I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1167: Because the son of God sighed (2 in 1)

"... The fundamental matter of obtaining food has changed, and many things in the corresponding tribe need to be changed!

Before your tribe, it was true that there was no situation where two leaders existed at the same time, but before your tribe, this situation also did not happen now. "

Here at Fire Tribe, Han Cheng looked at the Fire Tribe man in front of him and said.

"Are you worried that after the two leaders appear, you will no longer belong to the same tribe?

I think such worries are unnecessary.

After the two leaders appear, you are still members of your tribe, and this will not change.

Don't say there are two leaders, even if there are three leaders, this matter will not change.

You two feel that after you two become the leader of the tribe, you will feel that you are no longer a member of the fire tribe, so you can take the tribe to other places, and never recognize you as the fire tribe. ? "

Han Cheng watched the two ask rhetorically.

Huo Tan, who understood Han Cheng's words, shook his head repeatedly.

As for Huo Miao, he who understood Han Cheng's meaning after passing through the interpreter of the neighbor, shook his head vigorously.

No matter how fierce they were before, they never thought that they would deny that they were members of the Fire Tribe.

Seeing the reaction of these two people, Han Cheng couldn’t help but smiled: “Isn’t that all right? You are the chiefs of the tribe, one is in charge of hemp and weaving, and the other takes people to hunt and gather. And by the way, defend the tribe, so good."

Han Cheng's words, I heard that many Fire Tribe people who were present felt very reasonable, it seemed that things were like this.

But there is always some awkwardness in my heart, feeling something seems to be wrong.

It's just that something is wrong, and they can't think of it.

This feeling makes them feel particularly uncomfortable.

"If our tribe encounters something afterwards, the two leaders say their own things, and neither of them accepts each other, just like today, what should we do?"

After a strange silence continued for a while, a voice rang from here.

The speaker is Fo Tan.

He looked at Han Cheng and asked with a look of excitement.

After hearing him say such a thing, all the Huo tribe people who could understand Mandarin in the presence had their eyes brightened.

Those who don't understand Mandarin, under the translation of someone on the side, soon understood the meaning of what Fo Tan said.

After understanding the meaning of what Huo Tan was saying, the hearts of these Huo tribe people couldn't help but become brighter for it.

They had always felt that something was wrong in their hearts before, and the source of some awkwardness was finally found!

They are worried that this will happen to the tribe after having two leaders.

In normal life, there is nothing to do, and there is usually no big dispute.

But when encountering some more important things, the two leaders disagree with each other, and there is a dispute, which can not be resolved, which can be uncomfortable.

After the light in their hearts, these people couldn't help turning their eyes to the **** son of the Qingque tribe standing in front of them.

I want to see how this person, who is said to be extremely smart, will react to this problem and whether he can give a solution.

Of course, there are some people who are watching with a sense of superiority that is similar to watching a joke. Many people used to say that the wise child of the Qingque tribe is just that, and it is not comprehensive at all to consider things. The problem cannot be solved, an error has occurred.

See if you can say some more!

Hearing what Fotan said, and looking at the reactions of the people in the Huo Tribe, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

These words were what he wanted to wait.

If the people of the Fire Tribe don't say anything, he will say some more words to guide these people of the Fire Tribe, so that they can say these things.

Now, the people of the Fire Tribe have said these things, but he doesn't need to spend any more thoughts.

"This is indeed a problem. If it is not solved well, major problems will arise at a critical time, which will have a great negative impact on the tribe.

Sometimes, it will even cause a fatal impact on the tribe! "

Han Cheng nodded vigorously, and said with a serious face.

"This problem is indeed extremely tricky. If it is not handled well, the impact on the tribe will be very large. Let me think about whether there is any way to solve it."

Han Cheng said solemnly.

Then he said nothing, but his expression became more serious.

Such a state of thinking can only make people understand that the problem that their tribe is encountering now is very difficult.

The Qingque tribe has always been known for his wisdom, and his face is serious and thinking, so many people in the fire tribe can't help but sigh in their hearts.

The things that my tribe is encountering now are really troublesome, and the **** son of the Qingque tribe has become so embarrassed!

If even the **** son of the Qingque tribe can’t solve this problem that their tribe is facing now, then they really can’t think of where their tribe’s future way out is, how to end the tribe’s death and trigger in the tribe. confusion.

Of course, there are also a few Huo tribe people who can't help but sneer in their hearts, and they feel a strong sense of superiority.

What if he is the **** son of the Qingque tribe?

Isn't it still the same without the ability to solve the problems facing your tribe?

Just like that, he pretended to be pretty.

Even if you think about it for a while, you can't think of a solution.

If this matter is really resolved in this way, how could our tribe have not resolved it until now.

How could it keep stuck on this?

It can be said that in any era, there has never been a shortage of arrogant and self-righteous people.

In fact, Han Cheng's next reaction seemed to confirm the thoughts in the hearts of these few fire tribes.

I saw him standing here with a thoughtful look on his face, speechless for a long time.

Moreover, as time passed, his complexion became more and more serious, and his brows gradually frowned.

In such a scene, those Huo tribe people who were sneered in their hearts were even more proud in their hearts.

There is a strong sense of satisfaction in my heart.

It is as if Han Cheng is not thinking about solutions to problems for their tribe now.

Of course, such people are only a minority.

