I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1181: 3 mast sailing boat (2 in 1)

The Green Bird Tribe harvests grain here. As long as it doesn't rain, as long as the sickle starts, it will basically not stop.

When planting seeds, the millet in the tribe was planted in batches.

When harvesting, it is naturally harvested in batches.

It's just that the millet ripens faster when it's time to ripen. Although the late millet ripens later, the time gap is actually smaller than the time gap between the two batches of millet when it was planted. .

For this reason, people in the tribe can't stop when harvesting.

The first batch of millet has just been harvested, and the second batch is ready for harvest.

In addition to flat areas, millet in the tribe is also planted on slopes with gentle undulations and low slopes.

Because there is no water and no moisture on the slope, the millet planted on the **** generally matures earlier than the millet growing on the flat ground.

Planting on slopes is the result of Han Cheng's insistence.

Of course, this was not because Han Cheng owed much land, or because there was not enough flat land around the tribe of the Green Bird.

Mainly because of the lack of water on the slope.

When the weather is smooth, the grain yield on the slopes is naturally not better than the flat ones.

However, in a year with a lot of rain, the output of slopes with smooth drainage can often exceed that of depressions and many flat lands with less drainage.

This is why Han Cheng insisted on planting slopes, flat land, and some depressions when the people in the upper tribe planted.

It is impossible to keep the weather smooth all the time.

Droughts and floods are commonplace.

With the existence of these slopes and depressions, no matter what bad weather occurs, the tribe will not fail.

This can be regarded as a means of avoiding and diversifying risks.

It is also the main reason why the disaster in the plain area is more serious than the disaster in the hilly area under the same climatic conditions.

Piles of straw have been piled up on the barley field of the Qingque tribe.

These stacks of straw are either round or long.

Round haystacks can be stacked more than three meters high, and the maximum diameter near the center can be more than seven meters!

The top is the top, and the top is the chaff that is fastened with a wooden fork.

These things are very waterproof.

Especially those old straw stacks that have been stored for a year, have become very solid, even if it has been raining for a month, only the top layer is wet.

The rest is dry.

As for the long pier stack, the principle is actually similar to that of the round haystack.

They are all smaller and narrower below, and wider and wider upwards.

After reaching a certain height, it will begin to shrink in the middle, forming a raised top.

Because of its shape, the top of this long pile actually looks similar to the tiled houses in the tribe.

However, lacking the angularity of a tiled house, a lot of roundness comes out.

There is a reason for the shape of the haystack, which is smaller underneath and larger as it goes up.

On the one hand, because this shape can accumulate more straw in a limited area.

On the other hand, this shape can effectively shield the rainwater, so that the water flowing from the top of the haystack will drip around the haystack, instead of flowing down the haystack, and also get the lower part of the haystack. Wet, let it get damp.

Stacking straw stacks is a technical task.

Generally, after the stack of straws is stacked to a certain height, someone needs to carry the wooden branches up to ‘stack’.

That is, while using one's own weight to trample on the originally loose straw, it is more solid, while using a wooden fork to spread the straw shoveled by the others more evenly.

Straw stacking is usually done by multiple people.

Several people are required to shovel straw on top of the haystack with a wooden fork, and one person stands on the haystack.

It's actually like loading a car.

Among them, the palletizer needs the kind of skilled and visionary person to serve.

Only in this way, the haystacks that have been piled up will become beautiful in the end, will not be crooked, and will not cause water leakage due to the failure of the haystack top.

These haystacks are precious things.

Of course, this is on the premise that there are a large number of livestock in the tribe.

If it weren’t for the tribe’s cattle, sheep, donkeys, and deer to make fodder, the people in the tribe wouldn’t pay such attention to these straws.

The busy harvest has been going on all the time, and everyone has devoted themselves to this busy and enthusiastic harvest.

Among the people who followed Han Cheng’s large ticket back from the south, many were from the Red Tiger tribe, a few were from the nest tribe, and some were made by the Red Tiger tribe. People who took the opportunity to gather up.

These people hadn’t come into contact with these things much before, even if they had been in the Blue Sparrow Master Tribe for a certain period of time. At this time, looking at the large-scale, harvesting scene of the Blue Sparrow Tribe, one by one still couldn’t bear it. I live in amazement.

Before coming to the Green Bird tribe, some of these people were still a little proud in their hearts.

These people are people who have some ability.

For example, some people feed cows, some people have a hand in harvesting food, or they are better at hunting.

But after they came to the main tribe, they were dazzled by the variety of tools and the work they had never seen before.

The exquisiteness of the things made by such tools and actions also amazed them.

After seeing this, they were shocked.

The pride in my heart also disappeared.

It turned out that what they were proud of before, and what they were proud of, is nothing here in the Qingque tribe.

After being deeply shocked, these people were also attracted by the vast and profound Qingque tribe, and they began to devote themselves to the construction of the Qingque tribe.

Attentively learn all kinds of things that have never been touched before, learn techniques that have never been touched, and work hard for the construction of the Qingque tribe.

The more they study, the more they feel that the Qingque tribe is rich, and that the Qingque tribe is vast and profound, far surpassing the tribe they had lived in before.

And gradually feel proud of being a green bird...

Sweat kept flowing down, but everyone's faces were full of smiles.

With such a busy schedule, they would rather become more.

