I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1178: We who are strong may defeat the Blue Sparrow Tribe? ! (2 go...

The honesty and obedience of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden is indeed a very good way.

After being labeled such a label, the people of the Pegasus tribe quickly dropped a lot of their vigilance towards her.

Even the chief of the Pegasus tribe is the same.

Even as time goes by, because the Red Tiger Tribe Miko will fabricate pottery, and the pottery they make is much more beautiful than the pottery made by the person in their tribe, and the Red Tiger Tribe Miko Some of the more friendly and more attractive special designs are in. These few people who have been in contact with her for a long time and who have taken care of her few Pegasus tribes have developed some emotions similar to admiration for her.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe moved her hands, quickly rubbing out mud sticks of the same size and thickness, and then started to plate these mud sticks in circles...

The whole process is very easy and casual, but the things that are made are beautiful.

The people on the side who looked at her were also rubbing mud, and learned how to make pottery following the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

The things they made looked terrible.

There was a huge gap that they experienced personally, and after such a comparison, they felt even more admiration for the woman without a nose in front of them.

After thinking about this woman without a nose and making the kind of unusually cherished and sharp weapons, in their hearts, this woman without a nose has become more mysterious and respectable.


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, after finishing the things she had made in her hands, she turned her head and looked at the few Feima tribe women nearby.

She spoke in incoherent words, stretched out her hand, made up some mud, slowed down, and demonstrated with them.

The words spoken by the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe are the language of the Pegasus tribe, which she learned through some methods after coming to the Pegasus tribe during this period of time.

The people of the Feima tribe nearby listened very seriously to what the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said, watched her movements very seriously, followed her demonstration, and did it together.

It looks like a kid who studies hard with the teacher.

After a while, several people all finished their works one after another.

With the dedicated guidance of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden and the hands-on hands on some things, the things these people have made are much more beautiful than before.

Seeing these things that came from their hands, these Feima tribe members could not help grinning.

In the past, they always felt that pottery making was very magical. They never thought that one day, they and others would be able to make pottery!

Looking at the clay fetus made by myself and others, thinking about these things in my heart, the faces of these Feima tribes couldn't help showing their sincere smiles.

They turned their gazes to the Red Tiger Tribe maiden beside them, and their hearts were full of different emotions.

This is all because of the woman in front of me!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but smile when she saw the appearance of these people.


She opened her mouth and said to these people with some gestures.

It seemed to be laborious to convey his meaning to them.

What she meant was that, next, she would teach these people how to make a new thing.

After understanding the meaning of this exceptionally talented man who has no nose, the faces of these Feima tribe women suddenly showed a bright smile.

They nodded quickly, expressing their willingness to learn this thing.

Then, under the guidance of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, she began to study seriously.

If someone who doesn't know the inside story comes over, he must not be able to tell that this is a prisoner and the four guarding her.

It is a teacher with four eager and obedient students.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was very satisfied with this result, with some sullen smiles in her heart...

The wind is blowing, blowing the horse's mane, and picking up the corners of people's clothes.

The weeds growing on the ground were bent down by the wind, and the grass waves rushed to the distance with the wind, looking like a rough sea.

The rough sea contains endless dangers.

These things in front of them, although not the real sea, are also dangerous.


A stern howl sounded, coming down the wind.

Not too far away, a battle is happening.

Perhaps it is not too accurate to call it a battle, because the battle that occurred at this time showed a one-sided trend.

One side is very brave, and the other side is beaten down and has no ability to resist!

This kind of battle can be called a unilateral slaughter!

The wind blew, and did not blow away the smell of blood, but instead became bigger and stronger.

This battle, which is not above a level at all, is already nearing its end at this time.

When a member of the Pegasus tribe with a bronze weapon in his hand caught up and stabbed the last male primitive man who was still resisting, the battle was completely over.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, riding on horses.

The weapon in his hand was stained with blood.

His face, the animal skins wrapped around him, and the horses riding on his hips were all stained with blood.

Such things did not make him feel the slightest discomfort, on the contrary, it made his face full of excitement and joy.

It's as if these things are not scary existence, but can arouse some excitement and fanaticism in the human body!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe sat here, condescendingly watching everything in front of him.

Looking at the people who fell silent on the ground, the large swaths of blood that exudes a strong smell of blood that can't even be blown away by the wind.

Looking at the women and children who are full of fear, or afraid to speak, or crying.

Looking at the sheep and horses that were controlled by the people of their own tribe, they did not originally belong to their own tribe.

There was contentment and excitement on his face.

My own tribe has become stronger again!

Become richer!

If you follow the normal procedures for the things you got this time, if everything goes well in your tribe, it will take at least five years, or even ten years, to be able to complete.

But now, just after a short time, his tribe has given all the things that need to be worked hard for a long time to get!

Thinking like this in his heart, he turned his head and looked into his hand.

He held the horse's rein in one hand, and the blood-stained, exceptionally sharp weapon in the other.

