I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1176: I will try (2 in 1)

The dark clouds were so dark that people could not breathe.

A rush harvest is happening in the Qingque tribe following this kind of weather.

The harvesters stopped their actions one after another, and then picked up the harvested crops on the ground, joined the ranks of loading trucks, and loaded these crops onto the trucks.

Seeing that there are enough people around every car that pulls crops, and they don’t need so many people at all, the rest of them consciously start to use ropes or use their hands to pull up weeds and quickly twist them into grass. Rope to tie up the millet.

Some people are good at binding, whether it is human or millet.

In a short time, it can be bundled up, which is not only fast, but also neat, beautiful and strong.

They are responsible for binding, and those who are not good at binding will carry one bundle, or two bundles with a load, and trot all the way towards the threshing ground.

Of course, this is the place close to the threshing ground, and in the ground far away from the threshing ground, the people in the tribe directly put the roots of the millet bundled in bundles with the roots facing down, and the ears facing upwards are erected in the field. high places.

Get together.

Some people rushed all the way to the tribe, picked up the grass fence that had been transported to the edge of the threshing ground, and rushed towards the fields they were harvesting.

After people hurriedly gathered these grains together, they hurriedly spread out these thick grass fences and covered the grains that were too late to be transported to the threshing ground to cover the wind and rain.

After the people had made up the millet in the area where they and the others were, they kept on trotting towards the field nearest to them and the others that had not yet been cleaned up to help.

The threshing floor is more lively than the field.

It's not just that the crops in the nearby fields are being transported here quickly at this time. There is also a more important reason that the piles of grains originally piled up here need to be quickly covered.

Moreover, in the threshing ground, the millet that has just been beaten, just picked up the straw, and has not had time to clean up, also needs to be gathered quickly.

In the process of gathering, there are many people, who are woven with thin bamboo strips on the outside and double-layer mats woven with wide bamboo strips on the inside, and then carry these grains in and walk quickly to the empty ones in the tribe. Go in the warehouse.

This kind of mat is very strong and extremely dense.

It fits tightly, not to mention that it is used to hold millet, even if it is used to hold ground noodles, there will be no surface scattered from the gap.

There is no doubt that such things are made by people in the tribe after a long period of exploration and according to the needs of the tribe.

Of course, in this process, Han Cheng, the son of God from later generations, once played some guiding roles.

In this rush of rush, the cool demon wind rose up, and it grew rapidly.

Coupled with the gloomy weather, a great sense of urgency appeared in the hearts of people.

Not long after the demon wind got up, some big raindrops fell down.

The shower is coming soon.

The hearts of everyone were anxious as if they were on fire!

The extremely painful raindrops that landed at a rapid speed not only failed to extinguish the flames in people's hearts, but made the flames in their hearts more turbulent.

It was as if it was not rain at all that fell, but oil!

In an instant, the heavy rain will just take care of the busy people and pour a drenched body.

At this time, there are still some things that have not been covered.

Everyone was busy braving the rain.

Then, greeted by Han Cheng and others, he hurried towards the tribe.

The people all wet, stood at the gate, the door of the house, and under the shed watching the rain, with joy, sadness, and excitement.

After a while, someone took a hat and walked out in a fur suit.

Get into the vast rain curtain.

Of course, there are also some eye-catching people in raincoats.

These people got into the rain curtain and went all the way to the threshing ground, while some went to the field.

This is because there is still a lot of wind blowing at this time, and I am worried that the covered grass thatch will be blown away by the wind, and the rain will wet the covered corn below, causing losses.

"Why is this raining? Is it still raining?"

Standing in the middle of the threshing field, Wu stretched out his hand to help press the grass thatch, while looking up at the surroundings, amidst the rain, he said worriedly.

He stretched out his hand to uncover the grass thatch in some places, looked down, and found that water had begun to seep in some places, and Wu became even more worried.

What should I do?

The rain is so heavy, there is no way to transfer these beaten grains into the house.

But if it is covered here, the water-proof effect of the grass thatch is not very good, and many millet will be wet by the rain in time.

When Wu was so melancholy and couldn't find a solution, a man in a dark gray poncho came up next to him.

This person is not someone else, it is Han Cheng.

"Hurry up and get those rain cloths from the tribe! Use rain cloths to cover these grains!"

Han Cheng also discovered this serious problem.

He turned his head to the person on the side and shouted loudly.

Immediately after receiving his order, several people rushed towards the tribe in the rain.

In a short while, they rushed back again.

Holding the folded rain cloth in his arms.

Han Cheng and the others hurriedly took the rain cloth, quickly opened it, and then swiftly covered the grain pile.

The grass thatch that was on top of the millet pile was not uncovered, but was directly covered on it.

In order to prevent it from being opened by the wind, everyone found stones and pressed the surrounding and top of the rain cloth.

After Han Cheng and others did these things quickly, there was already a lot of water on the raincloth.

These pooled water flows toward the periphery, and it is basically certain that these rainwater will not pool toward the millet pile below.

Seeing such a scene, the witch who was worried about it, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time.

He lowered his head, looked at these rain cloths seriously for a while, and then muttered to himself in a low voice, "This thing also has some uses, and not all of it is a prodigal."

Han Cheng stood far away from Wu, and there was wind and rain at this time, so he couldn't hear what Wu said.

However, from the witch's demeanor, we can see some clues and understand some of the witch's mood at this time.

He couldn't help but smiled, and didn't say much.

