I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1182: Start with a single step (2 in 1)

There is moonlight in the sky, sprinkling a piece of brilliance.

The hazy moonlight softened all the lines.

In the small courtyard of the carpenter's room, the trees are densely shaded, even the daylight in the day does not fall much, let alone the moonlight at night.

The moonlight falling through some cracks fell on the ships placed here under the trees, leaving some irregular spots of light on them.

Shine the white sail even more white.

At such times, there was a blaze of light, and it didn’t take long for these lights to become brighter.

Limp put away the fire fold, inserted the torch in his hand on a shelf on the side, bent over and picked up the bowls and chopsticks he had placed on the side, and took a sip of the soup.

Han Cheng, who was holding a large bowl, also took a sip of the soup, and used chopsticks to pick up some dishes and put them in his mouth.

Nowadays, the weather is already very hot. After a tiring day, the most beautiful and best food is actually the noodles filtered with cold water.

Pour some garlic juice with sesame oil, then pour two spoons of tomato and egg soup, stir it with chopsticks, not to mention how refreshing it tastes.

According to the current state, Han Cheng feels that he can eat three bowls in a row!

It is this kind of oversized bowl in hand!

However, Han Cheng can only think about this wonderful life.

Because the two extravagances of wheat and tomatoes do not exist in the tribe.

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng shook his head and threw the regrets in his heart out of his mind.

Focused on the sailboat in front of him.

At present, it is the most serious and necessary to care more about sailing.

After all, if you have such a thing, and carry it forward, you will have a greater chance of getting the things you dream of in later years.

While slowly chewing the food in his mouth, Han Cheng looked at the trumpet, or even the mini sailing boat in front of him.

This sailboat looks rough in many ways.

Of course, Han Cheng saw this from the perspective of a posterity.

If you look at it from the perspective of the people of this era and look at it with the eyes of the people of this era, the sailboat in front of you can deserve to be a top quality product.

For the sailing boat, Han Cheng's memory looks rather vague.

The sailing boat in front of Han Cheng looked awkward, and he felt that it was different from the sailing boat in his impression.

But Han Cheng himself couldn't tell what was different.

For these, Han Cheng did not go into deep research.

After all, he didn't open the door, and it was impossible to remember all the things before.

And they had never been in contact with sailing ships before limp.

Coupled with the current limited conditions, such a situation is certain, and it is impossible to really feel that it is not awkward at all.

Han Cheng's eyes moved little by little on the hull, watching carefully, and finally fell on the masts above the hull.

There are three masts, and three sails, one large, two small, are hung on it.

The appearance of three masts and three sails on the ships of the tribe was not a coincidence, but was done at the signal of Han Cheng.

Not much is known about sailing Han Cheng.

But because he used to be a liberal arts student, and still often counted on Wen Zong to pull points with the rest of the people, so when studying history, he still saw some of sailing.

After all, when you study history, you can't avoid the great geography discovery.

And the evil triangle trade that followed.

And none of these things can get around an object, and this eastern object is a sailboat.

Without it as a tool, none of these can happen and be completed in that era.

This thing is nothing but a sailboat.

Things like three-masted sailing boats that are very famous will naturally be mentioned.

Of course, there is no general textbook, but it will be expanded on various materials that match the textbook.

After careful reflection, Han Cheng recalled some news about the three-masted sailboat.

Basically, they praise it, saying that it is a master of sailing.

Standing on the giants of later generations to pick fruits has already become a habit of Han Cheng. After thinking of these things, he chose to pick fruits again without hesitation.

In the beginning, Han Cheng might have been a little embarrassed, but after experiencing the sweetness of doing so, this embarrassment has already been thrown out of the clouds and turned into a strong fragrance.

By now, it has become a matter of course.

For these, Han Cheng has some ideas of his own.

He felt that when he already knew a better way, there was no need to abandon the best way he knew, and instead use the other stupid ways, a little bit of fumbling, and it was time-consuming.

Such behavior is too stupid.

However, Han Cheng, who has already realized that he hates little when the book is used, does not know much about the three-masted sailboat, especially when it comes to how to make it.

After all, when he saw the news of the three-masted sailing ship, it was an extension of the materials that matched the history textbook, not a book that introduced the technology of the three-masted sailing ship.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng can remember that it is very rare to have a three-masted sailboat, and he cannot ask for more things.

Han Cheng didn't know the specific structure of the three-masted sailboat, but Han Cheng remembered something very clearly.

The point is that this sailboat has three masts.

Of course, this point doesn't actually need to be memorized too deliberately, just from its name.

Thinking of these things in his heart, Han Cheng looked at the sailing boat in front of him and ate a bite of food in front of the bowl with a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but show it out.

Han Cheng knew that his tribe was now just making a model of a sailing boat, and there was still a lot of way to go before making a really useful sailing boat that could sail on large rivers and the sea.

And for long-distance navigation, there are many things that are not available, including navigation technology, equipment, and navigation technicians.

But at this time, looking at the immature model that appeared in front of him, his face still couldn't help showing a smile.

Because this is a good start.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

Han Chengcheng watched carefully while drinking the rice in the bowl.

