I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1170: No hair on the mouth, insecure work (2 in 1)

Under Han Cheng's flicker, the big brother was extremely shocked, and all the members of the Red Tiger tribe bowed their heads, and the matter of letting the Qingque tribe be the chief of the Fire tribe was decided.

Han Cheng did not hesitate, and immediately started to arrange these things for the people of the Fire Tribe while the iron was hot.

In name, I want to end the chaos of the Fire Tribe as soon as possible and bring the life of the Fire Tribe to the right track, without delaying the people of the Fire Tribe to do things and get food.

In fact, it was Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, who was worried that it would change after a while, ruining what he had achieved after hard work and flickering.

He spoke first, and appointed Fotan and Huo Miao as the sub-leaders of the Huo Clan.

The two managed the textiles of the Fire Tribe, hunting and gathering and the like.

Although the two of Huotan Huo Miao had become the default candidates before Han Cheng was appointed, Han Cheng still appointed them.

This has a different meaning.

The meaning behind this seemingly superfluous thing is that the **** son of the Qingque tribe is superior to the leader of the fire tribe!

After the appointment of the sub-leaders is undoubtedly completed, the next step is to appoint the chief of the fire tribe.

This requires Han Cheng to make some consideration and choose the right person.

The first is enough loyalty to the tribe. Even if you live in the fire tribe for a long time, you will not assimilate the fire tribe. On the contrary, it may be assimilated.

The second is that you need to have the ability to truly stand in the Fire Tribe, and be able to manage the affairs of the Fire Tribe, instead of being overhead by the people of the Fire Tribe and becoming a decoration, a head of the Fire Tribe. The mascot of the leader's name.

While doing these things, you must also have the ability to unite the people of the Fire Tribe, and prevent the people of the Fire Tribe from being disgusted.

It's the kind willingly.

When these standards are placed here, the difficulty of choosing a person immediately rises.

Han Cheng was not planning to send someone to the Fire Tribe to serve as the chief after returning to the Qingque Tribe.

It is extremely troublesome to delay things.

Anyway, when he came this time, he brought enough people to pick and choose from, and he would always get the right people.

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng's eyes quickly moved back and forth over the crowd. Choose the right target.

In fact, in terms of ability alone, two people around him are more than enough to hold this position.

These two people are Big Brother, and Mao.

As the core figures in the tribe, the abilities of these two people are beyond doubt.

It is very easy to serve as the chief of the fire tribe and handle things well.

It's just that these two people have their own positions in the tribe.

The position they hold, and the role they play, is much greater than that of the chief of the fire tribe.

After excluding the two big brothers and Mao, Han Cheng's eyes continued to search among the team, and his eyes slid over everyone.

Among them, Han Cheng's eyes stayed on the three people for a long time.

These three people are very capable people.

According to his usual understanding of them, he thought and compared for a while, and suddenly pointed his finger at one of them and said: "You take a few people to the ferry, and you will call Chen who was there to guard the boat. "

After receiving Han Cheng's order, this person took a few people and quickly disappeared in Ma Di and walked out of sight.

After some thinking and reconciliation just now, Han Cheng finally eliminated the three people who he thought were still so-so and worthy of use.

Instead, he chose to let one of them lead someone to the pier by the river to call Chen over.

The chief of this fire tribe, he decided to appoint Chen to take the post.

Chen is an old member of the tribe.

When Han Cheng came, this guy was already living in the tribe.

Chen is Xing's younger brother, and one ear is missing.

I was bitten by a wolf when I got up to pee when I was young.

It was precisely because of the fact that Cong Chen was bitten by the wolf, Han Cheng was inspired to build a wall among the tribe, and finally put it into action and built it.

As the earliest person in the tribe who directly belonged to the Qingque tribe, Chen really didn't have the slightest doubt about the loyalty to the Qingque tribe.

By staying here as the chief of the fire tribe, you really don’t have to worry about being assimilated by the fire tribe.

As for the ability, don’t worry.

From the beginning, Chen followed the stars, Tietou, Shitou, Xiaomei, Xiaoli and others to receive the teachings of Han Cheng.

In addition, Chen's age is the youngest among these people, younger than Shishi's age, so the time for receiving a long teaching with Han Cheng is longer than the others.

Moreover, later, the Qingque tribe began a series of expansion and development journeys.

There are many places where people are needed.

People like Chen will naturally not be forgotten.

Over the years, following the expanding tribe, many things have been done.

Regardless of Chen's young age, the things he has experienced over the years are more than those experienced by the leaders of many tribes.

Chen is not a talented person, there are many gaps between Chen and Shi.

But even so, under such circumstances, Chen's ability has become outstanding after experiencing this series of things.

This is the environment in which you live and what you have experienced will affect people.

Han Cheng believed that Chen must be capable of serving as the chief of the fire tribe.

In Han Cheng's thoughts, those who left before returned soon.

With these people coming together, there is Chen.

"The Son of God."

Chen came to Han Cheng's face, shouting like this, very respectful.

"Chen, come over and I will tell you..."

Han Cheng greeted Chen with a smile.

"This matter is in your hands, do you have the confidence to do it well?"

After a while, Han Cheng had already explained the matter to Chen.

After explaining the matter to Chen, Han Cheng asked Chen with a smile.

Chen thought for a while and nodded vigorously.

"God, I can do things well."

He said.

Hearing him say this, Han Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder.

"This is a member of our tribe, the one I chose to be the chief of your tribe."

