I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1179: No, you are still very weak! (2 in 1)

The wind is blowing, and the vegetation is shaking.

The sheep in the distance graze leisurely, like a large moving white cloud.

At this time, the chief of the Pegasus tribe, who was wearing blood and returning with victory, looked at the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe and asked such a sentence.

Regarding the issue of bronze weapons, the chief of the Pegasus tribe is particularly concerned.

From the previous time, in order to get more bronze weapons, he led the people in the tribe to go out again and again, and to find out again and again.

After getting the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe and a large number of bronze weapons, he was already the maiden and others of the Red Tiger Tribe who began to inquire about whether this bronze weapon can be made.

After understanding the meaning of the chief of the Pegasus tribe, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe after some hesitation, nodded, and also said that she would make this weapon.

It also specifically emphasized that all the people in their tribe who can make this kind of weapon except her are dead.

Only she will do it.

This is the decision made by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden after thinking for a while.

She didn't want to die, because after she died, the tribe would really disappear completely.

Even now, she is the only one left, and the people in the tribe have not yet died, and it is not considered true destruction.

If he died too, then the tribe would have no chance!

It is precisely because of this that she will make such a decision.

Because she wants to increase her value through such things, and make herself useful in the eyes of these damned people.

In this way, you will become safe and will not be killed by these people at will.

Only to be able to save his life, fortunately to do something next.

After confirming from the Red Tiger Tribe Miko that this exceptionally useful weapon can be made by humans and that this woman without a nose can make it, the chief of the Pegasus tribe is extremely excited.

He immediately let the witches of the Red Tiger tribe make it.

Although through the previous hunting and killing of the remaining people of the Red Tiger tribe, their tribe has already obtained a lot of bronze weapons, but he does not have too many such good things.

Knowing these things, he immediately ordered the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe to do more.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe shook her head in embarrassment.

Such behavior fell in the eyes of the chief of the Pegasus tribe, and the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe did not want to do it and refused to make it.

His violent temper came up immediately. First he gave his hand a hard blow on his chest to prove his strength, and then reached out to beat the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe. He wanted to educate this noseless man. woman.

Let her know the current situation, who is the boss and who should listen to!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was undoubtedly beaten.

But after being beaten, the chief of the Pegasus tribe also figured out one thing.

The thing is that the witch of the Red Tiger tribe shook her head, not because she was unwilling to make such an exceptionally sharp and useful weapon, but because there was no material.

After the chief of the Pegasus tribe knew this fact, he couldn't help but feel stunned for a while.

However, things like apologizing to the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe did not happen, and if you made a mistake, you made a mistake.

Just stop playing.

Through the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, he knew that the materials for making such sharp weapons were not easily available.

These materials are very rare and do not exist in ordinary places, only the place where the Red Tiger tribe lived.

Moreover, that place is now occupied by a very powerful tribe.

Knowing this news, driven by the desire to get more such sharp and easy-to-use weapons, the petty temper of the chief of the Pegasus tribe suddenly broke out.

At that time, he said that the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe do not need to worry about the materials. He will bring the people of the tribe to defeat them, kill the men, and bring the women and minors back to their tribe. Herding sheep.

Extremely domineering.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, who rode his horse and received many bronze weapons, is so confident.

The eyes of the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe, who was beaten and bowed her head, lit up.

The meaning conveyed by the chief of the Pegasus tribe pointed out a particularly clear path for her, which made her, who was originally hazy, suddenly bright in front of her.

She saw the hope of revenge!

Saw a way of revenge!

At that time, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe almost agreed to the proposal of the chief of the Pegasus tribe. She took the chief of the Pegasus tribe to attack the damned Blue Sparrow tribe and avenge the dead in their tribe.

However, at the last moment, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe still failed to do so.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe and others didn't know what kind of existence the Qingque tribe people were, but she knew clearly.

The people of the Pegasus tribe feel that they are very invincible. In fact, if the Pegasus tribe meets their tribe in their heyday, or even their tribe, which has lost half of its manpower, they will only be flattened!

And the Qingque tribe people who seem to be very kind and deceiving on weekdays, when they really broke out, the fighting power is really amazing!

Under such circumstances, the Pegasus tribe went to attack the Qingque tribe, only to find death.

The death of the people of the Pegasus tribe is indeed gratifying, but it is not possible to die more people of the Qingque tribe.

This makes people feel a bit regretful.

It was precisely because of these things that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe finally discouraged the chief of the Pegasus tribe.

She told him that the tribe named Qingque that occupied those materials was extraordinarily powerful and despicable.

At this time, the Pegasus tribe could not beat the Qingque tribe.

The Pegasus tribe needs to further strengthen its own strength and make the tribe more powerful in order to defeat the Qingque tribe and take back those materials.

At this time, the Pegasus tribe received food, women, and many bronze weapons from the remaining Red Tiger tribe. It was the time when the confidence in their hearts was extremely inflated.

After hearing the words of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, she couldn't help but smile.

No matter how strong the Qingque tribe is, where can it be?

How could it be an opponent of your own tribe riding a horse and holding a bronze weapon?

What's more, what was the strength of the Red Tiger Tribe before? In the past, I took the people from the tribe and learned with real swords and guns.

It's just that.

