I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1172: Started sailing boat (2 in 1)

In the early morning, there was some mist on the riverside.

There have been some cicadas on both sides of the strait.

The morning breeze was blowing slightly, and some of the lotus root buds in the lotus root pit not far away had already bloomed.

The wind blew, and the lotus root leaves and lotus were swaying unstoppable in the wind.

Some lotus petals were blown off by the wind and fell into the water, like a crooked pink boat floating on the water.

Under the blow of the wind, it drifted to one side until it leaned against the lotus pole before stopping temporarily.

Standing on the edge of the pier of the Qingque tribe, you can smell the scent that comes with the wind.

The bamboo raft moored here at Qingque Tribe Wharf was once again filled with people and things.

These things were obtained from the fire tribe using linen cloth and exchanged from the Qingque tribe.

Among these items, the storage-resistant and very delicious millet is the main one.

The second is the salt that the people of the Huo tribe cannot do without.

People from the Fire Tribe also want some pottery.

In the past year, the pottery in their tribe has been damaged due to accidental reasons.

In addition, some of the children are older, so they need to buy some pottery bowls.

In addition to these, the people of the Fire Tribe, this time it is actually rare to exchange a few pieces of soap from the Qingque Tribe, and some sweet sugar cubes packed in bamboo tubes!

This is really an extremely rare thing for the Fire Tribe.

Fotan stood on the bamboo raft and looked at the food on the raft. Then he looked down at the two bamboo tubes he held tightly in his hands. The smile on his face couldn't hide.

I am extremely grateful and respectful to the Qingque tribe and Chen, who has just served as the chief of his tribe.

Because Chen became the chief of his tribe, this time when he brought the people and linen to exchange with the Qingque tribe, the Qingque tribe members followed what they had said in their tribe before and exchanged , Gave discounts to his tribe and others.

With the same amount of linen, compared to the previous time, my tribe has to exchange a lot of things.

After the food, pottery, salt and other necessities of life exchanged were much more than last year, there were still some leftovers.

That's why Fo Tan was so generous this time, and it was rare in exchange for some soap and some fruit candy that for him could be described as luxury and extravagance.

"God son, witch, leader, we will go back now."

Fo Tan spoke in Mandarin and spoke to Han Cheng and the others standing on the dock in the style of the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng, Wu and others nodded at them.

"Slower on the road, take care of everything, don't dare to time too much, safety first."

After Han Cheng nodded to Huo Tan and others, he exhorted them like this.

This is the common exhortation words that are often used in later generations. At this time, when they heard the ears of Fo Tan and the others, they couldn't help but be moved for a while.

The Son of God is really caring and kind.

Here, they received the extreme respect and kindness they had never received before.



Fo Tan and others nodded vigorously.

The reason why some people respond in the language of the Huo tribe is because some of them can understand a lot of Mandarin, but they can't speak it.

This situation is not uncommon, after all, ears, brains and mouths are not a closely connected system.

This is the same as when watching a master craftsmanship-

Eye: I see.

Brain: I wrote it down and understood it. It doesn't seem difficult at all, it's very easy to do.

Hand: Get out! ! !

The bamboo raft full of cargo moved along the water. It didn't take long before Han Cheng and the others watched it down the river.

After sailing for a short distance, he began to turn, and was blocked by the dense hemp planted along the river and disappeared.

After Han Cheng stood here and waited for a while, he went back to the tribe all the way with the big brother and the others, talking and laughing, and began to busy each other with what they needed to do, and the atmosphere was exceptionally harmonious.

Mabula of the Fire Tribe arrived in the tribe, and the problems encountered were resolved, and he could continue to weave and transport linen cloth for his tribe.

Moreover, because of the methods adopted by the son of God, the connection between the fire tribe and his tribe has become closer. Such a great thing will of course make people's moods extraordinarily beautiful...

Han Cheng returned to the tribe all the way, and soon someone began to do things under his orders.

A barrel of tung oil was taken out and the lid on the barrel was opened.

A piece of stretched cloth was held by the hand and put into a bucket of tung oil.

After the cloth entered the tung oil barrel, it did not sink due to buoyancy.

This person pressed it down with a clean wooden stick, and was drowned in everything.

After waiting for a while, he lifted the cloth corner with his hand.

Start draining.

Draining the oil is a more troublesome thing. It is not good to drain. You need to stand here and wait for about five minutes. The oil on the linen cloth that is lifted up will slide down slowly.

After the oil on the linen cloth drips slowly, it will be placed on the shelf that has been prepared in advance for drying.

In this case, the burden on people will be reduced.

But even so, it is not easy to do this thing.

Not to mention the rest, just holding the linen soaked with tung oil in your hand, lifting it off the ground, and waiting quietly for a few minutes, is enough to make people feel tired.

I stood here and watched this kind of work for a while. When I saw these two people, there were many people who dealt with tung oil. After doing this decently, they left here and headed for the carpenter's room.

The lucky general standing on the side shook his head vigorously, and followed him.

It just seemed a little lazy.

On the open space outside the carpenter, there is a shade of trees.

This is almost the coolest place in the interior of the Green Bird Tribe, with the densest trees.

This is the result of the trees planted by people when Han Cheng planned the tribe.

The space required to do carpentry is very large, especially when doing big things.

When it is windy, rainy and the weather gets cold, people can hide in the house.

But if the weather is hot, working in the house will be really uncomfortable.