He waited until the bowl full of rice in the big old bowl was cleaned before he moved his eyes away from the model of the sailboat.

"Okay, well done!"

Han Cheng, who was holding an empty bowl, looked at the lame and others, and said with joy.

"To be honest, this speed surpassed my expectations. I previously felt that the fastest way to make the model would be to harvest all the millet in the tribe. Even if it was made, it would not be so good!

But I didn't expect that the millet in the tribe was only half-harvested, and you already got it out and did it so well! "

The people on the side with empty bowls in their hands or with some rice in the bowls were all extremely excited at this time.

They were happy for the high evaluation of the son of God to themselves and others, and they were especially pleased to be affirmed for the great efforts they have made since the time they waited for others.

I feel that all the hard work I have put in is worth it at this time!

"God, son of god, some have not been done well, it should be faster and better than now."

His face was lame with excitement, and he said aloud, with some self-blame.

"It's already fast, it's already fast."

Han Cheng looked at the limp and said, this is the true emotion in his heart.

At the same time, there is some emotion.

It has been such a long time since I came to the present, and the person who was lame has not changed.

Even if he knows a lot of things, according to his ability and status, he can no longer have to work hard, but he still refuses to relax the slightest as before.

It's like being treated this way by him, it's not a carpenter's craft at all, but a life-saving straw.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of his spirit and attitude that he can do things so well and continue.

"God, you see what else is wrong, and where we need to improve, we will revise it."

At this moment, someone said so.

This is a carpenter involved in the construction of sailboats.

The other people also found their way in an instant, and they all followed and said: "Yes, yes, son of God, look at what needs to be revised. No matter how well we change it, we strive to make it better.

In their minds, the son of God is such a professional and always has many fantastic ideas.

Just like this shipbuilding.

If you let yourself wait for someone to see, you would be very satisfied with the existing flat-bottomed boats in the tribe.

It is impossible to imagine what a better ship would look like. At best, it is to expand the existing ships of the tribe.

Or add a roof to the cabin of the ship to protect it from wind and rain.

Such things as sailing boats are never thought of.

Han Cheng, who was sighing there, was stunned when he heard the words, with a deep feeling in his heart that he couldn't continue.

He knows his own situation best, and being able to guide the lame and others to make the sailboat to such a step is already reaching or even breaking through his limit.

Because the things made by Lame and others were better than he expected.

Under such circumstances, he really can't make any suggestions for improvement.

Looking at the person looking at him with expectation and trust, Han Cheng sniffed a little awkwardly.

"Let's try it out tomorrow. In the process, find out where there are problems and where there is still need for improvement.

Now, you have done a good job, and I can't fault it. "

Han Cheng chose to answer truthfully, and by the way praised the lame and others again.

After hearing Han Cheng's words like this, Lame and others didn't feel disappointed in their hearts, but they became extremely happy.

This is the art of speech.

Some people who are more talkative, after successfully doing things well, can also give people a very good impression and make people happy.

Others who can't speak are better.

There is no interest or anything involved between the two parties, just sitting together and chatting and talking to each other. It takes less than half an hour to make you feel uncomfortable several times, invisibly. Offended people.

If such a person were put inside, they would basically not survive two chapters.

Holding the empty bowl and waiting here for a while, everyone watched the sailing boat while talking about some related things. After talking about it for a while, everyone put out the torch, and then took advantage of the moonlight. Empty bowl, all the way towards the place to eat.

Han Cheng took another half bowl of rice, squatted there and ate a clean one, which was regarded as putting down the bowl and chopsticks, and ended eating tonight.

Recently, when the tribe was harvesting millet, Han Cheng was not idle, and followed his busy schedule.

If you do too much physical work, you will naturally feel hungry and your appetite will increase...

In the evening, Han Cheng was lying on a wooden bed covered with bamboo mats, looking up at the moonlight.

The little pea on the side was already asleep.

In terms of sleep, in general, children’s sleep quality is far superior to that of adults.

They are sleeping outside now.

In the summer night, the temperature difference between the room and the outside is too big, and it is very comfortable to sleep outside.

With high walls and mosquito nets made of scrim, people in the tribe can sleep outside with confidence.

Not only in the courtyard, but even on the wall, there are many people who are eager to be cool.

The night is quiet.

Bring some silence.

However, even though he was very careful, he still couldn't help but utter the original songs, but they still came out in the quiet night.

In today's era, although Han Cheng's arrival has slowly led, the people in the tribe have become more implicit in this matter.

However, this kind of subtlety can still leave behind the two streets.

Of course, the comparisons made here are on the whole, and individual cases do not count.

After all, there are some people in the later generations ~www.NovelMTL.com~ who play this very primitive thing in new tricks.

In terms of courage and other aspects, they are far beyond the primitive people.

Han Cheng couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth.

All of them are energetic and ruthless. It seems that the work done during the day is too little and not tired enough!

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng soon fell asleep...

Sleeping outside is a bad thing, that is, you cannot sleep in.

Because as soon as the day breaks, you will wake up soon.

Some people from Han Cheng did not go to the ground this morning, but gathered in the courtyard where the carpenter's room is located.

Everyone took wooden bars and ropes, and quickly tied the sailboat...

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