I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1169: People who are all over Luoqi, not silkworm breeders (2 in 1)

The wind was blowing gently here, shaking the corners of the clothes.

Here in the Fire Tribe, Han Cheng, the **** son of the Blue Sparrow Tribe, spoke loudly, with solemnity in his voice facing everyone in the Fire Tribe.

"The person who is the chief of your tribe will be the one who has been proven capable in our tribe.

I will also explain to him. He doesn't care about the small things in the tribe. You can do what you usually do. You will only take action when you encounter major events.

At this point, you can rest assured that your previous life will never be changed.

Moreover, with people from our tribe, as the chief of your tribe, the relationship between our two tribes will become closer and cordial.

When the relationship becomes close, the treatment will naturally become different.

For example, after the people of our tribe have served as the chief of your tribe, you will use linen cloth to go to our tribe in the future, and when you exchange with our tribe, we can give you more on the basis of the current transaction. Some food, salt and the like.

In other words, for the same linen, you will exchange more food from our tribe.

For another example, our tribe will send some strong people to your tribe to **** your tribe.

When your tribe encounters danger, our tribe’s strong and elite warriors will work with you to deal with these dangers and protect you.

If the danger is too great and still cannot be solved, the main tribe will send more elite fighters to come to you to help you repel and eliminate the danger, and provide you with a very powerful and safe protection! "

Han Cheng said this, not waiting for the people of the Fire Tribe, completely reacting, about the people of his tribe, after serving as the chief of the Fire Tribe, the benefits that the Fire Tribe will get, began to keep going out.

The people of the fire tribe were stunned by the impact.

The Huo tribe people who were still a little worried and felt that something was not right, the feeling in my heart suddenly disappeared.

It is not impossible to let people from the Qingque tribe be the chief of their tribe!

Not only can the difficulties encountered by my tribe be solved, the tribe’s life can also go back to the past without being affected, and it can also get many benefits that were not available before.

Not to mention the people of the Qingque tribe, they will use their powerful force to protect the people of their tribe and help their tribe cope with the difficulties that they will encounter in the future. They only do this. From now on, their tribe will use The fact that the same amount of cloth will be exchanged for more things from the Qingque tribe is enough to make people's hearts excited!

After all, these benefits were something they had never thought about before, and now they hit their heads all at once.

The Qingque tribe is so rich and powerful. There are so many smart people in the tribe, and the relationship with their tribe has become closer. For their tribe, there is no harm, on the contrary, they will get Many benefits!

Thinking about these things so quickly in their hearts, many Huo tribe people couldn't help but be moved.

His eyes couldn't help but light up.

Huomiao's face also looked thoughtful and surprised.

Before, he didn't even think that after the people of the Qingque tribe came to serve as the chief of his tribe, his tribe could still get so many benefits.

It seems that the chief of his tribe still needs people from the Qingque tribe to take the post!

The **** son of the Qingque tribe is really good. Not only did he find a way to help his tribe solve its difficulties, but also let his tribe return to its former quiet life and restore order, but it also gave so many benefits at once.

This is really touching.

His heart was full of moving thoughts, but such emotions only lasted for a short period of time, and he was a little stunned.

Because he suddenly thought of something, this thing is, why the **** son of the Qingque tribe should be so good to his tribe.

Is it just because he said that he is very familiar with his tribe, has friendship, and is a friendly tribe?

Don't want to see your tribe caught in such difficulties, so you want to truly help your tribe?

Huo Miao thought about it this way, and the more he thought about it, the more vaguely he felt that something was wrong with this matter.

The **** son of the Qingque tribe seemed to be a bit too eager to let their people from the Qingque tribe be the chief of their tribe.

There seems to be something hidden in it.

Will it cause harm to your own tribe?

Huo Miao is thinking hard here, with tension.

However, no matter what he thinks, such a thing is only good for his tribe, not bad.

The only thing that is wrong is that before my tribe, there has never been a situation where there were two sub-leaders and one general leader, and the general leader was still held by people from the rest of the tribe.

But this arrangement is also understandable. After all, the situation facing my tribe is something that has never happened before.

Using this method with some changes, it happens to be able to solve these problems.

Thinking like this in his heart, he felt that everything was understandable and there was no problem, but he still felt something was wrong in his heart.


After thinking about it for a while, he spoke like this, wanting to ask the doubts in his heart.

It was at this time that the voice of the **** child of the Qingque tribe rang again.

"Although I have said so many things and explained this matter very clearly, I know that many of you still seem to hesitate about this matter and feel that I did this for other purposes.

I tell you now that I do have some purpose. This purpose is to make your tribe quickly restore peace and return to the way it was before, so that you can continue to weave.

As you know, people in our tribe like to wear clothes made of linen. There are many people in our tribe and they need a lot of linen.

I have explained everything that should be explained, and even stated my purpose.

If you still feel uneasy, you can do things without the method I said.

You can use your own methods to resolve this matter.

Even if your tribe never weaves anymore, it will not have much impact on our tribe.

There are many other tribes.

We can teach the techniques of planting hemp and weaving to the other tribes, and let the other tribes do this.