Han Cheng has considered this issue a long time ago, so there is the current green shade.

Many woods are placed in the open space under the green shade.

There are round logs that have been piled up and have been simply processed, and there are large boards that have been sawn.

Saw foam and some rolled shavings are scattered in many places.

Many people are busy here, making a jingle of beating things, or the sound of an axe cutting on the wood.

Now in the tribe, there are already many carpenters.

Because the many tools in the tribe are inseparable from the carpenter.

Need a carpenter to do it.

Some things can be done by a half-bottle carpenter.

For example, find, polish, and install wooden handles for sickles and hoes.

But more complicated things need professional carpenters to do.

Such as building cars, building ships, making columbine, making rakes, and making plows.

There is so much demand that the carpenters before them are simply too busy.

In addition, among the tribes, the status of carpenters is relatively high in terms of respectability alone, because they have a pair of skillful hands that can create things that most people cannot.

Under such circumstances, of course there will be more craftsmen in the tribe.

"The Son of God."

"The Son of God."

After seeing Han Cheng coming over, a greet voice soon sounded here.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded to them, motioning for them to continue to be busy, and then took a step toward a deeper place.

In a short while, Han Chengcheng reached the corner of the shade of the tree and stopped.

A square wooden table is placed in the shade and dense place.

There is a chair with a backrest beside the wooden table.

On one of the chairs, there was a person sitting, looking at the paper spread on the table seriously.

A ray of sunlight fell from the sky and fell on his left cheek, making his bronze skin look more sensational.

Make him look like a sculpture.

This person is not someone else, but the first carpenter in the tribe to be lame.

The lameness at this time, full concentration, the whole person's spirit is highly concentrated.

For the surrounding movement, I didn't notice at all.

All his thoughts were put on the paper spread on the table in front of him.

Han Cheng did not say a word, but quietly walked to the lame side, silently watching the lameness, not wanting to disturb him.

Han Cheng was familiar with the paper in front of him.

Because this book was handed over to the lame after he painted it.

The lines outlined on the paper are sailing ships.

It was Han Cheng worked hard for a long time to draw it based on his impression of the sailboat he had seen before.

Standards are impossible standards, because he has never had any contact with sailing ships in reality.

Moreover, when he was in the later life, he never thought that he would have an idea and bring the man-made sailboat from the tribe.

I haven't paid much attention to it.

So now I can only portray the not-so-clear sailing impression in my mind as comprehensively and accurately as possible.

In order to bring inspiration and ideas to lame.

Let lame have a lesson.

Han Cheng is very serious about making sailboats this time.

Even on the way back from the Fire Tribe, he had already begun to prepare for it.

The reason why Han Cheng is so positive is that besides his seemingly whimsical idea of ​​wanting the whole world to speak Mandarin, there is a stronger motivation.

This motivation is the delicious ingredients scattered around the world.

In his lifetime, Han Cheng really wanted to put it all together.

No matter how far the tribe can develop in time, and no matter how far the crooked technology tree in the tribe has been brought by him who has not been systematically trained, Han Cheng has been developing for a long time. A dream that exists now is that one day, he will be able to collect the food he eats where he lives in later generations.

In the past, there were many things to do, and the problem of food and clothing needed to be solved.

The tribe is small, the population base is small, and there is no extra material conditions for him to move toward this dream.

But it's different now.

Compared with the previous time, the current tribe has a certain scale and reached a certain stage.

There can be a certain material basis for him to move forward in this direction.

Although the steps may not be much, but after all, the first step was taken.

There are a lot of similarities with when he found the seeds of wild rape, and when the season came, he couldn't wait to plant it.

The actual role played is not much, but the meaning it represents is extremely extraordinary.

He stood here quietly, watching seriously looking at the blueprints on the table and thinking about limping. The whole person was a little wandering, as if he had seen some scenes he longed for, which had already appeared. His eyes are average.

The time under the shade of the tree is very quiet, even if the sound of some making things sounds from time to time, it will not disturb these times.


I don't know how long it took, the lameness finally raised his head and retracted his thoughts.

He carefully used a flat and clean stone to suppress the drawing on the table, got up from the chair, and limped to the side, as if he wanted to find something.

After walking a short distance toward the side in this way, he suddenly realized that there was someone standing next to him.

"The Son of God!"

After he was stunned, he said this quickly, with a little fright.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded at him: "How is it?"

He smiled and asked aloud.

"I can see some things, but many things are not clear. You have to actually do it in order to explore many things clearly."

Thinking lamely, he said aloud.

"I want to wait a moment to gather those people in the tribe who have been involved in shipbuilding and have a lot of experience in shipbuilding in the past two or two years, and everyone will come together to study how to build such complex ships.

If it goes well~www.NovelMTL.com~ I will be ready to try it out in the next two days. "

Li said this to Han Cheng, and told Han Cheng his thoughts.

Han Cheng nodded.

He didn't have any opinion on the things that Li said just now. It was a new and complicated thing, and it really required a lot of exploration.

"You look at this thing, it's more complicated, I don't know how to make it specifically, you have to explore more..."

Han Cheng said so.

"The son of God... After this, such a boat is built, can you really catch extremely delicious crayfish?"

He was lame with a great craftsmanship, but suddenly he asked such words, and he swallowed a mouthful of nothing.

The demeanor that belonged to the master, suddenly disappeared a clean...

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