I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1168: See the poor picture (2 in 1)

"God, who will be the chief?"

Here at Huo Clan, Huo Tan finally asked Han Cheng such a sentence.

"Choose another person from your tribe."

Han Cheng said with a smile.

Fo Tan was startled when he heard the words.

"Son of God, I, our tribe don't have a suitable person to be the chief."

Han Cheng thought for a while, and pointed his finger at Huo Miao and said, "Then, among the two of you, find one to be the chief."

Fo Tan hesitated for a while and said, "None of us can serve as the chief. As the chief, Huo Miao, and those who support Huo Miao will definitely be extremely dissatisfied and oppose it.

Huo Miao is the chief, but I don't want to.

Because the two of us are equal among the tribe. "

Han Cheng nodded, indicating that he has understood.

On the other side, because he didn't learn Mandarin, he was always in the aftermath. Only then did he know what Han Cheng meant and what Fo Tan said.

He could not help but nodded for it.

This guy at Fo Tan looks a little useless, he's not strong at all, and he likes to do things that women like to do. He can beat him up by himself.

But what he said just now is still very right, and it fits his own taste.

The same as what I thought.

After listening to Huo Tan's words, and then looking at the reactions of Huo Miao and the rest of the Huo Clan people, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the heat is almost there.

The previous step-by-step guidance and step-by-step preparation, at this time, it is finally time to unveil the card and see the true chapter.

"If your tribe cannot find a person to be the chief, then the difficulties of your tribe cannot be changed. Your tribe will continue to have such chaos. I don't know how long these chaos will continue.

Because of these chaos, your tribe has no way to carry out normal production and life.

Hunting was delayed, gathering was delayed, weeding in Ma Tei was delayed, the use of linen cloth was delayed, and many things would be delayed.

The most direct impact of these things is that your tribe’s food acquisition will be greatly affected, and the food acquired will continue to decrease.

Now, you are eating the precious food that you have accumulated through various efforts before, and use these foods that should be used only when you are most difficult to use them when you shouldn't use them.

You still have these precious foods to eat, but what should you do after eating these precious foods?

How to live?

Can you just rely on hunting and gathering to support your full life?

The best way for you now is to quickly solve this problem, end this chaotic state, and return to the way it was before.

Everyone is working hard to make the life of the tribe better.

As your neighboring tribe, as a tribe **** son who has a very friendly relationship with your tribe, I really don't want to see such things happen in your tribe.

I don't want to see such a sad scene.

Therefore, some things may not be appropriate for me to say, but I still have to say them.

Not for anything else, but to help you solve your suffering and end the chaos earlier, make your life normal earlier, and no longer make you, waste the extremely precious time for getting food on such things... …"

While speaking, Han Cheng's emotions had become agitated.

It seems that at this time, he is not the **** son of the Qingque tribe at all, but a member of the Huo tribe. He is wholeheartedly thinking about the Huo tribe, and he is heartbroken for these things that have happened in the tribe.

Following Han Cheng's words, many Huo tribe people present became silent.

Their moods were constantly changing with what Han Cheng said.

Following Han Cheng's statement, they recalled what stupid things they had done during this period.

At the same time, they were suddenly alert. During this period of time, how many stupid things they did and how many opportunities for food were delayed.

How much food is lost, and how much precious food is wasted!

Such thoughts floated up, coupled with Han Cheng's painful and provocative words constantly ringing here, these emotions in these people's hearts were spread!

Many people from the Fire Tribe clenched their fists hard, appearing extremely painful and uncomfortable.

The feelings of Fo Tan and Huo Miao are not much better.

Even the pain in their hearts is more than that of ordinary Huo tribe people.

After all, they are the leaders among the two factions in the tribe.

If it weren't for them, the tribe might not have reached this point.

Things in the tribe must be resolved as soon as possible!

have to!

They have lost so much time, so many opportunities to obtain food, and wasted so much food. They can't go on like this anymore!

If this continues, their tribe will have big problems!

This kind of thought appeared in the hearts of some Huo tribe people such as Fo Tan before.

But there has never been such a strong, so determined person!

Moreover, before this, people who had such thoughts in their minds were only a small group of Huo tribe people.

But now, this idea has almost become the consensus of everyone!

Even some of the fire tribesmen who had done a lot of defamation against Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, were driven by what kind of psychological drive. At this time, they no longer think about those things. Filled with this sense of urgency.

Before, they hadn't felt anything.

At this time, when the **** son of the Qingque tribe said, they discovered that the situation of their tribe had become so critical!

This is the art and charm of language!

It seems to be just talking.

Sometimes, combined with certain specific conditions, some of the words spoken can have an extraordinary effect!

The effect achieved is also beyond people's imagination.

"God, son of God, is there any way to save our tribe from such things?"

"Our tribe has become what it is now. I don't want our tribe to be what it is now. I want our tribe to be well."

Fo Tan looked at Han Cheng, and said this with anxious and pleading words.

The rest of the fire tribe's eyes looked at Han Cheng, and they were all similar to those of Fo Tan, basically full of deep desire and plea.