After Jiang Chen had been explained here, Han Cheng looked at the people in Huotan and other Huo Tribes, pointed his finger at Chen who was standing on the side, said loudly to them, announcing the news.

After receiving the news from Han Cheng, the eyes of Fo Tan, Huomiao and others all fell on Chen's body.

In such gazes, there were shock and disbelief, as well as many doubts.

The position of the new chieftain in the tribe is an extremely important position, which can be heard only from its name.

Shouldn't a very capable person be sent for such an important position?

Now, why did you send such a person to serve?

Such a young person can really take on such a big task?

Many people in the Huo Tribe looked at Xiangchen with distrust.

This is really not that they are questioning the appointment of the **** child of the Qingque tribe.

It was indeed the person appointed by the Son of God, who was too young.

You know, what he is going to hold is such an extremely important position as the chief of their tribe!

How can such an important position be filled by such a young person?

Han Cheng saw the reaction of the Huo tribe people in his eyes, and naturally knew what they were thinking.

It seems that the idea of ​​being hairless and insecure does not only exist in later generations, but also in the ancient times of later generations. In today's era, such ideas are also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Do you think he is young? Do you think he is not reliable in doing things, can't hold the position of chief, and do bad things?

I can tell you this point clearly, you don't have to worry about this at all.

Because he was taught by me, he knows many of my skills! "

Han Cheng pointed to Chen, who was standing beside him, and said to everyone in the Fire Tribe.

In order for the people of the Fire Tribe to accept Chen, who is indeed a relatively young person, is fully qualified and capable to serve as the chief of their tribe, Han Cheng did not make complicated explanations, but chose simple The crude way.

This method is to tell the Huo tribe people directly and clearly that Chen is his apprentice and he taught it.

Use his own credibility to guarantee Chen's ability.

Sure enough, things were no different from what Han Cheng thought.

After understanding what Han Cheng meant by what Han Cheng said, and knowing the relationship between the person elected by the **** son of the Qingque tribe as the chief of their tribe and the **** son of the Qingque tribe, many people in the fire tribe had a heart Immediately put it in the stomach.

Those taught by the Son of God have learned some of the skills of the Son of God...

These words sound so reassuring.

No wonder the son of God would take this young, unspeakable person to this important post!

Many people in the Fire Tribe, thinking like Mingwu in their hearts, quickly accepted the proposal of a young and somewhat excessive person like Rang Chen to serve as the new leader of their tribe.

Huo Miao and Fo Tan also accepted this fact.


After Han Cheng announced this to the people in the burning tribe, Chen took the initiative to walk to Fo Tan and Huo Miao, and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Huo Tan and Huo Miao.

The matter of extending two hands at the same time to shake hands with two people together has never appeared in the tribe before.

Even Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, did not remember that he had ever seen such a peculiar etiquette.

Looking at Chen doing this action in front of him, the corners of Han Cheng's mouth twitched.

This guy does everything.

While slandering like this in his heart, Han Cheng's face showed some smiles.

Over the years, Chen's experience has been very good, not to mention the rest, just looking at the subtle performance now, Han Cheng feels especially relieved that he will be the chief of the Jianghuo tribe.

After all, at such a time, even if I changed positions with Chen, I couldn't grasp this little detail.

He would only choose to shake hands with one of Fo Tan and Huo Miao first, and then shake hands with the other, absolutely unable to do Chen's move of extending both hands at the same time and making a handshake invitation to the two at the same time.

Chen didn't know Han Cheng's thoughts. Although he was doing a handshake that had never been done before in the tribe, his whole person seemed very natural.

With a gentle smile on his face, he looked at them.

Although he is relatively young, he is very stable in doing things.

On such occasions, under the gaze of so many people, there is no slightest stage fright.

It is even more natural than the two sub-leaders of the Huotan and Huo Miao tribes.

Fo Tan froze for a moment, and quickly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chen.

Flame was also taken aback.

He always thought that because Fotan could speak Mandarin and they were still cloth weavers, they had a closer relationship with the Qingque tribe.

Although both himself and Huotan have become the sub-leaders of the tribe, with this relationship, the general leader from the Qingque tribe will definitely get closer to Huotan.

The relationship with yourself will become alienated.

But now, looking at this hand that stretched out in front of him at the same time and gave himself the courtesy of meeting the Qingque tribe, the thought in his heart suddenly wavered.

I should have thought wrong before, this chief from the Qingque tribe may not be what I thought.

He thought so quickly in his heart, and after a moment of stunned, he hurriedly took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and firmly held Chen's hand.

And in the few Mandarin that he has mastered, he said: "Howl, howl."

His expression was very excited, and some of the resistance in his heart disappeared all at once.

Fotan holding Chen's other hand also said: "Hello, hello."

"From now on, I will be the chief of the tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ Don’t worry, I won’t be indiscriminately commanding, what happened to the tribe before, or what? I don’t know much about it here. You will need more in the future. Take care of..."

Chen said this while shaking hands with Huotan and Huomiao.

The tone and expression were very sincere. Huo Miao, Huo Tan, and some Huo tribe people thought high above them, and they simply did not exist.

The chieftain who was personally appointed by the **** son of the Qingque tribe was so humble, and what he said was so comfortable to listen to.

The **** son of the Qingque tribe is right, this person is indeed very suitable to be the chief of his tribe!

Just through some small details in the meeting, Chen has invisibly eliminated the alienation or some resistance from the hearts of many Huo tribe people.

It's really unusual...


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