After solving these problems, the sailing boats in the tribe can be further improved, and the performance can be improved accordingly.

However, some things don't need to be bothered for them, because the first time they heard this question, Han Cheng, who had memories of later life, was already the solution he thought of.

For example, it is difficult to find the wind direction.

"You can tie a small piece of cloth or other light things to the mast or the rest of the ship, and look at the direction they are blown by the wind, and you can know where the wind is coming from. "

Han Cheng said so.

Regarding the weather vane, he did not think of it before.

Now that people say it like this ~www.NovelMTL.com~, they immediately realized this, and then thought of the weather vane.

Of course, in addition to this method, there are many ways to distinguish wind direction.

For example, some mature sailors only need to wet their fingers with saliva and feel the wind to know exactly where the wind is coming from.

Of course, such a mature sailor does not exist in the Qingque tribe.

So they can only continue to accumulate experience based on simple and basic methods, and slowly become experienced old sailors.

After hearing Han Cheng's words, everyone present could not help but be bright.

Many people's minds have appeared in the tribe's blue sparrow flags, rustling under the wind.

This matter of the weather vane was also resolved following the reactions of the people.

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