This time, the rain was heavy, and the people in the Qingque tribe were very worried.

On rainy days at this time, the women and the children in the tribe are relatively leisurely.

The men in the tribe still can't relax.

Because there are crops in the field, they are worried that the rain will flood the crops, so they need to carry tools such as brass shovel to patrol the crops of the tribe.

Dig where the water is standing and let the water flow out.

Wu was not idle either, and he was also patrolling outside.

It's just that the place he inspected was the threshing ground in the tribe.

He was worried that the wind would blow away the grass thatch and the millet in the tribe.

Although many people in the tribe were already persuading him, and made clear to him, saying that just let them rest assured that they will never let the wind blow away the grass thatch.

But Wu was still worried, insisting on going out in the rain to inspect these things.

It's just that, besides him, there are other people doing this, so he wandered around here, and he really encountered some things, and it was not his turn to take action, someone had already solved it.

After only a while, Wu's eyes began to fall more and more on the raincloths in the center of the threshing floor.

When the rain fell on the raincloth, the water quickly flowed away and did not penetrate below.

Unlike the grass thatch, the rain is small and the time is short, but the rain is long and heavy, and the rain starts to seep down, making the things underneath wet.

Once again, Wu couldn't help but came to the center of the threshing floor, and came to the edge of the rain cloth. After getting the water from a small area of ​​the rain cloth to the ground, he carefully uncovered the rain cloth, and then took the other one. Wiping a clean hand on the clothes inside the poncho, stretched out the grain covered under the raincloth.

The feeling of starting is really not wet.

With this result, Wu couldn't help but look at the rain cloth again.

It seems that there is also a raincoat made of the same material in his room.

This was given to him by the Son of God a few days ago.

After I got it, I kept it there without passing through.

This material looks very strange, such a thin layer, the waterproof effect is so good, do you want to try it on yourself?

See how it works?

Wu crouched here, looking at the rain cloth in front of him, thinking like this in his heart.

I definitely have not forgotten the vows I had made before, but simply felt that this rain cloth was very magical, and wanted to feel what it was like to wear clothes made of such rain cloth.

Thinking like this in his heart, Wu became calm and reasonable.

I just want to try, but I don't really want to wear it. This is not contrary to my previous thoughts.

The more he thought about it, the more Wu felt that he was right, and the truth was indeed such a truth.

Immediately, he took his hand out of the raincloth and recovered the raincloth. The edge was pressed with stones to prevent the raincloth from being lifted by the wind.

Then stood up and walked toward the tribe.

The people in the threshing floor were relieved to see Wu finally returning.

This is not because the Wus here will make them feel pressured and feel uncomfortable.

It was because they were worried that with such a heavy rain and wind, Wu would get sick if he stayed here for a long time.

After all, Wu's age is getting older and he is different from ordinary people.

Hats and fur clothes are indeed able to shelter from the rain, but this kind of rain protection also has certain restrictions, and it does not really guarantee that the body will not rain.

Over time, the body will become damp, and even the clothes on the body will directly become wet as a result and stick to the body.

Very uncomfortable.

Over time, Wu's body may become unbearable.

Wu returned to the room, and with Yuan's help, took off his hat and fur clothes and hung them on the wall.

A lot of rain water dripped down the hat and fur clothes, and soon a patch of water was cast on the ground, which was wet.

The hat and the quilt are heavy in their own right because of the material. Now they are soaked by the rain and become even heavier.

After taking it off of his body, Wu suddenly felt a lot lighter.

The whole person feels brisk.

Wu stretched out his hand with his wet hand, stroked his half-buffed head from front to back a few times, and then began to look for it in the room.

"What are you looking for?"

The circle standing on the side, with a big belly, asked aloud like this.

"Find a raincoat."

Although I didn't want to tell anyone about this matter, Yuan asked at this time. After Wu hesitated for a while, he still told the truth.

"I remember putting it here, why can't I find it?"

After speaking, Wu hurriedly said with doubts.

It's like wanting to use such language to transfer or cover up something.

Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and did not react for a while.

"Why are you looking for it? Didn't you say you don't wear a raincoat?"

Yuan asked this, and walked to a corner of the room, opened the lid of a wooden box that was put up and placed it, reached out and fumbled inside for a while, and took out something.

It's really a folded raincoat.

Wu's complexion was a little dark, but because of the gloomy sky, it was not very obvious.

"I didn't want to wear it, I just want to try it now."

Wu said as much as possible to make himself seem relatively plain.

While saying this, he reached out and took the raincoat from Yuan's hand.

After stretching it, put it on the body.

After the raincoat was put on her body, Wu Wu's eyes were covered in grey, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Yuan looked at the witch who wore the raincoat upside down, his entire face was buttoned by the raincoat hat, and the back of his head was exposed, and he couldn't help but laugh.

She stretched out her hand to help Wu straighten the raincoat, showing Wu’s face~www.NovelMTL.com~ Wu felt that this was a poncho with almost no weight compared to the hat, and she couldn’t help feeling a little bit in her heart. Yubu did a lot of evil, but it was very light to wear.

"I'll go out and try to see if this thing is rainproof or not."

Wu wore a raincoat and felt in the house for a while, thought about it, and said to Yuan.

Then, without waiting for Yuan to react, he walked straight to the outside of the house.

Get into the vast rain curtain.

In a short while, it disappeared.

Yuan stood here and waited for a long time, but didn't see Wu coming back, so she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Didn't you say try it?

How can this be tried for such a long time?

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