I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1171: Become an Authoritative Bai Xuemei (2 in 1)

"You just stay here for a while, pay attention when doing things, and be sure to protect your own safety."

At the pier to the north of the Fire Tribe, the wind blew the water surface, blowing the water out of the waves, and the small water waves rolled, slapped against the water surface, making some noises.

The boats anchored here swayed with the continuous surging of the water.

The wind blowing on the face, body, and people bring a very cool feeling.

Han Cheng looked at Chen and confessed.

After solving these issues in the Fire Tribe, Han Cheng took the people to stay in the Fire Tribe for more than two days.

On the one hand, it’s because of this route. Although most of the time is smooth, but there are also some times when people need to punt the boat.

The fatigue of the journey must be some.

In addition, when I went back, I needed to go all the way up the current, which was very laborious, so Han Chengcheng asked the people in the tribe to rest here.

On the other hand, Han Cheng still has some things about the Fire Tribe, and I haven't told Chen.

During the more than two days of stay, I could explain these things to Chen in private.

At the same time, Han Cheng was still wandering around the Fire Tribe a few times during this time to learn more about the Fire Tribe.

According to the actual situation I have seen, some targeted methods can be derived.

These methods or some ideas, he said to Chen Zhi who will stay here as the chief of the fire tribe.

This can help Chen do better and avoid detours in the future management of the Fire Tribe.

More than two days passed, and now it is time for Han Cheng and his party to leave the Fire Tribe...

Chen stood on the dock and said goodbye to Han Cheng and the others.

Standing with Chen, there are also twenty members of the Qingque tribe.

These people are Han Cheng staying, and Yu Chen is here to support them.

The purpose is to prevent them from leaving, leaving Chen alone here, and at some point, it will become irritable every day and the earth will not work.

Don't say that Chen is such a capable, and purely emotionally speaking, a very important person in Han Cheng's heart. Even an ordinary Qingque tribe, Han Cheng would not do it.

Standing with Chen and these twenty Qingque tribesmen, there were many Huo tribesmen who were sending off.

Among them is a female primitive person who looks fairer and has a smoother body curve, which is somewhat similar to Bai Xuemei.

These fire tribe people stood here to send off, not only Han Cheng and other members of the Qingque tribe, but also people from their own tribe.

There are many bamboo rafts beside Han Cheng and the others.

On the bamboo rafts that were empty before, there was something more at this time.

Most of these items are made of stacked slabs of linen.

Some people headed by the deputy leader of the tribe, Huo Tan, were distributed on these rafts at this time.

Today, the fire tribe’s dispute has been resolved, and the fire tribe’s life has once again returned to normal.

They had accumulated cloth for a year, and then began to transport them to the Qingque tribe, preparing to exchange materials with the Qingque tribe.

For this matter, Fotan and others are actually more anxious than Han Cheng and other Qingque tribe people.

After all, compared with the past, they have been so late for such a long time and have not gone to the Qingque tribe to exchange things.

And during this period of time, people in the tribe have been arguing about the tribal leader's affairs, and basically did not go out hunting or gathering food.

The food accumulated in the tribe has been consumed a lot, so now they urgently want to turn the cloth in the tribe into edible food and salt that can make food delicious.

"Well, son of God, you are slower on the road, be careful."

Chen looked at Han Cheng, nodded vigorously, signaled that he remembered, and told Han Cheng this way.

The explanation that should be given to Chen, Han Cheng had already said before, so there is no need to say anything more.

He nodded to Chen, turned around and got off to the boat he was riding.

Waved to Chen and the others who were standing here, they were taken upstream by the ship that had already started.

Following Han Cheng's orders and the actions of the boats he was riding in, the other boats, bamboo rafts, also started.

In the sound of the water, the fleet soon became a fleet, heading upstream towards the river against the current.

Chen stood at the pier, watching the fleet go away,

His heart was not as calm as she showed.

Although he had done a lot of things before, it was the first time that he had done this for the first time in a place far and far away from the tribe to stir up the main beam.

When the son of God, the leader, trade and others were here just now, he didn't think there was anything, but at this time, as the son of God and others gradually moved away, his heart began to become unstable.

Some are flustered, some are not confident.

But there is also the excitement and expectation that young people can finally face big things on their own.

His mood was changing rapidly, with great ups and downs.

After the fleet completely disappeared before his eyes, his heart gradually became calm.

He clenched his fists vigorously, then turned around and looked at the Huo Clan people present with a smile on his face.

In a short while, the Huo tribe people present turned around from here, headed towards the Huo tribe’s residence, passed through the road set aside in Ma Di, and soon disappeared.

The lively wharf became extremely deserted, people disappeared, even a patch of boats and rafts were gone, only a few dilapidated bamboo rafts remained here alone, shaking with the undulating river...

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and on a light rainy afternoon, ships appeared in the river in front of the Qingque tribe.

From afar, ships are gradually approaching the dock of the Qingque tribe.

People from the Qingque tribe discovered these ships, and the Qingque tribe soon became extremely lively here.

"...There is not much happening in the Fire Tribe, but the old leader of their tribe has passed away, and no new leader can be elected from the tribe..."

After the meeting, Han Cheng said to Wu with a smile.

Briefly and quickly told Wu what happened in the fire tribe.

After learning these things from Han Cheng, Wu's face showed a smile.

This is not only because the son of God and his party came back peacefully and did not encounter any danger, but also because the matter of the fire tribe was resolved, and more importantly, the people of their own tribe served as the fire tribe Chieftain.

