I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1173: The Witch of Self Blame (2 in 1)

Among the tribe of green sparrows, Han Cheng looked at the linen cloth which had been soaked in tung oil and then dried, with a smile on his face.

The linen cloth at this time has become a lot thicker, and under the sun's rays, there is actually a slight glow.

Han Cheng picked it up, looked at it for a while, then took a corner of the cloth and dipped it in the water.

Unlike ordinary linen cloth, soaking this linen cloth impregnated with tung oil has much greater resistance.

Han Cheng pressed it in the water and soaked it for about two minutes before taking it out.

Then, a miracle happened.

The cloth that I took out was not as heavy as ordinary linen cloth, which was already soaked in water.

But after taking it out, a lot of drops of water slipped down.

After shaking like this a little bit, the water drops that stuck to it and refused to slide down all fell down.

With such a miraculous scene, the two people standing on the side could not help but widen their eyes.

After adding tung oil to this linen cloth, how could it become what it is now?

This is really amazing!

"Come on, stretch these cloths here."

After standing here for a while, Han Cheng smiled and said to the two people on the side.

According to Han Cheng's instructions, the two immediately started to move, and immediately followed Han Cheng's requirements.

The two who held the cloth with their hands turned their heads to look at Han Cheng, waiting for Han Cheng's next move.

They don't know what the son of God will do next.

Because of this, my heart is full of expectations.

Han Cheng bent down and took a scoop of water from the basin with a scoop, and poured it directly onto the linen cloth supported by the two.

The two people who fought with Han Cheng were very confused about this.

Hearing the news, Wu, who rushed to watch the excitement, also expressed confusion.

They didn't understand at all why their tribe **** son would do this.

This is water, not soy milk that has been ground with florets. It needs to be filtered in this way to get the bean dregs out...

The three of them thought this strangely in their hearts, but no one said a word. They just watched quietly to see what the **** child could make through this method.

I didn’t find any difference either. Water was still water, and cloth was still cloth. Nothing changed because of this...

"Look! The water didn't leak!"

A man pulling a linen cloth suddenly shouted in surprise.

When he was reminded like this, Wu and the other person who was wondering suddenly reacted.

They quickly turned their gazes under the cloth they were holding in their hands, and looked there.

Sure enough, there was no wet scene on the ground under the cloth.

There was water on the cloth, and how much God had fallen on it, and how much it still has.

Such a magical scene made everyone's eyes widened.

Among the things they had been in contact with before, the linen was absolutely water-proof, and as long as the water fell on it, it would immediately be able to wet it.

Not to mention that as it is now, use a cloth to carry the water to prevent it from dripping down!

This is really amazing!

Han Cheng looked at the effect, and then looked at the expressions of the people next to him, his face blooming with a smile.

"God! If you use this kind of cloth to make hats and robes!

Wear it on your body when it rains, no matter how heavy it rains, you don’t have to worry about getting wet! "

Wu suddenly shouted like this, with a look of excitement on his face.

Han Cheng, who was secretly happy there, was stunned after hearing what Wu said. He immediately stretched out his hand and patted his forehead vigorously.

I just wanted to use this cloth to make sails, but forgot to make rain gear!

What Wu said was not wrong. This kind of cloth is really suitable for rain gear.

It seems that before plastic cloth and various water-resistant industrial cloths were passed to the country where Han Cheng lived, people used this kind of tung oil soaked cloth to make rain gear.

He seemed to have seen this kind of umbrella when he was a child, and he was vaguely impressed.

Han Cheng couldn't tell whether he saw it when he went to the street with the grownups when he was a child, or when the temple fair started in the village.

But I can remember the umbrella and the scene under the umbrella.

It was a weather with a patter of light rain falling from the sky.

A large umbrella made of bamboo with the thickness of an adult's arm is fixed there.

The big bamboo umbrella is very big and can cover a large area after being opened.

It's just that unlike the umbrellas that were made after those industries were developed, these umbrellas are not round.

It's long.

There are few ribs, and it seems that there are only four in the impression.

Even if it is more than this, it will not exceed six.

The rain cloth on the big umbrella is white.

It's just that this whiteness is not pure at all.

Because of the age and the smoke and fire, this kind of cloth that should have been white has now basically turned into a yellow color with different shades.

Even in some places, it turned brown.

But even if it is already like this, it still stands strong here, sheltering people from the wind and rain.

There is a burning boiler under the umbrella, and two old couples over 50 years old are running a bun shop.

Steamed buns are not steamed, but fried buns.

The large pan of the kang shui bun is covered with a lid, and the heat is constantly rising.

On the side is a stick woven from bamboo, and inside are some steaming golden fried buns with one side being fried.

On the side of the fried bun, there is a thickly wrapped bucket, which is filled with tofu brains.

On the simple table that was placed, several people were eating fried buns, scooping up tofu and drinking two bites from time to time.

From time to time, there will be collected raindrops, dripping down the umbrella ribs.

Hit small potholes one by one...

Because of his young age, most of Han Cheng's attention at the time was on the fried golden fried buns and the tofu brains that were like white jade and filled with sugar. So I remember these very clearly. The big umbrella with a sense of age is not very impressive.


Now that I have what can be called a rain cloth, I can also let people in the tribe use it to make some rain gear out!

Can't always think about making it into a sail.

Han Cheng couldn't say that he disliked the hats and fur clothes in the tribe, but he didn't want to wear them much.

These two things are indeed very simple and primitive, and they are in line with the era that Han Cheng is now in.

