I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1183: Sailboat absconding alone (2 in 1)

Sailboats are heavy.

However, because of the size, no matter how heavy it is, it will not be heavy.

After using ropes and wooden bars, it took only six people, and it seemed to be able to carry it all the way towards the river with ease.

Han Cheng followed him, watching this scene before him, but he thought of something in his heart.

It seems that building sailboats in the future cannot continue in the carpenter's room.

This kind of small sailboat model is okay. People can lift it easily. Later, when a big sailboat is built, it is really uncomfortable to lift it outside.

Even if the people in the tribe were able to carry them out by any means, the gates in the tribe couldn't adapt.

A gate that is too narrow can't pass through the huge body of a sailboat, so it can only be cracked.

Han Cheng didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

It seems that in the future, I will have to consider where to build a shipyard specifically to build ships.

In this case, not only is it convenient to get the boat into the water after the boat is built, but also the carpenter's room in the tribe can be freed up, so that the carpenter's room and courtyard can return to the past without being too crowded.

Of course, in addition to these, after the shipyard is built, the division of labor among the carpenters in the tribe can become more clear.

The functions are more clear.

It will help the carpenters in the tribe to develop towards specialization and improve the level of carpenters in the tribe.

Thinking about these things in his mind, Han Cheng followed everyone all the way to the dock of the tribe.

After busying for a while, the felucca of the tribe came to the water smoothly.

The embarrassing thing that starts to seep and sink as soon as it enters the water will never happen. After all, people in the tribe already have a certain amount of experience in shipbuilding.

Such low-level mistakes will not be made.

The small sailboats with white sails are particularly conspicuous at the pier.

After all, apart from it, the rest are ordinary flat-land wooden boats in the tribe.

There are also some bamboo rafts on the side.

Under such circumstances, the sailing boat with white sails on three sides is so conspicuous that there is a donkey running in the flock!

The sailboat did not have such embarrassing things as water leakage and sinking, but there were still some minor accidents.

At the riverside in the early morning, the wind is always blowing habitually.

The newly built sailboat has just been launched, and there is no time to tie the ropes.

And the sails are still open at this time.

These conditions were brought together, and the sailing boat that had just launched, before everyone had reacted to it, it slipped quickly.

There was a place left behind, looking at it with surprise and joy.

There was a smile on the faces of the lame and others.

The sailboat made by myself and others seems to be very successful. As soon as I put it here, there is no need for people to punt the boat at all. It has already run very numbly.

And the speed is not slow.

Sure enough, what the son of God said was not wrong. This sailboat was indeed a good thing.

More than the average ship.

Very easy to use...

The lame and others stood here looking at the sailing boat, sighing with satisfaction.

Han Cheng looked at the people with smiles or surprises or satisfaction on their faces, and he couldn't help scratching his head.

What is this operation?

Shouldn't it be time to chase the sailboat that absconded alone?

You stand here indifferent, so why do you see the excitement and happiness on your face running away from the sailing boat alone, just like seeing the most romantic thing in the world?

Stupid, is this?

"The sailboat has gone, chase it!"

After a while, Han Cheng saw that these people in the tribe were still smirking, and he was indifferent, so he stopped waiting and shouted loudly.

Hearing his shouting, everyone present was stunned, and then they realized that there was no one on the sailing boat that was so magical in their eyes that they were able to go upstream by themselves.

Just an empty boat ran away.

So, the next moment it becomes lively.

Someone jumped into the boat, untied the rope and supported it with a penny, and then quickly chased the sailing boat yearning for freedom.

Those with good water quality took off their shirts and went into the water.

Fast paddling the water, all the way towards the absconding sailboat.

After a while, someone successfully boarded the sailboat.

However, the situation did not improve. Those who boarded the sailing boat were taken by the sailing boat to continue running.

On the sailing boat, there was no time to equip it with oars.

After a long rush, the three people who climbed on the sailing boat lit the water with the punting poles and helped the sailing boat turn around.

"Have a little harder, it's not easy to draw down against the wind."

After turning the sailboat around, someone said aloud.

With that said, he picked up the Penny in his hand and placed it on the bottom of the river, and started punting hard.

Following his movements, the ship drove forward.

This person couldn't help but stunned.

Because the boat driving in the wind was not as heavy as expected, and it was even more rowing than usual.

When it was supported, it was light and fluttering. It didn't use much strength at all. The boat drove down against the wind at once, and the speed was not slow.

This person glanced at the other two people on the boat with boat poles in their hands, and felt relieved.

Immediately, he didn't think too much, and continued to hold the Penny vigorously with his hands, pushing the sailing boat downward.

He was trying to punt the boat, but he did not see the surprised expressions that appeared on the faces of the other two.

After a few people paddled hard, the sailboat quickly returned to the pier.

The few people on the boat were all veterans of rowing. After the boat was still a certain distance from the dock, they no longer punted the boat, but took the Penny in their hands and dragged them on the water.

The tail of the penny slipped on the water, dragging a water mark and some waves.

According to the experience of rowing in the past, stopping at such a distance from the pier, the boat will slowly slide to the edge of the pier.

However, this time there were some accidents.

After they stopped punting, the boat was still heading towards the dock against the wind, but the speed was different from what was expected.

While sliding forward, the speed of the ship slowed down a bit, but it did not slow down much.

At the beginning, the people on the ship didn't pay much attention to it.

