I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1177: Very submissive fiery tiger tribe witch (2 in 1)

This time the rain lasted not short.

It was almost two hours, and the rain still didn't stop completely.

But the rain has become much smaller.

Han Cheng, with a lot of muddy water on his feet and legs, also returned from the ground with some people.

He was wearing a raincoat, and the rain dripped down the raincoat.

The rain is lighter, and the wind is almost out at this time. They don't need to stay in the fields any longer. They don't have to worry about the grass thatch covered with millet being opened by the wind.

Han Cheng carried the mud-stained bronze shovel in his hand and walked to the threshing floor.

When looking at the people squatting in the threshing floor, who were on the edge of the millet who had not had time to take it back after the attack, Han Cheng was stunned.

It was a blue raincoat, and the face under the raincoat was familiar to him. It was not someone else but Wu.

By the way, doesn’t the witch always think that raincloths and raincoats made of raincloths are very luxurious?

How long did it take to put the raincoat on?

Han Cheng really wanted to ask Wu what was going on.

However, seeing Wu's evasive eyes and an unnatural face, Han Cheng still did not ask the doubt in his heart.

Moreover, there is no need to ask at all. Just by looking at Wu's reaction at this time, and then thinking about Wu's actions in some things before, he basically understood what was going on.

Sure enough, the true incense law is a very broad and universal law.

The same applies even to primitive times.

"Let's go, Wu, go back, the wind has stopped, the rain has also become smaller, no need to guard here, go back and rest."

Han Cheng came to Wu's side and greeted him like this.

Wu Jian Shenzi didn't ask himself why he didn't wear a hat, but changed to a raincoat, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Go, go back."

He said this, stood up from the ground, and walked towards the tribe with Han Cheng and others...

Not long after Han Cheng and the others went back, the dark clouds in the sky had disappeared, and there was sunshine in the sky.

The sky and the earth became bright all of a sudden, the scorching temperature was gone, with the coolness and freshness of the first sunny after the rain.

The people of the Qingque tribe took off the rain gear they were wearing before and walked out of the house.

Many people went to the threshing grounds or fields to uncover the covered grass thatch, so that these damp crops can be grilled by the sun to remove the moisture, so as not to Moisture, moldy or budding.

During the harvest season, it is not terrible to encounter rainy days. The most terrifying and worrying thing is to encounter continuous cloudy days.

At this time, watching the clear weather, the haze in the hearts of everyone in the tribe was wiped out.

It became as clear as this weather...

The fire tribe has also become exceptionally sunny at this time.


On the side of the pier of the Huo Tribe, the Huo Tan and others who came all the way with a bamboo raft, shouted loudly, extremely excited and happy.

The few people waiting there on the shore could not help shouting happily when they saw the return of Fo Tan and others.

Soon, the entire fire tribe became lively here.

Many people rushed out of the tribe and ran over.

Seeing the many things on the bamboo raft, they couldn't help but smile.

They rushed over, laughing and helping to move the things on the bamboo raft to the dock and then to the tribe.

Faced with such a delightful scene, even the faces of those hunting people such as the flames are always smiling.

Everyone worked together to transport things to the tribe.


Looking at the many foods and other things piled up here, someone in the tribe couldn't help but exclaimed in exclamation.

What she meant was, why are so many things exchanged this time?


Fo Tan's neck was raised high, and he said loudly with excitement in his mouth, and cast his eyes on the tribe chief who was standing there, who was very young and came from the Qingque tribe.

Following the report from Fotan, the people of the Huo tribe soon remembered what the respected God of Qingque tribe had said when he was here.

He said that after Chen became the chief of his tribe, the relationship between the two tribes was different from before.

More intimate than before.

The people of the Qingque tribe are extraordinarily generous to those close to them.

From now on, when one's own tribe exchanges linen cloth for things from the Blue Sparrow tribe, the same linen cloth will get more things.

In the past, many people were skeptical about this.

After all, this is not just a matter of giving one more tribe.

Your own tribe will always trade with the Qingque tribe.

If things go on like this, the people of the Qingque tribe will pay a lot more food!

If such a thing happened to their tribe, they would definitely be reluctant to do it.

However, the Qingque tribe people really did this!

They turned their heads to look at Chen, the color of respect and gratitude in their eyes became stronger.

They knew that the reason why the people of the Qingque tribe made such a decision, and the reason why their tribe would get so much food and other things at once was because this person became the chief of their tribe.

In the last period of time, because of his status as a member of the Qingque tribe and a disciple of God’s son, plus Chen’s own abilities, he has already been in the Fire Tribe during this period of time. Has won a lot of respect.

No one dared to despise this young and somewhat excessive leader.

Now, with the people of the Qingque tribe fulfilling their previous promises and giving them a lot of things at once, the people of the fire tribe have more respect for the chief of Chen.

After all, these extra things are worth what everyone in their tribe can get after working hard for a long time.

Chen is a smart person, at least smarter than many people in this era.

He clearly felt these.

Feeling this, his heart fluctuates, and the whole person seems very excited.

Because in this kind of thing, he realized the deep concern from the tribe.