For a tribe like the Red Tiger tribe, an unmatched tribe, for their tribe, that is nothing at all.

However, the chief of the Pegasus tribe did not go to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe in the end, but went to a nearby tribe and attacked a tribe closer to their tribe.

There are many reasons why the Pegasus tribe made such a change.

The first is the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who has repeatedly blocked and repeatedly emphasized the power and difficulty of the evil Blue Sparrow tribe.

Secondly, they learned from the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe that the tribe named Qingque was too far away from their tribe.

It takes a long, long way to get there.

Once again, he took the strong people in the tribe and went to find the Red Tiger Tribe and the bronze weapons owned by the Red Tiger Tribe many times. It wasted a lot of time, delayed the grazing in the tribe, and made sheep and horses in the tribe. The number has declined.

Although I got some food from the Red Tiger tribe, it still couldn't withstand the losses caused over time.

The Qingque tribe is too far away from its own tribe. If it does go, it will have a greater impact on the tribe.

Also, according to the current population of their tribe, the weapons previously obtained from the Red Tiger tribe are temporarily enough for them to use.

It is impossible to have one manpower, but it can be used by the main strong people in the tribe.


Various reasons were combined, and the leader of Ling's Feima tribe made such a decision.

They did not travel to attack the Qingque tribe and seize materials that can be used to make bronze weapons.

Instead, he chose to attack the surrounding tribes.

Now is the time for them to return with the fruits of victory, as a victor, and full of victory.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe in a good mood is wanton and public.

With the wonderful mood of returning from a big victory, he looked at the maidens of the Red Tiger Tribe, and once again asked if they could attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe shook her head again after thinking.

Although she wanted to see the Pegasus tribe and the Qingque tribe fighting and fighting each other, but in the end, she still resisted not agreeing.

Because the Pegasus tribe was still too weak, when fighting with the Qingque tribe, it still did little harm to the Qingque tribe.

Can't let the Qingque tribe die more people!

After seeing the red tiger tribe maiden shaking her head, the chief of the Pegasus tribe was stunned, then smiled and shook his head, leading the tribe's people, directly bypassing the red tiger tribe maiden, towards the inner part of the tribe.

Most of the other members of the Pegasus tribe are like the chiefs of their tribe, thinking that this woman without a nose is too funny.

It is too weak to look at your own tribe!

Do you really think that the power in her eyes is just as powerful in the eyes of others?

With immense pride, holding bronze weapons in their hands, and carrying their trophies, they walked away from the Red Tiger Tribe's maiden, no longer caring about this guy who didn't know the sky and the earth and couldn't clearly know how powerful their tribe was.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe didn't care about this, she stood here quietly, watching the Pegasus tribe passing by her.

Looking at these people from the Pegasus tribe, they are tied into a string with ropes, leading the walking women and minors.

I don’t know if I remembered the experience of their tribe before, looking at the female primitives who were attacked and broken into the tribe and captured by the Pegasus tribe, as well as these minors, the red tiger tribe maidens, showed compassion and sympathy. Look.

These people who were led by the rope passed by her with panic and error.

Some people looked up at her subconsciously.

After seeing her, many people were stunned.

Obviously they were shocked by the noseless look of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

However, some people saw her eyes again after looking at her nose.

The expression in these eyes was also a shock to them.

From these eyes, they saw something different from the rest of the Pegasus tribe...

The Pegasus tribe became excited by the return of the chief of the Pegasus tribe and others.

They are gathering the sheep, horses and a small amount of cattle they have obtained and drove them to the stables of their tribe.

These women and children were also driven into the stables by them.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe stood here and watched quietly for a while, then she retracted her gaze, and then began to burn pottery.

While burning, tell the four people something.

In the past, because of the attitude of the Red Tiger maidens about attacking the Blue Sparrow tribe, many people in the Pegasus tribe were laughing, thinking that the Red Tiger maidens were too ridiculous.

However, these four people did not laugh.

Over the years, they have had more contact with the Red Tiger Tribe witches, and the corresponding understanding of the Red Tiger Tribe witches is better than that of ordinary Feima tribe people.

They felt that the Red Tiger Tribe witch was different from many people, and she had something different in her body.

These things are something that many people have never owned.

These things can't be felt after a short contact time, but they will be clearer after a long time.

Although it is clear, it is really difficult for people to tell it accurately.

These unclear things, coupled with the things done by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, made them feel that what the Red Tiger Tribe maiden said was not fake.

That Qingque tribe, maybe it's so powerful...

Time passed in an instant, and it was dusk soon.

The Pegasus tribe is extremely lively at dusk.

Having won a big victory for their tribe, they are now celebrating the joy and excitement in their hearts.

Many sheep were killed.

Bronze weapons ordered them to kill sheep and handle them very quickly~www.NovelMTL.com~ The treated and divided sheep were inserted on the branches and roasted, or put them in a clay pot. Boil it.

The laughter, mixed with the smell of food, spread towards the surroundings.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was also divided into meat, and there was still a lot of meat, enough to feed her, and even to support her.

This is what she has obtained through her own efforts and various means since this period of time.

She is treated like this, but it does not mean that the rest of the people are treated like this.

Just like those who were captured today and locked up in the sheepfold.

They can only look at these drooling with fear.

The eyes of the maidens of the Red Tiger Tribe kept staying on them...


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