More people from the Fire Tribe, seeing such a scene, felt extremely anxious in their hearts.

The matter of your own tribe, if even the incomparably wise Qingque tribe **** child cannot solve it, then it will really be extraordinarily uncomfortable!

These controversies these days have seriously affected the normal life of the Huo tribe people.

Many things were delayed.

Although they refused to bow their heads to each other, they were also disgusted with the current state and wanted to end this chaotic and disorderly life as soon as possible.

Put life in the tribe on the right track earlier.

Live the same peaceful life as before.

However, even though he is a very clever and wise child of the Qingque tribe, at this time, he is also embarrassed by the problems encountered by his tribe...

The daylight swept across the sky inch by inch, and some people's stomachs couldn't help groaning, signaling that they were hungry.

Time has passed for a long time.

Where the Fire Tribe and the Qingque Tribe and others were located, flocks of birds had flown past, and the **** son of the Qingque Tribe still stood there, looking solemnly thinking about a solution.

The brow wrinkled into a big bump.

In such a situation, those Huo tribe people who were already worried became more worried in their hearts.

Some people's hearts mentioned in their throats, while others' hearts sank to the bottom.

In this process, the lumps between the eyebrows of the **** of the Qingque tribe did not loosen half a minute.

The look on his face is still exceptionally solemn.

Even during this process, the **** son of the wisdom of the Qingque tribe sometimes sighed unconsciously.

Although the sound of his sigh was not loud, it was like a series of heavy blows, ruthlessly hitting the hearts of many Fire Tribe people present, causing their hearts to be greatly impacted!

The big brothers standing next to Han Cheng rarely go out to do things with Han Cheng. When Han Cheng treats some outsiders, he doesn’t know much about his style of doing things. At this time, I saw Han Cheng like this. , I really thought that the **** son of my tribe was embarrassed, and I was a little worried.

At the same time, after the Son of God really couldn't think of a better solution to solve this matter, he was prepared to directly follow the last method mentioned by the Son of God before.

Mao, who was also standing next to Han Cheng, noticed the worries of the big brother, and couldn't help showing some smiles on his face.

He quietly leaned against the big brother, and then lowered his voice: "Don't worry, the son of God has already figured out a way, but he hasn't said it yet."

Hearing Mao say this, the big brother was stunned.

"How do you know it?"

Senior Brother lowered his voice and asked quietly.

"Because the **** son sighed."

Trade suppressed the voice even lower.

"Under such circumstances, as long as the son of God sighs, there must be a way. You must believe me."

Mao said to the big brother like this as a person who came over.

It was really the magical operation he had done when facing the Red Tiger tribe before seeing the son of God.


The big brother nodded in response.

Although he still didn't understand that there was a certain connection between God's sigh and God's son must have come up with a solution, but now that Mao said so, and under the current circumstances, it is difficult for him to come out again. Sound for more inquiries.

I just nodded in response.

However, what the elder brother didn't know was that when the two of them had such a conversation, the tribe became a divine son who tried hard to think, and his cheeks twitched.

Is your performance so obvious?

Although someone had already seen himself through, the son of Han Da still didn't mean to stop there.

With a thick-skinned face, he still pretended to be deep here with a serious face at this time.

After another half an hour, the **** son Han Da, who only felt that his legs and feet were numb, unfolded his wrinkled brows, and the seriousness and deepness on his face quickly disappeared. , Was replaced by some joy, the whole person became full of energy.

This kind of change makes those who have been observing Han Cheng's change of expression and fearful of Han Cheng's deeds, and the whole heart is filled with desperate Huo tribe people. For a moment, they change immediately. So surprised and happy!

These changes of Han Cheng seemed to be a light, which directly brought a lot of hope to them who had fallen into extreme despair.

"God, son of god, is there a way?"

Fo Tan looked at Han Cheng, and the whole person stuttered with excitement.

Han Cheng also showed a happy smile on his face.


He said.

"This method is very simple. Since you are worried that when you encounter some important things, there will be a dispute between your two leaders, which will let things stand in a stalemate and there is no way to do it, then why not come out with one of the chief leaders?

When this happens, the general leader will come forward to make a judgment on the matter, coordinate the two leaders, and finally make a decision to solve the matter.

In this case, both of you can be leaders, and you don't have to worry about what you worry about will happen. "

Fotan, who listened carefully to Han Cheng's words, couldn't help but brighten after hearing what Han Cheng said.

What Qingque tribe **** son said is indeed a very good way!

But this kind of excitement only existed in my heart for a while, and Fo Tan couldn't help but stunned again.

Because he once again thought of a problem, a very serious problem.

The question is, who will be the chief!

He and the flame are in the tribe, in a state of equal strength.

No matter which person is the chief of the tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ the other person will never agree.

This method is absolutely unworkable.

As for myself and Huo Miao as the sub-leaders of the tribe, one person is selected from the tribe to be the chief of the tribe...

Such a thing is even more impractical!

Because after the old leader of the tribe dies, the most qualified and capable person in the tribe to become the new leader of the tribe is himself and Huo Miao.

Both of them are the sub-chiefs of the tribe, so how can the others be the chiefs?

Not to mention that the rest of the tribe did not agree, at least he would not agree!

At this time, after other people's translations, the flames who understood what Han Cheng meant, their complexion was constantly changing.

Obviously, he was also aware of these problems.

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