Looking at this weapon, his gaze became particularly enthusiastic.

This is the root of the fact that their tribe has become so rich and powerful, and so easily obtained so many things that it took a long time to get before!

This is really a good thing!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe thought this way with joy.

As time passed, the tribe gradually became quiet here.


With this long shout from the chief of the Pegasus tribe, the people of the Pegasus tribe who were ready began to take action.

They took the female primitives and minors bound by ropes, and drove the flocks of sheep and horses away from here.

With the joy and excitement of victory, all the way to the location of his tribe.

On the way, many of them will turn their eyes to the weapons in their hands from time to time, their eyes are full of love and enthusiasm!

This weapon gave them unprecedented self-confidence and such a strong and comfortable experience that they had never experienced before!

A group of people gradually walked away, leaving only a particularly quiet place to live.

Here is a dead silence.

Some scattered shabby objects, and people falling on the ground, freeze here...

The Pegasus tribe is peaceful and peaceful here.

The cows and horses in the distance are grazing, and some children who are grazing with the adults, imitating the adults, are constantly crawling on the back of the sheep.

Some children will soon be thrown off by sheep who feel uncomfortable when they climb up, but there are also many successful children.

They are riding on the sheep, following the way of adults, and patrolling here

A look of herding seriously.

Near the place of residence, there is some smog.

The red tiger tribe witch without a nose, stood here with a few others, looking at the smog.

After waiting for a while, some firewood will be added to it. This is because they are making pottery.


A shout with excitement came up from a distance.

Here, with the four Red Tiger maidens who were ordered to watch her make pottery, she looked into the distance with the sound.

I saw a large group of people in the direction where the chief of the Pegasus tribe and others were leaving.

At the same time, there were a large number of sheep and horses, and some cattle.

Seeing such a scene, and then listening to the increasingly dense shouts mixed with excitement, the expression on the face of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe became a little complicated for a while.

Such a scene has already let her know what is happening now.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, who took people to **** the rest of the tribe, returned with people and the fruits of victory.

They have gained a lot.

Why don't these **** guys die?

Why didn't you die in this incident, or be killed by those who were attacked by them? !

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought so angrily in her heart.

Regarding the safe return of the chief of the Pegasus tribe and the others, and bringing back so many things, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe seemed very complicated.

On the one hand, she hates why these people didn't die in the previous conflict with the outside world.

On the other hand, she didn't really want these people to die.

Because she still wants these people to go to the place where her tribe used to live, and kill those **** Qingque tribe people!

To her, whether it is from the Qingque tribe or the Pegasus tribe, it is the same damn!

She wants them to die!

Asking the people of the Pegasus tribe to attack the Qingque tribe was something she came to the Pegasus tribe and slowly thought of.

Both of these tribes are so abominable, to their tribe, they are both so damn!

However, now, neither of these two tribes have the ability to deal with them on her own.

Letting the people of these two tribes fight each other was the best way she could think of!

No matter which tribe died, it is a very good thing to celebrate for her!

After all, the people of these two tribes are so damned!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought this way, and the things on her face were quickly taken away by her.

Even some smiles appeared on his face.

Standing on the side were those who were sent by the chief of the Pegasus tribe to supervise the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe. At this time, all their minds were attracted by the chief and others who carried the fruits of victory.

They were only excited about these things, but they did not notice these changes on the face of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe rides on a horse, holding a sharp weapon in his hand.

His head is raised high and his body is straight.

Returning with the victorious person and a large number of victory items, facing the tribe people who cheered and greeted him, his whole mood became extremely beautiful and proud.

Some unprecedented sense of accomplishment enveloped him.

He stood here, enjoying this feeling for a while, and suddenly controlled the horse riding under his hips to leave from here, towards the neighborhood of his residence.

He rode a horse and came to a place with fireworks and fireworks along the way.

Here are the witches of the Red Tiger tribe and the four people.


The leader of the Pegasus tribe was full of pride riding on a horse, condescendingly looking at the red tiger tribe maiden without her nose.

The witch of the Red Tiger tribe raised her head and looked at him. She quickly looked away, dropped her head again, and stared at the ground.

This response made the chief of the Pegasus tribe very satisfied.

After a while, the chief of the Pegasus tribe spoke.

In the tone and demeanor ~www.NovelMTL.com~ carries a strong pride and pride.

While saying these words, he also pointed his finger at the large number of sheep and horses approaching him, as well as the warriors of their tribe who were holding bronze weapons, and those who were bound by their tribe. The female primitive people brought over, and the children.

What he meant was to ask the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, whether their tribe is strong enough, and what they have done is enough to make people admire?

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe looked in the direction of his finger and saw these things.

After a few glances, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe nodded.


After seeing her nodding, the leader of the Pegasus tribe spoke again.

What he meant was, with such a powerful force, can they defeat those who occupy places where they can make sharp weapons!

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