The main reason why I would do this is because the two tribes have been doing this kind of thing for many years and have a friendship.

I don't want to see your tribe becoming like this as soon as the old leader of your tribe died.

The life that had been lived for so many years before was destroyed.

I'll just say here, you can consider it for yourself. "

Han Cheng looked at the people of the Fire Tribe and said, then he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Just silently watching the people of the fire tribe.

The method he uses now is to retreat as advance.

It is to tell the fire tribe people clearly that they are not begging them to do things, but their tribes are begging their tribes to do things.

It is to let the fire tribe people recognize reality.

Don't think that he, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, is so talkative, don't think that their tribe is irreplaceable.

Don't always feel that your own grandfather of the Qingque tribe has something to do with their tribe.

Sure enough, after Han Cheng finished saying such a thing, those Red Tiger tribesmen who were good at Mandarin Chinese became extremely nervous and flustered in an instant.

"God, Son of God, no, no, we don't mean anything else, we have never thought about it like this..."

Fotan and others talked to Han Cheng anxiously.

They were really shocked by what Han Cheng said.

They are really worried that the scene described by the **** child of the Qingque tribe will become true.

Not to mention the rest. From now on, it is enough to give them a fatal blow to no longer need the linen cloth of their own tribe and switch to linen cloth woven from other tribes.

After all, by now, this has become their tribe’s biggest means of obtaining food.

Many people who originally had no status in the tribe gained status by weaving.

It can be said that weaving gave them new life!

If from now on, the people of the Qingque tribe no longer want their tribe's linen, then they really can't imagine what they will become.

They really didn't want to go back to the previous life.

After the Qingque tribe no longer wanted the cloth woven by their tribe, their tribe exchanged the woven cloth for the rest of the tribe, so as to obtain food, the fire tribe did not think about it.

Because only the Qingque tribe likes to wear clothes made of linen and like to cover bedding made of linen.

Only the Qingque tribe can be so rich, and can take out so much food and other things at once in exchange for the huge amount of cloth woven by their tribe.

As for the people of the other tribes, let’s not say that they have no habit of wearing clothes made of linen. Even if they have this habit, after learning that these linen cloths need to be exchanged for food, they would rather choose to be naked when the weather is hot. If you run around randomly or use leaves and other things to cover your body, you will never spend a small amount of food to obtain linen cloth.

Because for those tribes, such behavior is a great waste.

Just like their tribe, they weave so many linen cloths every year, but no one has ever worn clothes made of linen cloth.

Even if it is a layer of prickly heat covered by the thick fur, the whole body is particularly itchy, even if it is because of the naked body being bitten by mosquitoes, it makes a lot of lumps, which makes people feel uncomfortable. After digging, the people in the tribe are still reluctant to use the linen cloth they woven to make a piece of clothing, which they wear to block the sun and mosquito bites.

Instead, he chose to use his body to fight hard.

Even if it was the former leader of their tribe who had only died recently, the same was true!

Many people in their tribe have woven many cloths, but they have never been willing to wear a cloth made of linen.

Because they feel that it is a waste to use cloth that can be exchanged for food and other precious things to make clothes and wear on themselves.

It's a sin!

At the beginning of Huo Miao, he hadn't understood what the **** son of the Qingque tribe meant just now, so he didn't understand why those in his tribe who could understand the words of the Qingque tribe became so nervous and showed such a look. .

However, the doubts in his heart were quickly solved, and after the doubts in his heart were solved, his whole person suddenly became like those of his own tribe who had understood the meaning of the words of the gods of the Qingque tribe. Look like.

He couldn't help being nervous and froze at it.

It was also at this moment that he suddenly realized that his previous thoughts were stupid and ridiculous.

Faced with such a behemoth as the Qingque tribe, I really didn't need to think so much.

Because no amount of thinking is useful.

If the Qingque tribe has any intentions against its own tribe, no matter how much you think and do, it won't help.

Let's solve the immediate difficulties, and let the presents pass.

The rest will be discussed later.

Huo Miao thought this way.

Then he walked towards Han Cheng.

He came to a place about two meters away from Han Cheng's body, stopped, then took his left hand and placed it on his stomach, bending down with Han Cheng respectfully.


At the same time, he was still talking.

This means that these things are all dependent on the respected son of God, who has no opinion at all.

Many people who watched such a scene were all in a daze.

Especially Fo Tan.

He didn't expect Huomiao~www.NovelMTL.com~ to be able to react so fast at this time!

After such a short pause, he quickly walked to a place not far in front of Han Cheng, made the same movements as Huo Tan, and said in Mandarin the same meaning as Huo Miao said.

The rest of the fire tribe people, seeing that these two leaders in the tribe had done this, they no longer hesitated and hesitated, and came to Han Cheng's side one after another, made the same actions, and said the same things.

The big brother standing next to Han Cheng looked at the scene before him, and his whole person was dumbfounded, with disbelief.

Up to now, the son of God hasn't done anything other than talking. How can this develop step by step? How can the people of the Fire tribe agree to let their tribe be the chief of their tribe?

That is the chief, how can he agree to let someone from his tribe take up the job?

Big brother feels very confused...

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