The sons of God and others, in order to make themselves and others live here, in order to make themselves and others, and quickly get the recognition of the people of the Fire Tribe, they did not hesitate to pay so much precious food and other things!

How can he not be moved by such a thing?

The joy of the fire tribe has not yet reached its peak.

It really reached the top. Fo Tan raised the bamboo tube in his hand high. After very excited and solemnly announcing what was inside, he opened it and put the fruit candy in it one by one. Give it to the people in the tribe, one for each.

The sweetness of the fruit candy eaten by the people filled the mouth and was sweet to the heart.

The thing called happiness began to spread here as the sugar melted.

Adults and children squinted beautifully by the sweet taste.

This thing is really a luxury for them.

After eating for a while, an adult still wanted to eat it, but he still tried to bite the candy in his mouth and separate some for his children.

Many children took off two clean hemp leaves after eating for a while, spit out the sugar cubes in their mouths, and held them carefully with their hands.

I want to wait a while before eating.

In this case, they will not finish eating the sugar cubes all at once, and after a while, they can continue to feel the sweet taste.

Chen looked at these people in the Fire Tribe eating candy, with a smile on his face and a look of remembrance.

I remember that the people of my tribe, under the leadership of the son of God, were like this when they ate honey water for the first time. They seemed to enjoy and cherish especially...

Chen Xin thought this way. After a while, he put a piece of fruit candy in his hand into his mouth, bit off a bit, and then gave most of the rest to a child with snot and saliva. In the mouth.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that the child first wipes off his nose and washes his face with water.

In exchange, he gave the child half of the candy in his hand.

Such a move not only played an educational significance, it taught this child to pay attention to hygiene, but also further contributed to Chen, drawing a lot of goodwill from the people of the Huo tribe.

When the excitement and joy brought by fruit candy gradually faded, Fo Tan once again raised his palm high.

This time, in the palm of his hand, he held something like a juggler again.

This thing is soap!

He brought it back from the Qingque tribe to let the women in the tribe wash their hair and face!

After seeing a few things like this and understanding what the sub-leader of Fo Tan meant, the women of the Huo Clan couldn't help cheering for them again.

The appearance is not much better than the minors in the tribe who got the candy before.

It is human nature to love beauty. Especially women, most of them, if possible, want to make themselves beautiful.

Under such circumstances, some tools that make people beautiful are very easy to be loved and sought after by women.

Of course, men also have the same heart for beauty, and they are also very focused. With a few exceptions, the rest are particularly passionate about beautiful women...

A poor life makes people more satisfied, and at the same time, the happiness they get is purer.

You only need to look at the Huo tribe people who have become happy and happy because of some sugar cubes and a few pieces of soap, you can see...

The wind blew across the undulating surface, bending the many weeds growing on it.

I don't know if the terrain here is originally gentle, or because of the vegetation, which obscures the sharp edges, making these ups and downs look very gentle with soft lines.

In this soft ups and downs, from time to time, some sheep bleated, and some horses neighed.

The silhouettes of these animals with their heads down eating grass, and the people who graze them around, set off a lot of popularity for this seemingly vast scene.

A woman half wrapped in animal skins sat here cross-legged.

Beside her, there are houses made of grass and soil.

The house is low, and a lot of branches are used around it, and a fence is circled.

In a corner of the fence, a large amount of dried horse dung and sheep dung piled up.

People in this tribe do not cultivate, so naturally they don't know about fertilization.

They collect so much animal manure here, not for fertilization, but to burn it as firewood.

In front of the female primitive, there is a pile of mud.

There are also bowls and basins made of mud.

With some mud on her hands, she sat here and looked into the distance in a daze.

After this kind of thing lasted for a long time, I don’t know whether it was caused by the neighing of the horse or the yelling of the herdsmen. The woman who was in a trance shook her head vigorously, gathering her thoughts. When I came back, I lowered my head and continued to do what I was doing before.

This female primitive has no nose, and she is not someone else, she is a witch from the Red Tiger tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe did not die, thanks to the decision of the leader of the Pegasus tribe and the cleverness of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

Not only is she not dead, but because she has the skills to make pottery, and after being asked by the Chief of the Pegasus tribe, she admitted that she would make such an exceptionally sharp and extremely easy-to-use weapon, and her salary increased. .

The food and consumption surpassed most people in the Pegasus tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe has become a guest of the Pegasus tribe.

This also proves from one aspect that smart people and capable people can live better than ordinary people in their speeches.

However, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The witches of the Red Tiger tribe are still quite different from the average Pegasus tribe.

For example, no matter when, there will be four Pegasus tribes by her side, always with her.

The mission of these people, of course, is more than just these, but an important mission is to keep a close watch on this woman without a nose and prevent this woman from running away from their tribe.

Or do other stupid things, such as suicide.

This task was specially arranged by the chief of the Pegasus tribe.

At the beginning, the four people of the Pegasus tribe were extremely nervous. They looked at the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe every day without blinking.

But slowly, they are not as nervous as before.

Because this woman is incredibly honest and obedient, and has never done anything like trying to escape...

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