Although Han Cheng also told Wu that the chief generally did not manage the specific affairs of the fire tribe, Wu still stubbornly believed that Chen became the chief chief of the fire tribe and that the fire tribe became a part of his own tribe. Not far away.

Moreover, deep down in his heart, he already regarded the people of the Fire Tribe as members of his own tribe.

On the third day after Han Cheng and others came back, the Huo tribe people headed by Fo Tan came to the pier of the Qingque tribe with a bamboo raft and woven linen cloth.

Although they set off with Han Cheng and the others, the bamboo raft they were riding on could not keep up with the speed of the boat that Han Cheng and the others took.

At the beginning, Han Cheng and others deliberately suppressed the speed, waiting for Fo Tan and the others.

After such things lasted for a day, Han Chengcheng didn't want to wait any longer. When camping together that night, he expressed his intention to take the first step towards Fotan.

Fotan, which fixed the bamboo raft, looked at the boats of the Qingque tribe docked on the side of the pier, and there was a strong envy on his face.

It would be great if one's own tribe could also own such a ship.

In the future, when I wait for someone to transport the linen cloth to and from the Qingque tribe, I can save a lot of time.

He thought this in his heart, and then he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

I remember that at the beginning, the people in my tribe didn't know that people could still sail on the water. When I first saw the people of the Qingque tribe coming down the water, they were shocked.

The raft that the people of the Qingque tribe ride is even more admired.

After the people of his tribe learned how to use it and made a raft, the sailing tool of the Qingque tribe has become a faster and more convenient bamboo raft.

Now the rafts of my own tribe have basically become bamboo rafts. As a result, the sailing tools of the Qingque tribe have become more useful wooden boats than bamboo rafts...

This matter is also very heartbreaking, just like the quality of the cloth woven by the people of my tribe, no matter how hard they work, it is not as good as the linen cloth woven by the Qingque tribe itself.

Although over the years, I have seen a lot of these things, and have become a little numb.

But sometimes I think of the magic of the Qingque tribe people who have to make people feel particularly surprised, admired and powerless.

This is really a very magical and powerless tribe!

Especially when I realized that in addition to weaving, the other party has a lot of things to be busy with, and they also do those things very well, and my tribe is only specializing in weaving. , Fotan is even more admired and powerless.

There is really no way to compare this person to person, tribe and tribe...

If so, your own tribe can finally make a ship that is the same as the Qingque tribe’s boat, will the Qingque tribe make a more useful ship?

Such thoughts arose in Fo Tan's heart suddenly.

If he was facing other tribes now, looking at the ships docked here that were perfect for him, he would definitely not think that there were any better ships.

Because the ships in front of them are so perfect, there are no flaws in every aspect.

However, after thinking that what he was facing was the Qingque tribe, he really didn't dare to be so sure in his heart.

After all, after such a long time of contact, he had a deep insight into the people of the Qingque tribe, how to create miracles again and again.

How did it make it far surpassed what he had previously identified as an excellent item.

The Qingque tribe is really a tribe that can create miracles and constantly refresh people's cognition!

With such constant emotional advice from Fotan, the Qingque tribe quickly became lively.

After Han Cheng and others came out to meet them, the place was busy.

People carried the many linen cloths on the bamboo rafts and placed them neatly on the sandy ground covered with clean sand.

Bai Xuemei came out with some tribal women.

She led people here to constantly inspect and count the linen cloths that were removed.

Know the quantity of linen and the quality of linen.

After checking and counting some, Bai Xuemei will write it on the notebook.

Bai Xuemei's textile technology ranks first in the entire Qingque tribe.

No one can question this.

Not only that, Bai Xuemei played a pivotal role in the transformation of the loom and the improvement of weaving technology.

It can be said that without Bai Xuemei, the textile technology of the Qingque tribe would definitely not reach the current water quality in such a short period of time.

When Bai Xuemei was leading people to do this, people who did not have the Fire Tribe around here followed suit, inspecting them like supervisors.

What they should do is what they are still doing, constantly moving the cloth on the bamboo raft down.

Even if the transportation is finished, the people of Fire Tribe are just resting on the side.

Either talk to the people of the Qingque tribe, or keep looking at the surroundings like a curious baby, watching the prosperity of the Qingque tribe that is very different from your own tribe.

As for counting the number of linen cloth and inspecting the quality, just let Xuemei Bai and the others do it. In the end, they knew some results and it was done.

In the beginning, these people in the Fire Tribe were not like this.

When trading with the Qingque tribe at the beginning, the fire tribe kept their eyes on them when they checked and inspected the cloth.

They were unwilling to relax for a moment, for fear that Bai Xuemei would deceive them by reducing the amount of linen they had transported, or describing good linen as bad quality linen.

Later on ~www.NovelMTL.com~ experienced more such things, and they stopped doing it.

Because previous experience told them that Bai Xuemei is a very upright and very authoritative person.

What they worry about will never happen!

Moreover, in the process of testing, Bai Xuemei, a respected record symbol used by people with extremely high accomplishments in weaving and who can be looked up to, could not be understood by them.

They can only understand when Bai Xuemei tells them the result.

Moreover, they learned this counting method from the Qingque tribe...

"Okay, come and see..."

Xuemei Bai wrote down the last number on the notebook, and then stared at the notebook carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, she opened her mouth to greet Fotan and the others...

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