They desperately wanted to get rid of the current state in the tribe, but they had no choice but to turn to this extremely smart man in front of them.

Seeing such a scene in front of him, Han Cheng couldn't help but smiled in his heart, and his mood became more happy.

Now that things have come, he has taken a big step toward his established goal, basically he has been able to complete the plan he thought!

The kind that comes naturally!

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng didn’t show half of his face: “I know what you think and the urgency in your heart. I also want to solve this problem because we are a friendly tribe. I don’t want to see your tribe become what it is now."

He looked very sad and understood.

"Fortunately, I have thought of a solution to the problem!"

He said loudly, with some smiles on his face again.

Many people from the Fire Tribe present, after hearing him say this, couldn't help but breathe much smaller.

They looked at him intently, their eyes full of surprise and inevitable desire.

They desperately want to know the method that the **** of the Qingque tribe said!

Because they all felt the urgency in their hearts, they didn't want to let their tribe stay in this state any more!

"Since no one in your tribe is qualified to serve as the chief of your tribe, resolve disputes with you and free your tribe from this predicament, it is better to find someone from our tribe to serve as the chief of your tribe. .

In this way, all the difficulties of your tribe and all the things that embarrass you can be dealt with and avoided.

Your tribe will no longer have disputes, you can quickly return to your old life, and you can hurry to get food! "

Han Cheng looked at these people in the Fire Tribe and said so, and said what he was thinking.

This is his biggest purpose behind a series of words!

When he first came, Han Cheng didn’t think about how he would treat the Fire Tribe. He just wanted to see what happened to the Fire Tribe and what difficulties he encountered. He brought people to help them solve their tribe’s difficulties. Up.

But after arriving at the Fire Tribe, knowing what happened to the Fire Tribe, and what difficulties he encountered, Han Cheng's mind changed.

Especially when I remembered that this time because of the fire tribe people, it was too late to transport cloth to his tribe, which brought many bad influences to his tribe, Han Cheng's thoughts became more clear and firm.

With the cloth they produced, the Fire Tribe became more and more important to the current tribe, and it became more and more inseparable.

Such an important resource, such an especially important thing to the tribe, is not enough just relying on food, salt and other things to restrain it and bind the fire tribe.

You need to use some more effective methods to bring the relationship between the fire tribe and your tribe closer.

It is best to bring the Fire Tribe into the control of your own tribe!

It was also under this kind of psychological drive that Han Cheng's brain worked extremely fast, and based on the difficulties encountered by the Fire Tribe, he came up with such a solution.

I want to achieve this goal by allowing people from my tribe to be the chief of the fire tribe!

At this time, Fotan and others all heard Han Cheng's approach.

After hearing Han Cheng's method, many Huo tribe people were taken aback for a moment, and then they immediately agreed.

The Qingque tribe is an extremely great and wealthy tribe.

There are many capable people in their tribe.

In addition to the extremely intelligent Qingque tribe **** son, there are many talented people.

Many people can surpass their tribes and dead old leaders.

In terms of qualifications and abilities alone, the members of the Qingque tribe are fully capable of being the chief of their tribe.

No one will be dissatisfied.

Moreover, it is true that as the **** child of the Qingque tribe said, if you do this, you can bypass many of the troubles of your tribe.

Let Fotan, Huo Miao, or anyone in the tribe be the chief leader of the tribe, there will be some disputes in the tribe, and there is no way to carry out such things.

But now if one of the Qingque tribe is able to take the position of his tribe, then such things can be completely avoided...

The problems facing your tribe can be solved quickly, and there will be no more disputes in the tribe as it is now.

You can quickly change the tribe back to what it used to be.

You can restore order in your own tribe as quickly as possible and get things done.

It can be said that there are many benefits.

But why do you think this kind of thing is weird?

Some people from the Fire Tribe were full of excitement in their hearts. After thinking about what Han Cheng said, they understood the benefits of doing so.

While full of excitement, I couldn't help but raise something weird in my heart, as if something was not right.



This is because not only did he not have the position of chieftain before, but more importantly, it is always strange to let an outsider to be the chief chief of his tribe.

This is the chief of his own tribe. Just let an outsider take the post. No matter how you think about it, it feels strange in your heart.

Over time, more and more people from the Fire Tribe realized this.

"I know what you are thinking about~www.NovelMTL.com~ Are you thinking about letting someone who is not your tribe head your tribe. Is it inappropriate or weird?"

Han Cheng's voice sounded at this time.

Hearing what Han Cheng was talking about, the Huo tribe people couldn't help but nodded, and then he couldn't help but stunned. How could this **** child of the Qingque tribe be so magical?

Waiting for someone to think about it in his heart, he can actually know?

"It's not surprising that you think this way. After all, the leader of your tribe is not a member of your tribe, and the leader of your tribe has never appeared before.

Are you still worried, after the outsiders become the chief of your tribe, will they cause any harm to your tribe?

I solemnly tell you here that you don’t have to worry about these, because none of your concerns will happen! "

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