They felt that there were three sails on the ship. At this time, it was facing the wind. With them, the speed of the ship would soon slow down.

However, soon they did not think so.

After the speed of the sailboat had dropped a bit, it stopped dropping, maintaining this speed, and hitting the pier.

"Hurry up!"

Although I think this situation is extraordinarily strange, it is obviously not a strange moment at this time.

On the sailing boat, a person shouted loudly, and hurriedly pulled the penny upright behind him, and thrust it obliquely into the muddy water in front of the boat.

The power carried by the sailing boat bent the bamboo against it.

The other two people also reacted one after another, and put the penny in their hands into the muddy ground in the water, and together they strongly supported the sailboat.

Thanks to the joint efforts of these three people, the sailing boat stopped about half a meter from the dock.

Seeing this, several people breathed out involuntarily.

Not only them, but also the people standing on the pier and the shore, were relieved to see such a scene.

What happened just now looks really scary.

"This is the rope. Tie the boat up, save it and run away by itself later."

Limp said, throwing a rope on the bow of the sailboat, and holding the other end in his own hand.

The people on the ship caught the rope and tied the rope to the place reserved above the bow.

At this time, the morning breeze was not coming over.

Several people tied the ropes and went ashore one by one.

Watching this sailing boat with some novelty with everyone.

It was at this time that a morning breeze struck again.

Looking at the cable that had been firmly tied there, everyone present couldn't help but feel relieved.

In the face of this thick and strong rope, no matter how strong the wind is, I never want to blow this sailing away!


next moment……


A sound suddenly came at this time, and there was some vibration and touch with it.

The members of the Qingque tribe who were full of self-confidence just now were a little confused for a while.

The gaze fell on the sailing boat that had made close contact with the dock, and they all looked stunned.

How is this going?

Why did it hit the pier?

Their eyes fell on the sails that were rustling in the wind.

With these sails, shouldn't the sailing boat be blown up in the wind at this time, straightening the rope?

It's just like the sailboat was blowing all the way up by the wind.

How did this become what it is now?

Not only didn't you run back with the wind, but moved forward directly against the wind under the blow of the wind?

Are these big sails as decorations?

The few people who had just supported the sailboat and supported a road from above, faced this situation, and felt more clearly.

They felt weird when they were punting the boat before, but now they see the sailboat docking against the wind and making close contact with Ma[] head, these strange feelings in their hearts suddenly become extremely clear and they have found their roots. Where it is!

Han Cheng, who was standing on the side, was a little dazed for a while.

In his subconscious, things like sailing boats always use the wind and go downwind.

Otherwise, how could there be blessing words like smooth sailing?

But what is going on now?

Why did this boat run forward against the wind?

Han Da's son, who came from later generations, was a little dazed by the small sailboat made by the tribe at his own instruction.

I don't know what the situation is.

Ride the wind and waves?

Ride the wind and waves...

These words suddenly appeared in Han Cheng's mind.

Later, other things related to it also appeared in my mind.

These things that appeared were of course not twenty or thirty sisters who were about the age of their parents and aunts, but some of the time before, completely by him, did not remember, this time because of the sights he saw in front of him. Triggered memory.

This memory has something to do with sailing, to be precise, it has something to do with sails.

It is said that when the front of the sail is facing the wind, the wind will pass from both sides of the backward curved sail, and then it will form a driving force behind the sail, and then relying on this driving force, the boat can be back Going against the wind.

The memory of these things that I didn't know where I saw before appeared in his mind, and Ling's Han Cheng suddenly became relieved.

After deciding to build a sailing boat in the tribe, Han Cheng has been worrying countless times about what to do when the person who pilots the sailing boat encounters the head wind while sailing.

In this case, not only will the ship not be able to sail forward, but it will also start to retreat.

The situation in front of him, as well as the things that emerged in his mind, immediately solved the doubts in his heart.

Thinking about this in his heart, Han Cheng couldn't help but looked at the lame and others on the side.

I saw Li and other people who were involved in the manufacture of sailboats. At this time, they basically turned their eyes to Han Cheng, the **** child.

Obviously, I wanted to get some explanations about this counter-intuitive phenomenon from the son of God.

Seeing this, Han Cheng couldn't help feeling a little grateful.

Fortunately, a flash of light in my mind just reminded me of some knowledge about this aspect.

Otherwise, facing the inquiring eyes of the people in the tribe, I really don't know how to answer it.

This detracts from the tall and mighty image of his tribal god.

"God, this, what's going on?"

Sure enough, not long after Han Cheng's consciousness had arisen, Limp had already asked.

The rest of the people also looked at Han Cheng with confusion and surprise.

When God Son Han Da saw this, he could not help but straighten his body a bit.

Then he spoke confidently.

The Qingque tribe **** child small class started here.

Han Cheng organized the language of the things he had remembered, added some of his own understanding, and began to tell the people in the tribe.

After a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng finished speaking, leaving behind the green bird tribe full of surprises.

This is the first time they have heard of this theory.

But combined with the facts they just saw, and then look at a serious son, they have to believe in the correctness of these statements.

"Son of God, in this case, the people of our tribe, if they go out on such a sailboat, will they be able to sail forward in the same way when they meet the blowing wind?

Someone said so excitedly.

The eyes of the others also lit up.

"That's it."

The son of Han Da nodded with everything under my control.

Some doubts appeared on his lame face.

Because he thought of something that the son of God once ordered...

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