But these two things are too bulky, they look heavy when worn on the body, and they don't feel very good.

Of course, the whole tribe felt that these two things were cumbersome and unusable, and it was probably only him who had come from later generations and had experienced umbrellas and various light raincoats.

In the past, because there were no good waterproof materials in the tribe, and the hats and fur clothes could also be used, Han Cheng did not think much about this.

At this time, looking at the newly made rain cloth in front of him, and hearing Wu Wu say this, a light flashed in Han Cheng's heart.

They just started to try to make sailboats. They didn't know how long it would take for their tribe's sailboat to come out.

In other words, these cloths that I have used as sails are not available in a short time.

Then it's better to take advantage of this time and let the craftsmen in the tribe try to use this kind of cloth to make umbrellas and feather raincoats that are easy to use rain gear!

"Witch, what you said is very correct, this kind of deployment is so good that it can be used to make rain gear!"

Han Cheng said to Wu with a smile, with great affirmation.

After Wu heard Han Cheng say this, he was a little stunned for a while.

I just said this casually, why did the **** son get serious?

Moreover, the cloth itself is more precious, and the reason why these cloths are soaked with precious tung oil makes them even more precious.

It is a bit too extravagant to use such precious things as rain gear.

Looking at the **** child who looked at him with a smile and cast his approving eyes at him, Wu just felt that his brain was a little big, as if he had made a big mistake accidentally.

God son, don't get me wrong, I just said this a little bit like this, and I don't really want to use such expensive things as rain gear!

"The gods, gods, the hats and the clothes in the tribe are very good. They don't get wet in the rain or on rainy days. They are easy to make and the materials are common."

After Wu's reaction came over, he quickly explained that he was ready to redeem the prodigal behavior of the son of God that was about to be triggered because of his own talkativeness.

However, this is clearly impossible.

I saw the son of Han Da wave his big hand, and said in a magnificent manner: "You think that the hat and the princess are good because you have not touched better rain gear. After you have touched the better rain gear, Thought so."

As he said this, he began to greet the two men to help him put away the things he called raincloths, and find skilled craftsmen in the tribe to make new rain gear.

Before long, Han Chengcheng took the two of them away from here and followed Wu.

Wu's expression became extremely wonderful, as if he had made a big mistake.

When he thought about it, he really made a big mistake.

If it weren't because of his own mouthiness, the son of God would not have thought of using this precious raincloth as rain gear.

The tribe can save more things...

What a crime!

Han Cheng didn't expect that this behavior of his was actually causing the witch who watched the excitement on the side to become so disgusted and sad.

He quickly found skilled craftsmen.

This person is either someone else, or his own wife, Bai Xuemei.

Bai Xuemei's own needlework is very good, and Han Cheng often communicates with her in simple and simple terms, and they are familiar with each other, and some things will be more tacitly related.

So when Han Cheng was preparing to make some raincoats out of this kind of raincloth, he immediately thought of Bai Xuemei.

"...It doesn't need to be too complicated, just make it into the shape of a petticoat."

Han Cheng said to Bai Xuemei.

After speaking, I felt that what I just said was not clear.

He added again: "The difference is that a hole is cut out in the middle of a long cloth, and then a hat with a short front and a long back, which can cover the neck, is sewn in The look above"

"But be aware that this is for rain protection, so be careful about the pins and other places so as not to let the rain in.

Han Cheng explained to Bai Xuemei.

After beginning to have the idea of ​​letting people use raincloths to make rain gear, Han Cheng finally let the raincoat be made first.

Because compared to the umbrella ribs of these things, the procedure is not as complicated and the technical requirements are not as high as the raincoat. It is easier to do and easy to produce results.

Moreover, another important reason is that things like raincoats are worn on the body, and there is no need to free a hand to control it.

Wearing it on your body will not affect your work while covering wind and rain.

Such a thing is very suitable for the busy Qingque tribe.

Of course, Han Cheng wouldn't let people in the tribe leave things like umbrellas.

After all, this is also one of the two most conventional rain shelters.

Can endure for a long time, the umbrella also has its advantages.

For example, holding an umbrella on a rainy day basically means that you don’t need to experience the cold icy rain on your face when wearing a raincoat, so that you can look more calm and decent.

Of course, if you think about it longer and add some pink romance elements in it, you will find that umbrellas are more suitable for lovers when it rains.

Think about the situation when two pairs of lovers use umbrellas and wear raincoats.

One pair is holding an umbrella together, talking and laughing, you and me, it's so romantic.

The other pair wore raincoats, and only one face could be seen all over the body.

And this face is covered with rain.

The romantic atmosphere of a young couple going out on a rainy day, under such a dress, disappeared directly...

Xuemei tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded, indicating that she understood what Cheng brother meant~www.NovelMTL.com~ Then she found the small dustpan, and took out the needle and thread, scissors, ruler and thimble from it. Tools, start here to try to make.

Han Cheng stood here without leaving, but squatted on the side.

When the little son in the cradle wanted to cry, he stretched out his hand and shook the cradle a few times to put the little son to sleep.

As for lifting the little guy and shaking it, Han Cheng didn't do it.

Because after doing this a few more times, the children will make trouble again in the future, and if you want to keep it away, you need to hold it in your arms.

It takes a lot of effort.

For a long time, if you want to put it in the cradle, let it sleep obediently, or play there obediently, you can't do it.

Once such a habit is formed, the person with the child is really tired...

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