I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1174: You can build a boat first! (2 in 1)

By the side of the Qingque tribe's dripping ditch, Bai Xuemei stood here, with a bucket full of water beside her.

In front of her, there was still a person standing, already ready to be exposed to the shower.

This person is not someone else, but the **** son of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng.

"Okay, let's start watering."

Han Cheng tightened the clothes on his body and said to the Bai Xuemei nearby.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Bai Xuemei did not hesitate, she stretched her hand into the wooden barrel, holding the water scoop floating on the wooden barrel, and scooped up a large scoop of water, facing Han Cheng's head. I poured it on...

This is of course not playing games like ice bucket challenges, but testing the effect of Xuemei's new raincoat made with raincloth.


The water poured on Han Cheng's head, made some noises, splashed a little spray, and then flowed down.

Han Cheng, wearing a raincoat, couldn't help but twitch his cheeks.

This silly daughter-in-law doesn’t know how to pour it slowly, so how can someone just pour a scoop of water directly on it...

"Pour it slowly, just like you usually do."

Han Cheng confessed.

"I, I usually pour vegetables like this?"

Bai Xuemei said with some doubts and bewilderment.

Han Cheng had nothing to say for a while.

"Then you still pour it like this."

He sighed helplessly and said so.

When Bai Xuemei heard him say this, she once again scooped up a large scoop of water and poured it on Han Cheng again.

However, this time is much gentler than the first scoop...

Amid the sound of the water, a bucket of water was soon poured on Han Cheng's body.

"One more bucket!"

Han Cheng shouted boldly, sounding just as vigorous as someone who won the prize after drinking ice tea.

After hearing what Han Cheng said, another bucket of water was brought over soon.

And quickly poured onto Han Cheng's body...

"Okay, stop for a while."

Han Cheng smiled and stopped Bai Xuemei's act of preparing to come back.

Shaking the water on his body, Han Cheng stretched out his hand and took off his raincoat.

There was basically nothing in front of him, and he was still dry.

But the back of the body is uncomfortable, almost completely wet.

Seeing such a scene, you don't need to ask at all to know that this raincoat was not successful at all.

"Brother Cheng, I didn't make this raincoat..."

Bai Xuemei said reproachfully.

Han Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the head of the little wife, and said with a smile: "It's not to blame you, after all, it's the first time you've done this kind of thing, and it's normal for you to have some minor problems.

Moreover, this little problem can easily be solved. "

With that said, Han Cheng turned the raincoat over.

Bring the connection between the hat and the raincoat to watch.

Here and the raincoat below are not a whole, but stitched on top with needles and threads.

Under such circumstances, even if the needlework of Bai Xuemei is done well, it is inevitable that stitches will remain.

The water on Han Cheng's body flows in from here.

"This, how is this all right? I used a needle to get my eyes out."

Bai Xuemei didn't react to what Han Cheng said.

"It's easy, add some tung oil, and let it dry.

In this way, these can be blocked. "

Han Cheng smiled and said the way.

Bai Xuemei's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is really a good way!

In this way, this raincoat that does not prevent rain well can be reused without worrying about rain leakage.

"At the edge of the hat mouth, a small cylinder with a hollow in the middle is sewn, that is, fold the cloth on the edge half a centimeter inward, and then sew it along the edge of the folded cloth, at the position of the chin. , Leave a gap.

Put the rope inside.

In this way, when it is time to wear the raincoat, you can tie the rope under the chin and fix the hat of the raincoat so that it does not fall.

Moreover, with this thing, the hat of the raincoat can adapt to many heads, and they can be worn with the same size. "

Han Cheng confessed to Bai Xuemei.

Bai Xuemei nodded, signaled that she understood, and said: "Understood, this is similar to making a waistband. After sewing, you can put a rope inside..."

Han Cheng couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth: "It can also be understood in this way."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing that I forgot to say. In the future, we will make raincoats and umbrellas, and we should distinguish them from the cloth used on the sails. The sail cloth should be directly soaked with non-dyed cloth. Tung oil is enough, but the cloth for umbrellas and raincoats must be dyed cloth."

Han Cheng suddenly remembered one more thing, and quickly confessed to Bai Xuemei like this.

Earlier, Han Cheng only thought about making raincoats out of rain cloth, but didn't think much about the rest.

But now that it was done, Han Cheng felt awkward as he watched it.

Before, he hadn't clearly realized where his awkward feeling was. Now, he realized...

This kind of cloth soaked in tung oil, compared with the previous time, although a little yellowish, it is only slightly yellowish.

White is still its main color.

Coupled with the style of this poncho, it looks like Xiaoyi in particular.

And it's the kind of Shigexiao.

Han Cheng is not superstitious, but he still feels extremely uncomfortable in his heart like the current situation.

I feel very awkward.

So after realizing this, Han Chengcheng quickly confessed it to Bai Xuemei.

In the future, he forgot that the people in the tribe will make such ponchoes again.

Bai Xuemei nodded again, motioning for herself to write it down.

After explaining these things, Han Chengcheng took the raincoat and walked out with Bai Xuemei, found the tung oil, and brushed it on the joint between the hat and the raincoat.

Brush both inside and outside.

Those pinholes were quickly blocked by tung oil.

"Brother Cheng, how about I first make a raincoat with linen cloth and then soak it in tung oil to dry it?"

Standing here watching Han Cheng hang the raincoat painted with tung oil on the joints on the rope to dry, after blinking her eyes for a while, Bai Xuemei suddenly spoke.