In this way, the tribe can get more food!

People in the tribe have an extreme obsession with food.

No matter how many, they are not too many.

This is the same reason that people in later generations do not dislike the money in their hands.

However, not all people are so busy. Apart from some people who feed or herd animals, there are some more special people who have not participated in this matter.

These people are part of the carpenters headed by lame.

People like them need to repair the farm tools that were damaged during this period of time.

At the same time, the lame and others are busy with more important things.

This thing is researching and making sailboats.

Now, the manpower in the tribe is relatively sufficient.

At least after Han Cheng brought back a large number of people from Jinguan City in the south, when harvesting the crops, some people can be allocated to do other things.

After all, there were certain people who planted before. Those who came back with Han Cheng did not participate in planting.

Now he participated in the harvest.

Between this advance and retreat, manpower was saved.


There was a burst of laughter in the densely shaded carpenter's room.

This old carpenter, who has become very mature, smiled without seeing his teeth.

It's just that his laugh is silent.

The smile on his face was particularly obvious, but there was no laughter.

On the contrary, the rest of the people on the side laughed very happily.

The people full of joy, their eyes gathered at this moment.

The thing that draws everyone's eyes together is not something else, but a ship.

Boats are not a rare thing in the Qingque tribe today, but boats with masts and sails are rare.

It can even be said that there is no.

But now this record has been broken.

In front of the lame and others, there was a boat with a mast.

This ship is not very big, about the size of the existing ships in the tribe.

But the style is completely different.

The bottoms of the existing ships in the tribe are basically rectangular.

But in the current ship, the middle position of the bottom of the ship is rectangular, and the two ends are triangular.

This kind of triangle is not very sharp, but the lines are relatively smooth.

The area of ​​the bottom of the ship is not as large as the area above. Compared to the area of ​​the bottom and upper part, the bottom of the ship occupies about one-fifth of the height of the entire hull, which is relatively small.

Shown above the line, this position is sunken in the middle.

In addition to these, many aspects of this ship show its differences.

For example, most of its cabins are covered with wooden boards, which are very flat.

There are square holes in some places, and a wooden ladder standing there with some heads exposed can be seen in the holes.

Of course, what is more conspicuous is the mast erected on the ship here, and the sails tied to the mast.

There are three masts, the middle mast is the tallest and strongest, and the front and rear masts are basically the same in thickness and length.

On the three masts, ropes are tied at this time.

The rope is connected to the mast and some specially reserved places above the hull.

There are sails tied to the mast.

The sails are made of rain cloth and are white.

Even the people in the tribe, under the leadership of a relatively insignificant **** son, are more proficient in binding, but in order to tie these ropes and sails, they still spent a lot of thought.

After all, the objects they are best at binding are people, not the sails that they haven't touched much before.

Looking at the small sailing boat in front of me, the feelings of lame and others are particularly comfortable.

Only they themselves know how much effort and effort they have put in to get this thing out during this period of time!

Only they know how hard they have done during this period of time.

Now, this small sailboat finally appeared in front of myself and others, witnessing the immediate results, and then recalling what I and others have paid for it in the last period of time. At this time, it is easy to have a strong heart A lot of joy and excitement.

Although they have not launched the water to verify the performance of this thing, although they know that there are still many things that need to be adjusted and changed in the future, but looking at the sailboat that appears in front of themselves and others, they are lame. Waiting for someone just can't hold back the joy in my heart.

"Push a layer of tung oil on top."

After a while, Lim spoke to the people on the side.

Originally, he could not contain the joy in his heart, and wanted to let people go to find the Son of God immediately and tell the good news to the Son of God.

But thinking that it was the time when the tribe farmers were busy, and the son of God was busy living in the field with the rest of the people, he suppressed such an impulse in his heart.

After some thinking, he finally gave such an order.

Later, he also began to carefully inspect the small sailboat, striving to make it perfect, leaving no flaws, and showing the best state before launching in front of the son of God.

Try to avoid as many unfavorable conditions as possible after the ship is launched.

The daylight moved inch by inch and finally disappeared completely.

The large cloud was dyed red, and everything on the earth seemed to be dyed with some brilliant colors.

In the wilderness around the Blue Bird Lord tribe, everyone was still busy. After a tiring day, their movements did not slow down at this time, but they accelerated a lot.

It's as if it's this day of non-stop work that doesn't make them feel tired, but makes them more energetic.

Flocks of sheep and deer came back from a distance, all the way across the harvested fields, and walked towards the main tribe.

Fun guys, this is the time to realize that it’s getting dark, and if you don’t eat, there will be no more chances~www.NovelMTL.com~ So at this time, we all hurry to eat the grass, than any time of the day Are more greedy.

The herders seem to have been accustomed to this characteristic of these animals, and they didn't urge them, but followed them slowly towards the tribe, allowing these animals to walk and eat.

Anyway, the main tribe is there, and someone is already cooking at this time.

No matter how late you wait for someone to return, you will have good food waiting for yourself and others, and the kind that can support yourself and others.

As time passed by, the brilliant clouds completely dissipated. When the dusk fell, the distance became a little hazy, and the weather became cooler, the talents in the tribe could be regarded as a complete end to work.

At this time, walking on the way home, I can already feel the dew on the grass.

At dinner, Han Cheng, who was carrying a big bowl, came to the carpenter's room...


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