Hearing Bai Xuemei's words, Han Cheng couldn't help but shine.

He felt that this method mentioned by Xiaotong's daughter-in-law might be a good one.

When Bai Xuemei was making raincoats before, he was watching the whole process. It took a lot of effort to pierce the raincloth with needles, and it took time and time, and it was not fast enough.

Bai Xuemei herself said that if she used ordinary linen, she would make raincoats. In the same time, she could almost make two.

If this idea can really be achieved, then the efficiency of production will be greatly improved.

Moreover, in this way, some of the trimmed leftovers can be used again, which can save some linen.

Because these linens are not brushed with tung oil, some tung oil can be saved.

"You can give it a try. If you don't try, no one knows if it will be possible."

Han Cheng looked at Bai Xuemei and said with a smile.

Bai Xuemei nodded vigorously again, and quickly returned to the house, found the wire dustpan, and found the dyed linen for cutting...

Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, then left from here, and then went to find the skilled craftsmen in the tribe to make umbrellas.

In addition to the use of rain cloth, the umbrella handle and ribs are more core and more technically demanding.

The raincoat can be handed over to Bai Xuemei to study and make by hand, but the umbrella is not.

For her, this is a serious transcendence.

According to the status and ability of tribal carpenters, bamboo craftsmen, and weavers, it is best to give such new things to the common originator of the three factions of Lame. If it takes too long, Lame can basically remove it. Get it out.

However, Lame is now leading people to study more advanced and important things like sailing boats, so Han Cheng is not good to bother him.

Fortunately, there should be a lot of people in the tribe who know this craft.

Eliminate lameness and people who are busy with big things with lameness and others, so there are people who can do these things.

"...This place is the most important thing, it is very delicate, but because it is so delicate, it is not easy to do, and I am not very clear about it.

You can only draw a rough picture and provide a rough idea. You need to find out what you need to do next. "

Han Cheng said to a person standing beside him.

This person was nothing else, but the carpenter he was looking for.

Han Cheng said that the difficulty of making umbrellas is how to connect the umbrella bones to the handle.

And how to make the ribs open and close.

After solving these two problems, it is not far from making the umbrella.

Han Cheng stood here and told this person for a long time before he could understand what he was telling.

After seeing this person really figured out what he meant, Han Cheng got up from here and headed towards another place.

Every moment, Han Chengfu appeared in the carpenter's courtyard full of trees.

The small courtyard surrounded by low walls where the carpenter's room is located is still as busy as before.

It is precisely with the busyness of these people that various useful tools will appear in the tribe.

After Han Cheng smiled and nodded at those who nodded to him, he walked straight in, and soon came to the limp and the others.

At this time, a bottom of the ship made up of several wooden boards has been placed here.

There are other processed wood on the side.

Standing here limp, staring at the bottom of the boat, taking out a ruler for a while during the process.

Sometimes, I will talk to some people nearby for a few words.

After a while, a few people dinged and drove again.

In the midst of their busy work, the bottom of the ship that had been spliced ​​together before was disassembled again. After disassembling, someone began to move a board aside to make changes.

The ship built this time is a sailboat.

Although Lame had never seen a sailing boat, Han Cheng also knew that the sailing boat was much larger than the kind of wooden boats his tribe had now.

The bottom of the boat at this time was almost five times larger than the canoe owned by the tribe.

Such a large bottom of the ship, even one of the planks, is not easy to move, and several people are required to lift it.

Lifting it to the side, it took a lot of time and effort to organize it, and a few people brought it back again, and finally installed it after a while.

It was just a modification of a wooden board, which made a few people feel sweaty and tired.

Time has passed for a long time, and it takes almost an hour.

And there is more than one place that needs to be modified. Under the influence of the whole body, there are still many places that need to be modified.

Han Cheng looked at the thick plank on which the line was drawn by the limp, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. The sailing thing is really laborious and time-consuming to set up!

For such a big guy, according to the current level of the Qingque tribe, it would take a lot of effort to do it directly.

Not to mention that the tribe has no experience in making sailboats at all, and everything has been explored from scratch.

This will be more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

"The thing is too big, it is very inconvenient to do, every time it takes extra time."

Wu saw Han Cheng coming over and said to Han Cheng.

Han Cheng saw all of this just now, and it was indeed an extremely troublesome thing.

Because the ship is too big, everything seems so difficult.

The boat being tried now is not big enough to be honest. If this is to build a bigger boat, wouldn't it be the trouble just added?

Han Cheng just nodded in sympathy, and suddenly something flashed in his mind!

"You can make a boat first!"

He couldn't help but blurt out.

The limp on the side and the rest of the people couldn't help but stunned.

What does the **** son mean?

Why build the boat first?

Didn’t you say that you want to build a big ship?

Why are you building a boat now?

Can this big ship be built?

Looking at these people who looked at him with doubts~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried to calm himself.

He sorted out his thoughts, organized a few words and said: "I mean, let's make a small boat first, and make it like a big sailboat to be made.

The materials used are all reduced in the same proportion.

Because the ship is small and the material is small, it is very convenient to repair no matter how.

After we have built this small sailing boat and figured out all the places, we can start manufacturing the big sailing boat. It will be much easier to proceed!

Because we already know how to make it before, so in this process, you will need to save a lot of troubles such as modification! "

Han Cheng's words fell silent, and the first carpenter standing on the side limped, his eyes brightened instantly!


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